::WordTop, Main, Index
The Word
namespace provides commands to control Microsoft Word.
CommandsTop, Main, Index
AddBookmark [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Add a bookmark to a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
name | Name of the bookmark. |
Return value
Returns the bookmark identifier.
See also
SetLinkToBookmark, GetBookmarkName
proc ::Word::AddBookmark {rangeId name} { # Add a bookmark to a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # name - Name of the bookmark. # # Returns the bookmark identifier. # # See also: SetLinkToBookmark GetBookmarkName set docId [Word GetDocumentId $rangeId] set bookmarks [$docId Bookmarks] # Create valid bookmark names. set validName [regsub -all { } $name {_}] set validName [regsub -all -- {-} $validName {_}] set bookmarkId [$bookmarks Add $validName $rangeId] Cawt Destroy $bookmarks Cawt Destroy $docId return $bookmarkId }
AddContentControl [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Add a content control to a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
type | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdContentControlType. Often used values: wdContentControlCheckBox , wdContentControlText . |
title | Title string for the control. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns the content control identifier.
See also
SetContentControlText, SetContentControlDropdown
proc ::Word::AddContentControl {rangeId type {title {}}} { # Add a content control to a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # type - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdContentControlType]. # Often used values: `wdContentControlCheckBox`, `wdContentControlText`. # title - Title string for the control. # # Returns the content control identifier. # # See also: SetContentControlText SetContentControlDropdown variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion < 12.0 } { error "Content controls available only in Word 2007 or newer. Running [Word GetVersion $rangeId true]." } set controlId [$rangeId -with { ContentControls } Add [Word GetEnum $type]] if { $title ne "" } { $controlId Title $title } return $controlId }
AddDocument [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Add a new empty document to a Word instance.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
type | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdNewDocumentType. Optional, default "" . |
visible | If set to true, show the application window. Otherwise hide the application window. Optional, default true . |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new document.
See also
proc ::Word::AddDocument {appId {type {}} {visible true}} { # Add a new empty document to a Word instance. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # type - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdNewDocumentType]. # visible - If set to true, show the application window. # Otherwise hide the application window. # # Returns the identifier of the new document. # # See also: OpenDocument SetPageSetup if { $type eq "" } { set type $::Word::wdNewBlankDocument } set docs [$appId Documents] # Add([Template], [NewTemplate], [DocumentType], [Visible]) As Document set docId [$docs -callnamedargs Add DocumentType [Word GetEnum $type] Visible [Cawt TclInt $visible]] Cawt Destroy $docs return $docId }
AddImageTable [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Add a new table and fill the cells with images.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
numCols | Number of columns of the new table. |
imgList | List of image file names. |
captionList | List of caption texts. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new table.
See also
proc ::Word::AddImageTable {rangeId numCols imgList {captionList {}}} { # Add a new table and fill the cells with images. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # numCols - Number of columns of the new table. # imgList - List of image file names. # captionList - List of caption texts. # # Returns the identifier of the new table. # # See also: AddTable InsertImage set numImgs [llength $imgList] set numTexts [llength $captionList] if { $numCols <= 0 } { error "AddImageTable: Number of columns must be greater than zero." } set numRowsToAdd 1 if { $numTexts > 0 } { incr numRowsToAdd } set tableId [Word AddTable $rangeId $numRowsToAdd $numCols] set curRow 1 set curCol 1 set curElem 0 foreach img $imgList { set caption "" if { $curElem < $numTexts } { set caption [lindex $captionList $curElem] } if { $numTexts > 0 } { Word SetCellValue $tableId [expr { $curRow + 1}] $curCol $caption } set rangeId [Word GetCellRange $tableId $curRow $curCol] Word InsertImage $rangeId $img Cawt Destroy $rangeId incr curCol incr curElem if { $curCol > $numCols } { set curCol 1 incr curRow $numRowsToAdd if { $curElem < $numImgs } { Word AddRow $tableId end $numRowsToAdd } } } return $tableId }
AddPageBreak [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Add a page break to a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::AddPageBreak {rangeId} { # Add a page break to a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddParagraph $rangeId Collapse $::Word::wdCollapseEnd $rangeId InsertBreak [expr { int ($::Word::wdPageBreak) }] $rangeId Collapse $::Word::wdCollapseEnd }
AddParagraph [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Add a new paragraph to a document.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
spaceAfter | Spacing after the range. Optional, default -1 . |
The spacing value may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
Return value
Returns the new extended range.
See also
proc ::Word::AddParagraph {rangeId {spaceAfter -1}} { # Add a new paragraph to a document. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # spaceAfter - Spacing after the range. # # The spacing value may be specified in a format acceptable by # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points. # # Returns the new extended range. # # See also: AppendParagraph $rangeId InsertParagraphAfter set spaceAfter [Cawt ValueToPoints $spaceAfter] if { $spaceAfter >= 0 } { $rangeId -with { ParagraphFormat } SpaceAfter $spaceAfter } return $rangeId }
AddRow [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Add one or more rows to a table.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
beforeRowNum | Insertion row number. Row numbering starts with 1. The new row is inserted before the given row number. If not specified or end , the new row is appended at the end. Optional, default end . |
numRows | Number of rows to be inserted. Optional, default 1 . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::AddRow {tableId {beforeRowNum end} {numRows 1}} { # Add one or more rows to a table. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # beforeRowNum - Insertion row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # The new row is inserted before the given row number. # If not specified or `end`, the new row is appended at # the end. # numRows - Number of rows to be inserted. # # Returns no value. # # See also: DeleteRow GetNumRows Cawt PushComObjects set rowsId [$tableId Rows] if { $beforeRowNum eq "end" } { for { set r 1 } { $r <= $numRows } {incr r } { $rowsId Add } } else { if { $beforeRowNum < 1 || $beforeRowNum > [Word GetNumRows $tableId] } { error "AddRow: Invalid row number $beforeRowNum given." } set rowId [$tableId -with { Rows } Item $beforeRowNum] for { set r 1 } { $r <= $numRows } {incr r } { $rowsId Add $rowId } } Cawt PopComObjects }
AddTable [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Add a new table in a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
numRows | Number of rows of the new table. |
numCols | Number of columns of the new table. |
spaceAfter | Spacing in points after the table. Optional, default -1 . |
The spacing value may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new table.
See also
DeleteTable, GetNumTables, GetNumRows, GetNumColumns
proc ::Word::AddTable {rangeId numRows numCols {spaceAfter -1}} { # Add a new table in a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # numRows - Number of rows of the new table. # numCols - Number of columns of the new table. # spaceAfter - Spacing in points after the table. # # The spacing value may be specified in a format acceptable by # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points. # # Returns the identifier of the new table. # # See also: DeleteTable GetNumTables GetNumRows GetNumColumns set docId [Word GetDocumentId $rangeId] set tableId [$docId -with { Tables } Add $rangeId $numRows $numCols] set spaceAfter [Cawt ValueToPoints $spaceAfter] if { $spaceAfter >= 0 } { $tableId -with { Range ParagraphFormat } SpaceAfter $spaceAfter } Cawt Destroy $docId return $tableId }
AddText [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Add text to a Word document.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
text | Text string to be added. |
addParagraph | Add a paragraph after the text. Optional, default false . |
style | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdBuiltinStyle. Optional, default wdStyleNormal . |
The text string is appended to the supplied text range with given style.
Return value
Returns the new text range.
See also
AddText, InsertText, AppendParagraph, SetRangeStyle
proc ::Word::AddText {rangeId text {addParagraph false} {style wdStyleNormal}} { # Add text to a Word document. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # text - Text string to be added. # addParagraph - Add a paragraph after the text. # style - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdBuiltinStyle]. # # The text string is appended to the supplied text range with given style. # # Returns the new text range. # # See also: AddText InsertText AppendParagraph SetRangeStyle set newStartIndex [$rangeId End] set docId [Word GetDocumentId $rangeId] set newRange [Word CreateRange $docId $newStartIndex $newStartIndex] $newRange InsertAfter $text if { $addParagraph } { $newRange InsertParagraphAfter } Word SetRangeStyle $newRange $style Cawt Destroy $docId return $newRange }
AppendParagraph [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Append a paragraph at the end of the document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
spaceAfter | Spacing after the range. Optional, default -1 . |
The spacing value may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::AppendParagraph {docId {spaceAfter -1}} { # Append a paragraph at the end of the document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # spaceAfter - Spacing after the range. # # The spacing value may be specified in a format acceptable by # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points. # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetEndRange AddParagraph set endRange [Word GetEndRange $docId] $endRange InsertParagraphAfter set spaceAfter [Cawt ValueToPoints $spaceAfter] if { $spaceAfter >= 0 } { $endRange -with { ParagraphFormat } SpaceAfter $spaceAfter } return $endRange }
AppendText [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Append text to a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
text | Text string to be appended. |
addParagraph | Add a paragraph after the text. Optional, default false . |
style | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdBuiltinStyle. Optional, default wdStyleNormal . |
The text string is appended at the end of the document with given style.
Return value
Returns the new text range.
See also
GetEndRange, AddText, InsertText, AppendParagraph, SetRangeStyle
proc ::Word::AppendText {docId text {addParagraph false} {style wdStyleNormal}} { # Append text to a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # text - Text string to be appended. # addParagraph - Add a paragraph after the text. # style - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdBuiltinStyle]. # # The text string is appended at the end of the document with given style. # # Returns the new text range. # # See also: GetEndRange AddText InsertText AppendParagraph SetRangeStyle set newRange [Word GetEndRange $docId] $newRange InsertAfter $text if { $addParagraph } { $newRange InsertParagraphAfter } Word SetRangeStyle $newRange $style return $newRange }
Close [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Close a document without saving changes.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Use the SaveAs method before closing, if you want to save changes.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::Close {docId} { # Close a document without saving changes. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Use the [SaveAs] method before closing, if you want to save changes. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SaveAs $docId Close [Cawt TclBool false] }
CollapseRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Collapse a text range to the start or end position.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
direction | Collapse direction: begin or end . Optional, default begin . |
After a range is collapsed, the start and end points are equal.
See also
CreateRange, GetStartRange, GetEndRange
proc ::Word::CollapseRange {rangeId {direction begin}} { # Collapse a text range to the start or end position. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # direction - Collapse direction: `begin` or `end`. # # After a range is collapsed, the start and end points are equal. # # See also: CreateRange GetStartRange GetEndRange if { $direction eq "begin" } { $rangeId Collapse $::Word::wdCollapseStart } else { $rangeId Collapse $::Word::wdCollapseEnd } }
ConfigureCaption [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Configure style of a caption type identified by its label identifier.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
labelId | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdCaptionLabelID. Possible values: wdCaptionEquation , wdCaptionFigure , wdCaptionTable . |
chapterStyleLevel | 1 corresponds to Heading1 , 2 corresponds to Heading2 , ... |
includeChapterNumber | Flag indicating whether to include the chapter number. Optional, default true . |
numberStyle | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdCaptionNumberStyle. Optional, default wdCaptionNumberStyleArabic . |
separator | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdSeparatorType. Optional, default wdSeparatorHyphen . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::ConfigureCaption {appId labelId chapterStyleLevel {includeChapterNumber true} {numberStyle wdCaptionNumberStyleArabic} {separator wdSeparatorHyphen}} { # Configure style of a caption type identified by its label identifier. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # labelId - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdCaptionLabelID]. # Possible values: `wdCaptionEquation`, `wdCaptionFigure`, `wdCaptionTable`. # chapterStyleLevel - 1 corresponds to `Heading1`, 2 corresponds to `Heading2`, ... # includeChapterNumber - Flag indicating whether to include the chapter number. # numberStyle - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdCaptionNumberStyle]. # separator - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdSeparatorType]. # # Returns no value. # # See also: InsertCaption set captionItem [$appId -with { CaptionLabels } Item [Word GetEnum $labelId]] $captionItem ChapterStyleLevel [expr $chapterStyleLevel] $captionItem IncludeChapterNumber [Cawt TclBool $includeChapterNumber] $captionItem NumberStyle [Word GetEnum $numberStyle] $captionItem Separator [Word GetEnum $separator] }
CopyRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Copy the contents of a range into another range.
fromRangeId | Identifier of the source range. |
toRangeId | Identifier of the destination range. |
Note: The contents of the destination range are overwritten.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::CopyRange {fromRangeId toRangeId} { # Copy the contents of a range into another range. # # fromRangeId - Identifier of the source range. # toRangeId - Identifier of the destination range. # # **Note:** # The contents of the destination range are overwritten. # # Returns no value. # # See also: CreateRange $fromRangeId Copy $toRangeId Paste }
CountWords [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Count words contained in a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
args | Options described below. |
-maxlength <int> | Only count words having less than maxlength characters. Default: No limit. |
-minlength <int> | Only count words having more than minlength characters. Default: No limit. |
-shownumbers <bool> | If set to false, only count words which are no numbers. |
-sortmode <string> | Sorting mode of output list. Default: length. Possible values: dictionary, length, increasing, decreasing. |
This procedure is used in the CAWT application WordAbbrCheck
to get a list of words contained in a Word document.
Return value
Returns a key-value list containing the found words and their corresponding count.
See also
proc ::Word::CountWords {docId args} { # Count words contained in a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # args - Options described below. # # -sortmode <string> - Sorting mode of output list. # Default: length. # Possible values: dictionary, length, increasing, decreasing. # -minlength <int> - Only count words having more than minlength characters. # Default: No limit. # -maxlength <int> - Only count words having less than maxlength characters. # Default: No limit. # -shownumbers <bool> - If set to false, only count words which are no numbers. # # This procedure is used in the CAWT application `WordAbbrCheck` # to get a list of words contained in a Word document. # # Returns a key-value list containing the found words and their # corresponding count. # # See also: ::Cawt::CountWords set rangeId [Word GetStartRange $docId] Word SetRangeStartIndex $rangeId "begin" Word SetRangeEndIndex $rangeId "end" set docText [$rangeId Text] set wordCountList [Cawt CountWords $docText {*}$args] Cawt Destroy $rangeId return $wordCountList }
CreateRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Create a new text range.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
startIndex | The start index of the range in characters. |
endIndex | The end index of the range in characters. |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new text range.
See also
CreateRangeAfter, SelectRange, GetSelectionRange
proc ::Word::CreateRange {docId startIndex endIndex} { # Create a new text range. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # startIndex - The start index of the range in characters. # endIndex - The end index of the range in characters. # # Returns the identifier of the new text range. # # See also: CreateRangeAfter SelectRange GetSelectionRange return [$docId Range $startIndex $endIndex] }
CreateRangeAfter [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Create a new text range after specified range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new text range.
See also
CreateRange, SelectRange, GetSelectionRange
proc ::Word::CreateRangeAfter {rangeId} { # Create a new text range after specified range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # # Returns the identifier of the new text range. # # See also: CreateRange SelectRange GetSelectionRange set docId [Word GetDocumentId $rangeId] set index [Word GetRangeEndIndex $rangeId] set rangeId [Word CreateRange $docId $index $index] Cawt Destroy $docId return $rangeId }
CropImage [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Crop an image at the four borders.
shapeId | Identifier of the image InlineShape. |
cropBottom | Crop amount at the bottom border. Optional, default 0.0 . |
cropTop | Crop amount at the top border. Optional, default 0.0 . |
cropLeft | Crop amount at the left border. Optional, default 0.0 . |
cropRight | Crop amount at the right border. Optional, default 0.0 . |
The crop values may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
See GetImageList for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetNumImages, InsertImage, ScaleImage
proc ::Word::CropImage {shapeId {cropBottom 0.0} {cropTop 0.0} {cropLeft 0.0} {cropRight 0.0}} { # Crop an image at the four borders. # # shapeId - Identifier of the image InlineShape. # cropBottom - Crop amount at the bottom border. # cropTop - Crop amount at the top border. # cropLeft - Crop amount at the left border. # cropRight - Crop amount at the right border. # # The crop values may be specified in a format acceptable by # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points. # # Returns no value. # # See [GetImageList] for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes. # # See also: GetNumImages InsertImage ScaleImage $shapeId -with { PictureFormat } CropBottom [Cawt ValueToPoints $cropBottom] $shapeId -with { PictureFormat } CropTop [Cawt ValueToPoints $cropTop] $shapeId -with { PictureFormat } CropLeft [Cawt ValueToPoints $cropLeft] $shapeId -with { PictureFormat } CropRight [Cawt ValueToPoints $cropRight] }
DeleteRow [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Delete a row of a table.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. If not specified or end , the last row is deleted. Optional, default end . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::DeleteRow {tableId {row end}} { # Delete a row of a table. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # If not specified or `end`, the last row # is deleted. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddRow GetNumRows if { $row eq "end" } { set row [Word GetNumRows $tableId] } else { if { $row < 1 || $row > [Word GetNumRows $tableId] } { error "DeleteRow: Invalid row number $row given." } } Cawt PushComObjects set rowsId [$tableId Rows] set rowId [$tableId -with { Rows } Item $row] $rowId Delete Cawt PopComObjects }
DeleteSubdocumentLinks [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Delete all subdocument links from a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetNumSubdocuments, GetSubdocumentPath, ExpandSubdocuments
proc ::Word::DeleteSubdocumentLinks {docId} { # Delete all subdocument links from a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetNumSubdocuments GetSubdocumentPath ExpandSubdocuments variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion < 14.0 } { error "DeleteSubdocumentLinks available only in Word 2010 or newer. Running [Word GetVersion $docId true]." } $docId -with { Subdocuments } Delete }
DeleteTable [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Delete a table.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::DeleteTable {tableId} { # Delete a table. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddTable GetNumTables $tableId Delete }
DiffWordFiles [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Compare two Word files visually.
wordBaseFile | Name of the base Word file. |
wordNewFile | Name of the new Word file. |
The two files are opened in Word's compare mode.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new Word application instance.
See also
proc ::Word::DiffWordFiles {wordBaseFile wordNewFile} { # Compare two Word files visually. # # wordBaseFile - Name of the base Word file. # wordNewFile - Name of the new Word file. # # The two files are opened in Word's compare mode. # # Returns the identifier of the new Word application instance. # # See also: OpenNew variable wordVersion if { ! [file exists $wordBaseFile] } { error "Diff: Base file $wordBaseFile does not exists" } if { ! [file exists $wordNewFile] } { error "Diff: New file $wordNewFile does not exists" } if { [file normalize $wordBaseFile] eq [file normalize $wordNewFile] } { error "Diff: Base and new file are equal. Cannot compare." } set appId [Word OpenNew true] if { $wordVersion >= 12.0 } { # From Word 2007 and up, change order of files. set tmpFile $wordBaseFile set wordBaseFile $wordNewFile set wordNewFile $tmpFile } set newDocId [Word OpenDocument $appId $wordNewFile -readonly true] $newDocId -with { ActiveWindow View } Type $::Word::wdNormalView $newDocId Compare [file nativename [file normalize $wordBaseFile]] "CawtDiff" $::Word::wdCompareTargetNew true true $appId -with { ActiveDocument } Saved [Cawt TclBool true] Word Close $newDocId return $appId }
ExpandSubdocuments [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Expand all subdocuments in a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
onOff | Switch expansion on or off. Optional, default true . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetNumSubdocuments, GetSubdocumentPath, DeleteSubdocumentLinks
proc ::Word::ExpandSubdocuments {docId {onOff true}} { # Expand all subdocuments in a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # onOff - Switch expansion on or off. # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetNumSubdocuments GetSubdocumentPath DeleteSubdocumentLinks variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion < 14.0 } { error "ExpandSubdocuments available only in Word 2010 or newer. Running [Word GetVersion $docId true]." } $docId -with { ActiveWindow ActivePane View } Type $::Word::wdOutlineView $docId -with { Subdocuments } Expanded [Cawt TclBool $onOff] }
ExtendRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Extend the range indices of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
startIncr | Increment of the range start index. Optional, default 0 . |
endIncr | Increment of the range end index. Optional, default 0 . |
Increment is either an integer value or strings begin
or end
to use the start or end of the document.
Return value
Returns the new extended range.
See also
SetRangeStartIndex, SetRangeEndIndex
proc ::Word::ExtendRange {rangeId {startIncr 0} {endIncr 0}} { # Extend the range indices of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # startIncr - Increment of the range start index. # endIncr - Increment of the range end index. # # Increment is either an integer value or strings `begin` or `end` to # use the start or end of the document. # # Returns the new extended range. # # See also: SetRangeStartIndex SetRangeEndIndex set startIndex [Word GetRangeStartIndex $rangeId] set endIndex [Word GetRangeEndIndex $rangeId] if { [string is integer $startIncr] } { set startIndex [expr $startIndex + $startIncr] } elseif { $startIncr eq "begin" } { set startIndex 0 } if { [string is integer $endIncr] } { set endIndex [expr $endIndex + $endIncr] } elseif { $endIncr eq "end" } { set docId [Word GetDocumentId $rangeId] set endRange [GetEndRange $docId] set endIndex [$endRange End] Cawt Destroy $endRange Cawt Destroy $docId } $rangeId Start $startIndex $rangeId End $endIndex return $rangeId }
FindString [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Find a string in a text range or a document.
rangeOrDocId | Identifier of a text range or a document identifier. |
searchStr | Search string. |
matchCase | Flag indicating case sensitive search. Optional, default true . |
matchWildcards | Flag indicating wildcard search. Optional, default false . |
Return value
Returns zero, if string could not be found. Otherwise a positive integer. If the string was found, the selection is set to the found string.
See also
ReplaceString, ReplaceByProc, Search, GetSelectionRange
proc ::Word::FindString {rangeOrDocId searchStr {matchCase true} {matchWildcards false}} { # Find a string in a text range or a document. # # rangeOrDocId - Identifier of a text range or a document identifier. # searchStr - Search string. # matchCase - Flag indicating case sensitive search. # matchWildcards - Flag indicating wildcard search. # # Returns zero, if string could not be found. Otherwise a positive integer. # If the string was found, the selection is set to the found string. # # See also: ReplaceString ReplaceByProc Search GetSelectionRange return [Word::Search $rangeOrDocId $searchStr -matchcase $matchCase -matchwildcards $matchWildcards -wrap $::Word::wdFindStop -forward true] }
FormatHeaderRow [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Format a row as a header row.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. |
startCol | Column number of formatting start. Column numbering starts with 1. |
endCol | Column number of formatting end. Column numbering starts with 1. |
The cell values of a header are formatted as bold text with both vertical and horizontal centered alignment.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetHeaderRow, SetHeadingFormat
proc ::Word::FormatHeaderRow {tableId row startCol endCol} { # Format a row as a header row. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # startCol - Column number of formatting start. Column numbering starts with 1. # endCol - Column number of formatting end. Column numbering starts with 1. # # The cell values of a header are formatted as bold text with both vertical and # horizontal centered alignment. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetHeaderRow SetHeadingFormat set header [Word GetRowRange $tableId $row] Word SetRangeHorizontalAlignment $header $::Word::wdAlignParagraphCenter Word SetRangeBackgroundColorByEnum $header $::Word::wdColorGray25 Word SetRangeFontBold $header }
GetBookmarkName [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get the name of a bookmark.
bookmarkId | Identifier of the bookmark. |
Return value
Returns the name of the bookmark.
See also
AddBookmark, SetLinkToBookmark
proc ::Word::GetBookmarkName {bookmarkId} { # Get the name of a bookmark. # # bookmarkId - Identifier of the bookmark. # # Returns the name of the bookmark. # # See also: AddBookmark SetLinkToBookmark return [$bookmarkId Name] }
GetBookmarkNames [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get the names of all bookmarks of a document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
args | Options described below. |
-showhidden <bool> | Show hidden bookmarks. Default value is false. |
Return value
Returns a list containing the names of all bookmarks of the document.
See also
AddBookmark, SetLinkToBookmark, GetHyperlinksAsDict
proc ::Word::GetBookmarkNames {docId args} { # Get the names of all bookmarks of a document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # args - Options described below. # # -showhidden <bool> - Show hidden bookmarks. Default value is false. # # Returns a list containing the names of all bookmarks of the document. # # See also: AddBookmark SetLinkToBookmark GetHyperlinksAsDict set opts [dict create -showhidden false ] foreach { key value } $args { if { [dict exists $opts $key] } { if { $value eq "" } { error "GetBookmarkNames: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } dict set opts $key $value } else { error "GetBookmarkNames: Unknown option \"$key\" specified" } } set nameList [list] set showHidden [Cawt TclBool [dict get $opts "-showhidden"]] $docId -with { Bookmarks } ShowHidden $showHidden set bookmarks [$docId Bookmarks] $bookmarks -iterate bookmark { lappend nameList [$bookmark Name] Cawt Destroy $bookmark } Cawt Destroy $bookmarks return $nameList }
GetCellRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return a cell or cells of a Word table as a range.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row1 | Row number of upper-left corner of the cell range. |
col1 | Column number of upper-left corner of the cell range. |
row2 | Row number of lower-right corner of the cell range. Optional, default -1 . |
col2 | Column number of lower-right corner of the cell range. Optional, default -1 . |
Row and column numbering starts with 1.
Return value
Returns a range consisting of 1 cell of a Word table.
See also
proc ::Word::GetCellRange {tableId row1 col1 {row2 -1} {col2 -1}} { # Return a cell or cells of a Word table as a range. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row1 - Row number of upper-left corner of the cell range. # col1 - Column number of upper-left corner of the cell range. # row2 - Row number of lower-right corner of the cell range. # col2 - Column number of lower-right corner of the cell range. # # Row and column numbering starts with 1. # # Returns a range consisting of 1 cell of a Word table. # # See also: GetRowRange GetColumnRange set cellId1 [$tableId Cell $row1 $col1] set rangeId1 [$cellId1 Range] Cawt Destroy $cellId1 if { $row2 >= $row1 && $col2 >= $col1 } { set cellId2 [$tableId Cell $row2 $col2] set rangeId2 [$cellId2 Range] Word SetRangeEndIndex $rangeId1 [Word GetRangeEndIndex $rangeId2] Cawt Destroy $cellId2 Cawt Destroy $rangeId2 } return $rangeId1 }
GetCellValue [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the value of a Word table cell.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. |
col | Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
Return value
Returns the value of the specified cell as a string.
See also
proc ::Word::GetCellValue {tableId row col} { # Return the value of a Word table cell. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # col - Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # # Returns the value of the specified cell as a string. # # See also: SetCellValue IsValidCell set rangeId [Word GetCellRange $tableId $row $col] set val [Word::TrimString [$rangeId Text]] Cawt Destroy $rangeId return $val }
GetColumnRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return a column of a Word table as a selection.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
col | Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
Note: A selection is returned and not a range, because columns do not have a range property.
Return value
Returns a selection consisting of all cells of a column.
See also
proc ::Word::GetColumnRange {tableId col} { # Return a column of a Word table as a selection. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # col - Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # # Returns a selection consisting of all cells of a column. # # **Note:** # A selection is returned and not a range, # because columns do not have a range property. # # See also: GetCellRange GetRowRange set colId [$tableId -with { Columns } Item $col] $colId Select set selectId [$tableId -with { Application } Selection] $selectId SelectColumn Cawt Destroy $colId return $selectId }
GetColumnValues [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return column values of a Word table as a Tcl list.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
col | Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
startRow | Row number of start. Row numbering starts with 1. Optional, default 1 . |
numVals | If negative or zero, all available column values are returned. If positive, only $numVals values of the column are returned. Optional, default 0 . |
Return value
Returns the values of the specified column or column range as a Tcl list.
See also
SetColumnValues, GetRowValues, GetCellValue
proc ::Word::GetColumnValues {tableId col {startRow 1} {numVals 0}} { # Return column values of a Word table as a Tcl list. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # col - Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # startRow - Row number of start. Row numbering starts with 1. # numVals - If negative or zero, all available column values are returned. # If positive, only $numVals values of the column are returned. # # Returns the values of the specified column or column range as a Tcl list. # # See also: SetColumnValues GetRowValues GetCellValue if { $numVals <= 0 } { set len [GetNumRows $tableId] } else { set len $numVals } set valList [list] set row $startRow set ind 0 while { $ind < $len } { set val [GetCellValue $tableId $row $col] if { $val eq "" } { set val2 [GetCellValue $tableId [expr {$row+1}] $col] if { $val2 eq "" } { break } } lappend valList $val incr ind incr row } return $valList }
GetCompatibilityMode [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the compatibility version of a Word application.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
version | Word version number. Optional, default "" . |
Note: The compatibility mode is a value of enumeration Enum::WdCompatibilityMode.
Return value
Returns the compatibility mode of the current Word application, if version is not specified or the empty string. If version is a valid Word version as returned by GetVersion, the corresponding compatibility mode is returned.
See also
proc ::Word::GetCompatibilityMode {appId {version {}}} { # Return the compatibility version of a Word application. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # version - Word version number. # # Returns the compatibility mode of the current Word application, if # version is not specified or the empty string. # If version is a valid Word version as returned by [GetVersion], the # corresponding compatibility mode is returned. # # **Note:** The compatibility mode is a value of enumeration [Enum::WdCompatibilityMode]. # # See also: GetVersion GetExtString if { $version eq "" } { return $::Word::wdCurrent } else { array set map { "11.0" $::Word::wdWord2003 "12.0" $::Word::wdWord2007 "14.0" $::Word::wdWord2010 "15.0" $::Word::wdWord2013 } if { [info exists map($version)] } { return $map($version) } else { error "Unknown Word version $version" } } }
GetCrossReferenceItems [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get all cross reference items of a given type.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
refType | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdReferenceType. |
Return value
Returns the texts of the cross reference items as a list.
See also
proc ::Word::GetCrossReferenceItems {docId refType} { # Get all cross reference items of a given type. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # refType - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdReferenceType]. # # Returns the texts of the cross reference items as a list. # # See also: GetHeadingRanges set pureRefList [$docId GetCrossReferenceItems [Word GetEnum $refType]] # The cross reference items might contain whitespaces at the left. set refList [list] foreach ref $pureRefList { lappend refList [Word::TrimString $ref] } return $refList }
GetDocumentId [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get the document identifier of a Word component.
componentId | The identifier of a Word component. |
Word components having the Document property are ex. ranges, panes.
Return value
Returns the document identifier of a Word component.
See also
GetNumDocuments, GetDocumentName
proc ::Word::GetDocumentId {componentId} { # Get the document identifier of a Word component. # # componentId - The identifier of a Word component. # # Returns the document identifier of a Word component. # # Word components having the Document property are ex. ranges, panes. # # See also: GetNumDocuments GetDocumentName return [$componentId Document] }
GetDocumentIdByIndex [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Find a document by its index.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
index | Index of the document to find. |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the found document. If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown.
See also
GetNumDocuments, GetDocumentId, GetDocumentName
proc ::Word::GetDocumentIdByIndex {appId index} { # Find a document by its index. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # index - Index of the document to find. # # Returns the identifier of the found document. # If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown. # # See also: GetNumDocuments GetDocumentId GetDocumentName set count [Word GetNumDocuments $appId] if { $index < 1 || $index > $count } { error "GetDocumentIdByIndex: Invalid index $index given." } return [$appId -with { Documents } Item $index] }
GetDocumentName [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get the name of a document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Return value
Returns the name of the document (i.e. the full path name of the corresponding Word file) as a string.
See also
GetNumDocuments, GetDocumentId
proc ::Word::GetDocumentName {docId} { # Get the name of a document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Returns the name of the document (i.e. the full path name of the # corresponding Word file) as a string. # # See also: GetNumDocuments GetDocumentId return [$docId FullName] }
GetEndRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the text range representing the end of the document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Note: This corresponds to the built-in bookmark \endofdoc
. The end range of an empty document is (0, 0), although GetNumCharacters returns 1.
Return value
Returns the text range representing the end of the document.
See also
GetSelectionRange, GetStartRange, GetNumCharacters
proc ::Word::GetEndRange {docId} { # Return the text range representing the end of the document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # **Note:** # This corresponds to the built-in bookmark `\endofdoc`. # The end range of an empty document is (0, 0), although # [GetNumCharacters] returns 1. # # Returns the text range representing the end of the document. # # See also: GetSelectionRange GetStartRange GetNumCharacters set bookMarks [$docId Bookmarks] set endOfDoc [$bookMarks Item "\\endofdoc"] set endRange [$endOfDoc Range] Cawt Destroy $endOfDoc Cawt Destroy $bookMarks set endIndex [Word GetRangeEndIndex $endRange] Cawt Destroy $endRange return [Word CreateRange $docId $endIndex $endIndex] }
GetEnum [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get numeric value of an enumeration.
enumOrString | Enumeration name |
Return value
Returns the numeric value of an enumeration.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnumNames
proc ::Word::GetEnum {enumOrString} { # Get numeric value of an enumeration. # # enumOrString - Enumeration name # # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnumNames set retVal [catch { expr int($enumOrString) } enumInt] if { $retVal == 0 } { return $enumInt } else { return [GetEnumVal $enumOrString] } }
GetEnumName [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value.
enumType | Enumeration type |
enumVal | Enumeration numeric value. |
Return value
Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
See also
GetEnumNames, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::Word::GetEnumName {enumType enumVal} { # Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value. # # enumType - Enumeration type # enumVal - Enumeration numeric value. # # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type. # # See also: GetEnumNames GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums set enumName "" if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } { foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) { if { $val eq $enumVal } { set enumName $key break } } } return $enumName }
GetEnumNames [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get names of a given enumeration type.
enumType | Enumeration type |
Return value
Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::Word::GetEnumNames {enumType} { # Get names of a given enumeration type. # # enumType - Enumeration type # # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } { foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) { lappend nameList $key } return $nameList } else { return [list] } }
GetEnumTypes [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get available enumeration types.
Return value
Returns the list of available enumeration types.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumNames, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::Word::GetEnumTypes {} { # Get available enumeration types. # # Returns the list of available enumeration types. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumNames GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums return [lsort -dictionary [array names enums]] }
GetEnumVal [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get numeric value of an enumeration name.
enumName | Enumeration name |
Return value
Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumNames, GetEnum
proc ::Word::GetEnumVal {enumName} { # Get numeric value of an enumeration name. # # enumName - Enumeration name # # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumNames GetEnum variable enums foreach enumType [GetEnumTypes] { set ind [lsearch -exact $enums($enumType) $enumName] if { $ind >= 0 } { return [lindex $enums($enumType) [expr { $ind + 1 }]] } } return "" }
GetExtString [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the default extension of a Word file.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
Starting with Word 12 (2007) this is the string .docx
. In previous versions it was .doc
Return value
Returns the default extension of a Word file.
See also
GetCompatibilityMode, GetVersion, ::Office::GetOfficeType
proc ::Word::GetExtString {appId} { # Return the default extension of a Word file. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # # Starting with Word 12 (2007) this is the string `.docx`. # In previous versions it was `.doc`. # # Returns the default extension of a Word file. # # See also: GetCompatibilityMode GetVersion ::Office::GetOfficeType # appId is only needed, so we are sure, that wordVersion is initialized. variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion >= 12.0 } { return ".docx" } else { return ".doc" } }
GetFooterText [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get the text of the document footer.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
type | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdHeaderFooterIndex. Optional, default $::Word::wdHeaderFooterPrimary . |
Return value
Returns the footer text.
See also
proc ::Word::GetFooterText {docId {type {$::Word::wdHeaderFooterPrimary}}} { # Get the text of the document footer. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # type - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdHeaderFooterIndex]. # # Returns the footer text. # # See also: GetHeaderText set footerType [Word GetEnum $type] set sections [$docId Sections] $sections -iterate section { set footers [$section Footers] set footer [$footers Item $footerType] set text [$footer -with { Range } Text] Cawt Destroy $footer Cawt Destroy $footers break } Cawt Destroy $sections return [Word::TrimString $text] }
GetHeaderText [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get the text of the document header.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
type | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdHeaderFooterIndex. Optional, default $::Word::wdHeaderFooterPrimary . |
Return value
Returns the header text.
See also
proc ::Word::GetHeaderText {docId {type {$::Word::wdHeaderFooterPrimary}}} { # Get the text of the document header. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # type - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdHeaderFooterIndex]. # # Returns the header text. # # See also: GetFooterText set headerType [Word GetEnum $type] set sections [$docId Sections] $sections -iterate section { set headers [$section Headers] set header [$headers Item $headerType] set text [$header -with { Range } Text] Cawt Destroy $header Cawt Destroy $headers break } Cawt Destroy $sections return [Word::TrimString $text] }
GetHeadingRanges [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get the ranges of a specific heading level.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
level | Level(s) to retrieve. The level(s) can be specified in the following ways: Value of enumeration type Enum::WdOutlineLevel. A list of integer numbers between 1 and 9. Keyword all to get all levels. |
Return value
Returns the ranges and the corresponding level index of the specified heading levels as a Tcl list.
See also
GetCrossReferenceItems, GetHeadingsAsDict
proc ::Word::GetHeadingRanges {docId level} { # Get the ranges of a specific heading level. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # level - Level(s) to retrieve. # The level(s) can be specified in the following ways:<br/> # Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdOutlineLevel].<br/> # A list of integer numbers between 1 and 9.<br/> # Keyword `all` to get all levels.<br/> # # Returns the ranges and the corresponding level index # of the specified heading levels as a Tcl list. # # See also: GetCrossReferenceItems GetHeadingsAsDict set searchLevelList [list] if { $level eq "all" } { set searchLevelList [list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] } else { set enumVal [Word GetEnum $level] if { $enumVal ne "" } { set searchLevelList [list $enumVal] } else { foreach lev $level { lappend searchLevelList $lev } } } set rangeIdList [list] set tmpRangeIdList [list] set headingRangeId [Word GetStartRange $docId] while { true } { set currentIndex [Word GetRangeStartIndex $headingRangeId] set headingRangeId [$headingRangeId GoTo $::Word::wdGoToHeading $::Word::wdGoToNext] if { [Word GetRangeStartIndex $headingRangeId] == $currentIndex } { # We haven't moved, so there are no more headings. Cawt Destroy $headingRangeId break } set paragraphId [$headingRangeId -with { Paragraphs } Item 1] set foundLevel [$paragraphId OutlineLevel] Cawt Destroy $paragraphId if { [lsearch -exact -integer $searchLevelList $foundLevel] >= 0 } { $headingRangeId Expand $::Word::wdParagraph lappend rangeIdList $headingRangeId lappend rangeIdList $foundLevel } else { lappend tmpRangeIdList $headingRangeId } } foreach rangeId $tmpRangeIdList { Cawt Destroy $rangeId } return $rangeIdList }
GetHeadingsAsDict [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get a dictionary with headings of a document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
args | Numbers between 1 and 9 specifying the heading levels to be retrieved. If empty, all heading levels from 1 to 9 are returned. |
The dictionary is structured as follows:
Key: Heading number Values: text level start end
is a unique heading number formatted as "%06d" integer.text
stores the heading text.level
stores the heading level.start
stores the numerical start range of the heading.end
stores the numerical end range of the heading.
- This procedure can be called as a coroutine. It yields every 10 headings processed. The yield return value is the number of headings already processed.
Return value
Returns a dictionary containing the headings matching the specified level criterias.
See also
GetHeadingRanges, GetHyperlinksAsDict, PrintHeadingDict, GetBookmarkNames
proc ::Word::GetHeadingsAsDict {docId args} { # Get a dictionary with headings of a document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # args - Numbers between 1 and 9 specifying the heading levels to be retrieved. # If empty, all heading levels from 1 to 9 are returned. # # Returns a dictionary containing the headings matching the specified # level criterias. # # The dictionary is structured as follows: # Key: Heading number # Values: text level start end # # * `Key` is a unique heading number formatted as "%06d" integer. # * `text` stores the heading text. # * `level` stores the heading level. # * `start` stores the numerical start range of the heading. # * `end` stores the numerical end range of the heading. # # Note: # * This procedure can be called as a coroutine. It yields # every 10 headings processed. The yield return value # is the number of headings already processed. # # See also: GetHeadingRanges GetHyperlinksAsDict PrintHeadingDict GetBookmarkNames set levelList [list] if { [llength $args] == 0 } { set levelList [list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] } else { foreach level $args { lappend levelList $level } } if { [info coroutine] ne "" } { yield 0 } Cawt PushComObjects set countAdded 1 set curHeadingNum 0 set headingDict [dict create] foreach level $levelList { set styleName [format "wdStyleHeading%d" $level] set rangeId [Word GetStartRange $docId] set rangeId [Word ExtendRange $rangeId 0 end] while { 1 } { set myFind [$rangeId Find] $myFind Style [Word GetEnum $styleName] set retVal [$myFind -callnamedargs Execute Forward True] if { ! $retVal } { break } set startRange [Word GetRangeStartIndex $rangeId] set endRange [Word GetRangeEndIndex $rangeId] set rangeText [Word GetRangeText $rangeId] set key [format "%06d" $countAdded] dict set headingDict $key text $rangeText dict set headingDict $key level $level dict set headingDict $key start $startRange dict set headingDict $key end $endRange incr countAdded Word CollapseRange $rangeId end incr curHeadingNum if { $curHeadingNum % 10 == 0 } { if { [info coroutine] ne "" } { yield $curHeadingNum } } } } if { [info coroutine] ne "" } { yield $curHeadingNum } Cawt PopComObjects return $headingDict }
GetHyperlinksAsDict [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get a dictionary with hyperlinks of a document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
args | Options described below. |
-check <bool> | Check hyperlinks for validity. Default: No check. |
-file <string> | If checking is enabled, the full path of the Word document. This option is only needed when checking relative file links and the document is not saved yet. If not specified, Word property FullName is used for checking relative file links. If the property is not set, the current working directory is used. |
-type <string> | Consider only hyperlinks of specified type. Possible values: internal , file , url . This option may be specified multiple times. If this option is not specified, all hyperlinks are returned. |
-valid <bool> | If checking is enabled, return either valid or invalid links. Default: Return all matching hyperlinks. |
The dictionary is structured as follows:
Key: Hyperlink number Values: address text type start end valid
is the link number formatted as "%06d" integer.address
stores the address the link points to.subaddress
stores the sub address the link points to.text
stores the text displayed for the link.type
stores the type of the link (internal
stores the numerical start range of the link.end
stores the numerical end range of the link.valid
stores the validity of the link. 0 for invalid link. 1 for valid link. -1 if the validity was not checked.
- This procedure can be called as a coroutine. It yields every 10 hyperlinks processed. The yield return value is the number of hyperlinks already processed.
Return value
Returns a dictionary containing the hyperlinks matching the search criterias.
See also
SetHyperlink, SetLinkToBookmark, PrintHyperlinkDict, GetBookmarkNames, GetNumHyperlinks, ::Cawt::IsValidUrlAddress
proc ::Word::GetHyperlinksAsDict {docId args} { # Get a dictionary with hyperlinks of a document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # args - Options described below. # # -type <string> - Consider only hyperlinks of specified type. # Possible values: `internal`, `file`, `url`. # This option may be specified multiple times. # If this option is not specified, all hyperlinks # are returned. # -check <bool> - Check hyperlinks for validity. Default: No check. # -valid <bool> - If checking is enabled, return either valid or invalid links. # Default: Return all matching hyperlinks. # -file <string> - If checking is enabled, the full path of the Word document. # This option is only needed when checking relative # file links and the document is not saved yet. # If not specified, Word property `FullName` is used for # checking relative file links. If the property is # not set, the current working directory is used. # # Returns a dictionary containing the hyperlinks matching the search # criterias. # # The dictionary is structured as follows: # Key: Hyperlink number # Values: address text type start end valid # # * `Key` is the link number formatted as "%06d" integer. # * `address` stores the address the link points to. # * `subaddress` stores the sub address the link points to. # * `text` stores the text displayed for the link. # * `type` stores the type of the link (`internal`, `file`, `url`). # * `start` stores the numerical start range of the link. # * `end` stores the numerical end range of the link. # * `valid` stores the validity of the link. # 0 for invalid link. # 1 for valid link. # -1 if the validity was not checked. # # Note: # * This procedure can be called as a coroutine. It yields # every 10 hyperlinks processed. The yield return value # is the number of hyperlinks already processed. # # See also: SetHyperlink SetLinkToBookmark PrintHyperlinkDict GetBookmarkNames # GetNumHyperlinks ::Cawt::IsValidUrlAddress set useTypeList [list] set checkLinks false set useValidMode -1 set wordFileName "" foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "GetHyperlinksAsDict: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-type" { lappend useTypeList $value } "-check" { set checkLinks $value } "-valid" { if { $value } { set useValidMode 1 } else { set useValidMode 0 } } "-file" { set wordFileName $value } default { error "GetHyperlinksAsDict: Unknown option \"$key\" specified" } } } if { [llength $useTypeList] == 0 } { set useTypeList [list "internal" "file" "url"] } # Need to set the display of field codes off. (Alt-F9). # Otherwise the displayed text is not retrieved correctly. set fieldCodeFlag [$docId -with { ActiveWindow ActivePane View } ShowFieldCodes] $docId -with { ActiveWindow ActivePane View } ShowFieldCodes [Cawt TclBool false] if { [info coroutine] ne "" } { yield 0 } set bookmarkList [list] if { $checkLinks } { if { [lsearch -exact $useTypeList "url"] >= 0 } { # Needed to check http and https links. package require http http::register https 443 [list ::twapi::tls_socket] } if { [lsearch -exact $useTypeList "internal"] >= 0 } { set bookmarkList [lsort -dictionary [Word GetBookmarkNames $docId -showhidden true]] } } set hyperlinks [$docId Hyperlinks] set countAdded 1 set curLinkNum 0 set linkDict [dict create] set numLinks [Word::GetNumHyperlinks $docId] # Using "$hyperlinks -iterate hyperlink" instead of # the for loop throws an error when running as a coroutine: # cannot yield: C stack busy for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numLinks } { incr i } { set hyperlink [$hyperlinks Item $i] set address [$hyperlink Address] set subAddress [$hyperlink SubAddress] if { $address eq "" } { set address $subAddress set type "internal" } else { if { [string first "http" $address] == 0 } { set type "url" } else { set type "file" } } if { [lsearch -exact $useTypeList $type] >= 0 } { if { $checkLinks } { set addLink false set valid 0 if { $type eq "internal" } { if { [lsearch -exact $bookmarkList $address] >= 0 } { set valid 1 } if { ( $useValidMode == -1 ) || ( $valid == 1 && $useValidMode == 1 ) || ( $valid == 0 && $useValidMode == 0 ) } { set addLink true } } elseif { $type eq "file" } { set fileName $address if { [file pathtype $address] eq "relative" } { if { $wordFileName eq "" } { set fullName [$docId FullName] if { [file exists $fullName] } { set path [file dirname $fullName] } else { set path [pwd] } } else { set path [file dirname $wordFileName] } set fileName [file join $path $address] } if { [file exists $fileName] } { set valid 1 } if { ( $useValidMode == -1 ) || ( $valid == 1 && $useValidMode == 1 ) || ( $valid == 0 && $useValidMode == 0 ) } { set addLink true } } elseif { $type eq "url" } { set foundInCache false if { $subAddress eq "" } { set catchVal [catch { http::geturl $address -validate true -strict false } token] } else { if { [info exists sUrlCache($address,$subAddress)] } { set foundInCache true set catchVal 0 } else { set catchVal [catch { http::geturl $address } token] if { $catchVal == 0 } { set htmlData [http::data $token] # Search for <a name="subAddress"> occurences. set exp {<[\s]*a[\s]+name=\"([^\s>]+)[\s]*\"} set matchList [regexp -all -inline -nocase -- $exp $htmlData] set catchVal 1 foreach { overall match } $matchList { set matchStr [string trim $match "\"\'"] set sUrlCache($address,$matchStr) 1 if { $matchStr eq $subAddress } { set catchVal 0 } } if { $catchVal != 0 } { # Search for <a name='subAddress'> occurences. set exp {<[\s]*a[\s]+name=\'([^\s>]+)[\s]*\'} set matchList [regexp -all -inline -nocase -- $exp $htmlData] foreach { overall match } $matchList { set matchStr [string trim $match "\"\'"] set sUrlCache($address,$matchStr) 1 if { $matchStr eq $subAddress } { set catchVal 0 } } } if { $catchVal != 0 } { # Search for <a id="subAddress"> occurences. set exp {<[\s]*a[\s]+id=\"([^\s>]+)[\s]*\"} set matchList [regexp -all -inline -nocase -- $exp $htmlData] foreach { overall match } $matchList { set matchStr [string trim $match "\"\'"] set sUrlCache($address,$matchStr) 1 if { $matchStr eq $subAddress } { set catchVal 0 } } } if { $catchVal != 0 } { # Search for <a id='subAddress'> occurences. set exp {<[\s]*a[\s]+id=\'([^\s>]+)[\s]*\'} set matchList [regexp -all -inline -nocase -- $exp $htmlData] foreach { overall match } $matchList { set matchStr [string trim $match "\"\'"] set sUrlCache($address,$matchStr) 1 if { $matchStr eq $subAddress } { set catchVal 0 } } } } } } if { $catchVal != 0 } { set valid 0 if { ( $useValidMode == -1 ) || ( $valid == 1 && $useValidMode == 1 ) || ( $valid == 0 && $useValidMode == 0 ) } { set addLink true } } else { if { $foundInCache || [http::ncode $token] < 400 } { set valid 1 } if { ( $useValidMode == -1 ) || ( $valid == 1 && $useValidMode == 1 ) || ( $valid == 0 && $useValidMode == 0 ) } { set addLink true } } if { ! $foundInCache } { http::cleanup $token } } } else { set valid -1 set addLink true } if { $addLink } { set text [$hyperlink TextToDisplay] set rangeId [$hyperlink Range] set startRange [Word GetRangeStartIndex $rangeId] set endRange [Word GetRangeEndIndex $rangeId] if { $text eq "" } { set text [$rangeId Text] } Cawt Destroy $rangeId set key [format "%06d" $countAdded] dict set linkDict $key address $address dict set linkDict $key subaddress $subAddress dict set linkDict $key text $text dict set linkDict $key type $type dict set linkDict $key start $startRange dict set linkDict $key end $endRange dict set linkDict $key valid $valid incr countAdded } } Cawt Destroy $hyperlink incr curLinkNum if { $curLinkNum % 10 == 0 } { if { [info coroutine] ne "" } { yield $curLinkNum } } } $docId -with { ActiveWindow ActivePane View } ShowFieldCodes $fieldCodeFlag Cawt Destroy $hyperlinks if { [info coroutine] ne "" } { yield $numLinks } return $linkDict }
GetImageId [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Find an image by its index or name.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
indexOrName | Index or name of the image to find. |
Image names are supported since Word 2010. If your Word version is older, an error is thrown.
If the index is out of bounds or the specified name does not exists, an error is thrown.
See GetImageList for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the found InlineShape.
See also
GetNumImages, GetImageList, InsertImage, ReplaceImage, SetImageName
proc ::Word::GetImageId {docId indexOrName} { # Find an image by its index or name. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # indexOrName - Index or name of the image to find. # # Returns the identifier of the found InlineShape. # # Image names are supported since Word 2010. # If your Word version is older, an error is thrown. # # If the index is out of bounds or the specified name # does not exists, an error is thrown. # # See [GetImageList] for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes. # # See also: GetNumImages GetImageList InsertImage ReplaceImage SetImageName variable wordVersion set count [Word::GetNumImages $docId] if { [string is integer -strict $indexOrName] } { set index [expr int($indexOrName)] if { $index < 1 || $index > $count } { error "GetImageId: Invalid index $index given." } return [$docId -with { InlineShapes } Item $index] } else { if { $wordVersion < 14.0 } { error "Image names available only in Word 2010 or newer. Running [Word GetVersion $docId true]." } for { set i 1 } { $i <= $count } { incr i } { set imgId [$docId -with { InlineShapes } Item $i] if { [Word::GetImageName $imgId] eq $indexOrName } { return $imgId } Cawt Destroy $imgId } error "GetImageId: No image with name \"$indexOrName\" found." } }
GetImageList [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get a list of images of a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
args | Options described below. |
-inlineshapes <bool> | Consider InlineShapes as images. Default value is true. |
-shapes <bool> | Consider Shapes as images. Default value is true. |
Note: If both InlineShapes and Shapes are returned in one list, all InlineShapes come first, followed by the Shapes.
Images are either InlineShapes of enumeration Enum::WdInlineShapeType (wdInlineShapePicture
, wdInlineShapeLinkedPicture
) or Shapes of enumeration ::Office::Enum::MsoShapeType (msoInlinePicture
, msoLinkedPicture
Return value
Returns a list of shape identifiers of the images of the Word document.
See also
GetNumImages, InsertImage, ReplaceImage, GetImageId, SetImageName
proc ::Word::GetImageList {docId args} { # Get a list of images of a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # args - Options described below. # # -inlineshapes <bool> - Consider InlineShapes as images. Default value is true. # -shapes <bool> - Consider Shapes as images. Default value is true. # # Returns a list of shape identifiers of the images of the Word document. # # **Note:** # If both InlineShapes and Shapes are returned in one list, # all InlineShapes come first, followed by the Shapes. # # Images are either InlineShapes of enumeration [Enum::WdInlineShapeType] # (`wdInlineShapePicture`, `wdInlineShapeLinkedPicture`) or Shapes of # enumeration [::Office::Enum::MsoShapeType] (`msoInlinePicture`, `msoLinkedPicture`). # # See also: GetNumImages InsertImage ReplaceImage GetImageId SetImageName set opts [dict create -inlineshapes true -shapes true ] foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "GetImageList: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } if { [dict exists $opts $key] } { dict set opts $key $value } else { error "GetImageList: Unknown option \"$key\" specified" } } set imgIdList [list] if { [dict get $opts "-inlineshapes"] } { set inlineShapes [$docId InlineShapes] $inlineShapes -iterate inlineShape { if { [$inlineShape Type] == $::Word::wdInlineShapeLinkedPicture || [$inlineShape Type] == $::Word::wdInlineShapePicture } { lappend imgIdList $inlineShape } else { Cawt Destroy $inlineShape } } Cawt Destroy $inlineShapes } if { [dict get $opts "-shapes"] } { set shapes [$docId Shapes] $shapes -iterate shape { if { [$shape Type] == $::Office::msoPicture || [$shape Type] == $::Office::msoLinkedPicture } { lappend imgIdList $shape } else { Cawt Destroy $shape } } Cawt Destroy $shapes } return $imgIdList }
GetImageName [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the name of an image.
shapeId | Identifier of the image InlineShape or Shape. |
Image names are supported since Word 2010. If your Word version is older, an error is thrown.
See GetImageList for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes.
Return value
Returns the name of the image.
See also
GetNumImages, SetImageName, InsertImage, GetImageId, GetImageList
proc ::Word::GetImageName {shapeId} { # Return the name of an image. # # shapeId - Identifier of the image InlineShape or Shape. # # Image names are supported since Word 2010. # If your Word version is older, an error is thrown. # # See [GetImageList] for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes. # # Returns the name of the image. # # See also: GetNumImages SetImageName InsertImage GetImageId GetImageList variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion < 14.0 } { error "Image names available only in Word 2010 or newer. Running [Word GetVersion $shapeId true]." } return [$shapeId Title] }
GetListGalleryId [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get one of the 3 predefined list galleries.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
galleryType | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdListGalleryType. |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the specified list gallery.
See also
proc ::Word::GetListGalleryId {appId galleryType} { # Get one of the 3 predefined list galleries. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # galleryType - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdListGalleryType]. # # Returns the identifier of the specified list gallery. # # See also: GetListTemplateId InsertList return [$appId -with { ListGalleries } Item [Word GetEnum $galleryType]] }
GetListTemplateId [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get one of the 7 predefined list templates.
galleryId | Identifier of the Word gallery. |
listType | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdListType. |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the specified list template.
See also
proc ::Word::GetListTemplateId {galleryId listType} { # Get one of the 7 predefined list templates. # # galleryId - Identifier of the Word gallery. # listType - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdListType]. # # Returns the identifier of the specified list template. # # See also: GetListGalleryId InsertList return [$galleryId -with { ListTemplates } Item [Word GetEnum $listType]] }
GetMatrixValues [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return table values as a matrix.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row1 | Row number of upper-left corner of the cell range. |
col1 | Column number of upper-left corner of the cell range. |
row2 | Row number of lower-right corner of the cell range. |
col2 | Column number of lower-right corner of the cell range. |
Return value
Returns table values as a matrix.
See also
proc ::Word::GetMatrixValues {tableId row1 col1 row2 col2} { # Return table values as a matrix. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row1 - Row number of upper-left corner of the cell range. # col1 - Column number of upper-left corner of the cell range. # row2 - Row number of lower-right corner of the cell range. # col2 - Column number of lower-right corner of the cell range. # # Returns table values as a matrix. # # See also: SetMatrixValues set numVals [expr {$col2-$col1+1}] for { set row $row1 } { $row <= $row2 } { incr row } { lappend matrixList [Word GetRowValues $tableId $row $col1 $numVals] } return $matrixList }
GetNumCharacters [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the number of characters in a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Return value
Returns the number of characters in the Word document.
See also
GetNumColumns, GetNumDocuments, GetNumImages, GetNumHyperlinks, GetNumPages, GetNumRows, GetNumSubdocuments, GetNumTables
proc ::Word::GetNumCharacters {docId} { # Return the number of characters in a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Returns the number of characters in the Word document. # # See also: GetNumColumns GetNumDocuments GetNumImages GetNumHyperlinks # GetNumPages GetNumRows GetNumSubdocuments GetNumTables return [$docId -with { Characters } Count] }
GetNumColumns [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the number of columns of a Word table.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
Return value
Returns the number of columns of the Word table.
See also
GetNumCharacters, GetNumDocuments, GetNumImages, GetNumHyperlinks, GetNumPages, GetNumRows, GetNumSubdocuments, GetNumTables
proc ::Word::GetNumColumns {tableId} { # Return the number of columns of a Word table. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # # Returns the number of columns of the Word table. # # See also: GetNumCharacters GetNumDocuments GetNumImages GetNumHyperlinks # GetNumPages GetNumRows GetNumSubdocuments GetNumTables return [$tableId -with { Columns } Count] }
GetNumDocuments [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the number of documents in a Word application.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
Return value
Returns the number of documents in the Word application.
See also
AddDocument, OpenDocument, GetNumCharacters, GetNumColumns, GetNumImages, GetNumHyperlinks, GetNumPages, GetNumRows, GetNumSubdocuments, GetNumTables
proc ::Word::GetNumDocuments {appId} { # Return the number of documents in a Word application. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # # Returns the number of documents in the Word application. # # See also: AddDocument OpenDocument # GetNumCharacters GetNumColumns GetNumImages GetNumHyperlinks # GetNumPages GetNumRows GetNumSubdocuments GetNumTables return [$appId -with { Documents } Count] }
GetNumHyperlinks [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the number of hyperlinks of a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Return value
Returns the number of hyperlinks of the Word document. This counts both internal
, file
and url
links, see GetHyperlinksAsDict for an explanation of link types.
See also
SetHyperlink, GetHyperlinksAsDict, GetBookmarkNames, GetNumCharacters, GetNumColumns, GetNumDocuments, GetNumImages, GetNumPages, GetNumRows, GetNumSubdocuments, GetNumTables
proc ::Word::GetNumHyperlinks {docId} { # Return the number of hyperlinks of a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Returns the number of hyperlinks of the Word document. # This counts both `internal`, `file` and `url` links, see # [GetHyperlinksAsDict] for an explanation of link types. # # See also: SetHyperlink GetHyperlinksAsDict GetBookmarkNames # GetNumCharacters GetNumColumns GetNumDocuments GetNumImages # GetNumPages GetNumRows GetNumSubdocuments GetNumTables return [$docId -with { Hyperlinks } Count] }
GetNumImages [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the number of images of a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
useInlineShapesOnly | Only consider InlineShapes as images. Optional, default true . |
See GetImageList for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes.
Return value
Returns the number of images of the Word document.
See also
InsertImage, ReplaceImage, GetImageId, GetImageList, SetImageName, GetNumCharacters, GetNumColumns, GetNumDocuments, GetNumHyperlinks, GetNumPages, GetNumRows, GetNumSubdocuments, GetNumTables
proc ::Word::GetNumImages {docId {useInlineShapesOnly true}} { # Return the number of images of a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # useInlineShapesOnly - Only consider InlineShapes as images. # # Returns the number of images of the Word document. # # See [GetImageList] for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes. # # See also: InsertImage ReplaceImage GetImageId GetImageList SetImageName # GetNumCharacters GetNumColumns GetNumDocuments GetNumHyperlinks # GetNumPages GetNumRows GetNumSubdocuments GetNumTables set numImgs 0 set inlineShapes [$docId InlineShapes] $inlineShapes -iterate inlineShape { if { [$inlineShape Type] == $::Word::wdInlineShapeLinkedPicture || [$inlineShape Type] == $::Word::wdInlineShapePicture } { incr numImgs } Cawt Destroy $inlineShape } Cawt Destroy $inlineShapes if { ! $useInlineShapesOnly } { set shapes [$docId Shapes] $shapes -iterate shape { if { [$shape Type] == $::Office::msoPicture || [$shape Type] == $::Office::msoLinkedPicture } { incr numImgs } Cawt Destroy $shape } Cawt Destroy $shapes } return $numImgs }
GetNumPages [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the number of pages in a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Return value
Returns the number of pages in the Word document.
See also
GetNumCharacters, GetNumColumns, GetNumDocuments, GetNumImages, GetNumHyperlinks, GetNumRows, GetNumSubdocuments, GetNumTables
proc ::Word::GetNumPages {docId} { # Return the number of pages in a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Returns the number of pages in the Word document. # # See also: GetNumCharacters GetNumColumns GetNumDocuments GetNumImages # GetNumHyperlinks GetNumRows GetNumSubdocuments GetNumTables set endRange [Word GetEndRange $docId] set numPages [$endRange Information $::Word::wdNumberOfPagesInDocument] Cawt Destroy $endRange return $numPages }
GetNumRows [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the number of rows of a Word table.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
Return value
Returns the number of rows of the Word table.
See also
GetNumCharacters, GetNumColumns, GetNumDocuments, GetNumImages, GetNumHyperlinks, GetNumPages, GetNumSubdocuments, GetNumTables
proc ::Word::GetNumRows {tableId} { # Return the number of rows of a Word table. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # # Returns the number of rows of the Word table. # # See also: GetNumCharacters GetNumColumns GetNumDocuments GetNumImages # GetNumHyperlinks GetNumPages GetNumSubdocuments GetNumTables return [$tableId -with { Rows } Count] }
GetNumSubdocuments [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the number of subdocuments in a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Return value
Returns the number of subdocuments in the Word document.
See also
GetSubdocumentPath, ExpandSubdocuments, DeleteSubdocumentLinks, GetNumCharacters, GetNumColumns, GetNumImages, GetNumHyperlinks, GetNumPages, GetNumRows, GetNumTables
proc ::Word::GetNumSubdocuments {docId} { # Return the number of subdocuments in a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Returns the number of subdocuments in the Word document. # # See also: GetSubdocumentPath ExpandSubdocuments DeleteSubdocumentLinks # GetNumCharacters GetNumColumns GetNumImages GetNumHyperlinks # GetNumPages GetNumRows GetNumTables return [$docId -with { Subdocuments } Count] }
GetNumTables [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the number of tables of a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Return value
Returns the number of tables of the Word document.
See also
AddTable, GetNumCharacters, GetNumColumns, GetNumDocuments, GetNumImages, GetNumHyperlinks, GetNumPages, GetNumRows, GetNumSubdocuments
proc ::Word::GetNumTables {docId} { # Return the number of tables of a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Returns the number of tables of the Word document. # # See also: AddTable GetNumCharacters GetNumColumns GetNumDocuments # GetNumImages GetNumHyperlinks GetNumPages GetNumRows GetNumSubdocuments return [$docId -with { Tables } Count] }
GetPageSetup [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get page setup values.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
args | Options described below. |
-bottom | Get the size of the bottom margin. |
-centimeter | Get the values in centimeters. |
-footer | Get the size of the footer margin. |
-header | Get the size of the header margin. |
-height | Get the height of the page. |
-inch | Get the values in inches. |
-left | Get the size of the left margin. |
-right | Get the size of the right margin. |
-top | Get the size of the top margin. |
-usableheight | Get the usable height of the page, i.e. height - top - bottom . |
-usablewidth | Get the usable width of the page, i.e. width - left - right |
-width | Get the width of the page. |
The values are returned as points, if no unit option is specified.
lassign [GetPageSetup $docId -top -left -inch] top left returns the top and left margins in inches.
Return value
Returns the specified page setup values as a list.
See also
SetPageSetup, ::Cawt::PointsToCentiMeters, ::Cawt::PointsToInches
proc ::Word::GetPageSetup {docId args} { # Get page setup values. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # args - Options described below. # # -top - Get the size of the top margin. # -bottom - Get the size of the bottom margin. # -left - Get the size of the left margin. # -right - Get the size of the right margin. # -footer - Get the size of the footer margin. # -header - Get the size of the header margin. # -height - Get the height of the page. # -width - Get the width of the page. # -usableheight - Get the usable height of the page, i.e. `height - top - bottom`. # -usablewidth - Get the usable width of the page, i.e. `width - left - right` # -centimeter - Get the values in centimeters. # -inch - Get the values in inches. # # The values are returned as points, if no unit option is specified. # # Example: # lassign [GetPageSetup $docId -top -left -inch] top left # returns the top and left margins in inches. # # Returns the specified page setup values as a list. # # See also: SetPageSetup ::Cawt::PointsToCentiMeters ::Cawt::PointsToInches set pageSetup [$docId PageSetup] set valList [list] set convert "none" foreach key $args { switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-inch" { set convert "inch" } "-centimeter" { set convert "centimeter" } "-top" { lappend valList [$pageSetup TopMargin] } "-bottom" { lappend valList [$pageSetup BottomMargin] } "-left" { lappend valList [$pageSetup LeftMargin] } "-right" { lappend valList [$pageSetup RightMargin] } "-header" { lappend valList [$pageSetup HeaderDistance] } "-footer" { lappend valList [$pageSetup FooterDistance] } "-height" { lappend valList [$pageSetup PageHeight] } "-width" { lappend valList [$pageSetup PageWidth] } "-usableheight" { lappend valList [expr { [$pageSetup PageHeight] - [$pageSetup TopMargin] - [$pageSetup BottomMargin] }] } "-usablewidth" { lappend valList [expr { [$pageSetup PageWidth] - [$pageSetup LeftMargin] - [$pageSetup RightMargin] }] } default { error "GetPageSetup: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } set convertList [list] foreach val $valList { if { $convert eq "inch" } { lappend convertList [Cawt PointsToInches $val] } elseif { $convert eq "centimeter" } { lappend convertList [Cawt PointsToCentiMeters $val] } else { lappend convertList $val } } Cawt Destroy $pageSetup return $convertList }
GetRangeEndIndex [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the end index of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
Return value
Returns the end index of the text range.
See also
GetRangeStartIndex, PrintRange, GetRangeText
proc ::Word::GetRangeEndIndex {rangeId} { # Return the end index of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # # Returns the end index of the text range. # # See also: GetRangeStartIndex PrintRange GetRangeText return [$rangeId End] }
GetRangeFont [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get font specific parameters.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
args | Options described below. |
-background | Get the background color of the text range. Return value is an Office color number. |
-bold | Get the bold font style flag of the text range. |
-color | Get the text color of the text range. Return value is of enumeration type Enum::WdColorIndex. |
-italic | Get the italic font style flag of the text range. |
-name | Get the font name of the text range. |
-size | Get the font size of the text range in points. |
-sizec | Get the font size of the text range in centimeters. |
-sizei | Get the font size of the text range in inches. |
-underline | Get the underline font style flag of the text range. |
-underlinecolor | Get the underline color of the text range. Return value is of enumeration type Enum::WdColor. |
Return value
Returns the specified font parameter values as a list.
See also
SetRangeFont, CreateRange, ::Cawt::GetColor
proc ::Word::GetRangeFont {rangeId args} { # Get font specific parameters. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # args - Options described below. # # -name - Get the font name of the text range. # -size - Get the font size of the text range in points. # -sizei - Get the font size of the text range in inches. # -sizec - Get the font size of the text range in centimeters. # -bold - Get the bold font style flag of the text range. # -italic - Get the italic font style flag of the text range. # -underline - Get the underline font style flag of the text range. # -underlinecolor - Get the underline color of the text range. # Return value is of enumeration type [Enum::WdColor]. # -background - Get the background color of the text range. # Return value is an Office color number. # -color - Get the text color of the text range. # Return value is of enumeration type [Enum::WdColorIndex]. # # Returns the specified font parameter values as a list. # # See also: SetRangeFont CreateRange [::Cawt::GetColor] set font [$rangeId Font] set valList [list] foreach key $args { switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-name" { lappend valList [$font Name] } "-size" { lappend valList [$font Size] } "-sizei" { lappend valList [Cawt PointsToInches [$font Size]] } "-sizec" { lappend valList [Cawt PointsToCentiMeters [$font Size]] } "-bold" { lappend valList [Cawt TclBool [$font Bold]] } "-italic" { lappend valList [Cawt TclBool [$font Italic]] } "-underline" { lappend valList [Cawt TclBool [$font Underline]] } "-underlinecolor" { lappend valList [$font UnderlineColor] } "-background" { lappend valList [$font -with { Shading } BackgroundPatternColor] } "-color" { lappend valList [$font ColorIndex] } default { error "GetRangeFont: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } Cawt Destroy $font return $valList }
GetRangeInformation [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Get information about a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
type | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdInformation. |
Return value
Returns the range information associated with the supplied type.
See also
GetStartRange, GetEndRange, PrintRange, GetRangeText
proc ::Word::GetRangeInformation {rangeId type} { # Get information about a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # type - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdInformation]. # # Returns the range information associated with the supplied type. # # See also: GetStartRange GetEndRange PrintRange GetRangeText return [$rangeId Information [Word GetEnum $type]] }
GetRangeScreenPos [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the screen position of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
Note, that the text range must be in the active window.
Return value
Returns the screen position of a text range as a dictionary with keys left
, top
, width
, height
See also
SelectRange, GetRangeStartIndex, GetRangeText
proc ::Word::GetRangeScreenPos {rangeId} { # Return the screen position of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # # Note, that the text range must be in the active window. # # Returns the screen position of a text range as a # dictionary with keys `left`, `top`, `width`, `height`. # # See also: SelectRange GetRangeStartIndex GetRangeText set docId [$rangeId Document] set windowId [$docId ActiveWindow] $windowId GetPoint [twapi::outvar screenPixelsLeft] [twapi::outvar screenPixelsTop] [twapi::outvar screenPixelsWidth] [twapi::outvar screenPixelsHeight] $rangeId Cawt Destroy $docId Cawt Destroy $windowId return [dict create "left" [lindex $screenPixelsLeft 1] "top" [lindex $screenPixelsTop 1] "width" [lindex $screenPixelsWidth 1] "height" [lindex $screenPixelsHeight 1] ] }
GetRangeStartIndex [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the start index of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
Return value
Returns the start index of the text range.
See also
GetRangeEndIndex, PrintRange, GetRangeText
proc ::Word::GetRangeStartIndex {rangeId} { # Return the start index of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # # Returns the start index of the text range. # # See also: GetRangeEndIndex PrintRange GetRangeText return [$rangeId Start] }
GetRangeText [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the text of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
Return value
Returns the text of the specified range as a string.
See also
GetRangeStartIndex, GetRangeEndIndex, GetCellValue, GetHeadingRanges
proc ::Word::GetRangeText {rangeId} { # Return the text of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # # Returns the text of the specified range as a string. # # See also: GetRangeStartIndex GetRangeEndIndex # GetCellValue GetHeadingRanges set val [Word::TrimString [$rangeId Text]] return $val }
GetRowId [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return identifier of a Word table row.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. If set to end , the last row of the table is used. |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the specified row.
See also
GetRowRange, GetCellRange, GetColumnRange
proc ::Word::GetRowId {tableId row} { # Return identifier of a Word table row. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # If set to `end`, the last row of the table is used. # # Returns the identifier of the specified row. # # See also: GetRowRange GetCellRange GetColumnRange set numRows [Word GetNumRows $tableId] if { $row eq "end" } { set row $numRows } elseif { $row < 1 } { error "GetRowId: Row number ($row) must be greater than zero." } elseif { $row > $numRows } { error "GetRowId: Row number ($row) is greater than available rows ($numRows)." } return [$tableId -with { Rows } Item $row] }
GetRowRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return rows of a Word table as a range.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row1 | Row range start number. |
row2 | Row range end number. If not specified, only $row1 is used. If set to end , the last row of the table is used. Optional, default "" . |
Row numbering starts with 1.
Return value
Returns a range consisting of all cells of the specified rows.
See also
GetRowId, GetCellRange, GetColumnRange
proc ::Word::GetRowRange {tableId row1 {row2 {}}} { # Return rows of a Word table as a range. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row1 - Row range start number. # row2 - Row range end number. # If not specified, only $row1 is used. # If set to `end`, the last row of the table is used. # # Row numbering starts with 1. # # Returns a range consisting of all cells of the specified rows. # # See also: GetRowId GetCellRange GetColumnRange if { $row1 eq "end" } { set row1 [Word GetNumRows $tableId] } if { $row2 eq "" } { set rowId [$tableId -with { Rows } Item $row1] set rangeId [$rowId Range] Cawt Destroy $rowId return $rangeId } if { $row2 eq "end" } { set row2 [Word GetNumRows $tableId] } set rowId1 [$tableId -with { Rows } Item $row1] set rowId2 [$tableId -with { Rows } Item $row2] set rangeId1 [$rowId1 Range] set rangeId2 [$rowId2 Range] Word SetRangeEndIndex $rangeId1 [Word GetRangeEndIndex $rangeId2] Cawt Destroy $rowId1 Cawt Destroy $rowId2 Cawt Destroy $rangeId2 return $rangeId1 }
GetRowValues [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return row values of a Word table as a Tcl list.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. |
startCol | Column number of start. Column numbering starts with 1. Optional, default 1 . |
numVals | If negative or zero, all available row values are returned. If positive, only numVals values of the row are returned. Optional, default 0 . |
Return value
Returns the values of the specified row or row range as a Tcl list.
See also
SetRowValues, GetColumnValues, GetCellValue
proc ::Word::GetRowValues {tableId row {startCol 1} {numVals 0}} { # Return row values of a Word table as a Tcl list. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # startCol - Column number of start. Column numbering starts with 1. # numVals - If negative or zero, all available row values are returned. # If positive, only numVals values of the row are returned. # # Returns the values of the specified row or row range as a Tcl list. # # See also: SetRowValues GetColumnValues GetCellValue if { $numVals <= 0 } { set len [Word GetNumColumns $tableId] } else { set len $numVals } set valList [list] set col $startCol set ind 0 while { $ind < $len } { set val [Word GetCellValue $tableId $row $col] lappend valList $val incr ind incr col } return $valList }
GetSelectionRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the text range representing the current selection.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Return value
Returns the text range representing the current selection.
See also
GetStartRange, GetEndRange, SelectRange
proc ::Word::GetSelectionRange {docId} { # Return the text range representing the current selection. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Returns the text range representing the current selection. # # See also: GetStartRange GetEndRange SelectRange return [$docId -with { ActiveWindow } Selection] }
GetStartRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return a text range representing the start of the document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Return value
Returns a text range representing the start of the document.
See also
CreateRange, GetSelectionRange, GetEndRange
proc ::Word::GetStartRange {docId} { # Return a text range representing the start of the document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Returns a text range representing the start of the document. # # See also: CreateRange GetSelectionRange GetEndRange return [Word CreateRange $docId 0 0] }
GetSubdocumentPath [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the file path of a subdocument.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
index | Index of the subdocument. Indices start at 1. |
Return value
Returns the normalized path of the subdocument.
See also
GetNumSubdocuments, ExpandSubdocuments, DeleteSubdocumentLinks
proc ::Word::GetSubdocumentPath {docId index} { # Return the file path of a subdocument. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # index - Index of the subdocument. Indices start at 1. # # Returns the normalized path of the subdocument. # # See also: GetNumSubdocuments ExpandSubdocuments DeleteSubdocumentLinks set count [Word GetNumSubdocuments $docId] if { $index < 1 || $index > $count } { error "GetSubdocumentPath: Invalid index $index given." } set subDocId [$docId -with { Subdocuments } Item $index] set path [$subDocId Path] set name [$subDocId Name] Cawt Destroy $subDocId return [file normalize [file join $path $name]] }
GetTableIdByIndex [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Find a table by its index.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
index | Index of the table to find. |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the found table. If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown.
See also
GetTableIdByName, GetNumTables
proc ::Word::GetTableIdByIndex {docId index} { # Find a table by its index. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # index - Index of the table to find. # # Returns the identifier of the found table. # If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown. # # See also: GetTableIdByName GetNumTables set count [Word GetNumTables $docId] if { $index < 1 || $index > $count } { error "GetTableIdByIndex: Invalid index $index given." } return [$docId -with { Tables } Item $index] }
GetTableIdByName [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Find table(s) by its name.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
name | Name of the table(s) to find. |
Table names are supported since Word 2010. If your Word version is older, an error is thrown.
Return value
Returns a list of identifiers of the found table(s). If no tables with given name exist, an empty list is returned.
See also
GetTableIdByIndex, GetNumTables
proc ::Word::GetTableIdByName {docId name} { # Find table(s) by its name. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # name - Name of the table(s) to find. # # Returns a list of identifiers of the found table(s). # If no tables with given name exist, an empty list is returned. # # Table names are supported since Word 2010. # If your Word version is older, an error is thrown. # # See also: GetTableIdByIndex GetNumTables variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion < 14.0 } { error "Table names available only in Word 2010 or newer. Running [Word GetVersion $docId true]." } set tableIdList [list] set count [Word GetNumTables $docId] for { set i 1 } { $i <= $count } { incr i } { set tableId [$docId -with { Tables } Item [expr $i]] if { $name eq [Word::GetTableName $tableId] } { lappend tableIdList $tableId } else { Cawt Destroy $tableId } } return $tableIdList }
GetTableName [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the name of a table.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
args | Options described below. |
-descr | Return the table description. |
-name | Return the table name. |
Table names are supported since Word 2010. If your Word version is older, an error is thrown.
Return value
Returns the name or the description of the table. If no option is specified, the table name is returned.
See also
SetTableName, GetNumTables, AddTable
proc ::Word::GetTableName {tableId args} { # Return the name of a table. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # args - Options described below. # # -name - Return the table name. # -descr - Return the table description. # # Table names are supported since Word 2010. # If your Word version is older, an error is thrown. # # Returns the name or the description of the table. # If no option is specified, the table name is returned. # # See also: SetTableName GetNumTables AddTable variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion < 14.0 } { error "Table names available only in Word 2010 or newer. Running [Word GetVersion $tableId true]." } if { [llength $args] == 0 } { return [$tableId Title] } foreach key $args { switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-name" { return [$tableId Title] } "-descr" { return [$tableId Descr] } default { error "GetTableName: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } }
GetVersion [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Return the version of a Word application.
objId | Identifier of a Word object instance. |
useString | If set to true, return the version name (ex. Word 2000 ). Otherwise return the version number (ex. 9.0 ). Optional, default false . |
Both version name and version number are returned as strings. Version number is in a format, so that it can be evaluated as a floating point number.
Return value
Returns the version of the Word application.
See also
GetCompatibilityMode, GetExtString
proc ::Word::GetVersion {objId {useString false}} { # Return the version of a Word application. # # objId - Identifier of a Word object instance. # useString - If set to true, return the version name (ex. `Word 2000`). # Otherwise return the version number (ex. `9.0`). # # Both version name and version number are returned as strings. # Version number is in a format, so that it can be evaluated as a # floating point number. # # Returns the version of the Word application. # # See also: GetCompatibilityMode GetExtString array set map { "7.0" "Word 95" "8.0" "Word 97" "9.0" "Word 2000" "10.0" "Word 2002" "11.0" "Word 2003" "12.0" "Word 2007" "14.0" "Word 2010" "15.0" "Word 2013" "16.0" "Word 2016/2019" } set version [Office GetApplicationVersion $objId] if { $useString } { if { [info exists map($version)] } { return $map($version) } else { return "Unknown Word version $version" } } else { return $version } }
InsertCaption [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert a caption into a range of a document.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
labelId | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdCaptionLabelID. Possible values: wdCaptionEquation , wdCaptionFigure , wdCaptionTable . |
text | Text of the caption. |
pos | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdCaptionPosition. Optional, default wdCaptionPositionBelow . |
Return value
Returns the new extended range.
See also
ConfigureCaption, InsertFile, InsertImage, InsertList, InsertText
proc ::Word::InsertCaption {rangeId labelId text {pos wdCaptionPositionBelow}} { # Insert a caption into a range of a document. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # labelId - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdCaptionLabelID]. # Possible values: `wdCaptionEquation`, `wdCaptionFigure`, `wdCaptionTable`. # text - Text of the caption. # pos - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdCaptionPosition]. # # Returns the new extended range. # # See also: ConfigureCaption InsertFile InsertImage InsertList InsertText $rangeId InsertCaption [Word GetEnum $labelId] $text [Cawt TclString ""] [Word GetEnum $pos] 0 return $rangeId }
InsertFile [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert a file into a Word document.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
fileName | Name of the file to insert. |
pasteFormat | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdRecoveryType. Optional, default "" . |
Insert an external file at the text range identified by $rangeId
. If $pasteFormat
is not specified or an empty string, the Word method InsertFile
is used. Otherwise the external file is opened in a new Word document, copied to the clipboard and pasted into the text range. For pasting the Word method PasteAndFormat
is used, so it is possible to merge the new text from the external file into the Word document in different ways.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetHyperlink, InsertCaption, InsertImage, InsertList, InsertText
proc ::Word::InsertFile {rangeId fileName {pasteFormat {}}} { # Insert a file into a Word document. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # fileName - Name of the file to insert. # pasteFormat - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdRecoveryType]. # # Insert an external file at the text range identified by $rangeId. If $pasteFormat is # not specified or an empty string, the Word method `InsertFile` is used. # Otherwise the external file is opened in a new Word document, copied to the clipboard # and pasted into the text range. For pasting the Word method `PasteAndFormat` is used, so it is # possible to merge the new text from the external file into the Word document in different ways. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetHyperlink InsertCaption InsertImage InsertList InsertText if { $pasteFormat ne "" } { set tmpAppId [Office GetApplicationId $rangeId] set tmpDocId [Word OpenDocument $tmpAppId $fileName false] set tmpRangeId [Word GetStartRange $tmpDocId] $tmpRangeId WholeStory $tmpRangeId Copy Cawt WaitClipboardReady $rangeId PasteAndFormat [Word GetEnum $pasteFormat] # Workaround: Select a small portion of text and copy it to clipboard # to avoid an alert message regarding lots of data in clipboard. # Setting DisplayAlerts to false does not help here. set dummyRange [Word CreateRange $tmpDocId 0 1] $dummyRange Copy Cawt Destroy $dummyRange Word Close $tmpDocId Cawt Destroy $tmpRangeId Cawt Destroy $tmpDocId Cawt Destroy $tmpAppId } else { # InsertFile(FileName, Range, ConfirmConversions, Link, Attachment) $rangeId InsertFile [file nativename [file normalize $fileName]] [Cawt TclString ""] [Cawt TclBool false] [Cawt TclBool false] [Cawt TclBool false] } }
InsertImage [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert an image into a range of a document.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
imgFileName | File name of the image. |
linkToFile | Insert a link to the image file. Optional, default false . |
saveWithDoc | Embed the image into the document. Optional, default true . |
See GetImageList for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the inserted image as an InlineShape.
See also
GetNumImages, ScaleImage, CropImage, InsertFile, InsertCaption, InsertList, InsertText
proc ::Word::InsertImage {rangeId imgFileName {linkToFile false} {saveWithDoc true}} { # Insert an image into a range of a document. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # imgFileName - File name of the image. # linkToFile - Insert a link to the image file. # saveWithDoc - Embed the image into the document. # # Returns the identifier of the inserted image as an InlineShape. # # See [GetImageList] for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes. # # See also: GetNumImages ScaleImage CropImage InsertFile InsertCaption # InsertList InsertText if { ! $linkToFile && ! $saveWithDoc } { error "InsertImage: linkToFile and saveWithDoc are both set to false." } set fileName [file nativename [file normalize $imgFileName]] set shapeId [$rangeId -with { InlineShapes } AddPicture $fileName [Cawt TclInt $linkToFile] [Cawt TclInt $saveWithDoc]] return $shapeId }
InsertList [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert a Word list.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
stringList | List of text strings building up the Word list. |
galleryType | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdListGalleryType. Optional, default wdBulletGallery . |
listType | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdListType. Optional, default wdListListNumOnly . |
Return value
Returns the range of the Word list.
See also
GetListGalleryId, GetListTemplateId, InsertCaption, InsertFile, InsertImage, InsertText
proc ::Word::InsertList {rangeId stringList {galleryType wdBulletGallery} {listType wdListListNumOnly}} { # Insert a Word list. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # stringList - List of text strings building up the Word list. # galleryType - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdListGalleryType]. # listType - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdListType]. # # Returns the range of the Word list. # # See also: GetListGalleryId GetListTemplateId InsertCaption InsertFile InsertImage InsertText foreach line $stringList { append listStr "$line\n" } set appId [Office GetApplicationId $rangeId] set listRangeId [Word AddText $rangeId $listStr] set listGalleryId [Word GetListGalleryId $appId $galleryType] set listTemplateId [Word GetListTemplateId $listGalleryId $listType] $listRangeId -with { ListFormat } ApplyListTemplate $listTemplateId Cawt Destroy $listTemplateId Cawt Destroy $listGalleryId Cawt Destroy $appId return $listRangeId }
InsertText [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert text in a Word document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
text | Text string to be inserted. |
addParagraph | Add a paragraph after the text. Optional, default false . |
style | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdBuiltinStyle. Optional, default wdStyleNormal . |
The text string is inserted at the start of the document with given style.
Return value
Returns the new text range.
See also
AddText, AppendText, AddParagraph, SetRangeStyle, InsertCaption, InsertFile, InsertImage, InsertList
proc ::Word::InsertText {docId text {addParagraph false} {style wdStyleNormal}} { # Insert text in a Word document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # text - Text string to be inserted. # addParagraph - Add a paragraph after the text. # style - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdBuiltinStyle]. # # The text string is inserted at the start of the document with given style. # # Returns the new text range. # # See also: AddText AppendText AddParagraph SetRangeStyle # InsertCaption InsertFile InsertImage InsertList set newRange [Word CreateRange $docId 0 0] $newRange InsertAfter $text if { $addParagraph } { $newRange InsertParagraphAfter } Word SetRangeStyle $newRange $style return $newRange }
IsInlineShape [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Check, if a Word object is an InlineShape.
objId | Identifier of a Word object instance. |
Return value
Returns true, if the Word object is an InlineShape. Otherwise false.
See also
proc ::Word::IsInlineShape {objId} { # Check, if a Word object is an InlineShape. # # objId - Identifier of a Word object instance. # # Returns true, if the Word object is an InlineShape. # Otherwise false. # # See also: IsValidCell # Borders is a property of the Word InlineShape class, # but not of class Shape. set retVal [catch {$objId Borders} errMsg] if { $retVal == 0 } { Cawt Destroy $errMsg return true } else { return false } }
IsValidCell [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Check, if a Word table cell is valid.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. |
col | Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
Return value
Returns true, if the cell is valid, otherwise false.
See also
proc ::Word::IsValidCell {tableId row col} { # Check, if a Word table cell is valid. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # col - Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # # Returns true, if the cell is valid, otherwise false. # # See also: GetCellValue set retVal [catch { $tableId Cell $row $col } errMsg] if { $retVal == 0 } { Cawt Destroy $errMsg return true } else { return false } }
IsVisible [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Check the visibility of a Word application window.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
Return value
Returns true, if the Word application windows is visible.
See also
proc ::Word::IsVisible {appId} { # Check the visibility of a Word application window. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # # Returns true, if the Word application windows is visible. # # See also: Open OpenNew Visible if { [$appId Visible] } { return true } else { return false } }
MergeCells [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Merge a range of cells.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row1 | Range start row number. Row numbering starts with 1. |
col1 | Range start column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
row2 | Range end row number. If set to end , the last row of the table is used. |
col2 | Range end column number. If set to end , the last column of the table is used. |
Return value
Returns the range identifier of the merged cells.
See also
SetRangeMergeCells, SelectRange
proc ::Word::MergeCells {tableId row1 col1 row2 col2} { # Merge a range of cells. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row1 - Range start row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # col1 - Range start column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # row2 - Range end row number. # If set to `end`, the last row of the table is used. # col2 - Range end column number. # If set to `end`, the last column of the table is used. # # Returns the range identifier of the merged cells. # # See also: SetRangeMergeCells SelectRange set appId [Office GetApplicationId $tableId] Word::ShowAlerts $appId false if { $row2 eq "end" } { set row2 [Word GetNumRows $tableId] } if { $col2 eq "end" } { set col2 [Word GetNumColumns $tableId] } set cellId1 [$tableId Cell $row1 $col1] set cellId2 [$tableId Cell $row2 $col2] $cellId1 Merge $cellId2 set rangeId [$cellId1 Range] Word::ShowAlerts $appId true Cawt Destroy $cellId1 Cawt Destroy $cellId2 Cawt Destroy $appId return $rangeId }
Open [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Open a Word instance. Use an already running instance, if available.
visible | If set to true, show the application window. Otherwise hide the application window. Optional, default true . |
width | Width of the application window. If negative, open with last used width. Optional, default -1 . |
height | Height of the application window. If negative, open with last used height. Optional, default -1 . |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the Word application instance.
See also
proc ::Word::Open {{visible true} {width -1} {height -1}} { # Open a Word instance. Use an already running instance, if available. # # visible - If set to true, show the application window. # Otherwise hide the application window. # width - Width of the application window. If negative, open with last used width. # height - Height of the application window. If negative, open with last used height. # # Returns the identifier of the Word application instance. # # See also: OpenNew Quit Visible variable wordAppName variable wordVersion set appId [Cawt GetOrCreateApp $wordAppName true] set wordVersion [Word GetVersion $appId] Word Visible $appId $visible if { $width >= 0 } { $appId Width [expr $width] } if { $height >= 0 } { $appId Height [expr $height] } return $appId }
OpenDocument [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Open a document, i.e. load a Word file.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
fileName | Name of the Word file. |
args | Options described below. |
-embed <frame> | Embed the document into a Tk frame. This frame must exist and must be created with option -container true . |
-readonly <bool> | If set to true, open the document in read-only mode. Default is to open the document in read-write mode. |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the opened document. If the document was already open, activate that document and return the identifier to that document.
See also
proc ::Word::OpenDocument {appId fileName args} { # Open a document, i.e. load a Word file. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # fileName - Name of the Word file. # args - Options described below. # # -readonly <bool> - If set to true, open the document in read-only mode. # Default is to open the document in read-write mode. # -embed <frame> - Embed the document into a Tk frame. This frame must # exist and must be created with option `-container true`. # # Returns the identifier of the opened document. If the document was # already open, activate that document and return the identifier to # that document. # # See also: AddDocument SetPageSetup set opts [dict create -readonly false -embed "" ] if { [llength $args] == 1 } { # Old mode with optional boolean parameter readOnly dict set opts -readonly [lindex $args 0] } else { foreach { key value } $args { if { [dict exists $opts $key] } { if { $value eq "" } { error "OpenDocument: No value specified for key \"$key\"." } dict set opts $key $value } else { error "OpenDocument: Unknown option \"$key\" specified." } } } set nativeName [file nativename [file normalize $fileName]] set docs [$appId Documents] set retVal [catch {[$docs Item [file tail $fileName]] Activate} d] if { $retVal == 0 } { set docId [$docs Item [file tail $fileName]] } else { # Open(FileName, [ConfirmConversions], [ReadOnly], # [AddToRecentFiles], [PasswordDocument], [PasswordTemplate], # [Revert], [WritePasswordDocument], [WritePasswordTemplate], # [Format], [Encoding], [Visible], [OpenAndRepair], # [DocumentDirection], [NoEncodingDialog], [XMLTransform]) # As Document set docId [$docs -callnamedargs Open FileName $nativeName ConfirmConversions [Cawt TclBool false] ReadOnly [Cawt TclInt [dict get $opts "-readonly"]]] } Cawt Destroy $docs set embedFrame [dict get $opts "-embed"] if { $embedFrame ne "" } { set docWindows [$docId Windows] $docWindows -iterate window { set windowHndl [$window Hwnd] set windowId [list $windowHndl HWND] break } Cawt Destroy $docWindows Cawt EmbedApp $embedFrame -appid [Office GetApplicationId $docId] -window $windowId } return $docId }
OpenNew [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Open a new Word instance.
visible | If set to true, show the application window. Otherwise hide the application window. Optional, default true . |
width | Width of the application window. If negative, open with last used width. Optional, default -1 . |
height | Height of the application window. If negative, open with last used height. Optional, default -1 . |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new Word application instance.
See also
proc ::Word::OpenNew {{visible true} {width -1} {height -1}} { # Open a new Word instance. # # visible - If set to true, show the application window. # Otherwise hide the application window. # width - Width of the application window. If negative, open with last used width. # height - Height of the application window. If negative, open with last used height. # # Returns the identifier of the new Word application instance. # # See also: Open Quit Visible variable wordAppName variable wordVersion set appId [Cawt GetOrCreateApp $wordAppName false] set wordVersion [Word GetVersion $appId] Word Visible $appId $visible if { $width >= 0 } { $appId Width [expr $width] } if { $height >= 0 } { $appId Height [expr $height] } return $appId }
PrintHeadingDict [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Print the contents of a heading dictionary onto stdout.
headingDict | Dictionary as returned by GetHeadingAsDict |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetHyperlinksAsDict, GetHeadingsAsDict
proc ::Word::PrintHeadingDict {headingDict} { # Print the contents of a heading dictionary onto stdout. # # headingDict - Dictionary as returned by GetHeadingAsDict # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetHyperlinksAsDict GetHeadingsAsDict dict for { id info } $headingDict { puts "Heading $id" dict with info { puts " text : $text" puts " level: $level" puts " start: $start" puts " end : $end" } } }
PrintHyperlinkDict [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Print the contents of a hyperlink dictionary onto stdout.
hyperlinkDict | Dictionary as returned by GetHyperlinksAsDict |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetHyperlinksAsDict, GetNumHyperlinks
proc ::Word::PrintHyperlinkDict {hyperlinkDict} { # Print the contents of a hyperlink dictionary onto stdout. # # hyperlinkDict - Dictionary as returned by GetHyperlinksAsDict # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetHyperlinksAsDict GetNumHyperlinks dict for { id info } $hyperlinkDict { puts "Hyperlink $id" dict with info { puts " address : $address" puts " subaddress: $subaddress" puts " text : $text" puts " type : $type" puts " start : $start" puts " end : $end" puts " valid : $valid" } } }
PrintRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Print the indices of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
msg | String printed in front of the indices. Optional, default Range: . |
The range identifiers are printed onto standard output.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetRangeStartIndex, GetRangeEndIndex
proc ::Word::PrintRange {rangeId {msg {Range: }}} { # Print the indices of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # msg - String printed in front of the indices. # # The range identifiers are printed onto standard output. # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetRangeStartIndex GetRangeEndIndex puts [format "%s %d %d" $msg [Word GetRangeStartIndex $rangeId] [Word GetRangeEndIndex $rangeId]] }
Quit [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Quit a Word instance.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
showAlert | If set to true, show an alert window, if there are unsaved changes. Otherwise quit without saving any changes. Optional, default true . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::Quit {appId {showAlert true}} { # Quit a Word instance. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # showAlert - If set to true, show an alert window, if there are unsaved changes. # Otherwise quit without saving any changes. # # Returns no value. # # See also: Open OpenNew Word::ShowAlerts $appId $showAlert if { ! $showAlert } { set numDocs [Word::GetNumDocuments $appId] for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numDocs } { incr i } { set docId [Word::GetDocumentIdByIndex $appId $i] Word::Close $docId Cawt Destroy $docId } } $appId Quit }
ReplaceByProc [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Replace a string in a text range. Procedural case.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
str | Search string. |
func | Replacement procedure. |
args | Arguments for replacement procedure. |
Search for string $str
in the range $rangeId
. For each occurence found, call procedure $func
with the range of the found occurence and additional parameters specified in $args
. The procedures which can be used for $func
must therefore have the following signature:
proc SetRangeXYZ rangeId param1 param2 ...
See test script Word-04-Find.tcl for an example.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::ReplaceByProc {rangeId str func args} { # Replace a string in a text range. Procedural case. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # str - Search string. # func - Replacement procedure. # args - Arguments for replacement procedure. # # Search for string $str in the range $rangeId. For each # occurence found, call procedure $func with the range of # the found occurence and additional parameters specified in # $args. The procedures which can be used for $func must # therefore have the following signature: # proc SetRangeXYZ rangeId param1 param2 ... # # See test script Word-04-Find.tcl for an example. # # Returns no value. # # See also: FindString ReplaceString set myFind [$rangeId Find] set count 0 while { 1 } { # See proc _FindOrReplace for a parameter list of the Execute command. set retVal [$myFind -callnamedargs Execute FindText $str MatchCase True Forward True] if { ! $retVal } { break } eval $func $rangeId $args incr count } Cawt Destroy $myFind }
ReplaceImage [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Replace an existing image.
shapeId | Identifier of the image InlineShape or Shape. |
imgFileName | File name of the new image (as absolute path). |
args | Options described below. |
-keepsize <bool> | Keep original image size. Default value is false. |
See GetImageList for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes.
Note: Replacing Shape images does not work correctly yet. Images are replaced, but the layout is disturbed.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new image.
See also
InsertImage, GetImageList, GetNumImages, SetImageName
proc ::Word::ReplaceImage {shapeId imgFileName args} { # Replace an existing image. # # shapeId - Identifier of the image InlineShape or Shape. # imgFileName - File name of the new image (as absolute path). # args - Options described below. # # -keepsize <bool> - Keep original image size. Default value is false. # # Returns the identifier of the new image. # # See [GetImageList] for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes. # # **Note:** # Replacing Shape images does not work correctly yet. # Images are replaced, but the layout is disturbed. # # See also: InsertImage GetImageList GetNumImages SetImageName set opts [dict create -keepsize false ] foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "ReplaceImage: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } if { [dict exists $opts $key] } { dict set opts $key $value } else { error "ReplaceImage: Unknown option \"$key\" specified" } } set width [$shapeId Width] set height [$shapeId Height] set title [$shapeId Title] set fileName [file nativename [file normalize $imgFileName]] if { [Word::IsInlineShape $shapeId] } { set rangeId [$shapeId Range] set newShapeId [$rangeId -with { InlineShapes } AddPicture $fileName] } else { $shapeId RelativeHorizontalPosition $::Word::wdRelativeHorizontalPositionPage $shapeId RelativeVerticalPosition $::Word::wdRelativeVerticalPositionPage set width [$shapeId Width] set height [$shapeId Height] set top [$shapeId Top] set left [$shapeId Left] set docId [$shapeId Parent] set anchor [$shapeId -with { Anchor } Duplicate] set newShapeId [$docId -with { Shapes } AddPicture $fileName] Word::_AssignWrapFormat $shapeId $newShapeId $newShapeId Left [expr $left - [GetPageSetup $docId -left]] $newShapeId Top [expr $top - [GetPageSetup $docId -top]] } $shapeId Delete Cawt Destroy $shapeId $newShapeId Title $title if { [dict get $opts "-keepsize"] } { $newShapeId Width $width $newShapeId Height $height } return $newShapeId }
ReplaceString [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Replace a string in a text range or a document. Simple case.
rangeOrDocId | Identifier of a text range or a document identifier. |
searchStr | Search string. |
replaceStr | Replacement string. |
howMuch | one to replace first occurence only. all to replace all occurences. Optional, default one . |
matchCase | Flag indicating case sensitive search. Optional, default true . |
matchWildcards | Flag indicating wildcard search. Optional, default false . |
Return value
Returns zero, if string could not be found and replaced. Otherwise a positive integer.
See also
FindString, ReplaceByProc, Search
proc ::Word::ReplaceString {rangeOrDocId searchStr replaceStr {howMuch one} {matchCase true} {matchWildcards false}} { # Replace a string in a text range or a document. Simple case. # # rangeOrDocId - Identifier of a text range or a document identifier. # searchStr - Search string. # replaceStr - Replacement string. # howMuch - `one` to replace first occurence only. `all` to replace all occurences. # matchCase - Flag indicating case sensitive search. # matchWildcards - Flag indicating wildcard search. # # Returns zero, if string could not be found and replaced. Otherwise a positive integer. # # See also: FindString ReplaceByProc Search set howMuchEnum $::Word::wdReplaceOne if { $howMuch ne "one" } { set howMuchEnum $::Word::wdReplaceAll } return [Word::Search $rangeOrDocId $searchStr -matchcase $matchCase -matchwildcards $matchWildcards -wrap $::Word::wdFindStop -forward true -replacewith $replaceStr -replace $howMuchEnum] }
SaveAs [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Save a document to a Word file.
docId | Identifier of the document to save. |
fileName | Name of the Word file. |
fmt | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdSaveFormat. If not given or the empty string, the file is stored in the native format corresponding to the used Word version. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SaveAs {docId fileName {fmt {}}} { # Save a document to a Word file. # # docId - Identifier of the document to save. # fileName - Name of the Word file. # fmt - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdSaveFormat]. # If not given or the empty string, the file is stored in the native # format corresponding to the used Word version. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SaveAsPdf variable wordVersion set fileName [file nativename [file normalize $fileName]] set appId [Office GetApplicationId $docId] Word::ShowAlerts $appId false if { $fmt eq "" } { if { $wordVersion >= 14.0 } { $docId SaveAs $fileName [expr $::Word::wdFormatDocumentDefault] } else { $docId SaveAs $fileName } } else { $docId SaveAs $fileName [Word GetEnum $fmt] } Word::ShowAlerts $appId true }
SaveAsPdf [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Save a document to a PDF file.
docId | Identifier of the document to export. |
fileName | Name of the PDF file. |
PDF export is supported since Word 2007. If your Word version is older an error is thrown.
Note: For Word 2007 you need the Microsoft Office Add-in Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS
available from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=7
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SaveAsPdf {docId fileName} { # Save a document to a PDF file. # # docId - Identifier of the document to export. # fileName - Name of the PDF file. # # PDF export is supported since Word 2007. # If your Word version is older an error is thrown. # # **Note:** # For Word 2007 you need the Microsoft Office Add-in # `Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS` available from # <http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=7> # # Returns no value. # # See also: SaveAs variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion < 12.0 } { error "PDF export available only in Word 2007 or newer. Running [Word GetVersion $docId true]." } set fileName [file nativename [file normalize $fileName]] set appId [Office GetApplicationId $docId] Word::ShowAlerts $appId false $docId -callnamedargs ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName $fileName ExportFormat $::Word::wdExportFormatPDF OpenAfterExport [Cawt TclBool false] OptimizeFor $::Word::wdExportOptimizeForPrint Range $::Word::wdExportAllDocument From [expr 1] To [expr 1] Item $::Word::wdExportDocumentContent IncludeDocProps [Cawt TclBool true] KeepIRM [Cawt TclBool true] CreateBookmarks $::Word::wdExportCreateHeadingBookmarks DocStructureTags [Cawt TclBool true] BitmapMissingFonts [Cawt TclBool true] UseISO19005_1 [Cawt TclBool false] Word::ShowAlerts $appId true }
ScaleImage [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Scale an image.
shapeId | Identifier of the image InlineShape. |
scaleWidth | Horizontal scale factor. |
scaleHeight | Vertical scale factor. |
The scale factors are floating point values. 1.0 means no scaling.
See GetImageList for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetNumImages, InsertImage, ReplaceImage, CropImage
proc ::Word::ScaleImage {shapeId scaleWidth scaleHeight} { # Scale an image. # # shapeId - Identifier of the image InlineShape. # scaleWidth - Horizontal scale factor. # scaleHeight - Vertical scale factor. # # The scale factors are floating point values. 1.0 means no scaling. # # Returns no value. # # See [GetImageList] for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes. # # See also: GetNumImages InsertImage ReplaceImage CropImage $shapeId LockAspectRatio [Cawt TclInt false] $shapeId ScaleWidth [expr { 100.0 * double($scaleWidth) }] $shapeId ScaleHeight [expr { 100.0 * double($scaleHeight) }] }
ScreenUpdate [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Toggle the screen updating of a Word application window.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
onOff | If set to true, update the application window. Otherwise do not update the application window. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::ScreenUpdate {appId onOff} { # Toggle the screen updating of a Word application window. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # onOff - If set to true, update the application window. # Otherwise do not update the application window. # # Returns no value. # # See also: Visible IsVisible $appId ScreenUpdating [Cawt TclBool $onOff] }
Search [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Search or replace a string in a text range or a document. Generic case.
rangeOrDocId | Identifier of a text range or a document identifier. |
searchStr | Search string. |
args | Options described below. |
-format <bool> | Search operation uses formatting in addition to the search string. |
-forward <bool> | Search towards end of document. |
-ignorepunct <bool> | Ignore all punctuation characters between words. |
-ignorespace <bool> | Ignore all white space between words. |
-matchalefhamza <bool> | Match text with matching alef hamzas in an Arabic-language document. |
-matchallwordforms <bool> | Search all forms of the search string. |
-matchcase <bool> | Search in case sensitive mode. |
-matchcontrol <bool> | Match text with matching bidirectional control characters in a right-to-left language document. |
-matchdiacritics <bool> | Match text with matching diacritics in a right-to-left language document. |
-matchkashida <bool> | Match text with matching kashidas in an Arabic-language document. |
-matchphrase <bool> | Ignores all white space and control characters between words. |
-matchprefix <bool> | Match words beginning with the search string. |
-matchsoundslike <bool> | Search for strings that sound similar. |
-matchsuffix <bool> | Match words ending with the search string. |
-matchwholeword <bool> | Search entire words only. |
-matchwildcards <bool> | Search with wild cards. |
-replace <enum> | Number of replacements. Value of enumeration type Enum::WdReplace. Typical values: wdReplaceNone , wdReplaceOne , wdReplaceAll . |
-replacewith <string> | Replacement text. |
-wrap <enum> | Search wrap mode. Value of enumeration type Enum::WdFindWrap. Typical values: wdFindAsk , wdFindContinue , wdFindStop . |
See the Word reference documentation regarding Find.Execute
at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff193977.aspx for more details.
Return value
Returns zero, if string could not be found and replaced. Otherwise a positive integer.
See also
FindString, ReplaceString, ReplaceByProc
proc ::Word::Search {rangeOrDocId searchStr args} { # Search or replace a string in a text range or a document. Generic case. # # rangeOrDocId - Identifier of a text range or a document identifier. # searchStr - Search string. # args - Options described below. # # -matchcase <bool> - Search in case sensitive mode. # -matchwholeword <bool> - Search entire words only. # -matchwildcards <bool> - Search with wild cards. # -matchsoundslike <bool> - Search for strings that sound similar. # -matchallwordforms <bool> - Search all forms of the search string. # -forward <bool> - Search towards end of document. # -wrap <enum> - Search wrap mode. # Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdFindWrap]. # Typical values: `wdFindAsk`, `wdFindContinue`, `wdFindStop`. # -format <bool> - Search operation uses formatting in addition to the search string. # -replacewith <string> - Replacement text. # -replace <enum> - Number of replacements. # Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdReplace]. # Typical values: `wdReplaceNone`, `wdReplaceOne`, `wdReplaceAll`. # -matchkashida <bool> - Match text with matching kashidas in an Arabic-language document. # -matchdiacritics <bool> - Match text with matching diacritics in a right-to-left language document. # -matchalefhamza <bool> - Match text with matching alef hamzas in an Arabic-language document. # -matchcontrol <bool> - Match text with matching bidirectional control characters in a # right-to-left language document. # -matchprefix <bool> - Match words beginning with the search string. # -matchsuffix <bool> - Match words ending with the search string. # -matchphrase <bool> - Ignores all white space and control characters between words. # -ignorespace <bool> - Ignore all white space between words. # -ignorepunct <bool> - Ignore all punctuation characters between words. # # See the Word reference documentation regarding `Find.Execute` at # <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff193977.aspx> for more details. # # Returns zero, if string could not be found and replaced. Otherwise a positive integer. # # See also: FindString ReplaceString ReplaceByProc set params [dict create FindText $searchStr] foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" && $key ne "-replacewith" } { error "Search: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-matchcase" { dict append params MatchCase [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-matchwholeword" { dict append params MatchWholeWord [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-matchwildcards" { dict append params MatchWildcards [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-matchsoundslike" { dict append params MatchSoundsLike [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-matchallwordforms" { dict append params MatchAllWordForms [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-forward" { dict append params Forward [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-wrap" { dict append params Wrap [Word GetEnum $value] } "-format" { dict append params Format [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-replacewith" { dict append params ReplaceWith $value } "-replace" { dict append params Replace [Word GetEnum $value] } "-matchkashida" { dict append params MatchKashida [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-matchdiacritics" { dict append params MatchDiacritics [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-matchalefhamza" { dict append params MatchAlefHamza [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-matchcontrol" { dict append params MatchControl [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-matchprefix" { dict append params MatchPrefix [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-matchsuffix" { dict append params MatchSuffix [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-matchphrase" { dict append params MatchPhrase [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-ignorespace" { dict append params IgnoreSpace [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-ignorepunct" { dict append params IgnorePunct [Cawt TclBool $value] } default { error "Search: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } return [Word::_IterateDocument $rangeOrDocId $params] }
SelectRange [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Select a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetSelectionRange, GetRangeScreenPos
proc ::Word::SelectRange {rangeId} { # Select a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetSelectionRange GetRangeScreenPos $rangeId Select }
SetCellValue [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the value of a Word table cell.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. |
col | Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
val | String value of the cell. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetCellValue, SetRowValues, SetMatrixValues
proc ::Word::SetCellValue {tableId row col val} { # Set the value of a Word table cell. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # col - Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # val - String value of the cell. # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetCellValue SetRowValues SetMatrixValues set rangeId [Word GetCellRange $tableId $row $col] $rangeId Text $val Cawt Destroy $rangeId }
SetCellVerticalAlignment [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the vertical alignment of a Word table cell.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. |
col | Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
align | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdCellVerticalAlignment or any of the following strings: top , bottom , center . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetCellValue, SetRangeHorizontalAlignment
proc ::Word::SetCellVerticalAlignment {tableId row col align} { # Set the vertical alignment of a Word table cell. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # col - Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # align - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdCellVerticalAlignment] # or any of the following strings: `top`, `bottom`, `center`. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetCellValue SetRangeHorizontalAlignment if { $align eq "center" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdCellAlignVerticalCenter } elseif { $align eq "top" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdCellAlignVerticalTop } elseif { $align eq "bottom" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdCellAlignVerticalBottom } else { set alignEnum [Word GetEnum $align] } set cellId [$tableId Cell $row $col] $cellId VerticalAlignment $alignEnum Cawt Destroy $cellId }
SetColumnsWidth [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the width of a range of table columns.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
startCol | Range start column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
endCol | Range end column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
width | Column width. |
may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points. $width
may also be specified in percent, ex. 50%
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetColumnsWidth {tableId startCol endCol width} { # Set the width of a range of table columns. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # startCol - Range start column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # endCol - Range end column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # width - Column width. # # $width may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure # [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points. # $width may also be specified in percent, ex. `50%`. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetColumnWidth for { set c $startCol } { $c <= $endCol } { incr c } { SetColumnWidth $tableId $c $width } }
SetColumnValues [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert column values into a Word table.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
col | Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
valList | List of values to be inserted. |
startRow | Row number of insertion start. Row numbering starts with 1. Optional, default 1 . |
numVals | If negative or zero, all list values are inserted. If positive, $numVals rows are filled with the list values (starting at list index 0). Optional, default 0 . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetColumnValues, SetRowValues, SetCellValue
proc ::Word::SetColumnValues {tableId col valList {startRow 1} {numVals 0}} { # Insert column values into a Word table. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # col - Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # valList - List of values to be inserted. # startRow - Row number of insertion start. Row numbering starts with 1. # numVals - If negative or zero, all list values are inserted. # If positive, $numVals rows are filled with the list values # (starting at list index 0). # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetColumnValues SetRowValues SetCellValue set len [llength $valList] if { $numVals > 0 } { if { $numVals < $len } { set len $numVals } } set ind 0 for { set r $startRow } { $r < [expr {$startRow + $len}] } { incr r } { SetCellValue $tableId $r $col [lindex $valList $ind] incr ind } }
SetColumnWidth [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the width of a table column.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
col | Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. |
width | Column width. |
may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points. $width
may also be specified in percent, ex. 50%
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetColumnWidth {tableId col width} { # Set the width of a table column. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # col - Column number. Column numbering starts with 1. # width - Column width. # # $width may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure # [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points. # $width may also be specified in percent, ex. `50%`. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetColumnsWidth set colId [$tableId -with { Columns } Item $col] if { [string match "*%" $width] } { scan $width "%f" percent $colId PreferredWidthType $::Word::wdPreferredWidthPercent $colId PreferredWidth $percent } else { $colId Width [Cawt ValueToPoints $width] } Cawt Destroy $colId }
SetCompatibilityMode [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the compatibility mode of a document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
mode | Compatibility mode of the document. Value of enumeration type Enum::WdCompatibilityMode. Optional, default wdWord2010 . |
Available only for Word 2010 and up.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetCompatibilityMode {docId {mode wdWord2010}} { # Set the compatibility mode of a document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # mode - Compatibility mode of the document. # Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdCompatibilityMode]. # # Available only for Word 2010 and up. # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetCompatibilityMode variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion >= 14.0 } { $docId SetCompatibilityMode [Word GetEnum $mode] } }
SetContentControlDropdown [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the values for a content control dropdown list.
controlId | Identifier of the content control. |
placeholderText | Text for the content control. |
keyValueList | List of key-value pairs. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddContentControl, SetContentControlText
proc ::Word::SetContentControlDropdown {controlId placeholderText keyValueList} { # Set the values for a content control dropdown list. # # controlId - Identifier of the content control. # placeholderText - Text for the content control. # keyValueList - List of key-value pairs. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddContentControl SetContentControlText if { $placeholderText ne "" } { $controlId SetPlaceholderText NULL NULL $placeholderText } $controlId -with { DropdownListEntries } Clear foreach { key val } $keyValueList { $controlId -with { DropdownListEntries } Add $key $val } }
SetContentControlText [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the text of a content control.
controlId | Identifier of the content control. |
placeholderText | Text for the content control. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddContentControl, SetContentControlDropdown
proc ::Word::SetContentControlText {controlId placeholderText} { # Set the text of a content control. # # controlId - Identifier of the content control. # placeholderText - Text for the content control. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddContentControl SetContentControlDropdown if { $placeholderText ne "" } { $controlId SetPlaceholderText NULL NULL $placeholderText } }
SetHeaderRow [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert row values into a Word table and format as a header row.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
headerList | List of values to be inserted as header. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. Optional, default 1 . |
startCol | Column number of insertion start. Column numbering starts with 1. Optional, default 1 . |
Return value
Returns no value. If headerList is an empty list, an error is thrown.
See also
SetRowValues, FormatHeaderRow, SetHeadingFormat
proc ::Word::SetHeaderRow {tableId headerList {row 1} {startCol 1}} { # Insert row values into a Word table and format as a header row. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # headerList - List of values to be inserted as header. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # startCol - Column number of insertion start. Column numbering starts with 1. # # Returns no value. If headerList is an empty list, an error is thrown. # # See also: SetRowValues FormatHeaderRow SetHeadingFormat set len [llength $headerList] Word SetRowValues $tableId $row $headerList $startCol $len Word FormatHeaderRow $tableId $row $startCol [expr {$startCol + $len -1}] }
SetHeadingFormat [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the HeadingFormat flag of table rows.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
onOff | Heading format flag. |
args | List of row numbers for which the heading format flag should be set. Row numbering starts with 1. If no row numbers are specified, row number 1 is used. |
If $onOff
is set to true, the specified row is formatted as a table heading. Rows formatted as table headings are repeated when a table spans more than one page.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetHeadingFormat {tableId onOff args} { # Set the HeadingFormat flag of table rows. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # onOff - Heading format flag. # args - List of row numbers for which the heading format flag should be set. # Row numbering starts with 1. # If no row numbers are specified, row number 1 is used. # # If $onOff is set to true, the specified row is formatted as a table heading. # Rows formatted as table headings are repeated when a table spans more than one page. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetHeaderRow FormatHeaderRow set numRows [Word GetNumRows $tableId] set flag 0 if { $onOff } { # HeadingFormat is a Long and true must be specified as -1. set flag -1 } if { [llength $args] == 0 } { set args [list 1] } foreach rowNum $args { if { [string is integer -strict $rowNum] && $rowNum >= 1 && $rowNum <= $numRows } { set rowId [$tableId -with { Rows } Item [expr int($rowNum)]] $rowId HeadingFormat $flag Cawt Destroy $rowId } else { error "SetHeadingFormat: Invalid row number $rowNum given." } } }
SetHyperlink [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert an external hyperlink into a Word document.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
link | URL of the hyperlink. |
textDisplay | Text to be displayed instead of the URL. Optional, default "" . |
URL's are specified as strings:
specifies a link to a local file.http://myLinkedWebpage
specifies a link to a web address.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetHyperlinkToFile, SetLinkToBookmark, SetInternalHyperlink
proc ::Word::SetHyperlink {rangeId link {textDisplay {}}} { # Insert an external hyperlink into a Word document. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # link - URL of the hyperlink. # textDisplay - Text to be displayed instead of the URL. # # URL's are specified as strings: # * `file://myLinkedFile` specifies a link to a local file. # * `http://myLinkedWebpage` specifies a link to a web address. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetHyperlinkToFile SetLinkToBookmark SetInternalHyperlink if { $textDisplay eq "" } { set textDisplay $link } set docId [Word GetDocumentId $rangeId] set hyperlinks [$docId Hyperlinks] # Add(Anchor As Object, [Address], [SubAddress], [ScreenTip], # [TextToDisplay], [Target]) As Hyperlink set hyperlink [$hyperlinks -callnamedargs Add Anchor $rangeId Address $link TextToDisplay $textDisplay] Cawt Destroy $hyperlink Cawt Destroy $hyperlinks Cawt Destroy $docId }
SetHyperlinkToFile [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert a hyperlink to a file into a Word document.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
fileName | Path name of the linked file. |
textDisplay | Text to be displayed instead of the file name. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetHyperlink, SetLinkToBookmark, SetInternalHyperlink
proc ::Word::SetHyperlinkToFile {rangeId fileName {textDisplay {}}} { # Insert a hyperlink to a file into a Word document. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # fileName - Path name of the linked file. # textDisplay - Text to be displayed instead of the file name. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetHyperlink SetLinkToBookmark SetInternalHyperlink if { [file pathtype $fileName] eq "relative" } { set address [format "file:./%s" [file nativename $fileName]] } else { set address [format "file://%s" [file nativename [file normalize $fileName]]] set appId [Office GetApplicationId $rangeId] $appId -with { DefaultWebOptions } UpdateLinksOnSave [Cawt TclBool false] Cawt Destroy $appId } SetHyperlink $rangeId $address $textDisplay }
SetImageName [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the name of an image.
shapeId | Identifier of the image InlineShape or Shape. |
name | Not documented. |
Image names are supported since Word 2010. If your Word version is older, an error is thrown.
See GetImageList for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetNumImages, GetImageName, InsertImage, GetImageId, GetImageList
proc ::Word::SetImageName {shapeId name} { # Set the name of an image. # # shapeId - Identifier of the image InlineShape or Shape. # # Returns no value. # # Image names are supported since Word 2010. # If your Word version is older, an error is thrown. # # See [GetImageList] for a description of InlineShapes and Shapes. # # See also: GetNumImages GetImageName InsertImage GetImageId GetImageList variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion < 14.0 } { error "Image names available only in Word 2010 or newer. Running [Word GetVersion $shapeId true]." } $shapeId Title $name }
SetInternalHyperlink [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert an internal hyperlink into a Word document.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
subAddress | Internal reference. |
textDisplay | Text to be displayed instead of the URL. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetLinkToBookmark, SetHyperlink, SetHyperlinkToFile
proc ::Word::SetInternalHyperlink {rangeId subAddress {textDisplay {}}} { # Insert an internal hyperlink into a Word document. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # subAddress - Internal reference. # textDisplay - Text to be displayed instead of the URL. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetLinkToBookmark SetHyperlink SetHyperlinkToFile if { $textDisplay eq "" } { set textDisplay $subAddress } set docId [Word GetDocumentId $rangeId] set hyperlinks [$docId Hyperlinks] # Add(Anchor As Object, [Address], [SubAddress], [ScreenTip], # [TextToDisplay], [Target]) As Hyperlink $hyperlinks -callnamedargs Add Anchor $rangeId SubAddress $subAddress TextToDisplay $textDisplay Cawt Destroy $hyperlinks Cawt Destroy $docId }
SetLinkToBookmark [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert an internal link to a bookmark into a Word document.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
bookmarkId | Identifier of the bookmark to link to. |
textDisplay | Text to be displayed instead of the bookmark name. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddBookmark, GetBookmarkName, SetHyperlink, SetInternalHyperlink
proc ::Word::SetLinkToBookmark {rangeId bookmarkId {textDisplay {}}} { # Insert an internal link to a bookmark into a Word document. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # bookmarkId - Identifier of the bookmark to link to. # textDisplay - Text to be displayed instead of the bookmark name. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddBookmark GetBookmarkName SetHyperlink SetInternalHyperlink set bookmarkName [Word GetBookmarkName $bookmarkId] if { $textDisplay eq "" } { set textDisplay $bookmarkName } set docId [Word GetDocumentId $rangeId] set hyperlinks [$docId Hyperlinks] # Add(Anchor As Object, [Address], [SubAddress], [ScreenTip], # [TextToDisplay], [Target]) As Hyperlink $hyperlinks -callnamedargs Add Anchor $rangeId Address [Cawt TclString ""] SubAddress $bookmarkName TextToDisplay $textDisplay Cawt Destroy $hyperlinks Cawt Destroy $docId }
SetMatrixValues [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert matrix values into a Word table.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
matrixList | Matrix with table data. |
startRow | Row number of insertion start. Row numbering starts with 1. Optional, default 1 . |
startCol | Column number of insertion start. Column numbering starts with 1. Optional, default 1 . |
The matrix data must be stored as a list of lists. Each sub-list contains the values for the row values. The main (outer) list contains the rows of the matrix.
{ { R1_C1 R1_C2 R1_C3 } { R2_C1 R2_C2 R2_C3 } }
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetMatrixValues {tableId matrixList {startRow 1} {startCol 1}} { # Insert matrix values into a Word table. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # matrixList - Matrix with table data. # startRow - Row number of insertion start. Row numbering starts with 1. # startCol - Column number of insertion start. Column numbering starts with 1. # # The matrix data must be stored as a list of lists. Each sub-list contains # the values for the row values. # The main (outer) list contains the rows of the matrix. # # Example: # { { R1_C1 R1_C2 R1_C3 } { R2_C1 R2_C2 R2_C3 } } # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetMatrixValues set curRow $startRow foreach rowList $matrixList { Word SetRowValues $tableId $curRow $rowList $startCol incr curRow } }
SetPageSetup [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set page setup values.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
args | Options described below. |
-bottom <size> | Set the size of the bottom margin. |
-footer <size> | Set the size of the footer margin. |
-header <size> | Set the size of the header margin. |
-height <size> | Set the height of the page. |
-left <size> | Set the size of the left margin. |
-right <size> | Set the size of the right margin. |
-top <size> | Set the size of the top margin. |
-width <size> | Set the width of the page. |
The size values may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetPageSetup, ::Cawt::PointsToCentiMeters, ::Cawt::PointsToInches
proc ::Word::SetPageSetup {docId args} { # Set page setup values. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # args - Options described below. # # -top <size> - Set the size of the top margin. # -bottom <size> - Set the size of the bottom margin. # -left <size> - Set the size of the left margin. # -right <size> - Set the size of the right margin. # -footer <size> - Set the size of the footer margin. # -header <size> - Set the size of the header margin. # -height <size> - Set the height of the page. # -width <size> - Set the width of the page. # # The size values may be specified in a format acceptable by # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points. # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetPageSetup ::Cawt::PointsToCentiMeters ::Cawt::PointsToInches set pageSetup [$docId PageSetup] foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "SetPageSetup: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } set pointValue [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-top" { $pageSetup TopMargin $pointValue } "-bottom" { $pageSetup BottomMargin $pointValue } "-left" { $pageSetup LeftMargin $pointValue } "-right" { $pageSetup RightMargin $pointValue } "-header" { $pageSetup HeaderDistance $pointValue } "-footer" { $pageSetup FooterDistance $pointValue } "-height" { $pageSetup PageHeight $pointValue } "-width" { $pageSetup PageWidth $pointValue } default { error "SetPageSetup: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } Cawt Destroy $pageSetup }
SetRangeBackgroundColor [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the background color of a table cell range.
rangeId | Identifier of the cell range. |
args | Background color. |
Color value may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::GetColor, i.e. color name, hexadecimal string, Office color number or a list of 3 integer RGB values.
Note: This functionality is very slow with large tables ( > 100 rows).
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetRangeBackgroundColorByEnum, SetRangeHighlightColorByEnum
proc ::Word::SetRangeBackgroundColor {rangeId args} { # Set the background color of a table cell range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the cell range. # args - Background color. # # Color value may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure [::Cawt::GetColor], # i.e. color name, hexadecimal string, Office color number or a list of 3 integer RGB values. # # **Note:** This functionality is very slow with large tables ( > 100 rows). # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeBackgroundColorByEnum SetRangeHighlightColorByEnum $rangeId -with { Cells Shading } BackgroundPatternColor [Cawt GetColor {*}$args] }
SetRangeBackgroundColorByEnum [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the background color of a table cell range.
rangeId | Identifier of the cell range. |
colorEnum | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdColor. |
Note: This functionality is very slow with large tables ( > 100 rows).
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetRangeBackgroundColor, SetRangeHighlightColorByEnum
proc ::Word::SetRangeBackgroundColorByEnum {rangeId colorEnum} { # Set the background color of a table cell range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the cell range. # colorEnum - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdColor]. # # **Note:** This functionality is very slow with large tables ( > 100 rows). # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeBackgroundColor SetRangeHighlightColorByEnum $rangeId -with { Cells Shading } BackgroundPatternColor [Word GetEnum $colorEnum] }
SetRangeEndIndex [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the end index of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
index | Index for the range end. |
Index is either an integer value or string end
to use the end of the document.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetRangeStartIndex, GetRangeEndIndex
proc ::Word::SetRangeEndIndex {rangeId index} { # Set the end index of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # index - Index for the range end. # # Index is either an integer value or string `end` to # use the end of the document. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeStartIndex GetRangeEndIndex if { $index eq "end" } { set docId [Word GetDocumentId $rangeId] set index [GetRangeEndIndex [GetEndRange $docId]] Cawt Destroy $docId } $rangeId End $index }
SetRangeFont [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set font specific parameters.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
args | Options described below. |
-background <int> | Set the background color of the text range. Value is an Office color number. |
-bold <bool> | Set the bold font style flag of the text range. |
-color <enum> | Set the text color of the text range. Enumeration of type Enum::WdColorIndex. |
-italic <bool> | Set the italic font style flag of the text range. |
-name <string> | Set the font name of the text range. |
-size <float> | Set the font size of the text range in points. |
-sizec <float> | Set the font size of the text range in centimeters. |
-sizei <float> | Set the font size of the text range in inches. |
-underline <bool> | Set the underline font style flag of the text range. |
-underlinecolor <enum> | Set the underline color of the text range. Enumeration of type Enum::WdColor. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetRangeFont, ::Cawt::GetColor
proc ::Word::SetRangeFont {rangeId args} { # Set font specific parameters. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # args - Options described below. # # -name <string> - Set the font name of the text range. # -size <float> - Set the font size of the text range in points. # -sizei <float> - Set the font size of the text range in inches. # -sizec <float> - Set the font size of the text range in centimeters. # -bold <bool> - Set the bold font style flag of the text range. # -italic <bool> - Set the italic font style flag of the text range. # -underline <bool> - Set the underline font style flag of the text range. # -underlinecolor <enum> - Set the underline color of the text range. # Enumeration of type [Enum::WdColor]. # -background <int> - Set the background color of the text range. # Value is an Office color number. # -color <enum> - Set the text color of the text range. # Enumeration of type [Enum::WdColorIndex]. # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetRangeFont [::Cawt::GetColor] set font [$rangeId Font] foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "SetRangeFont: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-name" { $font Name $value } "-size" { $font Size $value } "-sizei" { $font Size [Cawt InchesToPoints $value] } "-sizec" { $font Size [Cawt CentiMetersToPoints $value] } "-bold" { $font Bold [Cawt TclInt $value] } "-italic" { $font Italic [Cawt TclInt $value] } "-underline" { $font Underline [Cawt TclInt $value] } "-underlinecolor" { $font UnderlineColor [Word GetEnum $value] } "-background" { $font -with { Shading } BackgroundPatternColor $value } "-color" { $font ColorIndex [Word GetEnum $value] } default { error "SetRangeFont: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } Cawt Destroy $font }
SetRangeFontBackgroundColor [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the background color of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
args | Background color. |
Color value may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::GetColor, i.e. color name, hexadecimal string, Office color number or a list of 3 integer RGB values.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetRangeFontBackgroundColor {rangeId args} { # Set the background color of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # args - Background color. # # Color value may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure [::Cawt::GetColor], # i.e. color name, hexadecimal string, Office color number or a list of 3 integer # RGB values. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeFont GetRangeFont $rangeId -with { Font Shading } BackgroundPatternColor [Cawt GetColor {*}$args] }
SetRangeFontBold [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Toggle the bold font style of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
onOff | If set to true, set bold style on. Otherwise set bold style off. Optional, default true . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetRangeFontBold {rangeId {onOff true}} { # Toggle the bold font style of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # onOff - If set to true, set bold style on. # Otherwise set bold style off. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeFont GetRangeFont $rangeId -with { Font } Bold [Cawt TclInt $onOff] }
SetRangeFontColor [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the text color of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
color | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdColorIndex. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetRangeFontColor {rangeId color} { # Set the text color of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # color - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdColorIndex]. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeFont GetRangeFont $rangeId -with { Font } ColorIndex [Word GetEnum $color] }
SetRangeFontItalic [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Toggle the italic font style of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
onOff | If set to true, set italic style on. Otherwise set italic style off. Optional, default true . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetRangeFontItalic {rangeId {onOff true}} { # Toggle the italic font style of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # onOff - If set to true, set italic style on. # Otherwise set italic style off. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeFont GetRangeFont $rangeId -with { Font } Italic [Cawt TclInt $onOff] }
SetRangeFontName [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the font name of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
fontName | Font name. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetRangeFontName {rangeId fontName} { # Set the font name of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # fontName - Font name. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeFont GetRangeFont $rangeId -with { Font } Name $fontName }
SetRangeFontSize [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the font size of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
fontSize | Font size. |
The size value may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetRangeFontSize {rangeId fontSize} { # Set the font size of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # fontSize - Font size. # # The size value may be specified in a format acceptable by # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeFont GetRangeFont $rangeId -with { Font } Size [Cawt ValueToPoints $fontSize] }
SetRangeFontUnderline [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Toggle the underline font style of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
onOff | If set to true, set underline style on. Otherwise set underline style off. Optional, default true . |
color | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdColor. Optional, default wdColorAutomatic . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetRangeFontUnderline {rangeId {onOff true} {color wdColorAutomatic}} { # Toggle the underline font style of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # onOff - If set to true, set underline style on. # Otherwise set underline style off. # color - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdColor]. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeFont GetRangeFont $rangeId -with { Font } Underline [Cawt TclInt $onOff] if { $onOff } { $rangeId -with { Font } UnderlineColor [Word GetEnum $color] } }
SetRangeHighlightColorByEnum [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the highlight color of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
colorEnum | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdColorIndex. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetRangeHighlightColorByEnum {rangeId colorEnum} { # Set the highlight color of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # colorEnum - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdColorIndex]. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeBackgroundColorByEnum $rangeId HighlightColorIndex [Word GetEnum $colorEnum] }
SetRangeHorizontalAlignment [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the horizontal alignment of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
align | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdParagraphAlignment or any of the following strings: left , right , center . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetCellVerticalAlignment, SetRangeHighlightColorByEnum
proc ::Word::SetRangeHorizontalAlignment {rangeId align} { # Set the horizontal alignment of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # align - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdParagraphAlignment] # or any of the following strings: `left`, `right`, `center`. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetCellVerticalAlignment SetRangeHighlightColorByEnum if { $align eq "center" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdAlignParagraphCenter } elseif { $align eq "left" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdAlignParagraphLeft } elseif { $align eq "right" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdAlignParagraphRight } else { set alignEnum [Word GetEnum $align] } $rangeId -with { ParagraphFormat } Alignment $alignEnum }
SetRangeMergeCells [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Merge a range of cells.
rangeId | Identifier of the cell range. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetRangeHorizontalAlignment, SelectRange
proc ::Word::SetRangeMergeCells {rangeId} { # Merge a range of cells. # # rangeId - Identifier of the cell range. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeHorizontalAlignment SelectRange set appId [Office GetApplicationId $rangeId] Word::ShowAlerts $appId false $rangeId -with { Cells } Merge Word::ShowAlerts $appId true Cawt Destroy $appId }
SetRangeStartIndex [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the start index of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
index | Index for the range start. |
Index is either an integer value or string begin
to use the start of the document.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetRangeEndIndex, GetRangeStartIndex
proc ::Word::SetRangeStartIndex {rangeId index} { # Set the start index of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # index - Index for the range start. # # Index is either an integer value or string `begin` to # use the start of the document. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeEndIndex GetRangeStartIndex if { $index eq "begin" } { set index 0 } $rangeId Start $index }
SetRangeStyle [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the style of a text range.
rangeId | Identifier of the text range. |
style | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdBuiltinStyle. Often used values: wdStyleHeading1 , wdStyleNormal . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetRangeFontSize, SetRangeFontName
proc ::Word::SetRangeStyle {rangeId style} { # Set the style of a text range. # # rangeId - Identifier of the text range. # style - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdBuiltinStyle]. # Often used values: `wdStyleHeading1`, `wdStyleNormal`. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRangeFontSize SetRangeFontName set docId [Word GetDocumentId $rangeId] set styleId [$docId -with { Styles } Item [Word GetEnum $style]] $rangeId Style $styleId Cawt Destroy $styleId Cawt Destroy $docId }
SetRowHeight [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the height of a table row.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. |
height | A positive value specifies the row's height. A value of zero specifies that the rows's height fits automatically the height of all elements in the row. Optional, default 0 . |
The height value may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetRowHeight {tableId row {height 0}} { # Set the height of a table row. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # height - A positive value specifies the row's height. # A value of zero specifies that the rows's height # fits automatically the height of all elements in the row. # # The height value may be specified in a format acceptable by # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetRowValues set rowId [Word GetRowId $tableId $row] set height [Cawt ValueToPoints $height] if { $height == 0 } { $rowId HeightRule $::Word::wdRowHeightAuto } else { $rowId HeightRule $::Word::wdRowHeightExactly $rowId Height $height } Cawt Destroy $rowId }
SetRowValues [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Insert row values from a Tcl list.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
row | Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. |
valList | List of values to be inserted. |
startCol | Column number of insertion start. Column numbering starts with 1. Optional, default 1 . |
numVals | If negative or zero, all list values are inserted. If positive, $numVals columns are filled with the list values (starting at list index 0). Optional, default 0 . |
Return value
Returns no value. If $valList
is an empty list, an error is thrown.
See also
GetRowValues, SetColumnValues, SetCellValue
proc ::Word::SetRowValues {tableId row valList {startCol 1} {numVals 0}} { # Insert row values from a Tcl list. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # row - Row number. Row numbering starts with 1. # valList - List of values to be inserted. # startCol - Column number of insertion start. Column numbering starts with 1. # numVals - If negative or zero, all list values are inserted. # If positive, $numVals columns are filled with the list values # (starting at list index 0). # # Returns no value. If $valList is an empty list, an error is thrown. # # See also: GetRowValues SetColumnValues SetCellValue set len [llength $valList] if { $numVals > 0 } { if { $numVals < $len } { set len $numVals } } set ind 0 for { set c $startCol } { $c < [expr {$startCol + $len}] } { incr c } { SetCellValue $tableId $row $c [lindex $valList $ind] incr ind } }
SetTableAlignment [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the alignment of a Word table.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
align | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdRowAlignment or any of the following strings: left , right , center . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddTable, SetTableName, SetTableBorderLineStyle
proc ::Word::SetTableAlignment {tableId align} { # Set the alignment of a Word table. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # align - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdRowAlignment] # or any of the following strings: `left`, `right`, `center`. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddTable SetTableName SetTableBorderLineStyle if { $align eq "center" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdAlignRowCenter } elseif { $align eq "left" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdAlignRowLeft } elseif { $align eq "right" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdAlignRowRight } else { set alignEnum [Word GetEnum $align] } $tableId -with { Rows } Alignment $alignEnum }
SetTableBorderLineStyle [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the border line styles of a Word table or cell range.
tableOrRangeId | Identifier of the Word table or cell range. |
outsideLineStyle | Outside border style. Optional, default wdLineStyleSingle . |
insideLineStyle | Inside border style. Optional, default wdLineStyleSingle . |
The values of $outsideLineStyle
and $insideLineStyle
must be of enumeration type Enum::WdLineStyle (see WordConst.tcl).
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddTable, SetTableBorderLineWidth, GetCellRange
proc ::Word::SetTableBorderLineStyle {tableOrRangeId {outsideLineStyle wdLineStyleSingle} {insideLineStyle wdLineStyleSingle}} { # Set the border line styles of a Word table or cell range. # # tableOrRangeId - Identifier of the Word table or cell range. # outsideLineStyle - Outside border style. # insideLineStyle - Inside border style. # # Returns no value. # # The values of $outsideLineStyle and $insideLineStyle must # be of enumeration type [Enum::WdLineStyle] (see WordConst.tcl). # # See also: AddTable SetTableBorderLineWidth GetCellRange set border [$tableOrRangeId Borders] $border OutsideLineStyle [Word GetEnum $outsideLineStyle] $border InsideLineStyle [Word GetEnum $insideLineStyle] Cawt Destroy $border }
SetTableBorderLineWidth [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the border line widths of a Word table or cell range.
tableOrRangeId | Identifier of the Word table or cell range. |
outsideLineWidth | Outside border line width. Optional, default wdLineWidth050pt . |
insideLineWidth | Inside border line width. Optional, default wdLineWidth050pt . |
The values of $outsideLineWidth
and $insideLineWidth
must be of enumeration type Enum::WdLineWidth (see WordConst.tcl).
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddTable, SetTableBorderLineStyle, GetCellRange
proc ::Word::SetTableBorderLineWidth {tableOrRangeId {outsideLineWidth wdLineWidth050pt} {insideLineWidth wdLineWidth050pt}} { # Set the border line widths of a Word table or cell range. # # tableOrRangeId - Identifier of the Word table or cell range. # outsideLineWidth - Outside border line width. # insideLineWidth - Inside border line width. # # Returns no value. # # The values of $outsideLineWidth and $insideLineWidth must # be of enumeration type [Enum::WdLineWidth] (see WordConst.tcl). # # See also: AddTable SetTableBorderLineStyle GetCellRange set border [$tableOrRangeId Borders] $border OutsideLineWidth [Word GetEnum $outsideLineWidth] $border InsideLineWidth [Word GetEnum $insideLineWidth] Cawt Destroy $border }
SetTableName [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the name of a table.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
name | Name of the table. |
descr | Alternate text string as table description. Optional, default "" . |
Note: Table names are supported since Word 2010. If your Word version is older, an error is thrown. Setting the table name also does not work, if using a Word version greater than 2010, but working with a document in old .doc
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
GetTableName, GetNumTables, AddTable
proc ::Word::SetTableName {tableId name {descr {}}} { # Set the name of a table. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # name - Name of the table. # descr - Alternate text string as table description. # # Returns no value. # # **Note:** # Table names are supported since Word 2010. # If your Word version is older, an error is thrown. # Setting the table name also does not work, if using # a Word version greater than 2010, but working with a # document in old `.doc` format. # # See also: GetTableName GetNumTables AddTable variable wordVersion if { $wordVersion < 14.0 } { error "Table names available only in Word 2010 or newer. Running [Word GetVersion $tableId true]." } $tableId Title $name $tableId Descr $descr }
SetTableOptions [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set miscellaneous table options.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
args | Options described below. |
-autofit <bool> | Allow Word to automatically resize cells in a table to fit their contents. |
-bottom <size> | Set the amount of space to add below the contents of a single cell or all the cells in a table. |
-left <size> | Set the amount of space to add to the left of the contents of all the cells in a table. |
-right <size> | Set the amount of space to add to the right of the contents of all the cells in a table. |
-spacing <size> | Set the spacing between the cells in a table. |
-top <size> | Set the amount of space to add above the contents of all the cells in a table. |
-width <size> | Set the preferred width of a table. The width can also be specified in percent, ex. 50% . |
The size values may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
If both -autofit
and -width
are specified, the last specified option takes precedence.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetTableName, SetTableAlignment
proc ::Word::SetTableOptions {tableId args} { # Set miscellaneous table options. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # args - Options described below. # # -bottom <size> - Set the amount of space to add below the contents of a # single cell or all the cells in a table. # -left <size> - Set the amount of space to add to the left of the # contents of all the cells in a table. # -right <size> - Set the amount of space to add to the right of the # contents of all the cells in a table. # -top <size> - Set the amount of space to add above the contents # of all the cells in a table. # -spacing <size> - Set the spacing between the cells in a table. # -autofit <bool> - Allow Word to automatically resize cells in a table # to fit their contents. # -width <size> - Set the preferred width of a table. # The width can also be specified in percent, ex. `50%`. # # The size values may be specified in a format acceptable by # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points. # # If both `-autofit` and `-width` are specified, the last specified # option takes precedence. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetTableName SetTableAlignment foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "SetTableOptions: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-bottom" { $tableId BottomPadding [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] } "-left" { $tableId LeftPadding [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] } "-right" { $tableId RightPadding [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] } "-top" { $tableId TopPadding [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] } "-spacing" { $tableId Spacing [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] } "-autofit" { if { $value } { $tableId -with { Columns } AutoFit } } "-width" { if { [string match "*%" $value] } { scan $value "%f" percent $tableId PreferredWidthType $::Word::wdPreferredWidthPercent $tableId PreferredWidth $percent } else { $tableId PreferredWidthType $::Word::wdPreferredWidthPoints $tableId PreferredWidth [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] } } default { error "SetTableOptions: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } }
SetTableVerticalAlignment [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set the vertical alignment of all Word table cells.
tableId | Identifier of the Word table. |
align | Value of enumeration type Enum::WdCellVerticalAlignment or any of the following strings: top , bottom , center . |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
SetTableOptions, SetCellVerticalAlignment
proc ::Word::SetTableVerticalAlignment {tableId align} { # Set the vertical alignment of all Word table cells. # # tableId - Identifier of the Word table. # align - Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdCellVerticalAlignment] # or any of the following strings: `top`, `bottom`, `center`. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SetTableOptions SetCellVerticalAlignment if { $align eq "center" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdCellAlignVerticalCenter } elseif { $align eq "top" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdCellAlignVerticalTop } elseif { $align eq "bottom" } { set alignEnum $::Word::wdCellAlignVerticalBottom } else { set alignEnum [Word GetEnum $align] } $tableId Select set selectId [$tableId -with { Application } Selection] $selectId -with { Cells } VerticalAlignment $alignEnum Cawt Destroy $selectId }
SetViewParameters [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Set view parameters of a document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
args | Options described below. |
-pagefit <enum> | Set the page fit parameter. Value of enumeration type Enum::WdPageFit. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::SetViewParameters {docId args} { # Set view parameters of a document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # args - Options described below. # # -pagefit <enum> - Set the page fit parameter. # Value of enumeration type [Enum::WdPageFit]. # # Returns no value. # # See also: OpenDocument SetPageSetup foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "SetViewParameters: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-pagefit" { $docId -with { ActiveWindow ActivePane View Zoom } PageFit [Word GetEnum $value] } default { error "SetViewParameters: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } }
ShowAlerts [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Toggle the display of Word application alerts.
appId | The application identifier. |
onOff | Switch the alerts on or off. |
Return value
Returns no value.
proc ::Word::ShowAlerts {appId onOff} { # Toggle the display of Word application alerts. # # appId - The application identifier. # onOff - Switch the alerts on or off. # # Returns no value. if { $onOff } { set alertLevel [expr $::Word::wdAlertsAll] } else { set alertLevel [expr $::Word::wdAlertsNone] } $appId DisplayAlerts $alertLevel }
ToggleSpellCheck [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Toggle checking of grammatical and spelling errors.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
onOff | Switch spell checking on or off. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::ToggleSpellCheck {appId onOff} { # Toggle checking of grammatical and spelling errors. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # onOff - Switch spell checking on or off. # # Returns no value. # # See also: Open $appId -with { ActiveDocument } ShowGrammaticalErrors [Cawt TclBool $onOff] $appId -with { ActiveDocument } ShowSpellingErrors [Cawt TclBool $onOff] }
TrimString [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Trim a string.
str | String to be trimmed. |
The string is trimmed from the left and right side. Trimmed characters are whitespaces. Additionally the following control characters are converted: 0xD
to "\n"
, 0x7
to " "
Return value
Returns the trimmed string.
See also
proc ::Word::TrimString {str} { # Trim a string. # # str - String to be trimmed. # # The string is trimmed from the left and right side. # Trimmed characters are whitespaces. # Additionally the following control characters are converted: # `0xD` to `"\n"`, `0x7` to `" "`. # # Returns the trimmed string. # # See also: GetCellValue set str [string map [list [format %c 0xD] \n [format %c 0x7] " "] $str] return [string trim $str] }
UpdateFields [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Update all fields as well as tables of content and figures of a document.
docId | Identifier of the document. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::UpdateFields {docId} { # Update all fields as well as tables of content and figures of a document. # # docId - Identifier of the document. # # Returns no value. # # See also: SaveAs set stories [$docId StoryRanges] $stories -iterate story { lappend storyList $story $story -with { Fields } Update set nextStory [$story NextStoryRange] while { [Cawt IsComObject $nextStory] } { lappend storyList $nextStory $nextStory -with { Fields } Update set nextStory [$nextStory NextStoryRange] } } foreach story $storyList { Cawt Destroy $story } Cawt Destroy $stories set tocs [$docId TablesOfContents] $tocs -iterate toc { $toc Update Cawt Destroy $toc } Cawt Destroy $tocs set tofs [$docId TablesOfFigures] $tofs -iterate tof { $tof Update Cawt Destroy $tof } Cawt Destroy $tofs }
Visible [::Word]Top, Main, Index
Toggle the visibility of a Word application window.
appId | Identifier of the Word instance. |
visible | If set to true, show the application window. Otherwise hide the application window. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Word::Visible {appId visible} { # Toggle the visibility of a Word application window. # # appId - Identifier of the Word instance. # visible - If set to true, show the application window. # Otherwise hide the application window. # # Returns no value. # # See also: Open OpenNew IsVisible $appId Visible [Cawt TclInt $visible] }