CAWT 2.9.6 Reference Manual

::OfficeTop, Main, Index

The Office namespace provides commands for basic Office automation functionality.

CommandsTop, Main, Index

AddMacro [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Add macros or functions to an Office document.

AddMacro appId ?args?
appIdThe application identifier.
argsOptions described below.
-code <string>Use macros stored in specified string.
-file <fileName>Use macros stored in specified file.
Return value

Returns no value. An error is thrown, if no option or an invalid option is specified, if the file does not exist or if the VBA project object model is not enabled in the trust center.

See also


proc ::Office::AddMacro {appId args} {

    # Add macros or functions to an Office document.
    # appId - The application identifier.
    # args  - Options described below.
    # -file <fileName> - Use macros stored in specified file.
    # -code <string>   - Use macros stored in specified string.
    # Returns no value.
    # An error is thrown, if no option or an invalid option is specified,
    # if the file does not exist or if the VBA project object model
    # is not enabled in the trust center.
    # See also: RunMacro

    set fileName ""
    set codeStr  ""
    foreach { key value } $args {
        if { $value eq "" } {
            error "AddMacro: No value specified for key \"$key\""
        switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
            "-file" {
                set fileName [file nativename [file normalize $value]]
                if { ! [file exists $fileName] } {
                    error "AddMacro: File $fileName does not exist."
            "-code" {
                set codeStr $value
            default {
                error "AddMacro: Unknown key \"$key\" specified"

    if { $fileName ne "" } {
        set catchVal [catch { $appId -with { VBE ActiveVBProject VBComponents } -call Import $fileName }]
        if { $catchVal } {
            error "AddMacro: Trust Access to the VBA project object model must be enabled."
    } elseif { $codeStr ne "" } {
        set vbext_ct_StdModule [expr int(1)]
        set catchVal [catch { $appId -with { VBE ActiveVBProject VBComponents } -call Add $vbext_ct_StdModule } module]
        if { $catchVal } {
            error "AddMacro: Trust Access to the VBA project object model must be enabled."
        $module -with { CodeModule } AddFromString $codeStr
    } else {
        error "AddMacro: Neither \"-file\" nor \"-code\" option specified."

AddProperty [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Add a custom document property.

AddProperty objId propertyName ?args?
objIdThe identifier of an Office object (Workbook, Document, Presentation).
propertyNameThe name of the new custom property.
argsOptions described below.
-overwrite <bool>If a property with given name already exists, the property is either replaced (-overwrite true) or an error is thrown (-overwrite false). If not specified, overwriting is disabled.
-type <enum>The type (string, int, bool, date, float) of the property. Enumeration of type Enum::MsoDocProperties. If not specified, the property is of type msoPropertyTypeString.
-value <val>Value of the new property. The specified value must match the specified type. If not specified, the value is set to the empty string for string properties and to zero for all other property types.
Return value

Returns the identifier of the new property or an error depending on the setting of option -overwrite.

See also

SetDocumentProperty, GetDocumentProperty, GetProperty, GetDocumentProperties, GetPropertyName, GetPropertyType, GetPropertyValue, SetPropertyValue, DeleteProperty

proc ::Office::AddProperty {objId propertyName args} {

    # Add a custom document property.
    # objId        - The identifier of an Office object (Workbook, Document, Presentation).
    # propertyName - The name of the new custom property.
    # args         - Options described below.
    # -type <enum> -      The type (string, int, bool, date, float) of the property.
    #                     Enumeration of type [Enum::MsoDocProperties].
    #                     If not specified, the property is of type `msoPropertyTypeString`.
    # -value <val>      - Value of the new property. The specified value must match the
    #                     specified type. If not specified, the value is set to the empty
    #                     string for string properties and to zero for all other property types.
    # -overwrite <bool> - If a property with given name already exists, the property is either
    #                     replaced (`-overwrite true`) or an error is thrown
    #                     (`-overwrite false`). If not specified, overwriting is disabled.
    # Returns the identifier of the new property or an error depending on the setting of
    # option `-overwrite`.
    # See also: SetDocumentProperty GetDocumentProperty GetProperty GetDocumentProperties
    #           GetPropertyName GetPropertyType GetPropertyValue SetPropertyValue DeleteProperty

    set propertyType [Office GetEnum msoPropertyTypeString]
    set overwrite    false
    foreach { key value } $args {
        if { $value eq "" } {
            error "AddProperty: No value specified for key \"$key\""
        switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
            "-type"      { set propertyType [Office GetEnum $value] }
            "-value"     { set propertyValue $value }
            "-overwrite" { set overwrite $value }
            default  { error "AddProperty: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" }

    if { ! [info exists propertyValue] } {
        if { $propertyType == $::Office::msoPropertyTypeString } {
            set propertyValue [Cawt TclString ""]
        } else {
            set propertyValue 0
    switch -- [Office GetEnumName "MsoDocProperties" $propertyType] {
        "msoPropertyTypeBoolean" { set val [Cawt TclBool $propertyValue] }
        "msoPropertyTypeString"  { set val [Cawt TclString $propertyValue] }
        "msoPropertyTypeNumber"  { set val [expr { int ($propertyValue) }] }
        "msoPropertyTypeDate"    { set val [expr { double ($propertyValue) }] }
        "msoPropertyTypeFloat"   { set val [expr { double ($propertyValue) }] }
        default { error "AddProperty: Unknown property type \"$propertyType\"" }
    set retVal [catch {Office GetProperty $objId $propertyName -type "Custom"} propertyId]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        if { $overwrite } {
            Office DeleteProperty $propertyId
        } else {
            error "AddProperty: Property \"$propertyName\" already exists"
    set propsCustom [$objId CustomDocumentProperties]
    set propertyId [$propsCustom -call Add $propertyName [Cawt TclBool false] $propertyType $propertyValue]
    Cawt Destroy $propsCustom
    return $propertyId

ColorToRgb [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Obsolete: Replaced with ::Cawt::OfficeColorToRgb in version 2.2.0

ColorToRgb color
colorNot documented.
proc ::Office::ColorToRgb {color} {

    # Obsolete: Replaced with [::Cawt::OfficeColorToRgb] in version 2.2.0

    return [Cawt OfficeColorToRgb $color]

DeleteProperty [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Delete a document property.

DeleteProperty propertyId
propertyIdIdentifier of the Office property.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

SetDocumentProperty, GetDocumentProperty, AddProperty, GetProperty, GetPropertyName, GetPropertyType, GetPropertyValue, SetPropertyValue, GetDocumentProperties

proc ::Office::DeleteProperty {propertyId} {

    # Delete a document property.
    # propertyId - Identifier of the Office property.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: SetDocumentProperty GetDocumentProperty AddProperty GetProperty GetPropertyName
    #           GetPropertyType GetPropertyValue SetPropertyValue GetDocumentProperties

    $propertyId -call Delete
    Cawt Destroy $propertyId

GetActivePrinter [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the name of the active printer.

GetActivePrinter appId
appIdThe application identifier.
Return value

Returns the name of the active printer as a string.

See also


proc ::Office::GetActivePrinter {appId} {

    # Get the name of the active printer.
    # appId - The application identifier.
    # Returns the name of the active printer as a string.
    # See also: SetPrinterCommunication

    set retVal [catch {$appId ActivePrinter} val]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $val
    } else {
        return "Method not available"

GetApplicationId [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the application identifier of an Office object.

GetApplicationId objId
objIdThe identifier of an Office object.

Office object are Workbooks, Worksheets, ...

Return value

Returns the application identifier of the Office object.

See also

GetApplicationName, IsApplicationId

proc ::Office::GetApplicationId {objId} {

    # Get the application identifier of an Office object.
    # objId - The identifier of an Office object.
    # Office object are Workbooks, Worksheets, ...
    # Returns the application identifier of the Office object.
    # See also: GetApplicationName IsApplicationId

    return [$objId Application]

GetApplicationName [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the name of an Office application.

GetApplicationName objId
objIdThe identifier of an Office object.
Return value

Returns the name of the application as a string.

See also

GetApplicationId, IsApplicationId

proc ::Office::GetApplicationName {objId} {

    # Get the name of an Office application.
    # objId - The identifier of an Office object.
    # Returns the name of the application as a string.
    # See also: GetApplicationId IsApplicationId

    if { ! [Office IsApplicationId $objId] } {
        set appId [Office GetApplicationId $objId]
        set name [$appId Name]
        Cawt Destroy $appId
        return $name
    } else {
        return [$objId Name]

GetApplicationVersion [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the version number of an Office application.

GetApplicationVersion objId
objIdThe identifier of an Office object.
Return value

Returns the version of the application as a floating point number.

See also

GetApplicationId, GetApplicationName

proc ::Office::GetApplicationVersion {objId} {

    # Get the version number of an Office application.
    # objId - The identifier of an Office object.
    # Returns the version of the application as a floating point number.
    # See also: GetApplicationId GetApplicationName

    if { ! [Office IsApplicationId $objId] } {
        set appId [Office GetApplicationId $objId]
        set version [$appId Version]
        Cawt Destroy $appId
    } else {
        set version [$objId Version]
    return $version

GetDocumentProperties [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get document property names as a list.

GetDocumentProperties objId ?type?
objIdThe identifier of an Office object (Workbook, Document, Presentation).
typeType of document properties as string: Builtin or Custom. If type is not specified or the empty string, both types of document properties are included in the list. Optional, default "".
Return value

Returns a sorted Tcl list containing the names of all properties of the specified type.

See also

SetDocumentProperty, GetDocumentProperty, AddProperty, GetProperty, DeleteProperty, GetPropertyName, GetPropertyType, GetPropertyValue, SetPropertyValue

proc ::Office::GetDocumentProperties {objId {type {}}} {

    # Get document property names as a list.
    # objId - The identifier of an Office object (Workbook, Document, Presentation).
    # type  - Type of document properties as string: `Builtin` or `Custom`.
    #         If `type` is not specified or the empty string, both types
    #         of document properties are included in the list.
    # Returns a sorted Tcl list containing the names of all properties
    # of the specified type.
    # See also: SetDocumentProperty GetDocumentProperty AddProperty GetProperty DeleteProperty
    #           GetPropertyName GetPropertyType GetPropertyValue SetPropertyValue

    set propsBuiltin [$objId BuiltinDocumentProperties]
    set propsCustom  [$objId CustomDocumentProperties]

    set propList [list]
    if { $type eq "Builtin" || $type eq "" } {
        $propsBuiltin -iterate prop {
            lappend propList [$prop Name]
            Cawt Destroy $prop
    if { $type eq "Custom" || $type eq "" } {
        $propsCustom -iterate prop {
            lappend propList [$prop Name]
            Cawt Destroy $prop
    Cawt Destroy $propsBuiltin
    Cawt Destroy $propsCustom
    return [lsort -dictionary $propList]

GetDocumentProperty [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the value of a document property.

GetDocumentProperty objId propertyName
objIdThe identifier of an Office object (Workbook, Document, Presentation).
propertyNameThe name of the property.
Return value

Returns the value of specified property. If the property value is not set or an invalid property name is given, the string N/A is returned.

See also

SetDocumentProperty, AddProperty, GetProperty, GetDocumentProperties, GetPropertyName, GetPropertyType, GetPropertyValue, SetPropertyValue, DeleteProperty

proc ::Office::GetDocumentProperty {objId propertyName} {

    # Get the value of a document property.
    # objId        - The identifier of an Office object (Workbook, Document, Presentation).
    # propertyName - The name of the property.
    # Returns the value of specified property.
    # If the property value is not set or an invalid property name is given,
    # the string `N/A` is returned.
    # See also: SetDocumentProperty AddProperty GetProperty GetDocumentProperties
    #           GetPropertyName GetPropertyType GetPropertyValue SetPropertyValue DeleteProperty

    set propertyValue "N/A"
    set retVal [catch {Office GetProperty $objId $propertyName} propertyId]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        set propertyValue [Office GetPropertyValue $propertyId]
        Cawt Destroy $propertyId
    return $propertyValue

GetEnum [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get numeric value of an enumeration.

GetEnum enumOrString
enumOrStringEnumeration name
Return value

Returns the numeric value of an enumeration.

See also

GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnumNames

proc ::Office::GetEnum {enumOrString} {

    # Get numeric value of an enumeration.
    # enumOrString - Enumeration name
    # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration.
    # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnumNames

    set retVal [catch { expr int($enumOrString) } enumInt]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $enumInt
    } else {
        return [GetEnumVal $enumOrString]

GetEnumName [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value.

GetEnumName enumType enumVal
enumTypeEnumeration type
enumValEnumeration numeric value.
Return value

Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.

See also

GetEnumNames, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum

proc ::Office::GetEnumName {enumType enumVal} {

    # Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value.
    # enumType - Enumeration type
    # enumVal  - Enumeration numeric value.
    # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
    # See also: GetEnumNames GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum

    variable enums

    set enumName ""
    if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } {
        foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) {
            if { $val eq $enumVal } {
                set enumName $key
    return $enumName

GetEnumNames [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get names of a given enumeration type.

GetEnumNames enumType
enumTypeEnumeration type
Return value

Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.

See also

GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum

proc ::Office::GetEnumNames {enumType} {

    # Get names of a given enumeration type.
    # enumType - Enumeration type
    # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
    # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum

    variable enums

    if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } {
        foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) {
            lappend nameList $key
        return $nameList
    } else {
        return [list]

GetEnumTypes [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get available enumeration types.

Return value

Returns the list of available enumeration types.

See also

GetEnumName, GetEnumNames, GetEnumVal, GetEnum

proc ::Office::GetEnumTypes {} {

    # Get available enumeration types.
    # Returns the list of available enumeration types.
    # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumNames GetEnumVal GetEnum

    variable enums

    return [lsort -dictionary [array names enums]]

GetEnumVal [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get numeric value of an enumeration name.

GetEnumVal enumName
enumNameEnumeration name
Return value

Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name.

See also

GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumNames, GetEnum

proc ::Office::GetEnumVal {enumName} {

    # Get numeric value of an enumeration name.
    # enumName - Enumeration name
    # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name.
    # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumNames GetEnum

    variable enums

    foreach enumType [GetEnumTypes] {
        set ind [lsearch -exact $enums($enumType) $enumName]
        if { $ind >= 0 } {
            return [lindex $enums($enumType) [expr { $ind + 1 }]]
    return ""

GetInstallationPath [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the Office installation pathname.

GetInstallationPath appId
appIdThe application identifier.
Return value

Returns the installation pathname as a string.

proc ::Office::GetInstallationPath {appId} {

    # Get the Office installation pathname.
    # appId - The application identifier.
    # Returns the installation pathname as a string.

    set retVal [catch {$appId Path} val]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $val
    } else {
        return "Method not available"

GetOfficeType [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the Office type of a file.

GetOfficeType fileName
fileNameFile name.
Return value

Returns the Office type of the file. Possible values are: Excel, Ppt, Word. If the file is not an Office file, the return value is the empty string.

See also

::Excel::GetExtString, ::Ppt::GetExtString, ::Word::GetExtString

proc ::Office::GetOfficeType {fileName} {

    # Get the Office type of a file.
    # fileName - File name.
    # Returns the Office type of the file.
    # Possible values are: `Excel`, `Ppt`, `Word`.
    # If the file is not an Office file, the return value
    # is the empty string.
    # See also: ::Excel::GetExtString ::Ppt::GetExtString
    # ::Word::GetExtString

    set ext [string tolower [file extension $fileName]]
    if { $ext eq ".xls"  || $ext eq ".xlsx" ||  $ext eq ".xlt"  || $ext eq ".xltx" ||  $ext eq ".xltm" || $ext eq ".xlsm" } {
        return "Excel"
    } elseif { $ext eq ".doc"  || $ext eq ".docx" ||  $ext eq ".dot"  || $ext eq ".dotx" ||  $ext eq ".docm" || $ext eq ".dotm" } {
        return "Word"
    } elseif { $ext eq ".ppt"  || $ext eq ".pptx" ||  $ext eq ".pot"  || $ext eq ".potx" ||  $ext eq ".pptm" || $ext eq ".potm" } {
        return "Ppt"
    } else {
        return ""

GetProperty [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get a document property.

GetProperty objId propertyName ?args?
objIdThe identifier of an Office object (Workbook, Document, Presentation).
propertyNameThe name of the property.
argsOptions described below.
-type <string>Type of document property (Builtin or Custom). If not specified, the property is searched in the builtin and custom properties list. If the property name exists in both lists, the builtin property is returned.
Return value

Returns the identifier of the specified property. If a property with given name does not exist, an error is thrown.

See also

SetDocumentProperty, GetDocumentProperty, AddProperty, GetDocumentProperties, GetPropertyName, GetPropertyType, GetPropertyValue, SetPropertyValue, DeleteProperty

proc ::Office::GetProperty {objId propertyName args} {

    # Get a document property.
    # objId        - The identifier of an Office object (Workbook, Document, Presentation).
    # propertyName - The name of the property.
    # args         - Options described below.
    # -type <string> - Type of document property (`Builtin` or `Custom`).
    #                  If not specified, the property is searched in the builtin and
    #                  custom properties list. If the property name exists in both lists,
    #                  the builtin property is returned.
    # Returns the identifier of the specified property.
    # If a property with given name does not exist, an error is thrown.
    # See also: SetDocumentProperty GetDocumentProperty AddProperty GetDocumentProperties
    #           GetPropertyName GetPropertyType GetPropertyValue SetPropertyValue DeleteProperty

    set type ""
    foreach { key value } $args {
        if { $value eq "" } {
            error "GetProperty: No value specified for key \"$key\""
        switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
            "-type" { set type $value }
            default { error "GetProperty: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" }
    set properties [Office GetDocumentProperties $objId $type]
    if { [lsearch $properties $propertyName] >= 0 } {
        if { $type eq "Builtin" || $type eq "" } {
            set propsBuiltin [$objId BuiltinDocumentProperties]
            set retVal [catch {$propsBuiltin -get Item $propertyName} property]
            Cawt Destroy $propsBuiltin
            if { $retVal == 0 } {
                return $property
        if { $type eq "Custom" || $type eq "" } {
            set propsCustom  [$objId CustomDocumentProperties]
            set retVal [catch {$propsCustom -get Item $propertyName} property]
            Cawt Destroy $propsCustom
            if { $retVal == 0 } {
                return $property
    error "GetProperty: \"$propertyName\" is not a valid property name."

GetPropertyName [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the name of a document property.

GetPropertyName propertyId
propertyIdIdentifier of the Office property.
Return value

Returns the name of the property as string.

See also

SetDocumentProperty, GetDocumentProperty, AddProperty, GetProperty, DeleteProperty, GetPropertyType, GetPropertyValue, SetPropertyValue, GetDocumentProperties

proc ::Office::GetPropertyName {propertyId} {

    # Get the name of a document property.
    # propertyId - Identifier of the Office property.
    # Returns the name of the property as string.
    # See also: SetDocumentProperty GetDocumentProperty AddProperty GetProperty DeleteProperty
    #           GetPropertyType GetPropertyValue SetPropertyValue GetDocumentProperties

    set retVal [catch {$propertyId Name} propName]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $propName
    } else {
        return "N/A"

GetPropertyType [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the type of a document property.

GetPropertyType propertyId
propertyIdIdentifier of the Office property.
Return value

Returns the type of the property as enumeration string. The enumeration is of type Enum::MsoDocProperties.

See also

SetDocumentProperty, GetDocumentProperty, AddProperty, GetProperty, DeleteProperty, GetPropertyName, GetPropertyValue, SetPropertyValue, GetDocumentProperties

proc ::Office::GetPropertyType {propertyId} {

    # Get the type of a document property.
    # propertyId - Identifier of the Office property.
    # Returns the type of the property as enumeration string.
    # The enumeration is of type [Enum::MsoDocProperties].
    # See also: SetDocumentProperty GetDocumentProperty AddProperty GetProperty DeleteProperty
    #           GetPropertyName GetPropertyValue SetPropertyValue GetDocumentProperties

    set retVal [catch {$propertyId Type} propType]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return [Office GetEnumName "MsoDocProperties" $propType]
    } else {
        return "N/A"

GetPropertyValue [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the value of a document property.

GetPropertyValue propertyId
propertyIdIdentifier of the Office property.
Return value

Returns the value of the property. If the property value is not set, the string N/A is returned.

See also

SetDocumentProperty, GetDocumentProperty, AddProperty, GetProperty, DeleteProperty, GetPropertyName, GetPropertyType, SetPropertyValue, GetDocumentProperties

proc ::Office::GetPropertyValue {propertyId} {

    # Get the value of a document property.
    # propertyId - Identifier of the Office property.
    # Returns the value of the property.
    # If the property value is not set, the string `N/A` is returned.
    # See also: SetDocumentProperty GetDocumentProperty AddProperty GetProperty DeleteProperty
    #           GetPropertyName GetPropertyType SetPropertyValue GetDocumentProperties

    set retVal [catch {$propertyId Value} propVal]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $propVal
    } else {
        return "N/A"

GetStartupPath [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the Office startup pathname.

GetStartupPath appId
appIdThe application identifier.
Return value

Returns the startup pathname as a string.

proc ::Office::GetStartupPath {appId} {

    # Get the Office startup pathname.
    # appId - The application identifier.
    # Returns the startup pathname as a string.

    set retVal [catch {$appId StartupPath} val]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $val
    } else {
        return "Method not available"

GetTemplatesPath [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the Office templates pathname.

GetTemplatesPath appId
appIdThe application identifier.
Return value

Returns the templates pathname as a string.

proc ::Office::GetTemplatesPath {appId} {

    # Get the Office templates pathname.
    # appId - The application identifier.
    # Returns the templates pathname as a string.

    set retVal [catch {$appId TemplatesPath} val]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $val
    } else {
        return "Method not available"

GetUserLibraryPath [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the Office user library pathname.

GetUserLibraryPath appId
appIdThe application identifier.
Return value

Returns the user library pathname as a string.

proc ::Office::GetUserLibraryPath {appId} {

    # Get the Office user library pathname.
    # appId - The application identifier.
    # Returns the user library pathname as a string.

    set retVal [catch {$appId UserLibraryPath} val]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $val
    } else {
        return "Method not available"

GetUserName [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the name of the Office application user.

GetUserName appId
appIdThe application identifier.
Return value

Returns the name of the application user as a string.

proc ::Office::GetUserName {appId} {

    # Get the name of the Office application user.
    # appId - The application identifier.
    # Returns the name of the application user as a string.

    set retVal [catch {$appId UserName} val]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $val
    } else {
        return "Method not available"

GetUserPath [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Get the Office user folder's pathname.

GetUserPath appId
appIdThe application identifier.
Return value

Returns the user folder's pathname as a string.

proc ::Office::GetUserPath {appId} {

    # Get the Office user folder's pathname.
    # appId - The application identifier.
    # Returns the user folder's pathname as a string.

    set retVal [catch {$appId DefaultFilePath} val]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $val
    } else {
        return "Method not available"

IsApplicationId [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Check, if Office object is an application identifier.

IsApplicationId objId
objIdThe identifier of an Office object.
Return value

Returns true, if $objId is a valid Office application identifier. Otherwise return false.

See also

::Cawt::IsComObject, GetApplicationId, GetApplicationName

proc ::Office::IsApplicationId {objId} {

    # Check, if Office object is an application identifier.
    # objId - The identifier of an Office object.
    # Returns true, if $objId is a valid Office application identifier.
    # Otherwise return false.
    # See also: ::Cawt::IsComObject GetApplicationId GetApplicationName

    set retVal [catch {$objId Version} errMsg]
    # Version is a property of all Office application classes.
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return true
    } else {
        return false

RgbToColor [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Obsolete: Replaced with ::Cawt::RgbToOfficeColor in version 2.2.0

RgbToColor r g b
rNot documented.
gNot documented.
bNot documented.
proc ::Office::RgbToColor {r g b} {

    # Obsolete: Replaced with [::Cawt::RgbToOfficeColor] in version 2.2.0

    return [Cawt RgbToOfficeColor $r $g $b]

RunMacro [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Run a macro or function contained in an Office document.

RunMacro appId macroName ?args?
appIdThe application identifier.
macroNameThe name of the macro or function.
argsUp to 30 macro or function parameters.
Return value

Returns an empty string, if the macro is a procedure (Sub). If the macro is a Function, the return value of the function is returned. An error is thrown, if the macro does not exist or the execution of the macro fails.

See also


proc ::Office::RunMacro {appId macroName args} {

    # Run a macro or function contained in an Office document.
    # appId     - The application identifier.
    # macroName - The name of the macro or function.
    # args      - Up to 30 macro or function parameters.
    # Returns an empty string, if the macro is a procedure (Sub).
    # If the macro is a Function, the return value of the function is returned.
    # An error is thrown, if the macro does not exist or the execution of the
    # macro fails.
    # See also: AddMacro

    set retVal [catch { $appId -call Run $macroName {*}$args } val]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $val
    } else {
        error "RunMacro: $val"

SetDocumentProperty [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Set the value of a document property.

SetDocumentProperty objId propertyName propertyValue
objIdThe identifier of an Office object (Workbook, Document, Presentation).
propertyNameThe name of the property to set.
propertyValueThe value for the property. The specified value must match the type of the property, see GetPropertyType.

If the property name is a builtin property, its value is set. Otherwise either a new custom property is created and its value set or, if the custom property already exists, only its value is set.


Return value

Returns no value.

See also

GetDocumentProperty, AddProperty, GetProperty, GetDocumentProperties, GetPropertyName, GetPropertyType, GetPropertyValue, SetPropertyValue, DeleteProperty

proc ::Office::SetDocumentProperty {objId propertyName propertyValue} {

    # Set the value of a document property.
    # objId         - The identifier of an Office object (Workbook, Document, Presentation).
    # propertyName  - The name of the property to set.
    # propertyValue - The value for the property.
    #                 The specified value must match the type of the property,
    #                 see [GetPropertyType].
    # Returns no value.
    # If the property name is a builtin property, its value is set.
    # Otherwise either a new custom property is created and its value set or,
    # if the custom property already exists, only its value is set.
    # **Note:**
    #  * Some builtin properties are read-only. If trying to set the value of
    #    a read-only property, no error is generated by an Office application.
    #  * Custom properties created with this procedure are string properties.
    #    If you need other property types, use [AddProperty].
    # See also: GetDocumentProperty AddProperty GetProperty GetDocumentProperties
    #           GetPropertyName GetPropertyType GetPropertyValue SetPropertyValue DeleteProperty

    set retVal [catch {Office GetProperty $objId $propertyName} propertyId]
    if { $retVal != 0 } {
        set propertyId [Office AddProperty $objId $propertyName]
    Office SetPropertyValue $propertyId $propertyValue
    Cawt Destroy $propertyId

SetPrinterCommunication [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Enable or disable printer communication.

SetPrinterCommunication objId onOff
objIdThe identifier of an Office object.
onOffIf set to true, printer communication is enabled. Otherwise printer communication is disabled.

Disable the printer communication to speed up the execution of code that sets PageSetup properties, ex. ::Excel::SetWorksheetPrintOptions. Enable the printer communication after setting properties to commit all cached PageSetup commands.

Note: This method is only available in Office 2010 or newer.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also


proc ::Office::SetPrinterCommunication {objId onOff} {

    # Enable or disable printer communication.
    # objId - The identifier of an Office object.
    # onOff - If set to true, printer communication is enabled.
    #         Otherwise printer communication is disabled.
    # Disable the printer communication to speed up the execution of code
    # that sets PageSetup properties, ex. [::Excel::SetWorksheetPrintOptions].
    # Enable the printer communication after setting properties to commit
    # all cached PageSetup commands.
    # **Note:** This method is only available in Office 2010 or newer.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: GetActivePrinter

    if { ! [Office IsApplicationId $objId] } {
        set appId [Office GetApplicationId $objId]
        catch {$appId -call PrintCommunication [Cawt TclBool $onOff]}
        Cawt Destroy $appId
    } else {
        catch {$objId -call PrintCommunication [Cawt TclBool $onOff]}

SetPropertyValue [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Set the value of a document property.

SetPropertyValue propertyId propertyValue
propertyIdIdentifier of the Office property.
propertyValueThe value for the property. The specified value must match the type of the property, see GetPropertyType.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

SetDocumentProperty, GetDocumentProperty, AddProperty, GetProperty, DeleteProperty, GetPropertyName, GetPropertyType, GetPropertyValue, GetDocumentProperties

proc ::Office::SetPropertyValue {propertyId propertyValue} {

    # Set the value of a document property.
    # propertyId    - Identifier of the Office property.
    # propertyValue - The value for the property.
    #                 The specified value must match the type of the property,
    #                 see [GetPropertyType].
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: SetDocumentProperty GetDocumentProperty AddProperty GetProperty DeleteProperty
    #           GetPropertyName GetPropertyType GetPropertyValue GetDocumentProperties

    set propertyType [Office GetPropertyType $propertyId]
    switch -- $propertyType {
        "msoPropertyTypeBoolean" { set val [Cawt TclBool $propertyValue] }
        "msoPropertyTypeString"  { set val [Cawt TclString $propertyValue] }
        "msoPropertyTypeNumber"  { set val [expr { int ($propertyValue) }] }
        "msoPropertyTypeDate"    { set val [expr { double ($propertyValue) }] }
        "msoPropertyTypeFloat"   { set val [expr { double ($propertyValue) }] }
        default { error "SetPropertyValue: Unknown property type \"$propertyType\"" }
    $propertyId Value $val

ShowAlerts [::Office]Top, Main, Index

Obsolete: Replaced with module specific procedures in version 2.4.3

ShowAlerts appId onOff
appIdNot documented.
onOffNot documented.

Toggle the display of Office alerts.

appIdThe application identifier.
onOffSwitch the alerts on or off.
Return value

Returns no value.

proc ::Office::ShowAlerts {appId onOff} {

    # Obsolete: Replaced with module specific procedures in version 2.4.3
    # Toggle the display of Office alerts.
    # appId - The application identifier.
    # onOff - Switch the alerts on or off.
    # Returns no value.

    if { $onOff } {
        if { [Office GetApplicationName $appId] eq "Microsoft Word" } {
            set alertLevel [expr $::Word::wdAlertsAll]
        } else {
            set alertLevel [expr 1]
    } else {
        set alertLevel [expr 0]
    $appId -call DisplayAlerts $alertLevel