::OneNote::EnumTop, Main, Index
CommandsTop, Main, Index
CreateFileType [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
cftFolder | 2 # Creates a section group by using the specified name and location. |
cftNone | 0 # Creates no new object. |
cftNotebook | 1 # Creates a notebook by using the specified name and location. |
cftSection | 3 # Creates a section by using the specified name and location. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::CreateFileType {} { # cftNone - 0 # Creates no new object. # cftNotebook - 1 # Creates a notebook by using the specified name and location. # cftFolder - 2 # Creates a section group by using the specified name and location. # cftSection - 3 # Creates a section by using the specified name and location. return { cftNone 0 cftNotebook 1 cftFolder 2 cftSection 3 } }
DockLocation [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
dlBottom | 4 # The OneNote window is docked at the bottom of the desktop. |
dlDefault | -1 # The OneNote window is docked at the default location on the desktop. |
dlLeft | 1 # The OneNote window is docked on the left side of the desktop. |
dlRight | 2 # The OneNote window is docked on the right side of the desktop. |
dlTop | 3 # The OneNote window is docked at the top of the desktop. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::DockLocation {} { # dlDefault - -1 # The OneNote window is docked at the default location on the desktop. # dlLeft - 1 # The OneNote window is docked on the left side of the desktop. # dlRight - 2 # The OneNote window is docked on the right side of the desktop. # dlTop - 3 # The OneNote window is docked at the top of the desktop. # dlBottom - 4 # The OneNote window is docked at the bottom of the desktop. return { dlDefault -1 dlLeft 1 dlRight 2 dlTop 3 dlBottom 4 } }
FilingLocation [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
flContacts | 1 # Sets where Outlook contacts will be filed. |
flEMail | 0 # Sets where Outlook email messages will be filed. |
flMeetings | 3 # Sets where Outlook meetings will be filed. |
flPrintOuts | 5 # Sets where printouts from the OneNote printer will be filed. |
flTasks | 2 # Sets where Outlook tasks will be filed. |
flWebContent | 4 # Sets where Internet Explorer contents will be filed. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::FilingLocation {} { # flEMail - 0 # Sets where Outlook email messages will be filed. # flContacts - 1 # Sets where Outlook contacts will be filed. # flTasks - 2 # Sets where Outlook tasks will be filed. # flMeetings - 3 # Sets where Outlook meetings will be filed. # flWebContent - 4 # Sets where Internet Explorer contents will be filed. # flPrintOuts - 5 # Sets where printouts from the OneNote printer will be filed. return { flEMail 0 flContacts 1 flTasks 2 flMeetings 3 flWebContent 4 flPrintOuts 5 } }
FilingLocationType [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
fltCurrentPage | 2 # Sets content to be filed on the current page. |
fltCurrentSectionNewPage | 1 # Sets content to be filed on a new page in the current section. |
fltNamedPage | 4 # Sets content to be filed on a specified page. |
fltNamedSectionNewPage | 0 # Sets content to be filed on a new page in a specified section. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::FilingLocationType {} { # fltNamedSectionNewPage - 0 # Sets content to be filed on a new page in a specified section. # fltCurrentSectionNewPage - 1 # Sets content to be filed on a new page in the current section. # fltCurrentPage - 2 # Sets content to be filed on the current page. # fltNamedPage - 4 # Sets content to be filed on a specified page. return { fltNamedSectionNewPage 0 fltCurrentSectionNewPage 1 fltCurrentPage 2 fltNamedPage 4 } }
HierarchyElement [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
heNone | 0 # Refers to no element. |
heNotebooks | 1 # Refers to the Notebook elements. |
hePages | 8 # Refers to the Page elements. |
heSectionGroups | 2 # Refers to the Section Group elements. |
heSections | 4 # Refers to the Section elements. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::HierarchyElement {} { # heNone - 0 # Refers to no element. # heNotebooks - 1 # Refers to the Notebook elements. # heSectionGroups - 2 # Refers to the Section Group elements. # heSections - 4 # Refers to the Section elements. # hePages - 8 # Refers to the Page elements. return { heNone 0 heNotebooks 1 heSectionGroups 2 heSections 4 hePages 8 } }
HierarchyScope [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
hsChildren | 1 # Gets the immediate child nodes of the start node, and no descendants in higher or lower subsection groups. |
hsNotebooks | 2 # Gets all notebooks below the start node, or root. |
hsPages | 4 # Gets all pages below the start node, including all pages in section groups and subsection groups. |
hsSections | 3 # Gets all sections below the start node, including sections in section groups and subsection groups. |
hsSelf | 0 # Gets just the start node specified and no descendants. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::HierarchyScope {} { # hsSelf - 0 # Gets just the start node specified and no descendants. # hsChildren - 1 # Gets the immediate child nodes of the start node, and no descendants in higher or lower subsection groups. # hsNotebooks - 2 # Gets all notebooks below the start node, or root. # hsSections - 3 # Gets all sections below the start node, including sections in section groups and subsection groups. # hsPages - 4 # Gets all pages below the start node, including all pages in section groups and subsection groups. return { hsSelf 0 hsChildren 1 hsNotebooks 2 hsSections 3 hsPages 4 } }
NewPageStyle [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
npsBlankPageNoTitle | 2 # Creates a blank page that has no title. |
npsBlankPageWithTitle | 1 # Creates a blank page that has a title. |
npsDefault | 0 # Creates a page that has the default page style. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::NewPageStyle {} { # npsDefault - 0 # Creates a page that has the default page style. # npsBlankPageWithTitle - 1 # Creates a blank page that has a title. # npsBlankPageNoTitle - 2 # Creates a blank page that has no title. return { npsDefault 0 npsBlankPageWithTitle 1 npsBlankPageNoTitle 2 } }
NotebookFilterOutType [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
nfoLocal | 1 # Allow only Local Notebooks. |
nfoNetwork | 2 # Allows UNC or SharePoint Notebooks. |
nfoNoWacUrl | 8 # Any notebooks in locations that do not have a web client. |
nfoWeb | 4 # Allows OneDrive notebooks. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::NotebookFilterOutType {} { # nfoLocal - 1 # Allow only Local Notebooks. # nfoNetwork - 2 # Allows UNC or SharePoint Notebooks. # nfoWeb - 4 # Allows OneDrive notebooks. # nfoNoWacUrl - 8 # Any notebooks in locations that do not have a web client. return { nfoLocal 1 nfoNetwork 2 nfoWeb 4 nfoNoWacUrl 8 } }
PageInfo [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
piAll | 7 # Returns all page content. |
piBasic | 0 # Returns only basic page content, without selection markup, file types for binary data objects and binary data objects. This is the standard value to pass. |
piBinaryData | 1 # Returns page content with no selection markup, but with all binary data. |
piBinaryDataFileType | 5 # Returns page content with file type info for binary data objects and binary data objects. |
piBinaryDataSelection | 3 # Returns page content with selection markup and all binary data. |
piFileType | 4 # Returns page content with file type info for binary data objects. |
piSelection | 2 # Returns page content with selection markup, but no binary data. |
piSelectionFileType | 6 # Returns page content with selection markup and file type info for binary data. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::PageInfo {} { # piBasic - 0 # Returns only basic page content, without selection markup, file types for # binary data objects and binary data objects. This is the standard value to pass. # piBinaryData - 1 # Returns page content with no selection markup, but with all binary data. # piSelection - 2 # Returns page content with selection markup, but no binary data. # piBinaryDataSelection - 3 # Returns page content with selection markup and all binary data. # piFileType - 4 # Returns page content with file type info for binary data objects. # piBinaryDataFileType - 5 # Returns page content with file type info for binary data objects and binary data objects. # piSelectionFileType - 6 # Returns page content with selection markup and file type info for binary data. # piAll - 7 # Returns all page content. return { piBasic 0 piBinaryData 1 piSelection 2 piBinaryDataSelection 3 piFileType 4 piBinaryDataFileType 5 piSelectionFileType 6 piAll 7 } }
PublishFormat [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
pfEMF | 6 # Published page is in the enhanced metafile (.emf) format. |
pfHTML | 7 # Published page is in the .html format. This member is new in OneNote 2013. |
pfMHTML | 2 # Published page is in the .mht format. |
pfOneNote | 0 # Published page is in the .one format. |
pfOneNote2007 | 8 # Published page is in the 2007 .one format. This member is new in OneNote 2013. |
pfOneNotePackage | 1 # Published page is in the .onepkg format. |
pfPDF | 3 # Published page is in the .pdf format. |
pfWord | 5 # Published page is in the .doc or .docx format. |
pfXPS | 4 # Published page is in the .xps format. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::PublishFormat {} { # pfOneNote - 0 # Published page is in the .one format. # pfOneNotePackage - 1 # Published page is in the .onepkg format. # pfMHTML - 2 # Published page is in the .mht format. # pfPDF - 3 # Published page is in the .pdf format. # pfXPS - 4 # Published page is in the .xps format. # pfWord - 5 # Published page is in the .doc or .docx format. # pfEMF - 6 # Published page is in the enhanced metafile (.emf) format. # pfHTML - 7 # Published page is in the .html format. This member is new in OneNote 2013. # pfOneNote2007 - 8 # Published page is in the 2007 .one format. This member is new in OneNote 2013. return { pfOneNote 0 pfOneNotePackage 1 pfMHTML 2 pfPDF 3 pfXPS 4 pfWord 5 pfEMF 6 pfHTML 7 pfOneNote2007 8 } }
RecentResultType [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
rrtFiling | 1 # Sets the "Filing" recent-result list to be rendered. |
rrtLinks | 3 # Sets the "Links" recent-result list to be rendered. |
rrtNone | 0 # Sets no recent-result list to be rendered. |
rrtSearch | 2 # Sets the "Search" recent-result list to be rendered. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::RecentResultType {} { # rrtNone - 0 # Sets no recent-result list to be rendered. # rrtFiling - 1 # Sets the "Filing" recent-result list to be rendered. # rrtSearch - 2 # Sets the "Search" recent-result list to be rendered. # rrtLinks - 3 # Sets the "Links" recent-result list to be rendered. return { rrtNone 0 rrtFiling 1 rrtSearch 2 rrtLinks 3 } }
SpecialLocation [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
slBackupFolder | 0 # Gets the path to the Backup Folders folder location. |
slDefaultNotebookFolder | 2 # Gets the path to the Default Notebook folder location. |
slUnfiledNotesSection | 1 # Gets the path to the Unfiled Notes folder location. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::SpecialLocation {} { # slBackupFolder - 0 # Gets the path to the Backup Folders folder location. # slUnfiledNotesSection - 1 # Gets the path to the Unfiled Notes folder location. # slDefaultNotebookFolder - 2 # Gets the path to the Default Notebook folder location. return { slBackupFolder 0 slUnfiledNotesSection 1 slDefaultNotebookFolder 2 } }
TreeCollapsedStateType [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
tcsCollapsed | 1 # Sets the hierarchy tree to collapsed. |
tcsExpanded | 0 # Sets the hierarchy tree to expanded. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::TreeCollapsedStateType {} { # tcsExpanded - 0 # Sets the hierarchy tree to expanded. # tcsCollapsed - 1 # Sets the hierarchy tree to collapsed. return { tcsExpanded 0 tcsCollapsed 1 } }
XMLSchema [::OneNote::Enum]Top, Main, Index
xs2007 | 0 # References the OneNote 2007 schema. |
xs2010 | 1 # References the OneNote 2010 schema. |
xs2013 | 2 # References the OneNote 2013 schema. |
proc ::OneNote::Enum::XMLSchema {} { # xs2007 - 0 # References the OneNote 2007 schema. # xs2010 - 1 # References the OneNote 2010 schema. # xs2013 - 2 # References the OneNote 2013 schema. return { xs2007 0 xs2010 1 xs2013 2 } }