::OutlookTop, Main, Index
The Outlook
namespace provides commands to control Microsoft Outlook.
CommandsTop, Main, Index
AddAppointment [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Create a new appointment in an Outlook calendar.
calId | Identifier of the Outlook calendar. |
args | Options described below. |
-alldayevent <bool> | Specify, if appointment is an all day event. Default: false. |
-body <string> | Set the body text of the appointment. Default: No body text. |
-busystate <OlBusyStatus> | Set the busy status of the appointment. Possible values: olBusy olFree olOutOfOffice olTentative olWorkingElsewhere . Default: olBusy . |
-category <string> | Assign category to appointment. If specified category does not yet exist, it is created. Default: No category. |
-enddate <string> | Set the end date of the appointment in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S . Default: Today. |
-importance <OlImportance> | Set the importance of the appointment. Possible values: olImportanceHigh olImportanceLow olImportanceNormal . Default: olImportanceNormal . |
-isrecurring | Get the recurring flag of the appointment. Only available for procedure GetAppointmentProperties. |
-location <string> | Set the location of the appointment. Default: No location. |
-optionalattendees <string> | Set the optional attendee names as semicolon-delimited string. Default: None. |
-reminder <bool> | Specify, if appointment has a reminder set. Default: true. |
-requiredattendees <string> | Set the required attendee names as semicolon-delimited string. Default: None. |
-sensitivity <OlSensitivity> | Set the sensitivity of the appointment. Possible values: olConfidential olNormal olPersonal olPrivate . Default: olNormal . |
-startdate <string> | Set the start date of the appointment in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S . Default: Today. |
-subject <string> | Set the subject text of the appointment. Default: No subject. |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new appointment object.
See also
CreateMail, AddCalendar, AddHolidayAppointment, GetAppointmentProperties, GetNumAppointments
proc ::Outlook::AddAppointment {calId args} { # Create a new appointment in an Outlook calendar. # # calId - Identifier of the Outlook calendar. # args - Options described below. # # -subject <string> - Set the subject text of the appointment. # Default: No subject. # -requiredattendees <string> - Set the required attendee names as semicolon-delimited string. # Default: None. # -optionalattendees <string> - Set the optional attendee names as semicolon-delimited string. # Default: None. # -startdate <string> - Set the start date of the appointment in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`. # Default: Today. # -enddate <string> - Set the end date of the appointment in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`. # Default: Today. # -category <string> - Assign category to appointment. # If specified category does not yet exist, it is created. # Default: No category. # -location <string> - Set the location of the appointment. # Default: No location. # -body <string> - Set the body text of the appointment. # Default: No body text. # -alldayevent <bool> - Specify, if appointment is an all day event. # Default: false. # -reminder <bool> - Specify, if appointment has a reminder set. # Default: true. # -busystate <OlBusyStatus> - Set the busy status of the appointment. # Possible values: `olBusy` `olFree` `olOutOfOffice` `olTentative` `olWorkingElsewhere`. # Default: `olBusy`. # -importance <OlImportance> - Set the importance of the appointment. # Possible values: `olImportanceHigh` `olImportanceLow` `olImportanceNormal`. # Default: `olImportanceNormal`. # -sensitivity <OlSensitivity> - Set the sensitivity of the appointment. # Possible values: `olConfidential` `olNormal` `olPersonal` `olPrivate`. # Default: `olNormal`. # -isrecurring - Get the recurring flag of the appointment. # Only available for procedure [GetAppointmentProperties]. # # Returns the identifier of the new appointment object. # # See also: CreateMail AddCalendar AddHolidayAppointment GetAppointmentProperties GetNumAppointments set appointId [$calId -with { Items } Add $::Outlook::olAppointmentItem] foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "AddAppointment: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-subject" { $appointId Subject $value } "-requiredattendees" { $appointId RequiredAttendees $value } "-optionalattendees" { $appointId OptionalAttendees $value } "-startdate" { $appointId Start [Cawt IsoDateToOfficeDate $value] } "-enddate" { $appointId End [Cawt IsoDateToOfficeDate $value] } "-category" { set appId [$calId Application] Outlook AddCategory $appId $value $appointId Categories $value Cawt Destroy $appId } "-location" { $appointId Location $value } "-body" { $appointId Body $value } "-alldayevent" { $appointId AllDayEvent [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-reminder" { $appointId ReminderSet [Cawt TclBool $value] } "-busystate" { $appointId BusyStatus [Outlook GetEnum $value] } "-importance" { $appointId Importance [Outlook GetEnum $value] } "-sensitivity" { $appointId Sensitivity [Outlook GetEnum $value] } default { error "AddAppointment: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } $appointId Save return $appointId }
AddCalendar [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Add a new Outlook calendar.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
calendarName | Name of the new calendar. |
If the calendar could not be added an error is thrown.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new calendar. If a calendar with given name is already existing, the identifier of that calendar is returned.
See also
AddAppointment, DeleteCalendar, GetNumCalendars, HaveCalendar, GetCalendarNames, GetCalendarId
proc ::Outlook::AddCalendar {appId calendarName} { # Add a new Outlook calendar. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # calendarName - Name of the new calendar. # # Returns the identifier of the new calendar. # If a calendar with given name is already existing, the identifier of that # calendar is returned. # # If the calendar could not be added an error is thrown. # # See also: AddAppointment DeleteCalendar GetNumCalendars HaveCalendar # GetCalendarNames GetCalendarId set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] set calId [$nsObj GetDefaultFolder $::Outlook::olFolderCalendar] set numFolders [$calId -with {Folders} Count] for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numFolders } { incr i } { set folderId [$calId -with {Folders} Item [expr {$i}]] if { [$folderId Name] eq $calendarName } { return $folderId } Cawt Destroy $folderId } set catchVal [catch {$calId -with { Folders } Add $calendarName $::Outlook::olFolderCalendar} newCalId] if { $catchVal != 0 } { error "AddCalendar: Could not add calendar \"$calendarName\"." } Cawt Destroy $calId Cawt Destroy $nsObj return $newCalId }
AddCategory [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Add a new category to the Outlook categories.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
name | Name of the new category. |
color | Value of enumeration type Enum::OlCategoryColor or category color name. If set to the empty string, a color is choosen automatically by Outlook. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new category. If a category with given name is already existing, the identifier of that category is returned.
See also
HaveCategory, GetNumCategories, GetCategoryNames, GetCategoryId, DeleteCategory, GetCategoryColor
proc ::Outlook::AddCategory {appId name {color {}}} { # Add a new category to the Outlook categories. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # name - Name of the new category. # color - Value of enumeration type [Enum::OlCategoryColor] # or category color name. # If set to the empty string, a color is choosen automatically by Outlook. # # Returns the identifier of the new category. # If a category with given name is already existing, the identifier of that # category is returned. # # See also: HaveCategory GetNumCategories GetCategoryNames # GetCategoryId DeleteCategory GetCategoryColor if { [Outlook HaveCategory $appId $name] } { return [Outlook::GetCategoryId $appId $name] } set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] set categories [$nsObj Categories] if { $color eq "" } { set categoryId [$categories Add $name] } else { set colorEnum [Outlook::GetCategoryColorEnum $color] set categoryId [$categories Add $name $colorEnum] } Cawt Destroy $categories Cawt Destroy $nsObj return $categoryId }
AddContact [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Create a new contact in an Outlook contact folder.
contactFolderId | Identifier of the Outlook contact folder. |
args | Options described below. |
-category <string> | Assign category to contact. If specified category does not yet exist, it is created. |
-image <string> | Add contact image. Supported image formats: GIF JPEG BMP TIFF WMF EMF PNG . |
Key-value pairs | Key is a read-write property name, value is the property value to be set. |
Create a new contact in an Outlook contact folder and set the properties of the new contact.
For details on contact properties see SetContactProperties.
See also
AddContactFolder, SetContactProperties, GetContactProperties, GetNumContacts, GetContactReadWritePropertyNames, GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames
proc ::Outlook::AddContact {contactFolderId args} { # Create a new contact in an Outlook contact folder. # # contactFolderId - Identifier of the Outlook contact folder. # args - Options described below. # # -category <string> - Assign category to contact. # If specified category does not yet exist, it is created. # -image <string> - Add contact image. # Supported image formats: # `GIF` `JPEG` `BMP` `TIFF` `WMF` `EMF` `PNG`. # Key-value pairs - Key is a read-write property name, value is the property value to be set. # # Create a new contact in an Outlook contact folder and set the # properties of the new contact. # # For details on contact properties see [SetContactProperties]. # # See also: AddContactFolder SetContactProperties GetContactProperties # GetNumContacts GetContactReadWritePropertyNames GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames set contactId [$contactFolderId -with { Items } Add $::Outlook::olContactItem] Outlook::SetContactProperties $contactId {*}$args return $contactId }
AddContactFolder [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Add a new Outlook contact folder.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
contactFolderName | Name of the new contact folder. |
args | Options described below. |
-addressbook <bool> | Add the contact folder to the addressbook. Default: false. |
If a contact folder with given name is already existing, the identifier of that contact folder is returned. If the contact folder could not be added, an error is thrown.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new contact folder.
See also
DeleteContactFolder, GetNumContactFolders, HaveContactFolder, GetContactFolderNames, GetContactFolderId
proc ::Outlook::AddContactFolder {appId contactFolderName args} { # Add a new Outlook contact folder. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # contactFolderName - Name of the new contact folder. # args - Options described below. # # -addressbook <bool> - Add the contact folder to the addressbook. # Default: false. # # Returns the identifier of the new contact folder. # # If a contact folder with given name is already existing, the identifier # of that contact folder is returned. # If the contact folder could not be added, an error is thrown. # # See also: DeleteContactFolder GetNumContactFolders HaveContactFolder # GetContactFolderNames GetContactFolderId set addToAddressbook false foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "AddContactFolder: No value specified for key \"$key\"." } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-addressbook" { set addToAddressbook $value } default { error "AddContactFolder: Unknown key \"$key\" specified." } } } set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] set contactFolderId [$nsObj GetDefaultFolder $::Outlook::olFolderContacts] set numFolders [$contactFolderId -with {Folders} Count] for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numFolders } { incr i } { set folderId [$contactFolderId -with {Folders} Item [expr {$i}]] if { [$folderId Name] eq $contactFolderName } { return $folderId } Cawt Destroy $folderId } set catchVal [catch {$contactFolderId -with { Folders } Add $contactFolderName $::Outlook::olFolderContacts} folderId] if { $catchVal != 0 } { error "AddContactFolder: Could not add contact folder \"$contactFolderName\"." } $folderId ShowAsOutlookAB [Cawt TclBool $addToAddressbook] Cawt Destroy $contactFolderId Cawt Destroy $nsObj return $folderId }
AddHolidayAppointment [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Create a new appointment in an Outlook calendar.
calId | Identifier of the Outlook calendar. |
subject | Subject text. |
args | Options described below. |
-category <string> | Assign category to appointment. Default: No category. |
-date <string> | Set the date of the appointment in format %Y-%m-%d . Default: Today. |
-location <string> | Set the location of the appointment. Default: No location. |
The appointment has the following properties automatically set: All-Day event
, No reminder
, OutOfOffice status
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new appointment object.
See also
CreateMail, AddAppointment, ApplyHolidayFile, GetNumAppointments
proc ::Outlook::AddHolidayAppointment {calId subject args} { # Create a new appointment in an Outlook calendar. # # calId - Identifier of the Outlook calendar. # subject - Subject text. # args - Options described below. # # -date <string> - Set the date of the appointment in format `%Y-%m-%d`. Default: Today. # -category <string> - Assign category to appointment. Default: No category. # -location <string> - Set the location of the appointment. Default: No location. # # The appointment has the following properties automatically set: # `All-Day event`, `No reminder`, `OutOfOffice status`. # # Returns the identifier of the new appointment object. # # See also: CreateMail AddAppointment ApplyHolidayFile GetNumAppointments set appointId [$calId -with { Items } Add $::Outlook::olAppointmentItem] foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "AddHolidayAppointment: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-date" { set dateSec [clock scan $value -format "%Y-%m-%d"] $appointId Start [Cawt SecondsToOfficeDate $dateSec] } "-category" { if { $value ne "" } { set appId [$calId Application] Outlook AddCategory $appId $value $appointId Categories $value Cawt Destroy $appId } } "-location" { $appointId Location $value } default { error "AddHolidayAppointment: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } $appointId Subject $subject $appointId AllDayEvent [Cawt TclBool true] $appointId ReminderSet [Cawt TclBool false] $appointId BusyStatus $::Outlook::olOutOfOffice $appointId Save return $appointId }
ApplyHolidayFile [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Read an Outlook holiday file and insert appointments.
calId | Identifier of the Outlook calendar. |
fileName | Name of the Outlook holiday file. |
category | Assign category to appointment. Default: No category. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns no value. If the holiday file could not be read, an error is thrown.
See also
ReadHolidayFile, AddHolidayAppointment
proc ::Outlook::ApplyHolidayFile {calId fileName {category {}}} { # Read an Outlook holiday file and insert appointments. # # calId - Identifier of the Outlook calendar. # fileName - Name of the Outlook holiday file. # category - Assign category to appointment. Default: No category. # # Returns no value. # If the holiday file could not be read, an error is thrown. # # See also: ReadHolidayFile AddHolidayAppointment set holidayDict [Outlook::ReadHolidayFile $fileName] set sectionList [dict get $holidayDict SectionList] foreach section $sectionList { set subjectList [dict get $holidayDict "SubjectList_$section"] set dateList [dict get $holidayDict "DateList_$section"] foreach subject $subjectList date $dateList { Outlook::AddHolidayAppointment $calId $subject -date $date -location $section -category $category } } }
CreateHtmlMail [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Create a new Outlook HTML mail.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
recipientList | List of mail addresses. |
subject | Subject text. Optional, default "" . |
body | Mail body text in HTML format. Optional, default "" . |
attachmentList | List of files used as attachment. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new mail object.
See also
proc ::Outlook::CreateHtmlMail {appId recipientList {subject {}} {body {}} {attachmentList {}}} { # Create a new Outlook HTML mail. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # recipientList - List of mail addresses. # subject - Subject text. # body - Mail body text in HTML format. # attachmentList - List of files used as attachment. # # Returns the identifier of the new mail object. # # See also: CreateMail SendMail return [Outlook::_CreateMail $appId "html" $recipientList $subject $body $attachmentList] }
CreateMail [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Create a new Outlook text mail.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
recipientList | List of mail addresses. |
subject | Subject text. Optional, default "" . |
body | Mail body text. Optional, default "" . |
attachmentList | List of files used as attachment. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the new mail object.
See also
proc ::Outlook::CreateMail {appId recipientList {subject {}} {body {}} {attachmentList {}}} { # Create a new Outlook text mail. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # recipientList - List of mail addresses. # subject - Subject text. # body - Mail body text. # attachmentList - List of files used as attachment. # # Returns the identifier of the new mail object. # # See also: CreateHtmlMail SendMail return [Outlook::_CreateMail $appId "text" $recipientList $subject $body $attachmentList] }
DeleteAppointmentByIndex [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Delete an appointment of an Outlook calendar by its index.
calId | Identifier of the Outlook calendar. |
index | Index of the appointment. |
The first appointment has index 1. Instead of using the numeric index the special word end
may be used to specify the last appointment. If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddCalendar, AddAppointment, GetNumAppointments, GetAppointmentByIndex
proc ::Outlook::DeleteAppointmentByIndex {calId index} { # Delete an appointment of an Outlook calendar by its index. # # calId - Identifier of the Outlook calendar. # index - Index of the appointment. # # Returns no value. # # The first appointment has index 1. # Instead of using the numeric index the special word `end` may # be used to specify the last appointment. # If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown. # # See also: AddCalendar AddAppointment GetNumAppointments GetAppointmentByIndex set count [Outlook::GetNumAppointments $calId] if { $index eq "end" } { set index $count } else { if { $index < 1 || $index > $count } { error "DeleteAppointmentByIndex: Invalid index $index given." } } $calId -with { Items } Remove [expr {$index}] }
DeleteCalendar [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Delete an Outlook calendar.
calId | Identifier of the Outlook calendar. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddCalendar, GetNumCalendars, HaveCalendar, GetCalendarNames, GetCalendarId
proc ::Outlook::DeleteCalendar {calId} { # Delete an Outlook calendar. # # calId - Identifier of the Outlook calendar. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddCalendar GetNumCalendars HaveCalendar GetCalendarNames GetCalendarId $calId Delete }
DeleteCategory [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Delete an Outlook category.
appId | Not documented. |
indexOrName | Index or name of the Outlook category. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddCategory, HaveCategory, GetNumCategories, GetCategoryNames, GetCategoryId, DeleteCategory
proc ::Outlook::DeleteCategory {appId indexOrName} { # Delete an Outlook category. # # indexOrName - Index or name of the Outlook category. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddCategory HaveCategory GetNumCategories GetCategoryNames # GetCategoryId DeleteCategory set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] set categories [$nsObj Categories] set count [$categories Count] if { [string is integer -strict $indexOrName] } { set index [expr int($indexOrName)] if { $index < 1 || $index > $count } { error "DeleteCategory: Invalid index $index given." } } else { set index 1 set found false foreach name [Outlook::GetCategoryNames $appId] { if { $indexOrName eq $name } { set found true break } incr index } if { ! $found } { error "DeleteCategory: No category with name $indexOrName" } } $categories Remove $index Cawt Destroy $categories Cawt Destroy $nsObj }
DeleteContactByIndex [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Delete a contact of an Outlook contact folder by its index.
contactFolderId | Identifier of the Outlook contact folder. |
index | Index of the contact. |
The first contact has index 1. Instead of using the numeric index the special word end
may be used to specify the last contact.
If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddContactFolder, AddContact, GetNumContacts, GetContactByIndex
proc ::Outlook::DeleteContactByIndex {contactFolderId index} { # Delete a contact of an Outlook contact folder by its index. # # contactFolderId - Identifier of the Outlook contact folder. # index - Index of the contact. # # Returns no value. # # The first contact has index 1. # Instead of using the numeric index the special word `end` may # be used to specify the last contact. # # If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown. # # See also: AddContactFolder AddContact GetNumContacts GetContactByIndex set count [Outlook::GetNumContacts $contactFolderId] if { $index eq "end" } { set index $count } else { if { $index < 1 || $index > $count } { error "DeleteContactByIndex: Invalid index $index given." } } $contactFolderId -with { Items } Remove [expr {$index}] }
DeleteContactFolder [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Delete an Outlook contact folder.
contactFolderId | Identifier of the Outlook contact folder. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddContactFolder, GetNumContactFolders, HaveContactFolder, GetContactFolderNames, GetContactFolderId
proc ::Outlook::DeleteContactFolder {contactFolderId} { # Delete an Outlook contact folder. # # contactFolderId - Identifier of the Outlook contact folder. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddContactFolder GetNumContactFolders HaveContactFolder # GetContactFolderNames GetContactFolderId $contactFolderId Delete }
GetAppointmentByIndex [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get an appointment of an Outlook calendar by its index.
calId | Identifier of the Outlook calendar. |
index | Index of the appointment. |
The first appointment has index 1. Instead of using the numeric index the special word end
may be used to specify the last appointment. If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the found appointment.
See also
AddCalendar, AddAppointment, GetNumAppointments, DeleteAppointmentByIndex
proc ::Outlook::GetAppointmentByIndex {calId index} { # Get an appointment of an Outlook calendar by its index. # # calId - Identifier of the Outlook calendar. # index - Index of the appointment. # # Returns the identifier of the found appointment. # # The first appointment has index 1. # Instead of using the numeric index the special word `end` may # be used to specify the last appointment. # If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown. # # See also: AddCalendar AddAppointment GetNumAppointments DeleteAppointmentByIndex set count [Outlook::GetNumAppointments $calId] if { $index eq "end" } { set index $count } else { if { $index < 1 || $index > $count } { error "GetAppointmentByIndex: Invalid index $index given." } } set itemId [$calId -with { Items } Item [expr {$index}]] return $itemId }
GetAppointmentProperties [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get properties of an Outlook appointment.
appointId | Identifier of the Outlook appointment. |
args | List of keys specifying appointment configure options. |
See AddAppointment for a list of configure options.
Return value
Returns the appointment properties as a list of values. The list elements have the same order as the list of keys.
See also
AddCalendar, AddAppointment, GetNumAppointments, GetAppointmentByIndex
proc ::Outlook::GetAppointmentProperties {appointId args} { # Get properties of an Outlook appointment. # # appointId - Identifier of the Outlook appointment. # args - List of keys specifying appointment configure options. # # See [AddAppointment] for a list of configure options. # # Returns the appointment properties as a list of values. # The list elements have the same order as the list of keys. # # See also: AddCalendar AddAppointment GetNumAppointments GetAppointmentByIndex set valueList [list] foreach key $args { switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-subject" { lappend valueList [$appointId Subject] } "-requiredattendees" { lappend valueList [$appointId RequiredAttendees] } "-optionalattendees" { lappend valueList [$appointId OptionalAttendees] } "-startdate" { lappend valueList [Cawt OfficeDateToIsoDate [$appointId Start]] } "-enddate" { lappend valueList [Cawt OfficeDateToIsoDate [$appointId End]] } "-category" { lappend valueList [$appointId Categories] } "-location" { lappend valueList [$appointId Location] } "-body" { lappend valueList [string trim [$appointId Body]] } "-alldayevent" { lappend valueList [$appointId AllDayEvent] } "-reminder" { lappend valueList [$appointId ReminderSet] } "-busystate" { lappend valueList [Outlook GetEnumName OlBusyStatus [$appointId BusyStatus]] } "-importance" { lappend valueList [Outlook GetEnumName OlImportance [$appointId Importance]] } "-sensitivity" { lappend valueList [Outlook GetEnumName OlSensitivity [$appointId Sensitivity]] } "-isrecurring" { lappend valueList [$appointId IsRecurring] } default { error "GetAppointmentProperties: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } return $valueList }
GetCalendarId [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get an Outlook calendar by its name.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
calendarName | Name of the calendar to find. Optional, default "" . |
If a calendar with given name does not exist, an empty string is returned.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the found calendar. If $calendarName
is not specified or the empty string, the identifier of the default calendar is returned.
See also
AddCalendar, DeleteCalendar, GetNumCalendars, HaveCalendar, GetCalendarNames
proc ::Outlook::GetCalendarId {appId {calendarName {}}} { # Get an Outlook calendar by its name. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # calendarName - Name of the calendar to find. # # Returns the identifier of the found calendar. # If $calendarName is not specified or the empty string, the identifier # of the default calendar is returned. # # If a calendar with given name does not exist, an empty string is returned. # # See also: AddCalendar DeleteCalendar GetNumCalendars HaveCalendar GetCalendarNames if { $calendarName eq "" } { set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] set calId [$nsObj GetDefaultFolder $::Outlook::olFolderCalendar] Cawt Destroy $nsObj return $calId } set foundId "" foreach { name calId } [Outlook::GetFoldersRecursive $appId $::Outlook::olAppointmentItem] { if { $name eq $calendarName } { set foundId $calId } else { Cawt Destroy $calId } } return $foundId }
GetCalendarNames [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get a list of Outlook calendar names.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
Return value
Returns a list of calendar names.
See also
AddCalendar, DeleteCalendar, GetNumCalendars, HaveCalendar, GetCalendarId
proc ::Outlook::GetCalendarNames {appId} { # Get a list of Outlook calendar names. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # # Returns a list of calendar names. # # See also: AddCalendar DeleteCalendar GetNumCalendars HaveCalendar GetCalendarId Cawt PushComObjects set calendarNameList [list] foreach { name calId } [Outlook::GetFoldersRecursive $appId $::Outlook::olAppointmentItem] { lappend calendarNameList $name } Cawt PopComObjects return $calendarNameList }
GetCategoryColor [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Convert a category color enumeration or name into a hexadecimal Tcl color string representation.
colorEnumOrName | A category color enumeration or name. |
Outlook category colors can be specified in one of the following representations:
Enum | A value of enumeration Enum::OlCategoryColor. |
Name | Enumeration name without prefix olCategoryColor . Example: Name of Outlook::olCategoryColorBlack is Black . |
Return value
Returns the hexadecimal representation of the specified color, ex. #00FFAA
See also
::Cawt::GetColor, GetCategoryColorEnum, GetCategoryColorName, GetCategoryColorNames
proc ::Outlook::GetCategoryColor {colorEnumOrName} { # Convert a category color enumeration or name # into a hexadecimal Tcl color string representation. # # colorEnumOrName - A category color enumeration or name. # # Outlook category colors can be specified in one of the following representations: # Enum - A value of enumeration [Enum::OlCategoryColor]. # Name - Enumeration name without prefix `olCategoryColor`. # Example: Name of `Outlook::olCategoryColorBlack` is `Black`. # # Returns the hexadecimal representation of the specified color, ex. `#00FFAA`. # # See also: ::Cawt::GetColor GetCategoryColorEnum GetCategoryColorName GetCategoryColorNames variable sCategoryColorList set enum [Outlook::GetCategoryColorEnum $colorEnumOrName] set rgb [lrange $sCategoryColorList($enum) 1 end] lassign $rgb r g b return [format "#%02X%02X%02X" $r $g $b] }
GetCategoryColorEnum [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Convert a category color enumeration or name into a color enumeration.
colorEnumOrName | A category color enumeration or name. |
See GetCategoryColor for a description of color enumerations and names.
Return value
Returns the category color enumeration.
See also
::Cawt::GetColor, GetCategoryColor, GetCategoryColorName, GetCategoryColorNames
proc ::Outlook::GetCategoryColorEnum {colorEnumOrName} { # Convert a category color enumeration or name into a color enumeration. # # colorEnumOrName - A category color enumeration or name. # # See [GetCategoryColor] for a description of color enumerations and names. # # Returns the category color enumeration. # # See also: ::Cawt::GetColor GetCategoryColor GetCategoryColorName GetCategoryColorNames variable sCategoryColorList if { [string is integer $colorEnumOrName] } { if { [info exists sCategoryColorList($colorEnumOrName)] } { return $colorEnumOrName } } else { foreach { key val } [array get sCategoryColorList] { if { [lindex $val 0] eq $colorEnumOrName } { return $key } } } error "GetCategoryColorEnum: Invalid color representation \"$colorEnumOrName\" specified." }
GetCategoryColorName [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Convert a category color enumeration into a category color name.
colorEnum | A category color enumeration. |
See GetCategoryColor for a description of color enumerations and names.
Return value
Returns the category color name.
See also
::Cawt::GetColor, GetCategoryColor, GetCategoryColorEnum, GetCategoryColorNames
proc ::Outlook::GetCategoryColorName {colorEnum} { # Convert a category color enumeration into a category color name. # # colorEnum - A category color enumeration. # # See [GetCategoryColor] for a description of color enumerations and names. # # Returns the category color name. # # See also: ::Cawt::GetColor GetCategoryColor GetCategoryColorEnum GetCategoryColorNames variable sCategoryColorList if { [info exists sCategoryColorList($colorEnum)] } { return [lindex $sCategoryColorList($colorEnum) 0] } error "GetCategoryColorName: Invalid color enumeration \"$colorEnum\" specified." }
GetCategoryColorNames [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get all category color names.
See GetCategoryColor for a description of color enumerations and names.
Return value
Returns a list of all category color names.
See also
::Cawt::GetColor, GetCategoryColor, GetCategoryColorEnum, GetCategoryColorName
proc ::Outlook::GetCategoryColorNames {} { # Get all category color names. # # See [GetCategoryColor] for a description of color enumerations and names. # # Returns a list of all category color names. # # See also: ::Cawt::GetColor GetCategoryColor GetCategoryColorEnum GetCategoryColorName variable sCategoryColorList set colorNameList [list] foreach { key val } [array get sCategoryColorList] { lappend colorNameList [lindex $val 0] } return $colorNameList }
GetCategoryId [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get a category by its index or name.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
indexOrName | Index or name of the category. |
The first category has index 1.
If the index is out of bounds or the category name does not exist, an error is thrown.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the found category.
See also
HaveCategory, GetNumCategories, GetCategoryNames, AddCategory, DeleteCategory
proc ::Outlook::GetCategoryId {appId indexOrName} { # Get a category by its index or name. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # indexOrName - Index or name of the category. # # Returns the identifier of the found category. # # The first category has index 1. # # If the index is out of bounds or the category name does not # exist, an error is thrown. # # See also: HaveCategory GetNumCategories GetCategoryNames # AddCategory DeleteCategory set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] set count [$nsObj -with { Categories } Count] if { [string is integer -strict $indexOrName] } { set index [expr int($indexOrName)] if { $index < 1 || $index > $count } { error "GetCategoryId: Invalid index $index given." } } else { set index 1 set found false foreach name [Outlook GetCategoryNames $appId] { if { $indexOrName eq $name } { set found true break } incr index } if { ! $found } { error "GetCategoryId: No category with name $indexOrName" } } set categoryId [$nsObj -with { Categories } Item $index] Cawt Destroy $nsObj return $categoryId }
GetCategoryNames [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get a list of category names.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
Return value
Returns a list of category names.
See also
HaveCategory, GetNumCategories, GetCategoryId, AddCategory, DeleteCategory
proc ::Outlook::GetCategoryNames {appId} { # Get a list of category names. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # # Returns a list of category names. # # See also: HaveCategory GetNumCategories GetCategoryId # AddCategory DeleteCategory set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] set categories [$nsObj Categories] set count [$categories Count] set nameList [list] for { set i 1 } { $i <= $count } { incr i } { set categoryId [$categories Item [expr {$i}]] lappend nameList [$categoryId Name] Cawt Destroy $categoryId } Cawt Destroy $categories Cawt Destroy $nsObj return $nameList }
GetContactByIndex [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get a contact of an Outlook contact folder by its index.
contactFolderId | Identifier of the Outlook contact folder. |
index | Index of the contact. |
The first contact has index 1. Instead of using the numeric index the special word end
may be used to specify the last contact.
If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the found contact.
See also
AddContactFolder, AddContact, GetNumContacts, DeleteContactByIndex
proc ::Outlook::GetContactByIndex {contactFolderId index} { # Get a contact of an Outlook contact folder by its index. # # contactFolderId - Identifier of the Outlook contact folder. # index - Index of the contact. # # Returns the identifier of the found contact. # # The first contact has index 1. # Instead of using the numeric index the special word `end` may # be used to specify the last contact. # # If the index is out of bounds an error is thrown. # # See also: AddContactFolder AddContact GetNumContacts DeleteContactByIndex set count [Outlook::GetNumContacts $contactFolderId] if { $index eq "end" } { set index $count } else { if { $index < 1 || $index > $count } { error "GetContactByIndex: Invalid index $index given." } } set itemId [$contactFolderId -with { Items } Item [expr {$index}]] return $itemId }
GetContactFolderId [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get an Outlook contact folder by its name.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
contactFolderName | Name of the contact folder to find. Optional, default "" . |
If a contact folder with given name does not exist, an empty string is returned.
Return value
Returns the identifier of the found contact folder. If $contactFolderName
is not specified or the empty string, the identifier of the default contact folder is returned.
See also
AddContactFolder, DeleteContactFolder, GetNumContactFolders, HaveContactFolder, GetContactFolderNames
proc ::Outlook::GetContactFolderId {appId {contactFolderName {}}} { # Get an Outlook contact folder by its name. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # contactFolderName - Name of the contact folder to find. # # Returns the identifier of the found contact folder. # If $contactFolderName is not specified or the empty string, the identifier # of the default contact folder is returned. # # If a contact folder with given name does not exist, an empty string is returned. # # See also: AddContactFolder DeleteContactFolder GetNumContactFolders # HaveContactFolder GetContactFolderNames if { $contactFolderName eq "" } { set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] set folderId [$nsObj GetDefaultFolder $::Outlook::olFolderContacts] Cawt Destroy $nsObj return $folderId } set foundId "" foreach { name folderId } [Outlook::GetFoldersRecursive $appId $::Outlook::olContactItem] { if { $name eq $contactFolderName } { set foundId $folderId } else { Cawt Destroy $folderId } } return $foundId }
GetContactFolderNames [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get a list of Outlook contact folder names.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
Return value
Returns a list of contact folder names.
See also
AddContactFolder, DeleteContactFolder, GetNumContactFolders, HaveContactFolder, GetContactFolderId
proc ::Outlook::GetContactFolderNames {appId} { # Get a list of Outlook contact folder names. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # # Returns a list of contact folder names. # # See also: AddContactFolder DeleteContactFolder GetNumContactFolders # HaveContactFolder GetContactFolderId Cawt PushComObjects set contactFolderNameList [list] foreach { name folderId } [Outlook::GetFoldersRecursive $appId $::Outlook::olContactItem] { lappend contactFolderNameList $name } Cawt PopComObjects return $contactFolderNameList }
GetContactProperties [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get property values of an Outlook contact.
contactId | Identifier of the Outlook contact. |
args | Options described below. |
List of property names - If args is empty, all read-only and read-write properties are returned.
If a property value could not be read, and error is thrown.
Return value
Returns the contact properties as a list of key-value pairs.
See also
AddContactFolder, AddContact, GetNumContacts, GetContactByIndex, SetContactProperties, GetContactReadWritePropertyNames, GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames
proc ::Outlook::GetContactProperties {contactId args} { # Get property values of an Outlook contact. # # contactId - Identifier of the Outlook contact. # args - Options described below. # # List of property names - If args is empty, all read-only and # read-write properties are returned. # # Returns the contact properties as a list of key-value pairs. # # If a property value could not be read, and error is thrown. # # See also: AddContactFolder AddContact GetNumContacts GetContactByIndex # SetContactProperties GetContactReadWritePropertyNames GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames set keyValueList [list] if { [llength $args] == 0 } { set keyList [concat [GetContactReadWritePropertyNames] [GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames]] } else { set keyList $args } foreach key $keyList { set catchVal [catch { $contactId $key } value] if { $catchVal != 0 } { error "GetContactProperties: Could not retrieve value of property \"$key\"." } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "Anniversary" - "Birthday" - "CreationTime" - "LastModificationTime" - "TaskCompletedDate" - "TaskDueDate" - "TaskStartDate" - "ToDoTaskOrdinal" { set convertedValue [Cawt OfficeDateToIsoDate $value] } "Gender" { set convertedValue [Outlook GetEnumName "OlGender" $value] } default { set convertedValue $value } } lappend keyValueList $key lappend keyValueList $convertedValue } return $keyValueList }
GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get a list of Outlook contact read-only property names.
The following contact properties are read-only:
Name | Type |
Categories | String |
Companies | String |
CompanyAndFullName | String |
CompanyLastFirstNoSpace | String |
CompanyLastFirstSpaceOnly | String |
CreationTime | Date in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
Email1EntryID | String |
Email2EntryID | String |
Email3EntryID | String |
FullNameAndCompany | String |
HasPicture | Boolean |
LastFirstAndSuffix | String |
LastFirstNoSpace | String |
LastFirstNoSpaceAndSuffix | String |
LastFirstNoSpaceCompany | String |
LastFirstSpaceOnly | String |
LastFirstSpaceOnlyCompany | String |
LastModificationTime | Date in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
LastNameAndFirstName | String |
OutlookInternalVersion | Integer |
OutlookVersion | String |
Note 1: To get a list of all property names (read-only and read-write), use:
[concat [GetContactReadWritePropertyNames] [GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames]]
Note 2: Converting dates into needed format can be accomplished with ::Cawt::SecondsToIsoDate:
[Cawt SecondsToIsoDate [clock seconds]]
Return value
Returns a list of contact property names, which are read-only.
See also
AddContactFolder, AddContact, GetContactReadWritePropertyNames, SetContactProperties, GetContactProperties
proc ::Outlook::GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames {} { # Get a list of Outlook contact read-only property names. # # The following contact properties are read-only: # **Name** - **Type** # `Categories` - String # `Companies` - String # `CompanyAndFullName` - String # `CompanyLastFirstNoSpace` - String # `CompanyLastFirstSpaceOnly` - String # `CreationTime` - Date in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S` # `Email1EntryID` - String # `Email2EntryID` - String # `Email3EntryID` - String # `FullNameAndCompany` - String # `HasPicture` - Boolean # `LastFirstAndSuffix` - String # `LastFirstNoSpace` - String # `LastFirstNoSpaceAndSuffix` - String # `LastFirstNoSpaceCompany` - String # `LastFirstSpaceOnly` - String # `LastFirstSpaceOnlyCompany` - String # `LastModificationTime` - Date in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S` # `LastNameAndFirstName` - String # `OutlookInternalVersion` - Integer # `OutlookVersion` - String # # Returns a list of contact property names, which are read-only. # # **Note 1:** # To get a list of all property names (read-only and read-write), use: # [concat [GetContactReadWritePropertyNames] [GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames]] # # **Note 2:** # Converting dates into needed format can be accomplished with [::Cawt::SecondsToIsoDate]: # [Cawt SecondsToIsoDate [clock seconds]] # # See also: AddContactFolder AddContact GetContactReadWritePropertyNames # SetContactProperties GetContactProperties return [list Categories Companies CompanyAndFullName CompanyLastFirstNoSpace CompanyLastFirstSpaceOnly CreationTime Email1EntryID Email2EntryID Email3EntryID FullNameAndCompany HasPicture LastFirstAndSuffix LastFirstNoSpace LastFirstNoSpaceAndSuffix LastFirstNoSpaceCompany LastFirstSpaceOnly LastFirstSpaceOnlyCompany LastModificationTime LastNameAndFirstName OutlookInternalVersion OutlookVersion ] }
GetContactReadWritePropertyNames [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get a list of Outlook contact read-write property names.
The following contact properties are read-write:
Name | Type |
Account | String |
Anniversary | Date in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
AssistantName | String |
`AssistantTelephoneNumber | String |
BillingInformation | String |
Birthday | Date in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
Body | String |
Business2TelephoneNumber | String |
BusinessAddress | String |
BusinessAddressCity | String |
BusinessAddressCountry | String |
BusinessAddressPostalCode | String |
BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox | String |
BusinessAddressState | String |
BusinessAddressStreet | String |
BusinessFaxNumber | String |
BusinessHomePage | String |
BusinessTelephoneNumber | String |
CallbackTelephoneNumber | String |
CarTelephoneNumber | String |
CompanyMainTelephoneNumber | String |
CompanyName | String |
ComputerNetworkName | String |
CustomerID | String |
Department | String |
Email1Address | String |
Email1AddressType | String |
Email1DisplayName | String |
Email2Address | String |
Email2AddressType | String |
Email2DisplayName | String |
Email3Address | String |
Email3AddressType | String |
Email3DisplayName | String |
FileAs | String |
FirstName | String |
FTPSIte | String |
FullName | String |
Gender | Enumeration of type Enum::OlGender |
GovernmentIDNumber | String |
Hobby | String |
Home2TelephoneNumber | String |
HomeAddress | String |
HomeAddressCity | String |
HomeAddressCountry | String |
HomeAddressPostalCode | String |
HomeAddressPostOfficeBox | String |
HomeAddressState | String |
HomeAddressStreet | String |
HomeFaxNumber | String |
HomeTelephoneNumber | String |
IMAddress | String |
Initials | String |
InternetFreeBusyAddress | String |
ISDNNumber | String |
JobTitle | String |
Language | String |
LastName | String |
MailingAddress | String |
MailingAddressCity | String |
MailingAddressCountry | String |
MailingAddressPostalCode | String |
MailingAddressPostOfficeBox | String |
MailingAddressState | String |
MailingAddressStreet | String |
ManagerName | String |
MiddleName | String |
Mileage | String |
MobileTelephoneNumber | String |
NetMeetingAlias | String |
NetMeetingServer | String |
NickName | String |
OfficeLocation | String |
OrganizationalIDNumber | String |
OtherAddress | String |
OtherAddressCity | String |
OtherAddressCountry | String |
OtherAddressPostalCode | String |
OtherAddressPostOfficeBox | String |
OtherAddressState | String |
OtherAddressStreet | String |
OtherFaxNumber | String |
OtherTelephoneNumber | String |
PagerNumber | String |
PersonalHomePage | String |
PrimaryTelephoneNumber | String |
Profession | String |
RadioTelephoneNumber | String |
ReferredBy | String |
Spouse | String |
Subject | String |
Suffix | String |
TaskCompletedDate | Date in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
TaskDueDate | Date in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
TaskStartDate | Date in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
TaskSubject | String |
TelexNumber | String |
Title | String |
ToDoTaskOrdinal | Date in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
TTYTDDTelephoneNumber | String |
User1 | String |
User2 | String |
User3 | String |
User4 | String |
WebPage | String |
YomiCompanyName | String |
YomiFirstName | String |
YomiLastName | String |
Note 1: To get a list of all property names (read-only and read-write), use:
[concat [GetContactReadWritePropertyNames] [GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames]]
Note 2: Converting dates into needed format can be accomplished with ::Cawt::SecondsToIsoDate:
[Cawt SecondsToIsoDate [clock seconds]]
Return value
Returns a list of contact property names, which can be read and written.
See also
AddContactFolder, AddContact, GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames, SetContactProperties, GetContactProperties
proc ::Outlook::GetContactReadWritePropertyNames {} { # Get a list of Outlook contact read-write property names. # # The following contact properties are read-write: # **Name** - **Type** # `Account` - String # `Anniversary` - Date in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S` # `AssistantName` - String # `AssistantTelephoneNumber - String # `BillingInformation` - String # `Birthday` - Date in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S` # `Body` - String # `Business2TelephoneNumber` - String # `BusinessAddress` - String # `BusinessAddressCity` - String # `BusinessAddressCountry` - String # `BusinessAddressPostalCode` - String # `BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox` - String # `BusinessAddressState` - String # `BusinessAddressStreet` - String # `BusinessFaxNumber` - String # `BusinessHomePage` - String # `BusinessTelephoneNumber` - String # `CallbackTelephoneNumber` - String # `CarTelephoneNumber` - String # `CompanyMainTelephoneNumber` - String # `CompanyName` - String # `ComputerNetworkName` - String # `CustomerID` - String # `Department` - String # `Email1Address` - String # `Email1AddressType` - String # `Email1DisplayName` - String # `Email2Address` - String # `Email2AddressType` - String # `Email2DisplayName` - String # `Email3Address` - String # `Email3AddressType` - String # `Email3DisplayName` - String # `FileAs` - String # `FirstName` - String # `FTPSIte` - String # `FullName` - String # `Gender` - Enumeration of type [Enum::OlGender] # `GovernmentIDNumber` - String # `Hobby` - String # `Home2TelephoneNumber` - String # `HomeAddress` - String # `HomeAddressCity` - String # `HomeAddressCountry` - String # `HomeAddressPostalCode` - String # `HomeAddressPostOfficeBox` - String # `HomeAddressState` - String # `HomeAddressStreet` - String # `HomeFaxNumber` - String # `HomeTelephoneNumber` - String # `IMAddress` - String # `Initials` - String # `InternetFreeBusyAddress` - String # `ISDNNumber` - String # `JobTitle` - String # `Language` - String # `LastName` - String # `MailingAddress` - String # `MailingAddressCity` - String # `MailingAddressCountry` - String # `MailingAddressPostalCode` - String # `MailingAddressPostOfficeBox` - String # `MailingAddressState` - String # `MailingAddressStreet` - String # `ManagerName` - String # `MiddleName` - String # `Mileage` - String # `MobileTelephoneNumber` - String # `NetMeetingAlias` - String # `NetMeetingServer` - String # `NickName` - String # `OfficeLocation` - String # `OrganizationalIDNumber` - String # `OtherAddress` - String # `OtherAddressCity` - String # `OtherAddressCountry` - String # `OtherAddressPostalCode` - String # `OtherAddressPostOfficeBox` - String # `OtherAddressState` - String # `OtherAddressStreet` - String # `OtherFaxNumber` - String # `OtherTelephoneNumber` - String # `PagerNumber` - String # `PersonalHomePage` - String # `PrimaryTelephoneNumber` - String # `Profession` - String # `RadioTelephoneNumber` - String # `ReferredBy` - String # `Spouse` - String # `Subject` - String # `Suffix` - String # `TaskCompletedDate` - Date in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S` # `TaskDueDate` - Date in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S` # `TaskStartDate` - Date in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S` # `TaskSubject` - String # `TelexNumber` - String # `Title` - String # `ToDoTaskOrdinal` - Date in format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S` # `TTYTDDTelephoneNumber` - String # `User1` - String # `User2` - String # `User3` - String # `User4` - String # `WebPage` - String # `YomiCompanyName` - String # `YomiFirstName` - String # `YomiLastName` - String # # Returns a list of contact property names, which can # be read and written. # # **Note 1:** # To get a list of all property names (read-only and read-write), use: # [concat [GetContactReadWritePropertyNames] [GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames]] # # **Note 2:** # Converting dates into needed format can be accomplished with [::Cawt::SecondsToIsoDate]: # [Cawt SecondsToIsoDate [clock seconds]] # # See also: AddContactFolder AddContact GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames # SetContactProperties GetContactProperties return [list Account Anniversary AssistantName AssistantTelephoneNumber BillingInformation Birthday Body Business2TelephoneNumber BusinessAddress BusinessAddressCity BusinessAddressCountry BusinessAddressPostalCode BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox BusinessAddressState BusinessAddressStreet BusinessFaxNumber BusinessHomePage BusinessTelephoneNumber CallbackTelephoneNumber CarTelephoneNumber CompanyMainTelephoneNumber CompanyName ComputerNetworkName CustomerID Department Email1Address Email1AddressType Email1DisplayName Email2Address Email2AddressType Email2DisplayName Email3Address Email3AddressType Email3DisplayName FileAs FirstName FTPSIte FullName Gender GovernmentIDNumber Hobby Home2TelephoneNumber HomeAddress HomeAddressCity HomeAddressCountry HomeAddressPostalCode HomeAddressPostOfficeBox HomeAddressState HomeAddressStreet HomeFaxNumber HomeTelephoneNumber IMAddress Initials InternetFreeBusyAddress ISDNNumber JobTitle Language LastName MailingAddress MailingAddressCity MailingAddressCountry MailingAddressPostalCode MailingAddressPostOfficeBox MailingAddressState MailingAddressStreet ManagerName MiddleName Mileage MobileTelephoneNumber NetMeetingAlias NetMeetingServer NickName OfficeLocation OrganizationalIDNumber OtherAddress OtherAddressCity OtherAddressCountry OtherAddressPostalCode OtherAddressPostOfficeBox OtherAddressState OtherAddressStreet OtherFaxNumber OtherTelephoneNumber PagerNumber PersonalHomePage PrimaryTelephoneNumber Profession RadioTelephoneNumber ReferredBy Spouse Subject Suffix TaskCompletedDate TaskDueDate TaskStartDate TaskSubject TelexNumber Title ToDoTaskOrdinal TTYTDDTelephoneNumber User1 User2 User3 User4 WebPage YomiCompanyName YomiFirstName YomiLastName ] }
GetEnum [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get numeric value of an enumeration.
enumOrString | Enumeration name |
Return value
Returns the numeric value of an enumeration.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnumNames
proc ::Outlook::GetEnum {enumOrString} { # Get numeric value of an enumeration. # # enumOrString - Enumeration name # # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnumNames set retVal [catch { expr int($enumOrString) } enumInt] if { $retVal == 0 } { return $enumInt } else { return [GetEnumVal $enumOrString] } }
GetEnumName [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value.
enumType | Enumeration type |
enumVal | Enumeration numeric value. |
Return value
Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
See also
GetEnumNames, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::Outlook::GetEnumName {enumType enumVal} { # Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value. # # enumType - Enumeration type # enumVal - Enumeration numeric value. # # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type. # # See also: GetEnumNames GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums set enumName "" if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } { foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) { if { $val eq $enumVal } { set enumName $key break } } } return $enumName }
GetEnumNames [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get names of a given enumeration type.
enumType | Enumeration type |
Return value
Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::Outlook::GetEnumNames {enumType} { # Get names of a given enumeration type. # # enumType - Enumeration type # # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } { foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) { lappend nameList $key } return $nameList } else { return [list] } }
GetEnumTypes [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get available enumeration types.
Return value
Returns the list of available enumeration types.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumNames, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::Outlook::GetEnumTypes {} { # Get available enumeration types. # # Returns the list of available enumeration types. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumNames GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums return [lsort -dictionary [array names enums]] }
GetEnumVal [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get numeric value of an enumeration name.
enumName | Enumeration name |
Return value
Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumNames, GetEnum
proc ::Outlook::GetEnumVal {enumName} { # Get numeric value of an enumeration name. # # enumName - Enumeration name # # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumNames GetEnum variable enums foreach enumType [GetEnumTypes] { set ind [lsearch -exact $enums($enumType) $enumName] if { $ind >= 0 } { return [lindex $enums($enumType) [expr { $ind + 1 }]] } } return "" }
GetFoldersRecursive [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get all Outlook folders of a specific type.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
type | Value of enumeration type Enum::OlItemType. |
Return value
Returns a key-value list containing the name of the folder followed by the folder identifier.
See also
GetMailSubjects, GetContactFolderNames, GetCalendarNames
proc ::Outlook::GetFoldersRecursive {appId type} { # Get all Outlook folders of a specific type. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # type - Value of enumeration type [Enum::OlItemType]. # # Returns a key-value list containing the name of the folder # followed by the folder identifier. # # See also: GetMailSubjects GetContactFolderNames GetCalendarNames variable sFolderListValid variable sFolderListInvalid set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] if { [info exists sFolderListValid] } { foreach name [array names sFolderListValid] { if { [Cawt IsComObject $sFolderListValid($name)] } { Cawt Destroy $sFolderListValid($name) } } unset sFolderListValid } if { [info exists sFolderListInvalid] } { foreach name [array names sFolderListInvalid] { if { [Cawt IsComObject $sFolderListInvalid($name)] } { Cawt Destroy $sFolderListInvalid($name) } } unset sFolderListInvalid } set folderList [list] set trashPath [[$nsObj GetDefaultFolder $::Outlook::olFolderDeletedItems] FolderPath] Outlook::_ScanStoresRecursive $nsObj $type $trashPath foreach name [lsort -dictionary [array names sFolderListValid]] { lappend folderList $name $sFolderListValid($name) } foreach name [array names sFolderListInvalid] { if { [Cawt IsComObject $sFolderListInvalid($name)] } { Cawt Destroy $sFolderListInvalid($name) } } Cawt Destroy $nsObj return $folderList }
GetMailIds [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get a list of mail identifiers.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
Return value
Returns a list of mail identifiers.
See also
GetMailSubjects, CreateMail, SendMail
proc ::Outlook::GetMailIds {appId} { # Get a list of mail identifiers. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # # Returns a list of mail identifiers. # # See also: GetMailSubjects CreateMail SendMail set idList [list] foreach { name folderId } [Outlook::GetFoldersRecursive $appId $::Outlook::olMailItem] { set numItems [$folderId -with { Items } Count] if { $numItems > 0 } { for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numItems } { incr i } { lappend idList [$folderId -with { Items } Item $i] } } } return $idList }
GetMailSubjects [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get a list of mail subjects.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
Return value
Returns a list of mail subjects.
See also
GetMailIds, CreateMail, SendMail
proc ::Outlook::GetMailSubjects {appId} { # Get a list of mail subjects. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # # Returns a list of mail subjects. # # See also: GetMailIds CreateMail SendMail set subjectList [list] foreach { name folderId } [Outlook::GetFoldersRecursive $appId $::Outlook::olMailItem] { set numItems [$folderId -with { Items } Count] if { $numItems > 0 } { for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numItems } { incr i } { set mailId [$folderId -with { Items } Item $i] lappend subjectList [$mailId Subject] Cawt Destroy $mailId } } } return $subjectList }
GetNumAppointments [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get the number of appointments in an Outlook calendar.
calId | Identifier of the Outlook calendar. |
Return value
Returns the number of Outlook appointments.
See also
AddCalendar, AddAppointment, GetAppointmentByIndex, DeleteAppointmentByIndex
proc ::Outlook::GetNumAppointments {calId} { # Get the number of appointments in an Outlook calendar. # # calId - Identifier of the Outlook calendar. # # Returns the number of Outlook appointments. # # See also: AddCalendar AddAppointment GetAppointmentByIndex DeleteAppointmentByIndex set count [$calId -with { Items } Count] return $count }
GetNumCalendars [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get the number of Outlook calendars.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
Return value
Returns the number of Outlook calendars.
See also
AddCalendar, DeleteCalendar, HaveCalendar, GetCalendarNames, GetCalendarId
proc ::Outlook::GetNumCalendars {appId} { # Get the number of Outlook calendars. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # # Returns the number of Outlook calendars. # # See also: AddCalendar DeleteCalendar HaveCalendar GetCalendarNames GetCalendarId return [llength [Outlook::GetCalendarNames $appId]] }
GetNumCategories [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get the number of Outlook categories.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
Return value
Returns the number of Outlook categories.
See also
HaveCategory, GetCategoryNames, GetCategoryId, AddCategory, DeleteCategory
proc ::Outlook::GetNumCategories {appId} { # Get the number of Outlook categories. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # # Returns the number of Outlook categories. # # See also: HaveCategory GetCategoryNames GetCategoryId # AddCategory DeleteCategory set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] set count [$nsObj -with { Categories } Count] Cawt Destroy $nsObj return $count }
GetNumContactFolders [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get the number of Outlook contact folders.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
Return value
Returns the number of Outlook contact folders.
See also
AddContactFolder, DeleteContactFolder, HaveContactFolder, GetContactFolderNames, GetContactFolderId
proc ::Outlook::GetNumContactFolders {appId} { # Get the number of Outlook contact folders. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # # Returns the number of Outlook contact folders. # # See also: AddContactFolder DeleteContactFolder HaveContactFolder # GetContactFolderNames GetContactFolderId return [llength [Outlook::GetContactFolderNames $appId]] }
GetNumContacts [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get the number of contacts in an Outlook contact folder.
contactFolderId | Identifier of the Outlook contact folder. |
Return value
Returns the number of Outlook contacts. If the contact folder is not accessible, -1 is returned.
See also
AddContactFolder, AddContact, GetContactByIndex, DeleteContactByIndex
proc ::Outlook::GetNumContacts {contactFolderId} { # Get the number of contacts in an Outlook contact folder. # # contactFolderId - Identifier of the Outlook contact folder. # # Returns the number of Outlook contacts. # If the contact folder is not accessible, -1 is returned. # # See also: AddContactFolder AddContact GetContactByIndex DeleteContactByIndex set catchVal [catch { $contactFolderId -with { Items } Count } numContacts] if { $catchVal != 0 } { set numContacts -1 } return $numContacts }
GetVersion [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Get the version of an Outlook application.
objId | Identifier of an Outlook object instance. |
useString | If set to true, return the version name (ex. Outlook 2000 ). Otherwise return the version number (ex. 9.0 ). Optional, default false . |
Both version name and version number are returned as strings. Version number is in a format, so that it can be evaluated as a floating point number.
Return value
Returns the version of an Outlook application.
See also
proc ::Outlook::GetVersion {objId {useString false}} { # Get the version of an Outlook application. # # objId - Identifier of an Outlook object instance. # useString - If set to true, return the version name (ex. `Outlook 2000`). # Otherwise return the version number (ex. `9.0`). # # Returns the version of an Outlook application. # # Both version name and version number are returned as strings. # Version number is in a format, so that it can be evaluated as a # floating point number. # # See also: Open array set map { "7.0" "Outlook 95" "8.0" "Outlook 97" "9.0" "Outlook 2000" "10.0" "Outlook 2002" "11.0" "Outlook 2003" "12.0" "Outlook 2007" "14.0" "Outlook 2010" "15.0" "Outlook 2013" "16.0" "Outlook 2016/2019" } set versionString [Office GetApplicationVersion $objId] set members [split $versionString "."] set version "[lindex $members 0].[lindex $members 1]" if { $useString } { if { [info exists map($version)] } { return $map($version) } else { return "Unknown Outlook version $version" } } else { return $version } }
HaveCalendar [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Check, if an Outlook calendar exists.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
calendarName | Name of the calendar to check. |
Return value
Returns true, if the calendar exists, otherwise false.
See also
AddCalendar, DeleteCalendar, GetNumCalendars, GetCalendarNames, GetCalendarId
proc ::Outlook::HaveCalendar {appId calendarName} { # Check, if an Outlook calendar exists. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # calendarName - Name of the calendar to check. # # Returns true, if the calendar exists, otherwise false. # # See also: AddCalendar DeleteCalendar GetNumCalendars GetCalendarNames GetCalendarId if { [lsearch -exact [Outlook::GetCalendarNames $appId] $calendarName] >= 0 } { return true } else { return false } }
HaveCategory [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Check, if a category already exists.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
categoryName | Name of the category to check. |
Return value
Returns true, if the category exists, otherwise false.
See also
HaveCategory, GetCategoryNames, GetCategoryId, AddCategory, DeleteCategory, GetCategoryColor
proc ::Outlook::HaveCategory {appId categoryName} { # Check, if a category already exists. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # categoryName - Name of the category to check. # # Returns true, if the category exists, otherwise false. # # See also: HaveCategory GetCategoryNames GetCategoryId # AddCategory DeleteCategory GetCategoryColor if { [lsearch -exact [Outlook::GetCategoryNames $appId] $categoryName] >= 0 } { return true } else { return false } }
HaveContactFolder [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Check, if an Outlook contact folder exists.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
contactFolderName | Name of the contact folder to check. |
Return value
Returns true, if the contact folder exists, otherwise false.
See also
AddContactFolder, DeleteContactFolder, GetNumContactFolders, GetContactFolderNames, GetContactFolderId
proc ::Outlook::HaveContactFolder {appId contactFolderName} { # Check, if an Outlook contact folder exists. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # contactFolderName - Name of the contact folder to check. # # Returns true, if the contact folder exists, otherwise false. # # See also: AddContactFolder DeleteContactFolder GetNumContactFolders # GetContactFolderNames GetContactFolderId if { [lsearch -exact [Outlook::GetContactFolderNames $appId] $contactFolderName] >= 0 } { return true } else { return false } }
Open [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Open an Outlook instance.
explorerType | Value of enumeration type Enum::OlDefaultFolders. Typical values are: olFolderCalendar , olFolderInbox , olFolderTasks . Optional, default olFolderInbox . |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the Outlook application instance.
See also
proc ::Outlook::Open {{explorerType olFolderInbox}} { # Open an Outlook instance. # # explorerType - Value of enumeration type [Enum::OlDefaultFolders]. # Typical values are: `olFolderCalendar`, `olFolderInbox`, `olFolderTasks`. # # Returns the identifier of the Outlook application instance. # # See also: Quit variable outlookAppName variable outlookVersion set appId [Cawt GetOrCreateApp $outlookAppName true] set outlookVersion [Outlook GetVersion $appId] set explorers [$appId Explorers] if { $explorerType ne "" && ! [Cawt IsComObject [$appId ActiveExplorer]] } { set nsObj [$appId GetNamespace "MAPI"] set myFolder [$nsObj GetDefaultFolder [Outlook GetEnum $explorerType]] set myExplorer [$explorers Add $myFolder $::Outlook::olFolderDisplayNormal] $myExplorer Display Cawt Destroy $myExplorer Cawt Destroy $myFolder Cawt Destroy $nsObj } Cawt Destroy $explorers return $appId }
OpenNew [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Obsolete: Replaced with Open in version 2.4.1
explorerType | Not documented. Optional, default olFolderInbox . |
proc ::Outlook::OpenNew {{explorerType olFolderInbox}} { # Obsolete: Replaced with [Open] in version 2.4.1 return [Outlook::Open $explorerType] }
Quit [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Quit an Outlook instance.
appId | Identifier of the Outlook instance. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Outlook::Quit {appId} { # Quit an Outlook instance. # # appId - Identifier of the Outlook instance. # # Returns no value. # # See also: Open $appId Quit }
ReadHolidayFile [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Read an Outlook holiday file.
fileName | Name of the Outlook holiday file. |
The data of the holiday file is returned as a dict with the following keys:
SectionList | The list of sections in the holiday file. |
For each section the following keys are set:
SubjectList_$section | The list of subjects of this section. |
DateList_$section | The list of dates of this section. |
Return value
Returns the data of the holiday file as a dictionary. If the holiday file could not be read, an error is thrown.
See also
AddHolidayAppointment, ApplyHolidayFile
proc ::Outlook::ReadHolidayFile {fileName} { # Read an Outlook holiday file. # # fileName - Name of the Outlook holiday file. # # The data of the holiday file is returned as a dict with the following keys: # `SectionList` - The list of sections in the holiday file. # # For each section the following keys are set: # `SubjectList_$section` - The list of subjects of this section. # `DateList_$section` - The list of dates of this section. # # Returns the data of the holiday file as a dictionary. # If the holiday file could not be read, an error is thrown. # # See also: AddHolidayAppointment ApplyHolidayFile set isUnicodeFile [Cawt IsUnicodeFile $fileName] set catchVal [catch {open $fileName r} fp] if { $catchVal != 0 } { error "ReadHolidayFile: Could not open file \"$fileName\" for reading." } if { $isUnicodeFile } { # If Unicode, skip the 2 BOM bytes and set appropriate encoding. set bom [read $fp 2] fconfigure $fp -encoding unicode } set holidayDict [dict create] dict set emptyDict SectionList [list] dict set holidayDict SectionList [list] while { [gets $fp line] >= 0 } { if { [string length $line] == 0 } { continue } if { [string index $line 0] eq "\[" } { set endRange [string first "\]" $line] if { $endRange < 0 } { return $emptyDict } set sectionName [string range $line 1 [expr {$endRange - 1}]] dict lappend holidayDict SectionList $sectionName } else { set nameDateList [split $line ","] if { [llength $nameDateList] == 2 } { lassign $nameDateList name date set isoDate [string map { "/" "-" } $date] dict lappend holidayDict "SubjectList_$sectionName" $name dict lappend holidayDict "DateList_$sectionName" $isoDate } else { return $emptyDict } } } close $fp return $holidayDict }
SendMail [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Send an Outlook mail.
mailId | Identifier of the Outlook mail object. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Outlook::SendMail {mailId} { # Send an Outlook mail. # # mailId - Identifier of the Outlook mail object. # # Returns no value. # # See also: CreateMail CreateHtmlMail $mailId Send }
SetContactProperties [::Outlook]Top, Main, Index
Set property values of an Outlook contact.
contactId | Identifier of the Outlook contact. |
args | Options described below. |
-category <string> | Assign category to contact. If specified category does not yet exist, it is created. |
-image <string> | Add contact image. Supported image formats: GIF JPEG BMP TIFF WMF EMF PNG . |
Key-value pairs | Key is a read-write property name, value is the property value to be set. |
Set the properties of an Outlook contact.
For details on contact properties see the official Microsoft documentation.
Note 1: Most properties are of type String
. Some are of type Date
, Boolean
or enumerations.
See GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames and GetContactReadWritePropertyNames for a list of properties and their corresponding types.
Note 2: Converting dates into needed format can be accomplished with ::Cawt::SecondsToIsoDate:
[Cawt SecondsToIsoDate [clock seconds]]
Note 3: Anniversary
and Birthday
set an appointment in the default calendar.
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
AddContact, AddContactFolder, GetContactProperties, GetNumContacts, GetContactReadWritePropertyNames, GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames
proc ::Outlook::SetContactProperties {contactId args} { # Set property values of an Outlook contact. # # contactId - Identifier of the Outlook contact. # args - Options described below. # # -category <string> - Assign category to contact. # If specified category does not yet exist, it is created. # -image <string> - Add contact image. # Supported image formats: # `GIF` `JPEG` `BMP` `TIFF` `WMF` `EMF` `PNG`. # Key-value pairs - Key is a read-write property name, value is the property value to be set. # # Set the properties of an Outlook contact. # # For details on contact properties see the official [Microsoft documentation] # (https://docs.microsoft.com/office/vba/api/outlook.contactitem). # # **Note 1:** # Most properties are of type `String`. Some are of type `Date`, `Boolean` or enumerations. # # See [GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames] and [GetContactReadWritePropertyNames] # for a list of properties and their corresponding types. # # **Note 2:** # Converting dates into needed format can be accomplished with [::Cawt::SecondsToIsoDate]: # [Cawt SecondsToIsoDate [clock seconds]] # # **Note 3:** # `Anniversary` and `Birthday` set an appointment in the default calendar. # # Returns no value. # # See also: AddContact AddContactFolder GetContactProperties GetNumContacts # GetContactReadWritePropertyNames GetContactReadOnlyPropertyNames foreach { key value } $args { if { $key eq "" } { error "SetContactProperties: No valid contact property specified: \"$key\"" } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-image" { set key "AddPicture" set convertedValue [file nativename [file normalize $value]] } "-category" { set appId [$contactId Application] Outlook AddCategory $appId $value $contactId Categories $value Cawt Destroy $appId continue } "Anniversary" - "Birthday" - "TaskCompletedDate" - "TaskDueDate" - "TaskStartDate" - "ToDoTaskOrdinal" { set convertedValue [Cawt IsoDateToOfficeDate $value] } "Gender" { set convertedValue [Outlook GetEnum $value] } default { set convertedValue $value } } set catchVal [catch { $contactId $key $convertedValue } errMsg] if { $catchVal != 0 } { error "SetContactProperties: Could not set property \"$key\" to value \"$convertedValue\"." } } $contactId Save }