::SapiTop, Main, Index
The Sapi
namespace provides commands to control the Microsoft Speech API (SAPI).
CommandsTop, Main, Index
GetEnum [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Get numeric value of an enumeration.
enumOrString | Enumeration name |
Return value
Returns the numeric value of an enumeration.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnumNames
proc ::Sapi::GetEnum {enumOrString} { # Get numeric value of an enumeration. # # enumOrString - Enumeration name # # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnumNames set retVal [catch { expr int($enumOrString) } enumInt] if { $retVal == 0 } { return $enumInt } else { return [GetEnumVal $enumOrString] } }
GetEnumName [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value.
enumType | Enumeration type |
enumVal | Enumeration numeric value. |
Return value
Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
See also
GetEnumNames, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::Sapi::GetEnumName {enumType enumVal} { # Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value. # # enumType - Enumeration type # enumVal - Enumeration numeric value. # # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type. # # See also: GetEnumNames GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums set enumName "" if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } { foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) { if { $val eq $enumVal } { set enumName $key break } } } return $enumName }
GetEnumNames [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Get names of a given enumeration type.
enumType | Enumeration type |
Return value
Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::Sapi::GetEnumNames {enumType} { # Get names of a given enumeration type. # # enumType - Enumeration type # # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } { foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) { lappend nameList $key } return $nameList } else { return [list] } }
GetEnumTypes [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Get available enumeration types.
Return value
Returns the list of available enumeration types.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumNames, GetEnumVal, GetEnum
proc ::Sapi::GetEnumTypes {} { # Get available enumeration types. # # Returns the list of available enumeration types. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumNames GetEnumVal GetEnum variable enums return [lsort -dictionary [array names enums]] }
GetEnumVal [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Get numeric value of an enumeration name.
enumName | Enumeration name |
Return value
Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name.
See also
GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumNames, GetEnum
proc ::Sapi::GetEnumVal {enumName} { # Get numeric value of an enumeration name. # # enumName - Enumeration name # # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name. # # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumNames GetEnum variable enums foreach enumType [GetEnumTypes] { set ind [lsearch -exact $enums($enumType) $enumName] if { $ind >= 0 } { return [lindex $enums($enumType) [expr { $ind + 1 }]] } } return "" }
GetSpeakOptions [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Get speak options.
appId | Identifier of the SAPI instance. |
args | Options described below. |
-rate | Get the speaking rate of the voice. Values range from -10 (slowest) to 10 (fastest). |
-volume | Set the volume (loudiness) of the voice. Values range from 0 to 100. |
lassign [GetSpeakOptions $appId -rate -volume] rate volume
Return value
Returns the specified options as a list.
See also
proc ::Sapi::GetSpeakOptions {appId args} { # Get speak options. # # appId - Identifier of the SAPI instance. # args - Options described below. # # -rate - Get the speaking rate of the voice. # Values range from -10 (slowest) to 10 (fastest). # -volume - Set the volume (loudiness) of the voice. # Values range from 0 to 100. # # Example: # lassign [GetSpeakOptions $appId -rate -volume] rate volume # # Returns the specified options as a list. # # See also: Open Speak SetSpeakOptions set valList [list] foreach key $args { switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-rate" { lappend valList [$appId Rate] } "-volume" { lappend valList [$appId Volume] } default { error "GetSpeakOptions: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } return $valList }
GetVoiceByName [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Get a voice identifier by specifying its name.
appId | Identifier of the SAPI instance. |
voiceName | Name of the voice. |
Return value
Returns the voice identifier.
See also
Open, Speak, GetVoiceNames, SetVoice
proc ::Sapi::GetVoiceByName {appId voiceName} { # Get a voice identifier by specifying its name. # # appId - Identifier of the SAPI instance. # voiceName - Name of the voice. # # Returns the voice identifier. # # See also: Open Speak GetVoiceNames SetVoice set voices [$appId GetVoices] set numVoices [$voices Count] for { set v 0 } { $v < $numVoices } { incr v } { set voice [$voices Item $v] if { [$voice GetDescription] eq $voiceName } { Cawt Destroy $voices return $voice } Cawt Destroy $voice } error "Voice \"$voiceName\" not available." }
GetVoiceNames [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Get a list of voice names.
appId | Identifier of the SAPI instance. |
Return value
Returns the list of voice names.
See also
Open, Speak, GetVoiceByName, SetVoice
proc ::Sapi::GetVoiceNames {appId} { # Get a list of voice names. # # appId - Identifier of the SAPI instance. # # Returns the list of voice names. # # See also: Open Speak GetVoiceByName SetVoice set voicesList [list] set voices [$appId GetVoices] set numVoices [$voices Count] for { set v 0 } { $v < $numVoices } { incr v } { set voice [$voices Item $v] lappend voicesList [$voice GetDescription] Cawt Destroy $voice } Cawt Destroy $voices return $voicesList }
Open [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Open a SAPI object instance.
Return value
Returns the SAPI object identifier.
See also
Speak, SetSpeakOptions, GetVoiceNames
proc ::Sapi::Open {} { # Open a SAPI object instance. # # Returns the SAPI object identifier. # # See also: Speak SetSpeakOptions GetVoiceNames variable sapiAppName set appId [Cawt GetOrCreateApp $sapiAppName true] return $appId }
SetSpeakOptions [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Set speak options.
appId | Identifier of the SAPI instance. |
args | Options described below. |
-rate <int> | Set the speaking rate of the voice. Values range from -10 (slowest) to 10 (fastest). |
-volume <int> | Set the volume (loudiness) of the voice. Values range from 0 to 100. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
proc ::Sapi::SetSpeakOptions {appId args} { # Set speak options. # # appId - Identifier of the SAPI instance. # args - Options described below. # # -rate <int> - Set the speaking rate of the voice. # Values range from -10 (slowest) to 10 (fastest). # -volume <int> - Set the volume (loudiness) of the voice. # Values range from 0 to 100. # # Returns no value. # # See also: Open Speak GetSpeakOptions foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "SetSpeakOptions: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-rate" { $appId Rate [expr int( $value)] } "-volume" { $appId Volume [expr int( $value)] } default { error "SetSpeakOptions: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } }
SetVoice [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Set the voice for speaking.
appId | Identifier of the SAPI instance. |
voiceId | Identifier of the voice. |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
Open, SetSpeakOptions, GetVoiceByName
proc ::Sapi::SetVoice {appId voiceId} { # Set the voice for speaking. # # appId - Identifier of the SAPI instance. # voiceId - Identifier of the voice. # # Returns no value. # # See also: Open SetSpeakOptions GetVoiceByName # Workaround from Ashok to directly invoke the Voice # property method as a propertyputref (type 8). $appId -invoke Voice [list 8] [list $voiceId] }
Speak [::Sapi]Top, Main, Index
Speak a sentence.
appId | Identifier of the SAPI instance. |
str | String to be spoken. |
args | Options described below. |
-flags <int> | Bitflag of enumerations of type Enum::SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags |
Return value
Returns no value.
See also
Open, SetSpeakOptions, GetVoiceNames
proc ::Sapi::Speak {appId str args} { # Speak a sentence. # # appId - Identifier of the SAPI instance. # str - String to be spoken. # args - Options described below. # # -flags <int> - Bitflag of enumerations of type [Enum::SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags] # # Returns no value. # # See also: Open SetSpeakOptions GetVoiceNames set flags $::Sapi::SVSFDefault foreach { key value } $args { if { $value eq "" } { error "Speak: No value specified for key \"$key\"" } switch -exact -nocase -- $key { "-flags" { set flags $value } default { error "Speak: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" } } } $appId Speak $str [expr int($flags)] }