::OneNoteTop, Main, Index
The OneNote
namespace provides commands to control Microsoft OneNote.
CommandsTop, Main, Index
FindNodeByName [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get a specific node by name.
domNode | DOM node. |
nodeType | Node type (Notebook , Section , Page ). |
nodeName | Node name. |
Return value
Returns the found node or an empty string, if the node could not be found.
See also
FindNotebook, FindSection, FindPage, GetNodeName
proc ::OneNote::FindNodeByName {domNode nodeType nodeName} { # Get a specific node by name. # # domNode - DOM node. # nodeType - Node type (`Notebook`, `Section`, `Page`). # nodeName - Node name. # # Returns the found node or an empty string, if the node could not be found. # # See also: FindNotebook FindSection FindPage GetNodeName set result "" if { [OneNote IsNodeType $domNode $nodeType] } { if { [OneNote GetNodeName $domNode] eq $nodeName } { set result $domNode } return $result } if { [$domNode hasChildNodes] } { foreach childNode [$domNode childNodes] { set result [OneNote::FindNodeByName $childNode $nodeType $nodeName] if { $result ne "" } { return $result } } } return $result }
FindNotebook [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get a specific notebook by name.
domNode | DOM root node as returned by GetDomRoot. |
nodeName | Node name. |
Return value
Returns the found notebook or an empty string, if the notebook could not be found.
See also
FindNodeByName, FindSection, FindPage, GetDomRoot, GetNodeName
proc ::OneNote::FindNotebook {domNode nodeName} { # Get a specific notebook by name. # # domNode - DOM root node as returned by [GetDomRoot]. # nodeName - Node name. # # Returns the found notebook or an empty string, if the notebook could not be found. # # See also: FindNodeByName FindSection FindPage GetDomRoot GetNodeName return [OneNote::FindNodeByName $domNode "Notebook" $nodeName] }
FindPage [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get a specific page by name.
domNode | DOM node identifying a section. |
nodeName | Node name. |
Return value
Returns the found page or an empty string, if the page could not be found.
See also
FindNodeByName, FindNotebook, FindSection, GetPages, GetNodeName
proc ::OneNote::FindPage {domNode nodeName} { # Get a specific page by name. # # domNode - DOM node identifying a section. # nodeName - Node name. # # Returns the found page or an empty string, if the page could not be found. # # See also: FindNodeByName FindNotebook FindSection GetPages GetNodeName return [OneNote::FindNodeByName $domNode "Page" $nodeName] }
FindSection [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get a specific section by name.
domNode | DOM node identifying a notebook. |
nodeName | Node name. |
Return value
Returns the found section or an empty string, if the section could not be found.
See also
FindNodeByName, FindNotebook, FindPage, GetSections, GetNodeName
proc ::OneNote::FindSection {domNode nodeName} { # Get a specific section by name. # # domNode - DOM node identifying a notebook. # nodeName - Node name. # # Returns the found section or an empty string, if the section could not be found. # # See also: FindNodeByName FindNotebook FindPage GetSections GetNodeName return [OneNote::FindNodeByName $domNode "Section" $nodeName] }
GetApplicationId [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get the application identifier of a OneNote object.
oneNoteId | Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. |
Return value
Returns the application identifier of the OneNote object.
See also
proc ::OneNote::GetApplicationId {oneNoteId} { # Get the application identifier of a OneNote object. # # oneNoteId - Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. # # Returns the application identifier of the OneNote object. # # See also: Open GetDomId return [dict get $oneNoteId "appId"] }
GetDomId [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get the DOM identifier of a OneNote object.
oneNoteId | Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. |
Return value
Returns the DOM identifier of the OneNote object.
See also
Open, GetApplicationId, GetDomRoot
proc ::OneNote::GetDomId {oneNoteId} { # Get the DOM identifier of a OneNote object. # # oneNoteId - Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. # # Returns the DOM identifier of the OneNote object. # # See also: Open GetApplicationId GetDomRoot return [dict get $oneNoteId "docId"] }
GetDomRoot [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get the DOM root of a OneNote object.
oneNoteId | Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. |
Return value
Returns the DOM root of the OneNote object.
See also
Open, GetApplicationId, GetDomId
proc ::OneNote::GetDomRoot {oneNoteId} { # Get the DOM root of a OneNote object. # # oneNoteId - Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. # # Returns the DOM root of the OneNote object. # # See also: Open GetApplicationId GetDomId return [[dict get $oneNoteId "docId"] documentElement] }
GetEnum [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get numeric value of an enumeration.
enumOrString | Enumeration name |
Return value
Returns the numeric value of an enumeration.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnumNames
proc ::OneNote::GetEnum {enumOrString} { # Get numeric value of an enumeration. # # enumOrString - Enumeration name # # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnumNames set retVal [catch { expr int($enumOrString) } enumInt] if { $retVal == 0 } { return $enumInt } else { return [GetEnumVal $enumOrString] } }
GetEnumName [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value.
enumType | Enumeration type |
enumVal | Enumeration numeric value. |
Return value
Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
See also
GetEnumNames, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::OneNote::GetEnumName {enumType enumVal} { # Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value. # # enumType - Enumeration type # enumVal - Enumeration numeric value. # # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type. # # See also: GetEnumNames GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums set enumName "" if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } { foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) { if { $val eq $enumVal } { set enumName $key break } } } return $enumName }
GetEnumNames [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get names of a given enumeration type.
enumType | Enumeration type |
Return value
Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::OneNote::GetEnumNames {enumType} { # Get names of a given enumeration type. # # enumType - Enumeration type # # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } { foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) { lappend nameList $key } return $nameList } else { return [list] } }
GetEnumTypes [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get available enumeration types.
Return value
Returns the list of available enumeration types.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumNames, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::OneNote::GetEnumTypes {} { # Get available enumeration types. # # Returns the list of available enumeration types. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumNames GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums return [lsort -dictionary [array names enums]] }
GetEnumVal [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get numeric value of an enumeration name.
enumName | Enumeration name |
Return value
Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumNames, GetEnum
proc ::OneNote::GetEnumVal {enumName} { # Get numeric value of an enumeration name. # # enumName - Enumeration name # # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumNames GetEnum variable enums foreach enumType [GetEnumTypes] { set ind [lsearch -exact $enums($enumType) $enumName] if { $ind >= 0 } { return [lindex $enums($enumType) [expr { $ind + 1 }]] } } return "" }
GetExtString [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Return the default extension of a OneNote file.
oneNoteId | Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. |
Return value
Returns the default extension of a OneNote file.
See also
proc ::OneNote::GetExtString {oneNoteId} { # Return the default extension of a OneNote file. # # oneNoteId - Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. # # Returns the default extension of a OneNote file. # # See also: Open GetVersion # oneNoteId is only needed, so we are sure, that oneNoteVersion is initialized. # Note: Currently not needed, but kept to be conformant to other Cawt modules. variable oneNoteVersion return ".one" }
GetLastModified [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get nodes with specific modification date.
domNode | DOM node. |
compareDate | Date in seconds (as returned by clock seconds ). Optional, default 0 . |
nodeType | Node type (any , Notebook , Section , Page ). Optional, default any . |
notebookName | Notebook name. Optional, default "" . |
Return value
Returns found nodes as list.
See also
proc ::OneNote::GetLastModified {domNode {compareDate 0} {nodeType any} {notebookName {}}} { # Get nodes with specific modification date. # # domNode - DOM node. # compareDate - Date in seconds (as returned by `clock seconds`). # nodeType - Node type (`any`, `Notebook`, `Section`, `Page`). # notebookName - Notebook name. # # Returns found nodes as list. # # See also: FindNotebook GetDomRoot variable sModifiedList catch { unset sModifiedList } set modifiedList [list] OneNote::_GetLastModifiedRecursive $domNode $compareDate $nodeType $notebookName foreach date [lsort -integer -decreasing [array names sModifiedList]] { foreach entry $sModifiedList($date) { lappend modifiedList $entry } } return $modifiedList }
GetNodeAttribute [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get attribute value of a DOM node.
domNode | DOM node. |
attrName | Attribute name. |
Return value
Returns attribute value as string.
See also
proc ::OneNote::GetNodeAttribute {domNode attrName} { # Get attribute value of a DOM node. # # domNode - DOM node. # attrName - Attribute name. # # Returns attribute value as string. # # See also: GetNodeName GetNodeHyperLink set attrValue "" if { [$domNode hasAttribute $attrName] } { set attrValue [$domNode getAttribute $attrName] } return $attrValue }
GetNodeHyperLink [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get hyperlink to OneNote node.
oneNoteId | Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. |
domNode | DOM node. |
Return value
Returns hyperlink as string.
See also
Open, GetNodeAttribute, GetNodeName
proc ::OneNote::GetNodeHyperLink {oneNoteId domNode} { # Get hyperlink to OneNote node. # # oneNoteId - Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. # domNode - DOM node. # # Returns hyperlink as string. # # See also: Open GetNodeAttribute GetNodeName set objId [OneNote GetNodeAttribute $domNode "ID"] set appId [OneNote GetApplicationId $oneNoteId] $appId -call GetHyperlinkToObject $objId "" xmlOut return [twapi::variant_value $xmlOut 0 0 0] }
GetNodeName [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get value of node attribute name
domNode | DOM node. |
Return value
Returns attribute value as string.
See also
GetNodeAttribute, GetNodeHyperLink
proc ::OneNote::GetNodeName {domNode} { # Get value of node attribute `name`. # # domNode - DOM node. # # Returns attribute value as string. # # See also: GetNodeAttribute GetNodeHyperLink return [OneNote GetNodeAttribute $domNode "name"] }
GetNodesByType [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get nodes of specific type.
domNode | DOM node. |
nodeType | Node type (Notebook , Section , Page ). |
Return value
Returns the found nodes as a list.
See also
GetNotebooks, GetSections, GetPages, GetNodeType
proc ::OneNote::GetNodesByType {domNode nodeType} { # Get nodes of specific type. # # domNode - DOM node. # nodeType - Node type (`Notebook`, `Section`, `Page`). # # Returns the found nodes as a list. # # See also: GetNotebooks GetSections GetPages GetNodeType set resultList [list] if { [OneNote IsNodeType $domNode $nodeType] } { return $domNode } if {[$domNode hasChildNodes]} { foreach childNode [$domNode childNodes] { set result [OneNote::GetNodesByType $childNode $nodeType] if { [llength $result] > 0 } { lappend resultList {*}$result } } } return $resultList }
GetNodeType [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get type of a DOM node.
domNode | DOM node. |
Return value
Returns node type as string. Possible values: Notebook
, Section
, Page
See also
proc ::OneNote::GetNodeType {domNode} { # Get type of a DOM node. # # domNode - DOM node. # # Returns node type as string. # Possible values: `Notebook`, `Section`, `Page`. # # See also: IsNodeType GetNodesByType set nodeType [$domNode nodeName] return [lindex [split $nodeType ":"] 1] }
GetNotebooks [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get the notebooks of a OneNote object.
domNode | DOM root node as returned by GetDomRoot. |
Return value
Returns the notebooks of the OneNote object as list.
See also
GetNodesByType, GetSections, GetPages, GetDomRoot, GetNodeType
proc ::OneNote::GetNotebooks {domNode} { # Get the notebooks of a OneNote object. # # domNode - DOM root node as returned by GetDomRoot. # # Returns the notebooks of the OneNote object as list. # # See also: GetNodesByType GetSections GetPages GetDomRoot GetNodeType return [OneNote::GetNodesByType $domNode "Notebook"] }
GetPageContent [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get page content as XML.
oneNoteId | Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. |
domNode | DOM node of a page. |
See also
proc ::OneNote::GetPageContent {oneNoteId domNode} { # Get page content as XML. # # oneNoteId - Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. # domNode - DOM node of a page. # # See also: Open PrintPage set pageId [OneNote GetNodeAttribute $domNode "ID"] set appId [OneNote GetApplicationId $oneNoteId] $appId -call GetPageContent $pageId xmlOut set pageXml [twapi::variant_value $xmlOut 0 0 0] set pageDoc [dom parse $pageXml] return $pageDoc }
GetPages [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get the pages of a OneNote section.
domNode | DOM node identifying a section. |
Return the pages of the OneNote section as list.
See also
GetNodesByType, GetSections, GetPages, FindSection, GetNodeType
proc ::OneNote::GetPages {domNode} { # Get the pages of a OneNote section. # # domNode - DOM node identifying a section. # # Return the pages of the OneNote section as list. # # See also: GetNodesByType GetSections GetPages FindSection GetNodeType return [OneNote::GetNodesByType $domNode "Page"] }
GetSections [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Get the sections of a OneNote notebook.
domNode | DOM node identifying a notebook. |
Return value
Returns the sections of the OneNote notebook as list.
See also
GetNodesByType, GetNotebooks, GetPages, FindNotebook, GetNodeType
proc ::OneNote::GetSections {domNode} { # Get the sections of a OneNote notebook. # # domNode - DOM node identifying a notebook. # # Returns the sections of the OneNote notebook as list. # # See also: GetNodesByType GetNotebooks GetPages FindNotebook GetNodeType return [OneNote::GetNodesByType $domNode "Section"] }
GetVersion [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Return the version of a OneNote application.
oneNoteId | Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. |
useString | If set to true, return the version name (ex. OneNote 2010 ). Otherwise return the version number (ex. 12.0 ). Optional, default false . |
Both version name and version number are returned as strings. Version number is in a format, so that it can be evaluated as a floating point number.
Return value
Returns the version of a OneNote application.
See also
proc ::OneNote::GetVersion {oneNoteId {useString false}} { # Return the version of a OneNote application. # # oneNoteId - Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. # useString - If set to true, return the version name (ex. `OneNote 2010`). # Otherwise return the version number (ex. `12.0`). # # Both version name and version number are returned as strings. # Version number is in a format, so that it can be evaluated as a # floating point number. # # Returns the version of a OneNote application. # # See also: Open GetExtString variable oneNoteVersion array set map { "12.0" "OneNote 2007" "14.0" "OneNote 2010" "15.0" "OneNote 2013" "16.0" "OneNote 2016" } if { $useString } { if { [info exists map($oneNoteVersion)] } { return $map($oneNoteVersion) } else { return "Unknown OneNote version $oneNoteVersion" } } else { return $oneNoteVersion } }
IsNodeType [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Check, if node is of specific type.
domNode | DOM node. |
nodeType | Node type (Notebook , Section , Page ). |
Return value
Returns true, if node is of specified type. Otherwise false.
See also
proc ::OneNote::IsNodeType {domNode nodeType} { # Check, if node is of specific type. # # domNode - DOM node. # nodeType - Node type (`Notebook`, `Section`, `Page`). # # Returns true, if node is of specified type. Otherwise false. # # See also: GetNodeType GetNodesByType if { $nodeType eq "any" || [OneNote GetNodeType $domNode] eq $nodeType } { return true } else { return false } }
Open [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Open a OneNote instance.
The identifier is a dictionary containing 2 elements:
Key appId | The application identifier. |
Key docId | The DOM node identifier. |
Return value
Returns the identifier of the OneNote instance.
See also
Quit, GetApplicationId, GetDomId
proc ::OneNote::Open {} { # Open a OneNote instance. # # Returns the identifier of the OneNote instance. # # The identifier is a dictionary containing 2 elements: # Key appId - The application identifier. # Key docId - The DOM node identifier. # # See also: Quit GetApplicationId GetDomId variable oneNoteVersion variable oneNoteAppName if { ! [Cawt HavePkg "tdom"] } { error "Cannot use $oneNoteAppName. No tDOM extension available." } foreach version { 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 } { set catchVal [catch { twapi::comobj $oneNoteAppName.$version } appId] if { ! $catchVal } { set catchVal [catch { $appId GetHierarchy "" $::OneNote::hsSelf str } retVal] if { ! $catchVal } { # puts "Using $oneNoteAppName.$version" set oneNoteVersion "$version.0" set hierarchyXml [OneNote::_GetHierarchy $appId "" $::OneNote::hsPages] set doc [dom parse $hierarchyXml] dict set oneNoteId "appId" $appId dict set oneNoteId "docId" $doc return $oneNoteId } } } error "Cannot open $oneNoteAppName application." }
PrintPage [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Print page content as XML to standard output.
oneNoteId | Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. |
domNode | DOM node of a page. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::OneNote::PrintPage {oneNoteId domNode} { # Print page content as XML to standard output. # # oneNoteId - Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. # domNode - DOM node of a page. # # Returns no value. # # See also: GetPageContent set pageDomDoc [OneNote GetPageContent $oneNoteId $domNode] set pageRoot [$pageDomDoc documentElement] puts [$pageRoot asXML] }
Quit [::OneNote]Top, Main, Index
Quit a OneNote instance.
oneNoteId | Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::OneNote::Quit {oneNoteId} { # Quit a OneNote instance. # # oneNoteId - Identifier dictionary of a OneNote object. # # Returns no value. # # See also: Open }