CAWT 2.9.6 Reference Manual

::PptTop, Main, Index

The Ppt namespace provides commands to control Microsoft PowerPoint.

CommandsTop, Main, Index

AddPres [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Add a new empty presentation.

AddPres appId ?templateFile?
appIdIdentifier of the PowerPoint instance.
templateFileName of an optional template file. Optional, default "".
Return value

Returns the identifier of the new presentation.

See also

OpenPres, GetActivePres

proc ::Ppt::AddPres {appId {templateFile {}}} {

    # Add a new empty presentation.
    # appId        - Identifier of the PowerPoint instance.
    # templateFile - Name of an optional template file.
    # Returns the identifier of the new presentation.
    # See also: OpenPres GetActivePres

    variable pptVersion

    set presId [$appId -with { Presentations } Add]
    if { $templateFile ne "" } {
        if { $pptVersion < 12.0 } {
            error "CustomLayout available only in PowerPoint 2007 or newer. Running [Ppt GetVersion $appId true]."
        set nativeName [file nativename [file normalize $templateFile]]
        $presId ApplyTemplate $nativeName
    return $presId

AddShape [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Add a new shape to a slide.

AddShape slideId shapeType left top width height ?args?
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
shapeTypeValue of enumeration type ::Office::Enum::MsoAutoShapeType. Typical values: msoShapeRectangle, msoShapeBalloon, msoShapeOval.
leftLeft corner of the shape.
topTop corner of the shape.
widthWidth of the shape.
heightHeight of the shape.
argsList of shape configure options and its values.

For a description of the configure options see ConfigureShape.

The position and size values are specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.

Return value

Returns the identifier of the new shape.

See also

ConnectShapes, ConfigureShape, GetNumSites

proc ::Ppt::AddShape {slideId shapeType left top width height args} {

    # Add a new shape to a slide.
    # slideId   - Identifier of the slide.
    # shapeType - Value of enumeration type [::Office::Enum::MsoAutoShapeType].
    #             Typical values: `msoShapeRectangle`, `msoShapeBalloon`, `msoShapeOval`.
    # left      - Left corner of the shape.
    # top       - Top corner of the shape.
    # width     - Width of the shape.
    # height    - Height of the shape.
    # args      - List of shape configure options and its values.
    # For a description of the configure options see [ConfigureShape].
    # The position and size values are specified in a format acceptable by
    # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
    # Returns the identifier of the new shape.
    # See also: ConnectShapes ConfigureShape GetNumSites

    set shapeId [$slideId -with { Shapes } AddShape [Office GetEnum $shapeType]  [Cawt ValueToPoints $left]  [Cawt ValueToPoints $top]  [Cawt ValueToPoints $width] [Cawt ValueToPoints $height]]
    Ppt::ConfigureShape $shapeId {*}$args
    return $shapeId

AddSlide [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Add a new slide to a presentation.

AddSlide presId ?type? ?slideIndex?
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
typeValue of enumeration type Enum::PpSlideLayout or CustomLayout object. Optional, default ppLayoutBlank.
slideIndexInsertion index of new slide. Slide indices start at 1. If negative or end, add slide at the end. Optional, default -1.

Note, that CustomLayouts are not supported with PowerPoint versions before 2007.

Return value

Returns the identifier of the new slide.

See also

CopySlide, GetNumSlides, GetCustomLayoutName, GetCustomLayoutId

proc ::Ppt::AddSlide {presId {type ppLayoutBlank} {slideIndex -1}} {

    # Add a new slide to a presentation.
    # presId     - Identifier of the presentation.
    # type       - Value of enumeration type [Enum::PpSlideLayout] or
    #              CustomLayout object.
    # slideIndex - Insertion index of new slide. Slide indices start at 1.
    #              If negative or `end`, add slide at the end.
    # Note, that CustomLayouts are not supported with PowerPoint versions before 2007.
    # Returns the identifier of the new slide.
    # See also: CopySlide GetNumSlides GetCustomLayoutName GetCustomLayoutId

    variable pptVersion

    set typeInt [Ppt GetEnum $type]
    if { $typeInt eq "" } {
        # type seems to be a CustomLayout object.
        if { $pptVersion < 12.0 } {
            error "CustomLayout available only in PowerPoint 2007 or newer. Running [Ppt GetVersion $presId true]."

    if { $slideIndex eq "" || $slideIndex < 0 } {
        set slideIndex [expr [Ppt GetNumSlides $presId] +1]
    if { $typeInt eq "" } {
        set newSlide [$presId -with { Slides } AddSlide $slideIndex $type]
    } else {
        set newSlide [$presId -with { Slides } Add $slideIndex $typeInt]
    set newSlideIndex [Ppt GetSlideIndex $newSlide]
    Ppt ShowSlide $presId $newSlideIndex
    return $newSlide

AddTextbox [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Add a text box into a slide.

AddTextbox slideId left top width height
slideIdIdentifier of the slide where the text box is inserted.
leftX position of top-left text box position.
topY position of top-left text box position.
widthWidth of text box.
heightHeight of text box.

The position and size values may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.

Return value

Returns the identifier of the new text box.

See also

AddTextboxText, SetTextboxFontSize

proc ::Ppt::AddTextbox {slideId left top width height} {

    # Add a text box into a slide.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide where the text box is inserted.
    # left    - X position of top-left text box position.
    # top     - Y position of top-left text box position.
    # width   - Width of text box.
    # height  - Height of text box.
    # The position and size values may be specified in a format acceptable
    # by procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
    # Returns the identifier of the new text box.
    # See also: AddTextboxText SetTextboxFontSize

    set msoTextOrientationHorizontal 1
    set textId [$slideId -with { Shapes } AddTextbox $msoTextOrientationHorizontal  [Cawt ValueToPoints $left]  [Cawt ValueToPoints $top]  [Cawt ValueToPoints $width] [Cawt ValueToPoints $height]]
    return $textId

AddTextboxText [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Add a text string to a text box.

AddTextboxText textboxId text ?addNewline?
textboxIdIdentifier of the text box where the text is inserted.
textThe text to be inserted.
addNewlineAdd a new line after the text. Optional, default false.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

AddTextbox, SetTextboxFontSize

proc ::Ppt::AddTextboxText {textboxId text {addNewline false}} {

    # Add a text string to a text box.
    # textboxId  - Identifier of the text box where the text is inserted.
    # text       - The text to be inserted.
    # addNewline - Add a new line after the text.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: AddTextbox SetTextboxFontSize

    if { $text ne "" } {
        $textboxId -with { TextFrame TextRange } InsertAfter $text
    if { $addNewline } {
        $textboxId -with { TextFrame TextRange } InsertAfter "\r\n"

CheckCreateVideoStatus [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Check video creation status.

CheckCreateVideoStatus presId ?verbose? ?checkUpdate?
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
verbosePrint creation status to stdout. Optional, default false.
checkUpdateCheck for status every $checkUpdate seconds. Optional, default 1.0.
Return value

Returns true, if the video could be created successfully or if creating the video in asynchronous mode.

See also

InsertVideo, CreateVideo, GetCreateVideoStatus

proc ::Ppt::CheckCreateVideoStatus {presId {verbose false} {checkUpdate 1.0}} {

    # Check video creation status.
    # presId      - Identifier of the presentation.
    # verbose     - Print creation status to stdout.
    # checkUpdate - Check for status every $checkUpdate seconds.
    # Returns true, if the video could be created successfully or if
    # creating the video in asynchronous mode.
    # See also: InsertVideo CreateVideo GetCreateVideoStatus

    while { 1 } {
        set status [Ppt GetCreateVideoStatus $presId]
        if { $status == $::Ppt::ppMediaTaskStatusDone } {
            if { $verbose } {
                puts "Video creation completed."
            return true
        if { $status == $::Ppt::ppMediaTaskStatusFailed } {
            return false
        if { $status == $::Ppt::ppMediaTaskStatusInProgress } {
            if { $verbose } {
                puts "Video creation in progress."
        if { $status == $::Ppt::ppMediaTaskStatusNone } {
            # You'll get this value when you ask for the status
            # and no conversion is happening or has completed.
            if { $verbose } {
                puts "Video creation completed."
            return true
        if { $status == $::Ppt::ppMediaTaskStatusQueued } {
        after [expr { int ($checkUpdate * 1000.0) }]

Close [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Close a presentation without saving changes.

Close presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation to close.

Use the SaveAs method before closing, if you want to save changes.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

SaveAs, CloseAll

proc ::Ppt::Close {presId} {

    # Close a presentation without saving changes.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation to close.
    # Use the [SaveAs] method before closing, if you want to save changes.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: SaveAs CloseAll

    $presId Close

CloseAll [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Close all presentations of a PowerPoint instance.

CloseAll appId
appIdIdentifier of the PowerPoint instance.

Use the SaveAs method before closing, if you want to save changes.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

SaveAs, Close

proc ::Ppt::CloseAll {appId} {

    # Close all presentations of a PowerPoint instance.
    # appId - Identifier of the PowerPoint instance.
    # Use the [SaveAs] method before closing, if you want to save changes.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: SaveAs Close

    set numWins [$appId -with { Windows } Count]
    for { set ind $numWins } { $ind >= 1 } { incr ind -1 } {
        [$appId -with { Windows } Item $ind] Activate
        $appId -with { ActiveWindow } Close

ConfigureConnector [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Configure a connector.

ConfigureConnector connId ?args?
connIdIdentifier of the connector.
argsOptions described below.
-beginarrow <MsoArrowheadStyle>Set the type of the begin arrow. Typical values: msoArrowheadTriangle, msoArrowheadNone, msoArrowheadDiamond.
-beginsite <int>Set the begin site of the connector. 1 is the top site and continues counter clockwise.
-endarrow <MsoArrowheadStyle>Set the type of the end arrow. Typical values: msoArrowheadTriangle, msoArrowheadNone, msoArrowheadDiamond.
-endsite <int>Set the end site of the connector. 1 is the top site and continues counter clockwise.
-fillcolor <color>Set the fill color of the connector.
-type <MsoConnectorType>Set the type of the connector. Typical values: msoConnectorStraight, msoConnectorElbow, msoConnectorCurve.
-weight <size>Set the weight (thickness) of the connector line.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

ConnectShapes, GetNumSites

proc ::Ppt::ConfigureConnector {connId args} {

    # Configure a connector.
    # connId - Identifier of the connector.
    # args   - Options described below.
    # -beginarrow <MsoArrowheadStyle> - Set the type of the begin arrow.
    #                                   Typical values: `msoArrowheadTriangle`, `msoArrowheadNone`, `msoArrowheadDiamond`.
    # -endarrow <MsoArrowheadStyle>   - Set the type of the end arrow.
    #                                   Typical values: `msoArrowheadTriangle`, `msoArrowheadNone`, `msoArrowheadDiamond`.
    # -beginsite <int>                - Set the begin site of the connector.
    #                                   1 is the top site and continues counter clockwise.
    # -endsite <int>                  - Set the end site of the connector.
    #                                   1 is the top site and continues counter clockwise.
    # -weight <size>                  - Set the weight (thickness) of the connector line.
    # -fillcolor <color>              - Set the fill color of the connector.
    # -type <MsoConnectorType>        - Set the type of the connector.
    #                                   Typical values: `msoConnectorStraight`, `msoConnectorElbow`, `msoConnectorCurve`.
    # * Size can be specified in a format acceptable by
    #   procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points.<br/>
    # * Color can be specified in a format acceptable by procedure [::Cawt::GetColor],
    #   i.e. color name, hexadecimal string, Office color number or a list of 3 integer RGB values.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: ConnectShapes GetNumSites

    foreach { key value } $args {
        if { $value eq "" } {
            error "ConfigureConnector: No value specified for key \"$key\""
        switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
            "-beginarrow" { Ppt::_SetConnectorBeginArrow $connId $value }
            "-endarrow"   { Ppt::_SetConnectorEndArrow   $connId $value }
            "-beginsite"  { Ppt::_SetConnectorBeginSite  $connId $value }
            "-endsite"    { Ppt::_SetConnectorEndSite    $connId $value }
            "-weight"     { Ppt::_SetConnectorWeight     $connId $value }
            "-fillcolor"  { Ppt::_SetConnectorFillColor  $connId {*}$value }
            "-type"       { Ppt::_SetConnectorType       $connId $value }
            default       { error "ConfigureConnector: Unknown configure option \"$key\"." }

ConfigureShape [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Configure a shape.

ConfigureShape shapeId ?args?
shapeIdIdentifier of the shape.
argsOptions described below.
-fillcolor <color>Set the fill color of the shape.
-text <string>Set the text displayed inside the shape.
-textcolor <color>Set the text color of the shape.
-textsize <size>Set the font size of the shape text.
-valign <MsoVerticalAnchor>Set the vertical alignment a the shape. Typical values: msoAnchorTop, msoAnchorMiddle, msoAnchorBottom.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

AddShape, GetNumSites

proc ::Ppt::ConfigureShape {shapeId args} {

    # Configure a shape.
    # shapeId - Identifier of the shape.
    # args    - Options described below.
    # -fillcolor <color>          - Set the fill color of the shape.
    # -text <string>              - Set the text displayed inside the shape.
    # -textsize <size>            - Set the font size of the shape text.
    # -textcolor <color>          - Set the text color of the shape.
    # -valign <MsoVerticalAnchor> - Set the vertical alignment a the shape.
    #                               Typical values: `msoAnchorTop`, `msoAnchorMiddle`, `msoAnchorBottom`.
    # * Color can be specified in a format acceptable by procedure [::Cawt::GetColor],
    #   i.e. color name, hexadecimal string, Office color number or a list of 3 integer RGB values.<br/>
    # * Size can be specified in a format acceptable by procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints],
    #   i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: AddShape GetNumSites

    foreach { key value } $args {
        if { $value eq "" } {
            error "ConfigureShape: No value specified for key \"$key\""
        switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
            "-text"      { Ppt::_SetShapeText       $shapeId $value }
            "-textsize"  { Ppt::_SetShapeTextSize   $shapeId $value }
            "-textcolor" { Ppt::_SetShapeTextColor  $shapeId {*}$value }
            "-fillcolor" { Ppt::_SetShapeFillColor  $shapeId {*}$value }
            "-valign"    { Ppt::_SetShapeTextVAlign $shapeId $value }
            default      { error "ConfigureShape: Unknown configure option \"$key\"." }

ConnectShapes [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Add a new connector connecting two shapes.

ConnectShapes slideId fromShapeId toShapeId ?args?
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
fromShapeIdIdentifier of the source shape.
toShapeIdIdentifier of the target shape.
argsList of connector configure options and its values.

For a description of the configure options see ConfigureConnector.

Return value

Returns the identifier of the new connector.

See also

AddShape, ConfigureConnector

proc ::Ppt::ConnectShapes {slideId fromShapeId toShapeId args} {

    # Add a new connector connecting two shapes.
    # slideId     - Identifier of the slide.
    # fromShapeId - Identifier of the source shape.
    # toShapeId   - Identifier of the target shape.
    # args        - List of connector configure options and its values.
    # For a description of the configure options see [ConfigureConnector].
    # * Default is a straight line connector (`msoConnectorStraight`) with an end arrow
    #   of type `msoArrowheadTriangle`.
    # * The connector is automatically placed by Office using RerouteConnections.
    # Returns the identifier of the new connector.
    # See also: AddShape ConfigureConnector

    # AddConnector(Type As MsoConnectorType, BeginX As Single, BeginY As Single, EndX As Single, EndY As Single)
    set connId [$slideId -with { Shapes } AddConnector $::Office::msoConnectorStraight 0 0 0 0]
    $connId -with { Line } EndArrowHeadStyle $::Office::msoArrowheadTriangle

    # ConnectionSite 1 seems to be the top connection and continues counter clockwise.
    # BeginConnect(ConnectedShape, ConnectionSite)
    $connId -with { ConnectorFormat } BeginConnect $fromShapeId 1
    $connId -with { ConnectorFormat } EndConnect   $toShapeId   1
    $connId RerouteConnections
    Ppt::ConfigureConnector $connId {*}$args
    return $connId

CopySlide [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Make a copy of a slide.

CopySlide presId fromSlideIndex ?toSlideIndex? ?toPresId?
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
fromSlideIndexIndex of source slide. Slide indices start at 1. If negative or end, use last slide as source.
toSlideIndexInsertion index of copied slide. Slide indices start at 1. If negative or end, insert slide at the end. Optional, default -1.
toPresIdIdentifier of the presentation the slide is copied to. If not specified or the empty string, the slide is copied into presentation $presId. Optional, default "".

A new empty slide is created at the insertion index and the contents of the source slide are copied into the new slide.

Return value

Returns the identifier of the new slide.

See also

AddSlide, GetNumSlides, MoveSlide

proc ::Ppt::CopySlide {presId fromSlideIndex {toSlideIndex -1} {toPresId {}}} {

    # Make a copy of a slide.
    # presId         - Identifier of the presentation.
    # fromSlideIndex - Index of source slide. Slide indices start at 1.
    #                  If negative or `end`, use last slide as source.
    # toSlideIndex   - Insertion index of copied slide. Slide indices start at 1.
    #                  If negative or `end`, insert slide at the end.
    # toPresId       - Identifier of the presentation the slide is copied to. If not specified
    #                  or the empty string, the slide is copied into presentation $presId.
    # A new empty slide is created at the insertion index and the contents of the source
    # slide are copied into the new slide.
    # Returns the identifier of the new slide.
    # See also: AddSlide GetNumSlides MoveSlide

    if { $toPresId eq "" } {
        set toPresId $presId
    if { $toSlideIndex eq "end" || $toSlideIndex < 0 } {
        set toSlideIndex [expr [Ppt GetNumSlides $toPresId] +1]
    if { $fromSlideIndex eq "end" || $fromSlideIndex < 0 } {
        set fromSlideIndex [expr [Ppt GetNumSlides $presId] +1]

    set fromSlideId [Ppt GetSlideId $presId $fromSlideIndex]
    $fromSlideId Copy

    Cawt WaitClipboardReady
    $toPresId -with { Slides } Paste
    set toSlideId [Ppt GetSlideId $toPresId end]
    Ppt MoveSlide $toSlideId $toSlideIndex

    Ppt ShowSlide $toPresId $toSlideIndex

    Cawt Destroy $fromSlideId

    return $toSlideId

CreateVideo [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Create a video from a presentation.

CreateVideo presId fileName ?args?
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
fileNameFile name of the video.
argsOptions described below.
-check <float>Check status every specified second. Default: 1.0.
-duration <int>Duration of earch slide in seconds. Default: 5.
-fps <int>Frames per seconds of the video. Default: 30.
-quality <int>Compression quality in percent. Default: 85.
-resolution <int>Vertical resolution of the video. Default: 720.
-timings <bool>Use timings and narrations. Default: true.
-verbose <bool>Print creation status to stdout. Default: false.
-wait <bool>Wait for completion. Default: true.

The video is created asynchronously. If -wait is set to true, the procedure checks the creation status periodically. If -wait is false, this procedure returns immediately and you should check completion of the video by calling CheckCreateVideoStatus.

The file name extension determines the video format. The following formats are supported:

.mp4MPEG4 Video
.wmvWindows Media Video
Return value

Returns true, if the video could be created successfully or if creating the video in asynchronous mode.

See also

InsertVideo, CheckCreateVideoStatus, AddSlide, InsertImage, SetSlideShowTransition

proc ::Ppt::CreateVideo {presId fileName args} {

    # Create a video from a presentation.
    # presId   - Identifier of the presentation.
    # fileName - File name of the video.
    # args     - Options described below.
    # -verbose <bool>   - Print creation status to stdout. Default: false.
    # -wait <bool>      - Wait for completion. Default: true.
    # -check <float>    - Check status every specified second. Default: 1.0.
    # -timings <bool>   - Use timings and narrations. Default: true.
    # -duration <int>   - Duration of earch slide in seconds. Default: 5.
    # -resolution <int> - Vertical resolution of the video. Default: 720.
    # -fps <int>        - Frames per seconds of the video. Default: 30.
    # -quality  <int>   - Compression quality in percent. Default: 85.
    # The video is created asynchronously. If `-wait` is set to true, the
    # procedure checks the creation status periodically.
    # If `-wait` is false, this procedure returns immediately and
    # you should check completion of the video by calling [CheckCreateVideoStatus].
    # The file name extension determines the video format.
    # The following formats are supported:
    # .mp4 - MPEG4 Video
    # .wmv - Windows Media Video
    # Returns true, if the video could be created successfully or if
    # creating the video in asynchronous mode.
    # See also: InsertVideo CheckCreateVideoStatus AddSlide
    # InsertImage SetSlideShowTransition

    set verbose                 false
    set waitForCompletion       true
    set checkUpdate             1.0
    set useTimingsAndNarrations true
    set duration                5
    set verticalResolution      720
    set fps                     30
    set quality                 85

    foreach { key value } $args {
        if { $value eq "" } {
            error "CreateVideo: No value specified for key \"$key\""
        switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
            "-verbose"    { set verbose                 [Cawt TclBool $value] }
            "-wait"       { set waitForCompletion       [Cawt TclBool $value] }
            "-check"      { set checkUpdate             [expr double ($value)] }
            "-timings"    { set useTimingsAndNarrations [Cawt TclInt $value] }
            "-duration"   { set duration                [expr int ($value)] }
            "-resolution" { set verticalResolution      [expr int ($value)] }
            "-fps"        { set fps                     [expr int ($value)] }
            "-quality"    { set quality                 [expr int ($value)] }
            default       { error "CreateVideo: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" }

    # FileName, UseTimingsAndNarrations, DefaultSlideDuration, VertResolution, FramesPerSecond, Quality)
    set fileName [file nativename [file normalize $fileName]]
    $presId CreateVideo $fileName $useTimingsAndNarrations $duration $verticalResolution $fps $quality

    # Presentation.CreateVideo does its work asynchronously.
    # You can use the Presentation.CreateVideoStatus property
    # to periodically check the status, and react accordingly.
    if { $waitForCompletion } {
        return [Ppt::CheckCreateVideoStatus $presId $verbose $checkUpdate]
    return true

ExitSlideShow [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Exit specified slide show.

ExitSlideShow slideShowId
slideShowIdIdentifier of the slide show as returned by UseSlideShow.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

GetNumSlideShows, UseSlideShow, SlideShowNext

proc ::Ppt::ExitSlideShow {slideShowId} {

    # Exit specified slide show.
    # slideShowId - Identifier of the slide show as returned by [UseSlideShow].
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: GetNumSlideShows UseSlideShow SlideShowNext

    $slideShowId -with { View } Exit

ExportPptFile [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Export a PowerPoint file to an image sequence.

ExportPptFile pptFile outputDir outputFileFmt ?startIndex? ?endIndex? ?imgType? ?width? ?height? ?useMaster? ?genHtmlTable? ?thumbsPerRow? ?thumbSize?
pptFileName of the PowerPoint file.
outputDirName of the output folder.
outputFileFmtName of the output file names.
startIndexStart index for slide export. Optional, default 1.
endIndexEnd index for slide export. Optional, default end.
imgTypeName of the image format filter. This is the name as stored in the Windows registry. Supported names: BMP GIF JPG PNG TIF. Optional, default GIF.
widthWidth of the generated images in pixels. Optional, default -1.
heightHeight of the generated images in pixels. Optional, default -1.
useMasterIf set to true, export with the contents of the master slide. Otherwise do not export the contents of the master slide. Optional, default true.
genHtmlTableAdditionally generate a HTML table with preview images. Optional, default true.
thumbsPerRowNumber of preview images per HTML table row. Optional, default 4.
thumbSizeMaximum size of the preview images in pixels. Optional, default 150.

If the output directory does not exist, it is created. Caution: All existing files in the output directory are deleted before exporting.

The output file name must contain either a %s or a %d format. In the first case, it is assumed that each slide has a comment of the form Export: Name, where Name is substituted for the %s format option. If the output file name contains a %d format option, the slide number is substituted instead.

If $width and $height are not specified or less than zero, the default sizes of PowerPoint are used.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

ExportSlide, ExportSlides

proc ::Ppt::ExportPptFile {pptFile outputDir outputFileFmt {startIndex 1} {endIndex end} {imgType GIF} {width -1} {height -1} {useMaster true} {genHtmlTable true} {thumbsPerRow 4} {thumbSize 150}} {

    # Export a PowerPoint file to an image sequence.
    # pptFile       - Name of the PowerPoint file.
    # outputDir     - Name of the output folder.
    # outputFileFmt - Name of the output file names.
    # startIndex    - Start index for slide export.
    # endIndex      - End index for slide export.
    # imgType       - Name of the image format filter. This is the name as stored in
    #                 the Windows registry. Supported names: `BMP` `GIF` `JPG` `PNG` `TIF`.
    # width         - Width of the generated images in pixels.
    # height        - Height of the generated images in pixels.
    # useMaster     - If set to true, export with the contents of the master slide.
    #                 Otherwise do not export the contents of the master slide.
    # genHtmlTable  - Additionally generate a HTML table with preview images.
    # thumbsPerRow  - Number of preview images per HTML table row.
    # thumbSize     - Maximum size of the preview images in pixels.
    # If the output directory does not exist, it is created.
    # Caution: All existing files in the output directory are deleted before exporting.
    # The output file name must contain either a `%s` or a `%d` format.
    # In the first case, it is assumed that each slide has a comment of the form
    # `Export: Name`, where `Name` is substituted for the `%s` format option.
    # If the output file name contains a `%d` format option, the slide number
    # is substituted instead.
    # If $width and $height are not specified or less than zero, the default sizes
    # of PowerPoint are used.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: ExportSlide ExportSlides

    set appId [Ppt OpenNew]

    # Open presentation file in read-only mode
    set presId [Ppt OpenPres $appId $pptFile -readonly true]

    set actWin  [$appId ActiveWindow]
    set actPres [$appId ActivePresentation]

    if { ! $useMaster } {
        # ViewType throws an error, if the corresponding master slide
        # is not available.
        set retVal [catch {$actWin ViewType $::Ppt::ppViewTitleMaster}]
        if { $retVal == 0 } {
            set shape [$actPres -with { TitleMaster } Shapes]
            $shape SelectAll
            set curSelection [$actWin Selection]
            # Delete all shapes from the master slide. No problem, as
            # we opened the presentation in read-only mode.
            if { [$curSelection Type] != $::Ppt::ppSelectionNone } {
                $actWin -with { Selection ShapeRange } Delete
            Cawt Destroy $curSelection
            Cawt Destroy $shape

        set retVal [catch {$actWin ViewType $::Ppt::ppViewSlideMaster}]
        if { $retVal == 0 } {
            set shape [$actPres -with { SlideMaster } Shapes]
            $shape SelectAll
            set curSelection [$actWin Selection]
            if { [$curSelection Type] != $::Ppt::ppSelectionNone } {
                $actWin -with { Selection ShapeRange } Delete
            Cawt Destroy $curSelection
            Cawt Destroy $shape
    $actWin ViewType $::Ppt::ppViewSlide

    if { [file isdir $outputDir] } {
        file delete -force $outputDir

    Ppt ExportSlides $actPres $outputDir $outputFileFmt $startIndex $endIndex $imgType $width $height
    Ppt Close $presId
    Ppt Quit  $appId

    Cawt Destroy $actWin
    Cawt Destroy $actPres
    Cawt Destroy $presId
    Cawt Destroy $appId

    if { $genHtmlTable } {
        package require Tk
        set haveImg true
        set retVal [catch {package require Img} version]
        if { $retVal } {
            set haveImg false

        set dirCont [glob -directory $outputDir  [format "*.%s" [string tolower $imgType]]]
        if { [llength $dirCont] == 0 } {
            set dirCont [glob -directory $outputDir  [format "*.%s" [string toupper $imgType]]]
        set noImgs [llength $dirCont]
        set count 1
        set htmlStr "<html>\n<head>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n"
        append htmlStr "<center><h2>\n"
        append htmlStr "  Presentation [file tail $pptFile]\n"
        append htmlStr "</center></h2>\n\n"
        append htmlStr "<center>\n"
        append htmlStr "<table border cellpadding=5>\n"
        append htmlStr "  <tr>\n"
        set c 0
        foreach fileName [lsort -dictionary $dirCont] {
            set dirName   [file dirname $fileName]
            set shortName [file tail $fileName]
            set rootName  [file rootname $shortName]
            set extension [file extension $shortName]
            set catchVal [catch {image create photo -file $fileName} phImg]
            set thumbImg [Ppt::_CreateThumbImg $phImg "thumb" $thumbSize]

            set thumbName [format "%s.thumb%s" $rootName $extension]
            set tkFmt $imgType
            if { $imgType eq "JPG" } {
                set tkFmt "JPEG"
            } elseif { $imgType eq "TIF" } {
                set tkFmt "TIFF"
            $thumbImg write [file join $dirName $thumbName] -format $tkFmt
            image delete $phImg
            image delete $thumbImg
            incr count
            append htmlStr [format "    <td><a href=\"./%s\">  <img src=\"./%s\" alt=\"%s\"></a></td>\n"  $shortName $thumbName $shortName]
            incr c
            if { $c == $thumbsPerRow } {
                set c 0
                append htmlStr "  </tr>\n  <tr>\n"
        append htmlStr "  </tr>\n"
        append htmlStr "</table>\n\n"
        append htmlStr "</center>\n"
        append htmlStr "<hr>\n"
        set curTime [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"]
        append htmlStr "<center><small>Last update: $curTime</small></center>\n"
        append htmlStr "\n</body>\n</html>"
        # Write out HTML file
        set fp [open [file join $outputDir "index.html"] "w"]
        puts $fp $htmlStr
        close $fp

ExportSlide [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Export a slide as an image.

ExportSlide slideId outputFile ?imgType? ?width? ?height?
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
outputFileName of the output file.
imgTypeName of the image format filter. This is the name as stored in the Windows registry. Supported names: BMP GIF JPG PNG TIF. Optional, default GIF.
widthWidth of the generated images in pixels. Optional, default -1.
heightHeight of the generated images in pixels. Optional, default -1.

If $width and $height are not specified or less than zero, the default sizes of PowerPoint are used.

Return value

Returns no value. If the export failed, an error is thrown.

See also

ExportPptFile, ExportSlides

proc ::Ppt::ExportSlide {slideId outputFile {imgType GIF} {width -1} {height -1}} {

    # Export a slide as an image.
    # slideId    - Identifier of the slide.
    # outputFile - Name of the output file.
    # imgType    - Name of the image format filter. This is the name as stored in
    #              the Windows registry. Supported names: `BMP` `GIF` `JPG` `PNG` `TIF`.
    # width      - Width of the generated images in pixels.
    # height     - Height of the generated images in pixels.
    # If $width and $height are not specified or less than zero, the default sizes
    # of PowerPoint are used.
    # Returns no value. If the export failed, an error is thrown.
    # See also: ExportPptFile ExportSlides

    set nativeName [file nativename [file normalize $outputFile]]
    if { $width >= 0 && $height >= 0 } {
        set retVal [catch {$slideId Export $nativeName $imgType $width $height} errMsg]
    } else {
        set retVal [catch {$slideId Export $nativeName $imgType} errMsg]
    if { $retVal } {
        error "Slide export failed. ( $errMsg )"

ExportSlides [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Export a range of slides as image files.

ExportSlides presId outputDir outputFileFmt ?startIndex? ?endIndex? ?imgType? ?width? ?height?
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
outputDirName of the output folder.
outputFileFmtName of the output file names.
startIndexStart index for slide export. Optional, default 1.
endIndexEnd index for slide export. Optional, default end.
imgTypeName of the image format filter. This is the name as stored in the Windows registry. Supported names: BMP GIF JPG PNG TIF. Optional, default GIF.
widthWidth of the generated images in pixels. Optional, default -1.
heightHeight of the generated images in pixels. Optional, default -1.

If the output directory does not exist, it is created.

The output file name must contain either a %s or a %d format. In the first case, it is assumed that each slide has a comment of the form Export: Name, where Name is substituted for the %s format option. If the output file name contains a %d format option, the slide number is substituted instead.

If $width and $height are not specified or less than zero, the default sizes of PowerPoint are used.

Return value

Returns no value. If the export failed, an error is thrown.

See also

ExportPptFile, ExportSlide

proc ::Ppt::ExportSlides {presId outputDir outputFileFmt {startIndex 1} {endIndex end} {imgType GIF} {width -1} {height -1}} {

    # Export a range of slides as image files.
    # presId        - Identifier of the presentation.
    # outputDir     - Name of the output folder.
    # outputFileFmt - Name of the output file names.
    # startIndex    - Start index for slide export.
    # endIndex      - End index for slide export.
    # imgType       - Name of the image format filter. This is the name as stored in
    #                 the Windows registry. Supported names: `BMP` `GIF` `JPG` `PNG` `TIF`.
    # width         - Width of the generated images in pixels.
    # height        - Height of the generated images in pixels.
    # If the output directory does not exist, it is created.
    # The output file name must contain either a `%s` or a `%d` format.
    # In the first case, it is assumed that each slide has a comment of the form
    # `Export: Name`, where `Name` is substituted for the `%s` format option.
    # If the output file name contains a `%d` format option, the slide number
    # is substituted instead.
    # If $width and $height are not specified or less than zero, the default sizes
    # of PowerPoint are used.
    # Returns no value. If the export failed, an error is thrown.
    # See also: ExportPptFile ExportSlide

    set numSlides [Ppt GetNumSlides $presId]
    if { $startIndex < 1 || $startIndex > $numSlides } {
        error "startIndex ($startIndex) not in slide range."
    if { $endIndex eq "end" } {
        set endIndex $numSlides
    if { $endIndex < 1 || $endIndex > $numSlides || $endIndex < $startIndex } {
        error "endIndex ($endIndex) not in slide range."

    if { ! [file isdir $outputDir] } {
        file mkdir $outputDir

    for { set i $startIndex } { $i <= $endIndex } { incr i } {
        set slideId [Ppt GetSlideId $presId $i]
        set outputFile [file join $outputDir $outputFileFmt]
        set exportSlide true

        if { [string match "*\%s*" $outputFile] } {
            set exportFileName [Ppt GetCommentKeyValue $slideId "Export"]
            if { $exportFileName eq "" } {
                set exportSlide false
            set outputFile [format $outputFile $exportFileName]
        } else {
            set outputFile [format $outputFile $i]
        if { $exportSlide } {
            Ppt ExportSlide $slideId $outputFile $imgType $width $height
        Cawt Destroy $slideId

GetActivePres [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the active presentation of an application.

GetActivePres appId
appIdIdentifier of the PowerPoint instance.
Return value

Returns the identifier of the active presentation.

See also

OpenPres, AddPres

proc ::Ppt::GetActivePres {appId} {

    # Return the active presentation of an application.
    # appId - Identifier of the PowerPoint instance.
    # Returns the identifier of the active presentation.
    # See also: OpenPres AddPres

    return [$appId ActivePresentation]

GetCommentKeyLeftPosition [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the left position of a comment with specific key.

GetCommentKeyLeftPosition slideId key
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
keyKey to search for.

All comments of the specified slide are searched for strings of the form Key: Value.

Return value

Returns the left position of the comment, if the key is found in the comments. Otherwise an empty string is returned.

See also

GetNumComments, GetComments, GetCommentKeyValue, GetCommentKeyPosition, ExportSlides

proc ::Ppt::GetCommentKeyLeftPosition {slideId key} {

    # Return the left position of a comment with specific key.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # key     - Key to search for.
    # All comments of the specified slide are searched for strings of the
    # form `Key: Value`.
    # Returns the left position of the comment, if the key is found in the
    # comments. Otherwise an empty string is returned.
    # See also: GetNumComments GetComments GetCommentKeyValue GetCommentKeyPosition ExportSlides

    return [lindex [GetCommentKeyPosition $slideId $key] 1]

GetCommentKeyPosition [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the top-left position of a comment with specific key.

GetCommentKeyPosition slideId key
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
keyKey to search for.

All comments of the specified slide are searched for strings of the form Key: Value.

if the key is found in the comments.Top, Main, Index

Otherwise a list of two empty string is returned.

Return value

Returns the top-left position of the comment as a 2-element list,

See also

GetNumComments, GetComments, GetCommentKeyValue, ExportSlides, GetCommentKeyLeftPosition, GetCommentKeyTopPosition

proc ::Ppt::GetCommentKeyPosition {slideId key} {

    # Return the top-left position of a comment with specific key.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # key     - Key to search for.
    # All comments of the specified slide are searched for strings of the
    # form `Key: Value`.
    # Returns the top-left position of the comment as a 2-element list,
    # # if the key is found in the comments.
    # Otherwise a list of two empty string is returned.
    # See also: GetNumComments GetComments GetCommentKeyValue ExportSlides
    # GetCommentKeyLeftPosition GetCommentKeyTopPosition

    set numComments [Ppt GetNumComments $slideId]
    set commentsId [$slideId Comments]
    set left ""
    set top  ""
    for { set commentInd 1 } { $commentInd <= $numComments } { incr commentInd } {
        set commentId [$commentsId Item $commentInd]
        set comment [$commentId Text]
        if { [string match "$key:*" $comment] } {
            set top  [$commentId Top]
            set left [$commentId Left]
        Cawt Destroy $commentId
    Cawt Destroy $commentsId
    return [list $top $left]

GetCommentKeyTopPosition [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the top position of a comment with specific key.

GetCommentKeyTopPosition slideId key
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
keyKey to search for.

All comments of the specified slide are searched for strings of the form Key: Value.

Return value

Returns the top position of the comment, if the key is found in the comments. Otherwise an empty string is returned.

See also

GetNumComments, GetComments, GetCommentKeyValue, GetCommentKeyPosition, ExportSlides

proc ::Ppt::GetCommentKeyTopPosition {slideId key} {

    # Return the top position of a comment with specific key.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # key     - Key to search for.
    # All comments of the specified slide are searched for strings of the
    # form `Key: Value`.
    # Returns the top position of the comment, if the key is found in the
    # comments. Otherwise an empty string is returned.
    # See also: GetNumComments GetComments GetCommentKeyValue GetCommentKeyPosition ExportSlides

    return [lindex [GetCommentKeyPosition $slideId $key] 0]

GetCommentKeyValue [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the value of a key stored in a comment.

GetCommentKeyValue slideId key
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
keyKey to search for.

All comments of the specified slide are search for strings of the form Key: Value.

Return value

Returns the corresponding value, if the key is found in the comments. Otherwise an empty string is returned.

See also

GetNumComments, GetComments, GetCommentKeyPosition, ExportSlides

proc ::Ppt::GetCommentKeyValue {slideId key} {

    # Return the value of a key stored in a comment.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # key     - Key to search for.
    # All comments of the specified slide are search for strings of the
    # form `Key: Value`.
    # Returns the corresponding value, if the key is found in the comments.
    # Otherwise an empty string is returned.
    # See also: GetNumComments GetComments GetCommentKeyPosition
    # ExportSlides

    set value ""
    if { [Ppt GetNumComments $slideId] > 0 } {
        foreach comment [Ppt GetComments $slideId] {
            if { [string match "$key:*" $comment] } {
                set value [string trim [lindex [split $comment ":"] 1]]
    return $value

GetComments [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get the comment texts of a slide as a Tcl list.

GetComments slideId
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
Return value

Returns the comment texts of the slide as a Tcl list.

See also

GetNumComments, GetCommentKeyValue

proc ::Ppt::GetComments {slideId} {

    # Get the comment texts of a slide as a Tcl list.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # Returns the comment texts of the slide as a Tcl list.
    # See also: GetNumComments GetCommentKeyValue

    set numComments [Ppt GetNumComments $slideId]
    set commentList [list]
    set commentsId [$slideId Comments]
    for { set commentInd 1 } { $commentInd <= $numComments } { incr commentInd } {
        set commentId [$commentsId Item $commentInd]
        lappend commentList [$commentId Text]
        Cawt Destroy $commentId
    Cawt Destroy $commentsId
    return $commentList

GetCreateVideoStatus [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get video creation status.

GetCreateVideoStatus presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
Return value

Returns video creation status as enumeration type Enum::PpMediaTaskStatus.

See also

InsertVideo, CreateVideo, CheckCreateVideoStatus

proc ::Ppt::GetCreateVideoStatus {presId} {

    # Get video creation status.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # Returns video creation status as enumeration type [Enum::PpMediaTaskStatus].
    # See also: InsertVideo CreateVideo CheckCreateVideoStatus

    return [$presId CreateVideoStatus]

GetCurrentSlideIndex [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the current slide index of a presentation.

GetCurrentSlideIndex presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
Return value

Returns the slide index of the current slide of the presentation.

See also

AddSlide, ShowSlide

proc ::Ppt::GetCurrentSlideIndex {presId} {

    # Return the current slide index of a presentation.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # Returns the slide index of the current slide of the presentation.
    # See also: AddSlide ShowSlide

    set appId [Office GetApplicationId $presId]
    set actWin [$appId ActiveWindow]
    set slideIndex [$actWin -with { View Slide } SlideIndex]
    Cawt Destroy $actWin
    Cawt Destroy $appId
    return $slideIndex

GetCustomLayoutId [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get a custom layout by its index or name.

GetCustomLayoutId presId indexOrName
presIdIdentifier of the presentation containing the custom layout.
indexOrNameIndex or name of the custom layout to find.

Instead of using the numeric index the special word end may be used to specify the last custom layout.

Return value

Returns the identifier of the found custom layout. If the index is out of bounds or a custom layout with specified name is not found, an error is thrown.

See also

GetNumCustomLayouts, GetCustomLayoutName, AddPres

proc ::Ppt::GetCustomLayoutId {presId indexOrName} {

    # Get a custom layout by its index or name.
    # presId      - Identifier of the presentation containing the custom layout.
    # indexOrName - Index or name of the custom layout to find.
    # Instead of using the numeric index the special word `end` may
    # be used to specify the last custom layout.
    # Returns the identifier of the found custom layout.
    # If the index is out of bounds or a custom layout with specified name
    # is not found, an error is thrown.
    # See also: GetNumCustomLayouts GetCustomLayoutName AddPres

    set count [Ppt GetNumCustomLayouts $presId]
    if { [string is integer $indexOrName] || $indexOrName eq "end" } {
        if { $indexOrName eq "end" } {
            set indexOrName $count
        } else {
            if { $indexOrName < 1 || $indexOrName > $count } {
                error "GetCustomLayoutId: Invalid index $indexOrName given."
        set customLayoutId [$presId -with { SlideMaster CustomLayouts } Item [expr $indexOrName]]
        return $customLayoutId
    } else {
        for { set i 1 } { $i <= $count } { incr i } {
            set customLayouts [$presId -with { SlideMaster } CustomLayouts]
            set customLayoutId [$customLayouts Item [expr $i]]
            if { $indexOrName eq [$customLayoutId Name] } {
                Cawt Destroy $customLayouts
                return $customLayoutId
            Cawt Destroy $customLayoutId
        error "GetCustomLayoutId: No custom layout with name $indexOrName"

GetCustomLayoutName [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the name of a custom layout.

GetCustomLayoutName customLayoutId
customLayoutIdIdentifier of the custom layout.
Return value

Returns the name of a custom layout.

See also

GetCustomLayoutId, GetNumCustomLayouts

proc ::Ppt::GetCustomLayoutName {customLayoutId} {

    # Return the name of a custom layout.
    # customLayoutId - Identifier of the custom layout.
    # Returns the name of a custom layout.
    # See also: GetCustomLayoutId GetNumCustomLayouts

    return [$customLayoutId Name]

GetEnum [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get numeric value of an enumeration.

GetEnum enumOrString
enumOrStringEnumeration name
Return value

Returns the numeric value of an enumeration.

See also

GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnumNames

proc ::Ppt::GetEnum {enumOrString} {

    # Get numeric value of an enumeration.
    # enumOrString - Enumeration name
    # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration.
    # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnumNames

    set retVal [catch { expr int($enumOrString) } enumInt]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        return $enumInt
    } else {
        return [GetEnumVal $enumOrString]

GetEnumName [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value.

GetEnumName enumType enumVal
enumTypeEnumeration type
enumValEnumeration numeric value.
Return value

Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.

See also

GetEnumNames, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum

proc ::Ppt::GetEnumName {enumType enumVal} {

    # Get name of a given enumeration type and numeric value.
    # enumType - Enumeration type
    # enumVal  - Enumeration numeric value.
    # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
    # See also: GetEnumNames GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum

    variable enums

    set enumName ""
    if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } {
        foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) {
            if { $val eq $enumVal } {
                set enumName $key
    return $enumName

GetEnumNames [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get names of a given enumeration type.

GetEnumNames enumType
enumTypeEnumeration type
Return value

Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.

See also

GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumVal, GetEnum

proc ::Ppt::GetEnumNames {enumType} {

    # Get names of a given enumeration type.
    # enumType - Enumeration type
    # Returns the list of names of a given enumeration type.
    # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumVal GetEnum

    variable enums

    if { [info exists enums($enumType)] } {
        foreach { key val } $enums($enumType) {
            lappend nameList $key
        return $nameList
    } else {
        return [list]

GetEnumTypes [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get available enumeration types.

Return value

Returns the list of available enumeration types.

See also

GetEnumName, GetEnumNames, GetEnumVal, GetEnum

proc ::Ppt::GetEnumTypes {} {

    # Get available enumeration types.
    # Returns the list of available enumeration types.
    # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumNames GetEnumVal GetEnum

    variable enums

    return [lsort -dictionary [array names enums]]

GetEnumVal [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get numeric value of an enumeration name.

GetEnumVal enumName
enumNameEnumeration name
Return value

Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name.

See also

GetEnumName, GetEnumTypes, GetEnumNames, GetEnum

proc ::Ppt::GetEnumVal {enumName} {

    # Get numeric value of an enumeration name.
    # enumName - Enumeration name
    # Returns the numeric value of an enumeration name.
    # See also: GetEnumName GetEnumTypes GetEnumNames GetEnum

    variable enums

    foreach enumType [GetEnumTypes] {
        set ind [lsearch -exact $enums($enumType) $enumName]
        if { $ind >= 0 } {
            return [lindex $enums($enumType) [expr { $ind + 1 }]]
    return ""

GetExtString [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the default extension of a PowerPoint file.

GetExtString appId
appIdIdentifier of the PowerPoint instance.

Starting with PowerPoint 12 (2007) this is the string .pptx. In previous versions it was .ppt.

Return value

Returns the default extension of a PowerPoint file.

See also


proc ::Ppt::GetExtString {appId} {

    # Return the default extension of a PowerPoint file.
    # appId - Identifier of the PowerPoint instance.
    # Starting with PowerPoint 12 (2007) this is the string `.pptx`.
    # In previous versions it was `.ppt`.
    # Returns the default extension of a PowerPoint file.
    # See also: ::Office::GetOfficeType

    # appId is only needed, so we are sure, that pptVersion is initialized.

    variable pptVersion

    if { $pptVersion >= 12.0 } {
        return ".pptx"
    } else {
        return ".ppt"

GetNumComments [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the number of comments of a slide.

GetNumComments slideId
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
Return value

Returns the number of comments of the slide.

See also

GetComments, GetCommentKeyValue

proc ::Ppt::GetNumComments {slideId} {

    # Return the number of comments of a slide.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # Returns the number of comments of the slide.
    # See also: GetComments GetCommentKeyValue

    return [$slideId -with { Comments } Count]

GetNumCustomLayouts [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the number of custom layouts of a presentation.

GetNumCustomLayouts presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
Return value

Returns the number of custom layouts of a presentation.

See also

GetNumSlides, GetCustomLayoutName, GetCustomLayoutId

proc ::Ppt::GetNumCustomLayouts {presId} {

    # Return the number of custom layouts of a presentation.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # Returns the number of custom layouts of a presentation.
    # See also: GetNumSlides GetCustomLayoutName GetCustomLayoutId

    return [$presId -with { SlideMaster CustomLayouts } Count]

GetNumShapes [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the number of shapes of a slide.

GetNumShapes slideId
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
Return value

Returns the number of shapes of the slide.

See also

AddShape, GetShapeId, ConfigureShape, ConnectShapes

proc ::Ppt::GetNumShapes {slideId} {

    # Return the number of shapes of a slide.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # Returns the number of shapes of the slide.
    # See also: AddShape GetShapeId ConfigureShape ConnectShapes

    return [$slideId -with { Shapes } Count]

GetNumSites [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the number of sites of a shape.

GetNumSites shapeId
shapeIdIdentifier of the shape.

A site is the anchor point of a shape, where the connectors are attached.

Return value

Returns the number of sites of the shape.

See also

AddShape, ConfigureShape, ConnectShapes

proc ::Ppt::GetNumSites {shapeId} {

    # Return the number of sites of a shape.
    # shapeId - Identifier of the shape.
    # A site is the anchor point of a shape, where the connectors are attached.
    # Returns the number of sites of the shape.
    # See also: AddShape ConfigureShape ConnectShapes

    return [$shapeId ConnectionSiteCount]

GetNumSlideImages [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the number of images of a slide.

GetNumSlideImages slideId
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
Return value

Returns the number of images of a slide.

See also

GetSlideImages, GetPresImages, GetShapeType

proc ::Ppt::GetNumSlideImages {slideId} {

    # Return the number of images of a slide.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # Returns the number of images of a slide.
    # See also: GetSlideImages GetPresImages GetShapeType

    return [llength [Ppt GetSlideImages $slideId]]

GetNumSlides [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the number of slides of a presentation.

GetNumSlides presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
Return value

Returns the number of slides of the presentation.

See also


proc ::Ppt::GetNumSlides {presId} {

    # Return the number of slides of a presentation.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # Returns the number of slides of the presentation.
    # See also: GetNumSlideShows

    return [$presId -with { Slides } Count]

GetNumSlideShows [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the number of slide shows of a presentation.

GetNumSlideShows appId
appIdIdentifier of the PowerPoint instance.
Return value

Returns the number of slide shows of the presentation.

See also

GetNumSlides, UseSlideShow, ExitSlideShow

proc ::Ppt::GetNumSlideShows {appId} {

    # Return the number of slide shows of a presentation.
    # appId - Identifier of the PowerPoint instance.
    # Returns the number of slide shows of the presentation.
    # See also: GetNumSlides UseSlideShow ExitSlideShow

    return [$appId -with { SlideShowWindows } Count]

GetNumSlideVideos [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the number of videos of a slide.

GetNumSlideVideos slideId
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
Return value

Returns the number of videos of a slide.

See also

GetSlideVideos, GetPresVideos, GetShapeType

proc ::Ppt::GetNumSlideVideos {slideId} {

    # Return the number of videos of a slide.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # Returns the number of videos of a slide.
    # See also: GetSlideVideos GetPresVideos GetShapeType

    return [llength [Ppt GetSlideVideos $slideId]]

GetPptImageFormat [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get PowerPoint image format from Img format.

GetPptImageFormat tkImgFmt
tkImgFmtImage format name as supported by the Img extension.
Return value

Returns the PowerPoint image format name corresponding to the image format name supported by the Img extension. See GetSupportedImageFormats for a list of supported image formats.

See also

InsertImage, GetSupportedImageFormats, IsImageFormatSupported

proc ::Ppt::GetPptImageFormat {tkImgFmt} {

    # Get PowerPoint image format from Img format.
    # tkImgFmt - Image format name as supported by the Img extension.
    # Returns the PowerPoint image format name corresponding to the image
    # format name supported by the Img extension.
    # See [GetSupportedImageFormats] for a list of supported image formats.
    # See also: InsertImage GetSupportedImageFormats IsImageFormatSupported

    set pptImgFmt ""
    set index [lsearch -exact [Ppt GetSupportedImageFormats] $tkImgFmt]
    if { $index >= 0 } {
        set pptImgFmt [lindex [Ppt GetSupportedImageFormats true] $index]
    return $pptImgFmt

GetPresImages [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get the images of a presentation.

GetPresImages presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
Return value

Returns a key-value list containing the image name and its corresponding slide index.

See also

InsertImage, GetSlideImages, GetPresVideos, GetShapeType, GetShapeMediaType

proc ::Ppt::GetPresImages {presId} {

    # Get the images of a presentation.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # Returns a key-value list containing the image name and its
    # corresponding slide index.
    # See also: InsertImage GetSlideImages GetPresVideos GetShapeType GetShapeMediaType

    set imgList [list]
    set numSlides [Ppt GetNumSlides $presId]
    for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numSlides } { incr i } {
        set slideId [Ppt GetSlideId $presId $i]
        foreach imgName [Ppt::GetSlideImages $slideId] {
            lappend imgList $imgName $i
        Cawt Destroy $slideId
    return $imgList

GetPresPageHeight [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get the page height of a presentation.

GetPresPageHeight presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
Return value

Returns the page height in points.

See also

SetPresPageSetup, GetPresPageWidth, ::Cawt::PointsToCentiMeters

proc ::Ppt::GetPresPageHeight {presId} {

    # Get the page height of a presentation.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # Returns the page height in points.
    # See also: SetPresPageSetup GetPresPageWidth ::Cawt::PointsToCentiMeters

    set pageSetup [$presId PageSetup]
    set height [$pageSetup SlideHeight]
    Cawt Destroy $pageSetup
    return $height

GetPresPageWidth [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get the page width of a presentation.

GetPresPageWidth presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
Return value

Returns the page width in points.

See also

SetPresPageSetup, GetPresPageHeight, ::Cawt::PointsToCentiMeters

proc ::Ppt::GetPresPageWidth {presId} {

    # Get the page width of a presentation.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # Returns the page width in points.
    # See also: SetPresPageSetup GetPresPageHeight ::Cawt::PointsToCentiMeters

    set pageSetup [$presId PageSetup]
    set width [$pageSetup SlideWidth]
    Cawt Destroy $pageSetup
    return $width

GetPresVideos [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get the videos of a presentation.

GetPresVideos presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
Return value

Returns a key-value list containing the video name and its corresponding slide index.

See also

InsertVideo, GetSlideVideos, GetPresImages, GetShapeType, GetShapeMediaType

proc ::Ppt::GetPresVideos {presId} {

    # Get the videos of a presentation.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # Returns a key-value list containing the video name and its
    # corresponding slide index.
    # See also: InsertVideo GetSlideVideos GetPresImages GetShapeType GetShapeMediaType

    set videoList [list]
    set numSlides [Ppt GetNumSlides $presId]
    for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numSlides } { incr i } {
        set slideId [Ppt GetSlideId $presId $i]
        foreach videoName [Ppt::GetSlideVideos $slideId] {
            lappend videoList $videoName $i
        Cawt Destroy $slideId
    return $videoList

GetShapeId [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get shape identifier from shape index.

GetShapeId slideId shapeIndex
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
shapeIndexIndex of the shape. Shape indices start at 1. If negative or end, use last shape.
Return value

Returns the identifier of the shape.

See also

AddShape, GetNumShapes, GetShapeType

proc ::Ppt::GetShapeId {slideId shapeIndex} {

    # Get shape identifier from shape index.
    # slideId    - Identifier of the slide.
    # shapeIndex - Index of the shape. Shape indices start at 1.
    #              If negative or `end`, use last shape.
    # Returns the identifier of the shape.
    # See also: AddShape GetNumShapes GetShapeType

    if { $shapeIndex eq "end" || $shapeIndex < 0 } {
        set shapeIndex [GetNumShapes $slideId]
    set shapeId [$slideId -with { Shapes } Item $shapeIndex]
    return $shapeId

GetShapeMediaType [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the media type of a shape.

GetShapeMediaType shapeId ?useString?
shapeIdIdentifier of the shape.
useStringIf set to true, return the enumeration as string. Otherwise return the enumeration as integer. Optional, default false.
Return value

Returns the media type of the shape as enumeration Enum::PpMediaType. Typical values: ppMediaTypeMovie ppMediaTypeSound.

See also

AddShape, GetShapeId, GetNumShapes, GetShapeType, GetShapeName

proc ::Ppt::GetShapeMediaType {shapeId {useString false}} {

    # Return the media type of a shape.
    # shapeId   - Identifier of the shape.
    # useString - If set to true, return the enumeration as string.
    #             Otherwise return the enumeration as integer.
    # Returns the media type of the shape as enumeration [Enum::PpMediaType].
    # Typical values: `ppMediaTypeMovie` `ppMediaTypeSound`.
    # See also: AddShape GetShapeId GetNumShapes GetShapeType GetShapeName

    set type [$shapeId MediaType]
    if { $useString } {
        return [Ppt GetEnumName PpMediaType $type]
    } else {
        return $type

GetShapeName [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the name of a shape.

GetShapeName shapeId
shapeIdIdentifier of the shape.
Return value

Returns the name of the shape as string.

See also

SetShapeName, AddShape, GetShapeId, GetNumShapes, GetShapeType, GetShapeMediaType

proc ::Ppt::GetShapeName {shapeId} {

    # Return the name of a shape.
    # shapeId - Identifier of the shape.
    # Returns the name of the shape as string.
    # See also: SetShapeName AddShape GetShapeId GetNumShapes
    # GetShapeType GetShapeMediaType

    return [$shapeId Name]

GetShapeType [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the type of a shape.

GetShapeType shapeId ?useString?
shapeIdIdentifier of the shape.
useStringIf set to true, return the enumeration as string. Otherwise return the enumeration as integer. Optional, default false.
Return value

Returns the type of the shape as enumeration ::Office::Enum::MsoShapeType. Typical values: msoMedia, msoTextBox, msoGraphic.

See also

AddShape, GetShapeId, GetNumShapes, GetShapeMediaType, GetShapeName

proc ::Ppt::GetShapeType {shapeId {useString false}} {

    # Return the type of a shape.
    # shapeId   - Identifier of the shape.
    # useString - If set to true, return the enumeration as string.
    #             Otherwise return the enumeration as integer.
    # Returns the type of the shape as enumeration [::Office::Enum::MsoShapeType].
    # Typical values: `msoMedia`, `msoTextBox`, `msoGraphic`.
    # See also: AddShape GetShapeId GetNumShapes GetShapeMediaType GetShapeName

    set type [$shapeId Type]
    if { $useString } {
        return [Office GetEnumName MsoShapeType $type]
    } else {
        return $type

GetSlideId [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get slide identifier from slide index.

GetSlideId presId slideIndex
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
slideIndexIndex of slide. Slide indices start at 1. If negative or end, use last slide.
Return value

Returns the identifier of the slide.

See also

GetNumSlides, AddSlide

proc ::Ppt::GetSlideId {presId slideIndex} {

    # Get slide identifier from slide index.
    # presId     - Identifier of the presentation.
    # slideIndex - Index of slide. Slide indices start at 1.
    #              If negative or `end`, use last slide.
    # Returns the identifier of the slide.
    # See also: GetNumSlides AddSlide

    if { $slideIndex eq "end" || $slideIndex < 0 } {
        set slideIndex [GetNumSlides $presId]
    set slideId [$presId -with { Slides } Item $slideIndex]
    return $slideId

GetSlideIdByName [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Find a slide by its name.

GetSlideIdByName presId slideName
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
slideNameName of the slide to find.
Return value

Returns the identifier of the found slide. If a slide with given name does not exist an error is thrown.

See also

GetSlideId, GetNumSlides, AddSlide, GetSlideName

proc ::Ppt::GetSlideIdByName {presId slideName} {

    # Find a slide by its name.
    # presId    - Identifier of the presentation.
    # slideName - Name of the slide to find.
    # Returns the identifier of the found slide.
    # If a slide with given name does not exist an error is thrown.
    # See also: GetSlideId GetNumSlides AddSlide GetSlideName

    set numSlides [Ppt GetNumSlides $presId]
    for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numSlides } { incr i } {
        set slideId [Ppt GetSlideId $presId $i]
        if { $slideName eq [$slideId Name] } {
            return $slideId
        Cawt Destroy $slideId
    error "GetSlideIdByName: No slide with name $slideName"

GetSlideImages [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get the images of a slide.

GetSlideImages slideId
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
Return value

Returns list containing the image names.

See also

InsertImage, GetSlideVideos, GetPresImages, GetNumSlideImages, GetShapeType

proc ::Ppt::GetSlideImages {slideId} {

    # Get the images of a slide.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # Returns list containing the image names.
    # See also: InsertImage GetSlideVideos GetPresImages
    # GetNumSlideImages GetShapeType

    set imgList [list]
    set numShapes [Ppt GetNumShapes $slideId]
    for { set s 1 } { $s <= $numShapes } { incr s } {
        set shapeId [Ppt GetShapeId $slideId $s]
        set shapeType [Ppt GetShapeType $shapeId]
        if { $shapeType == $::Office::msoPicture ||  $shapeType == $::Office::msoLinkedPicture } {
            lappend imgList [Ppt GetShapeName $shapeId]
        Cawt Destroy $shapeId
    return $imgList

GetSlideIndex [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the index of a slide.

GetSlideIndex slideId
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
Return value

Returns the index of the slide.

See also

GetNumSlides, AddSlide

proc ::Ppt::GetSlideIndex {slideId} {

    # Return the index of a slide.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # Returns the index of the slide.
    # See also: GetNumSlides AddSlide

    return [$slideId SlideIndex]

GetSlideName [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the name of a slide.

GetSlideName slideId
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
Return value

Returns the name of the slide.

See also

GetSlideId, GetNumSlides, AddSlide, SetSlideName

proc ::Ppt::GetSlideName {slideId} {

    # Return the name of a slide.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # Returns the name of the slide.
    # See also: GetSlideId GetNumSlides AddSlide SetSlideName

    return [$slideId Name]

GetSlideVideos [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get the videos of a slide.

GetSlideVideos slideId
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
Return value

Returns a list containing the video names.

See also

InsertVideo, GetSlideImages, GetPresVideos, GetNumSlideVideos, GetShapeType

proc ::Ppt::GetSlideVideos {slideId} {

    # Get the videos of a slide.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # Returns a list containing the video names.
    # See also: InsertVideo GetSlideImages GetPresVideos
    # GetNumSlideVideos GetShapeType

    set videoList [list]
    set numShapes [Ppt GetNumShapes $slideId]
    for { set s 1 } { $s <= $numShapes } { incr s } {
        set shapeId [Ppt GetShapeId $slideId $s]
        set shapeType [Ppt GetShapeType $shapeId]
        if { $shapeType == $::Office::msoMedia } {
            lappend videoList [Ppt GetShapeName $shapeId]
        Cawt Destroy $shapeId
    return $videoList

GetSupportedImageFormats [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Get the image formats supported by PowerPoint.

GetSupportedImageFormats ?usePptFmtNames?
usePptFmtNamesUse format names as supported by PowerPoint. Optional, default false.

Img format names - BMP GIF JPEG TIFF PNG
Ppt format names - BMP GIF JPG TIF PNG

Return value

Returns a list of image formats which can be loaded by PowerPoint. If $usePptFmtNames is set to true, the image format strings are returned according to the format names of the Img extension. Otherwise the image format strings are returned according to the format names of PowerPoint.

See also

InsertImage, IsImageFormatSupported, GetPptImageFormat

proc ::Ppt::GetSupportedImageFormats {{usePptFmtNames false}} {

    # Get the image formats supported by PowerPoint.
    # usePptFmtNames - Use format names as supported by PowerPoint.
    # Returns a list of image formats which can be loaded by PowerPoint.
    # If $usePptFmtNames is set to true, the image format strings are returned
    # according to the format names of the Img extension.
    # Otherwise the image format strings are returned according to the format
    # names of PowerPoint.
    # Img format names - `BMP` `GIF` `JPEG` `TIFF` `PNG`<br/>
    # Ppt format names - `BMP` `GIF` `JPG`  `TIF`  `PNG`
    # See also: InsertImage IsImageFormatSupported GetPptImageFormat

    if { $usePptFmtNames } {
        return [list "BMP" "GIF" "JPG"  "TIF"  "PNG"]
    } else {
        return [list "BMP" "GIF" "JPEG" "TIFF" "PNG"]

GetTemplateExtString [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the default extension of a PowerPoint template file.

GetTemplateExtString appId
appIdIdentifier of the PowerPoint instance.

Starting with PowerPoint 12 (2007) this is the string .potx. In previous versions it was .pot.

Return value

Returns the default extension of a PowerPoint template file.

proc ::Ppt::GetTemplateExtString {appId} {

    # Return the default extension of a PowerPoint template file.
    # appId - Identifier of the PowerPoint instance.
    # Starting with PowerPoint 12 (2007) this is the string `.potx`.
    # In previous versions it was `.pot`.
    # Returns the default extension of a PowerPoint template file.

    # appId is only needed, so we are sure, that pptVersion is initialized.

    variable pptVersion

    if { $pptVersion >= 12.0 } {
        return ".potx"
    } else {
        return ".pot"

GetVersion [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the version of a PowerPoint application.

GetVersion objId ?useString?
objIdIdentifier of a PowerPoint object instance.
useStringIf set to true, return the version name (ex. PowerPoint 2003). Otherwise return the version number (ex. 11.0). Optional, default false.
Return value

Returns the version of a PowerPoint application. Both version name and version number are returned as strings. Version number is in a format, so that it can be evaluated as a floating point number.

See also


proc ::Ppt::GetVersion {objId {useString false}} {

    # Return the version of a PowerPoint application.
    # objId     - Identifier of a PowerPoint object instance.
    # useString - If set to true, return the version name (ex. `PowerPoint 2003`).
    #             Otherwise return the version number (ex. `11.0`).
    # Returns the version of a PowerPoint application.
    # Both version name and version number are returned as strings.
    # Version number is in a format, so that it can be evaluated as a
    # floating point number.
    # See also: GetExtString

    array set map {
        "8.0"  "PowerPoint 97"
        "9.0"  "PowerPoint 2000"
        "10.0" "PowerPoint 2002"
        "11.0" "PowerPoint 2003"
        "12.0" "PowerPoint 2007"
        "14.0" "PowerPoint 2010"
        "15.0" "PowerPoint 2013"
        "16.0" "PowerPoint 2016/2019"
    set version [Office GetApplicationVersion $objId]
    if { $useString } {
        if { [info exists map($version)] } {
            return $map($version)
        } else {
            return "Unknown PowerPoint version"
    } else {
        return $version
    return $version

GetViewType [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Return the view type of a presentation.

GetViewType presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
Return value

Returns the view type of the presentation.

See also


proc ::Ppt::GetViewType {presId} {

    # Return the view type of a presentation.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # Returns the view type of the presentation.
    # See also: SetViewType

    set appId [Office GetApplicationId $presId]
    set actWin [$appId ActiveWindow]
    set viewType [$actWin ViewType]
    Cawt Destroy $actWin
    Cawt Destroy $appId
    return $viewType

InsertImage [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Insert an image into a slide.

InsertImage slideId photoOrImgFileName ?args?
slideIdIdentifier of the slide where the image is inserted.
photoOrImgFileNameTk photo identifier or file name of the image.
argsOptions described below.
-embed <bool>Indicates whether to save the image with the document. Default: true.
-fit <bool>Fit image to page. Default: false.
-height <size>Set the height of the image.
-left <pos>Set the X position of the top-left image position.
-link <bool>Indicates whether to link to the file. Default: false.
-top <pos>Set the Y position of the top-left image position.
-width <size>Set the width of the image.

The following image formats are supported by the Img extension, but not by PowerPoint:
Images in these formats may be loaded into PowerPoint by using the Img extension to load the image into a Tk photo and supplying the photo identifier in parameter $photoOrImgFileFile.

The position and size values may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.

If no position or size values are specified, the image is placed automatically by PowerPoint. If -fit is set to true, the position and size values are ignored and the image is made as big as possible on the slide without changing the aspect ratio.

Return value

Returns the identifier of the inserted image.

See also

GetPresImages, InsertVideo, AddSlide, GetPresPageWidth, GetPresPageHeight, IsImageFormatSupported, GetSupportedImageFormats, GetPptImageFormat

proc ::Ppt::InsertImage {slideId photoOrImgFileName args} {

    # Insert an image into a slide.
    # slideId            - Identifier of the slide where the image is inserted.
    # photoOrImgFileName - Tk photo identifier or file name of the image.
    # args               - Options described below.
    # -left <pos>    - Set the X position of the top-left image position.
    # -top <pos>     - Set the Y position of the top-left image position.
    # -width <size>  - Set the width of the image.
    # -height <size> - Set the height of the image.
    # -fit <bool>    - Fit image to page. Default: false.
    # -link <bool>   - Indicates whether to link to the file.
    #                  Default: false.
    # -embed <bool>  - Indicates whether to save the image with the document.
    #                  Default: true.
    # The following image formats are supported by the Img extension,
    # but not by PowerPoint:<br/>`DTED PCX PPM RAW SGI SUN TGA XBM XPM`.<br/>
    # Images in these formats may be loaded into PowerPoint by using the Img
    # extension to load the image into a Tk photo and supplying the photo
    # identifier in parameter $photoOrImgFileFile.
    # The position and size values may be specified in a format acceptable
    # by procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
    # If no position or size values are specified, the image is placed
    # automatically by PowerPoint.
    # If `-fit` is set to true, the position and size values are ignored
    # and the image is made as big as possible on the slide
    # without changing the aspect ratio.
    # Returns the identifier of the inserted image.
    # See also: GetPresImages InsertVideo AddSlide GetPresPageWidth GetPresPageHeight
    # IsImageFormatSupported GetSupportedImageFormats GetPptImageFormat

    set left    0.0
    set top     0.0
    set width  -1.0
    set height -1.0
    set link   [Cawt TclInt false]
    set embed  [Cawt TclInt true]
    set fit    false

    if { [llength $args] > 0 && [string index [lindex $args 0] 0] ne "-" } {
        if { [llength $args] >= 1 } { set left   [Cawt ValueToPoints [lindex $args 0]] }
        if { [llength $args] >= 2 } { set top    [Cawt ValueToPoints [lindex $args 1]] }
        if { [llength $args] >= 3 } { set width  [Cawt ValueToPoints [lindex $args 2]] }
        if { [llength $args] >= 4 } { set height [Cawt ValueToPoints [lindex $args 3]] }
    } else {
        foreach { key value } $args {
            if { $value eq "" } {
                error "InsertImage: No value specified for key \"$key\""
            switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
                "-left"   { set left    [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] }
                "-top"    { set top     [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] }
                "-width"  { set width   [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] }
                "-height" { set height  [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] }
                "-link"   { set link    [Cawt TclInt $value] }
                "-embed"  { set embed   [Cawt TclInt $value] }
                "-fit"    { set fit     [Cawt TclInt $value] }
                default   { error "InsertImage: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" }

    set fileName [file nativename [file normalize $photoOrImgFileName]]
    if { [file exists $fileName] } {
        set imgId [$slideId -with { Shapes } AddPicture $fileName  $link $embed $left $top $width $height]
    } else {
        if { [info commands image] ne "" } {
            if { [lsearch -exact [image names] $photoOrImgFileName] >= 0 } {
                Cawt ImgToClipboard $photoOrImgFileName
                set imgId [$slideId -with { Shapes } Paste]

    if { $fit } {
        # Get the page size and then position and size the image.
        set presId [$slideId Parent]

        set pageWidth  [Ppt::GetPresPageWidth $presId]
        set pageHeight [Ppt::GetPresPageHeight $presId]
        set imgWidth   [$imgId Width]
        set imgHeight  [$imgId Height]

        set xzoom [expr { ($imgWidth  / $pageWidth) }]
        set yzoom [expr { ($imgHeight / $pageHeight) }]
        if { $xzoom > $yzoom } {
            set zoomFact $xzoom
            set zoomDir "x"
        } else {
            set zoomFact $yzoom
            set zoomDir "y"
        set newWidth  [expr { $imgWidth  / $zoomFact }]
        set newHeight [expr { $imgHeight / $zoomFact }]

        $imgId Width  $newWidth
        $imgId Height $newHeight

        if { $zoomDir eq "x" } {
            set off [expr { 0.5 * ($pageHeight - $newHeight) }]
            $imgId Top  $off
            $imgId Left 0.0
        } else {
            set off [expr { 0.5 * ($pageWidth - $newWidth) }]
            $imgId Top  0.0
            $imgId Left $off
        Cawt Destroy $presId
    return $imgId

InsertVideo [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Insert a video into a slide.

InsertVideo slideId videoFileName ?args?
slideIdIdentifier of the slide where the video is inserted.
videoFileNameFile name of the video.
argsOptions described below.
-embed <bool>Indicates whether to save the video with the document. Default: true.
-height <size>Set the height of the video.
-left <pos>Set the X position of top-left video position.
-link <bool>Indicates whether to link to the file. Default: false.
-top <pos>Set the Y position of top-left video position.
-width <size>Set the width of the video.

The position and size values may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.

If no position or size values are specified, the video is placed automatically by PowerPoint.

Important notice:

This procedure may not work with older video formats (ex. .mpg), when using newer PowerPoint versions (>= 2016). When manually inserting such a video, it works. A message box is displayed informing that the video is converted to a suitable format. When inserting such a video via the COM interface, an error occurs. You may catch that error, but afterwards the PowerPoint COM interface is not working anymore.

Return value

Returns the identifier of the inserted video.

See also

GetPresVideos, SetMediaPlaySettings, InsertImage, AddSlide, CreateVideo

proc ::Ppt::InsertVideo {slideId videoFileName args} {

    # Insert a video into a slide.
    # slideId       - Identifier of the slide where the video is inserted.
    # videoFileName - File name of the video.
    # args          - Options described below.
    # -left <pos>    - Set the X position of top-left video position.
    # -top <pos>     - Set the Y position of top-left video position.
    # -width <size>  - Set the width of the video.
    # -height <size> - Set the height of the video.
    # -link <bool>   - Indicates whether to link to the file.
    #                  Default: false.
    # -embed <bool>  - Indicates whether to save the video with the document.
    #                  Default: true.
    # The position and size values may be specified in a format acceptable
    # by procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
    # If no position or size values are specified, the video is placed
    # automatically by PowerPoint.
    # ** Important notice: **
    # This procedure may not work with older video formats (ex. .mpg),
    # when using newer PowerPoint versions (>= 2016).
    # When manually inserting such a video, it works. A message box is displayed
    # informing that the video is converted to a suitable format.
    # When inserting such a video via the COM interface, an error occurs. You may
    # catch that error, but afterwards the PowerPoint COM interface is not working anymore.
    # Returns the identifier of the inserted video.
    # See also: GetPresVideos SetMediaPlaySettings InsertImage AddSlide CreateVideo

    variable pptVersion

    if { $pptVersion < 14.0 } {
        error "Videos available only in PowerPoint 2010 or newer. Running [Ppt GetVersion $slideId true]."

    set left   -1.0
    set top    -1.0
    set width  -1.0
    set height -1.0
    set link   [Cawt TclInt false]
    set embed  [Cawt TclInt true]

    if { [llength $args] > 0 && [string index [lindex $args 0] 0] ne "-" } {
        if { [llength $args] >= 1 } { set left   [Cawt ValueToPoints [lindex $args 0]] }
        if { [llength $args] >= 2 } { set top    [Cawt ValueToPoints [lindex $args 1]] }
        if { [llength $args] >= 3 } { set width  [Cawt ValueToPoints [lindex $args 2]] }
        if { [llength $args] >= 4 } { set height [Cawt ValueToPoints [lindex $args 3]] }
    } else {
        foreach { key value } $args {
            if { $value eq "" } {
                error "InsertVideo: No value specified for key \"$key\""
            switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
                "-left"    { set left    [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] }
                "-top"     { set top     [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] }
                "-width"   { set width   [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] }
                "-height"  { set height  [Cawt ValueToPoints $value] }
                "-link"    { set link    [Cawt TclInt $value] }
                "-embed"   { set embed   [Cawt TclInt $value] }
                 default   { error "InsertVideo: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" }

    set fileName [file nativename [file normalize $videoFileName]]
    set videoId [$slideId -with { Shapes } AddMediaObject2 $fileName  $link $embed $left $top $width $height]
    return $videoId

IsImageFormatSupported [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Check, if the image format is supported by PowerPoint.

IsImageFormatSupported imgFmt ?usePptFmtNames?
imgFmtImage format name.
usePptFmtNamesUse format names as supported by PowerPoint. Optional, default false.
Return value

Returns true, if images of format $imgFmt can be loaded by PowerPoint. See GetSupportedImageFormats for a list of supported image formats.

See also

InsertImage, GetSupportedImageFormats, GetPptImageFormat

proc ::Ppt::IsImageFormatSupported {imgFmt {usePptFmtNames false}} {

    # Check, if the image format is supported by PowerPoint.
    # imgFmt         - Image format name.
    # usePptFmtNames - Use format names as supported by PowerPoint.
    # Returns true, if images of format $imgFmt can be loaded by
    # PowerPoint. See [GetSupportedImageFormats] for a list of
    # supported image formats.
    # See also: InsertImage GetSupportedImageFormats GetPptImageFormat

    if { [lsearch -exact [Ppt GetSupportedImageFormats $usePptFmtNames] $imgFmt] >= 0 } {
        return true
    } else {
        return false

IsValidPresId [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Check, if a presentation identifier is valid.

IsValidPresId presId
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
Return value

Returns true, if $presId is valid. Otherwise returns false.

See also

Open, Close, AddPres

proc ::Ppt::IsValidPresId {presId} {

    # Check, if a presentation identifier is valid.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # Returns true, if $presId is valid.
    # Otherwise returns false.
    # See also: Open Close AddPres

    set catchVal [catch { $presId PageSetup }]
    if { $catchVal == 0 } {
        return true
    return false

MoveSlide [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Move a slide to another position.

MoveSlide slideId slideIndex
slideIdIdentifier of the slide to be moved.
slideIndexIndex of new slide position. Slide indices start at 1. If negative or end, move slide to the end of the presentation.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

AddSlide, CopySlide

proc ::Ppt::MoveSlide {slideId slideIndex} {

    # Move a slide to another position.
    # slideId    - Identifier of the slide to be moved.
    # slideIndex - Index of new slide position. Slide indices start at 1.
    #              If negative or `end`, move slide to the end of the presentation.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: AddSlide CopySlide

    $slideId MoveTo $slideIndex

Open [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Open a PowerPoint instance. Use an already running instance, if available.

Open ?width? ?height?
widthWidth of the application window. If negative, open with last used width. Optional, default -1.
heightHeight of the application window. If negative, open with last used height. Optional, default -1.
Return value

Returns the identifier of the PowerPoint application instance.

See also

OpenNew, Quit

proc ::Ppt::Open {{width -1} {height -1}} {

    # Open a PowerPoint instance. Use an already running instance, if available.
    # width  - Width of the application window. If negative, open with last used width.
    # height - Height of the application window. If negative, open with last used height.
    # Returns the identifier of the PowerPoint application instance.
    # See also: OpenNew Quit

    variable pptAppName
    variable pptVersion

    set appId [Cawt GetOrCreateApp $pptAppName true]
    set pptVersion [Ppt GetVersion $appId]
    Ppt Visible $appId true
    if { $width >= 0 } {
        $appId Width [expr $width]
    if { $height >= 0 } {
        $appId Height [expr $height]
    return $appId

OpenNew [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Open a new PowerPoint instance.

OpenNew ?width? ?height?
widthWidth of the application window. If negative, open with last used width. Optional, default -1.
heightHeight of the application window. If negative, open with last used height. Optional, default -1.
Return value

Returns the identifier of the new PowerPoint application instance.

See also

Open, Quit

proc ::Ppt::OpenNew {{width -1} {height -1}} {

    # Open a new PowerPoint instance.
    # width   - Width of the application window. If negative, open with last used width.
    # height  - Height of the application window. If negative, open with last used height.
    # Returns the identifier of the new PowerPoint application instance.
    # See also: Open Quit

    variable pptAppName
    variable pptVersion

    set appId [Cawt GetOrCreateApp $pptAppName false]
    set pptVersion [Ppt GetVersion $appId]
    Ppt Visible $appId true
    if { $width >= 0 } {
        $appId Width [expr $width]
    if { $height >= 0 } {
        $appId Height [expr $height]
    return $appId

OpenPres [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Open a presentation, i.e. load a PowerPoint file.

OpenPres appId fileName ?args?
appIdIdentifier of the PowerPoint instance.
fileNameName of the PowerPoint file.
argsOptions described below.
-embed <frame>Embed the workbook into a Tk frame. This frame must exist and must be created with option -container true.
-readonly <bool>If set to true, open the workbook in read-only mode. Default is to open the workbook in read-write mode.
Return value

Returns the identifier of the opened presentation. If the presentation was already open, activate that presentation and return the identifier to that presentation.

See also

AddPres, GetActivePres

proc ::Ppt::OpenPres {appId fileName args} {

    # Open a presentation, i.e. load a PowerPoint file.
    # appId    - Identifier of the PowerPoint instance.
    # fileName - Name of the PowerPoint file.
    # args     - Options described below.
    # -readonly <bool> - If set to true, open the workbook in read-only mode.
    #                    Default is to open the workbook in read-write mode.
    # -embed <frame>   - Embed the workbook into a Tk frame. This frame must
    #                    exist and must be created with option `-container true`.
    # Returns the identifier of the opened presentation.
    # If the presentation was already open, activate that presentation
    # and return the identifier to that presentation.
    # See also: AddPres GetActivePres

    set opts [dict create  -readonly false    -embed    ""       ]
    if { [llength $args] == 1 } {
        # Old mode with optional boolean parameter readOnly
        dict set opts -readonly [lindex $args 0]
    } else {
        foreach { key value } $args {
            if { [dict exists $opts $key] } {
                if { $value eq "" } {
                    error "OpenPres: No value specified for key \"$key\"."
                dict set opts $key $value
            } else {
                error "OpenPres: Unknown option \"$key\" specified."

    set nativeName [file nativename [file normalize $fileName]]
    set presentations [$appId Presentations]
    set retVal [catch {[$presentations Item [file tail $fileName]] Activate} d]
    if { $retVal == 0 } {
        set presId [$presentations Item [file tail $fileName]]
    } else {
        set presId [$presentations Open $nativeName [Cawt TclInt [dict get $opts "-readonly"]]]
    Cawt Destroy $presentations

    set embedFrame [dict get $opts "-embed"]
    if { $embedFrame ne "" } {
        Cawt EmbedApp $embedFrame -appid [Office GetApplicationId $presId] -filename $fileName
    return $presId

Quit [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Quit a PowerPoint instance.

Quit appId ?showAlert?
appIdIdentifier of the PowerPoint instance.
showAlertIf set to true, show an alert window, if there are unsaved changes. Otherwise quit without saving any changes. Optional, default true.

Note, that the $showAlert parameter does not work. PowerPoint always quits without showing the alert window.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also


proc ::Ppt::Quit {appId {showAlert true}} {

    # Quit a PowerPoint instance.
    # appId     - Identifier of the PowerPoint instance.
    # showAlert - If set to true, show an alert window, if there are unsaved changes.
    #             Otherwise quit without saving any changes.
    # Note, that the $showAlert parameter does not work.
    # PowerPoint always quits without showing the alert window.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: Open

    Ppt::ShowAlerts $appId $showAlert
    $appId Quit

SaveAs [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Save a presentation to a PowerPoint file.

SaveAs presId fileName ?fmt? ?embedFonts?
presIdIdentifier of the presentation to save.
fileNameName of the PowerPoint file.
fmtValue of enumeration type Enum::PpSaveAsFileType. If not given or the empty string, the file is stored in the native format corresponding to the used PowerPoint version (ppSaveAsDefault). Optional, default "".
embedFontsIf set to true, embed TrueType fonts. Otherwise do not embed TrueType fonts. Optional, default true.

Note: If $fmt is not a PowerPoint format, but an image format, PowerPoint takes the specified file name and creates a directory with that name. Then it copies all slides as images into that directory. The slide images are automatically named by PowerPoint (ex. in German versions the slides are called Folie1.gif, Folie2.gif, ...). Use the ExportSlide procedure, if you want full control over image file names.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

ExportSlides, ExportSlide

proc ::Ppt::SaveAs {presId fileName {fmt {}} {embedFonts true}} {

    # Save a presentation to a PowerPoint file.
    # presId     - Identifier of the presentation to save.
    # fileName   - Name of the PowerPoint file.
    # fmt        - Value of enumeration type [Enum::PpSaveAsFileType].
    #              If not given or the empty string, the file is stored in the native
    #              format corresponding to the used PowerPoint version (`ppSaveAsDefault`).
    # embedFonts - If set to true, embed `TrueType` fonts.
    #              Otherwise do not embed `TrueType` fonts.
    # **Note:**
    # If $fmt is not a PowerPoint format, but an image format, PowerPoint takes the
    # specified file name and creates a directory with that name. Then it copies all
    # slides as images into that directory. The slide images are automatically named by
    # PowerPoint (ex. in German versions the slides are called Folie1.gif, Folie2.gif, ...).
    # Use the [ExportSlide] procedure, if you want full control over image file names.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: ExportSlides ExportSlide

    set fileName [file nativename [file normalize $fileName]]
    set appId [Office GetApplicationId $presId]
    Ppt::ShowAlerts $appId false
    if { $fmt eq "" } {
        $presId SaveAs $fileName
    } else {
        $presId -callnamedargs SaveAs  FileName $fileName  FileFormat [Ppt GetEnum $fmt]  EmbedTrueTypeFonts [Cawt TclInt $embedFonts]
    Ppt::ShowAlerts $appId true
    Cawt Destroy $appId

SetHyperlinkToSlide [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Create a hyperlink from a shape to a slide.

SetHyperlinkToSlide srcShapeId destSlideIdOrNum ?screenTip?
srcShapeIdIdentifier of the source shape.
destSlideIdOrNumIdentifier or number of the destination slide.
screenTipText to be displayed when hovering over the source shape. Optional, default "".
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

AddShape, ConfigureShape

proc ::Ppt::SetHyperlinkToSlide {srcShapeId destSlideIdOrNum {screenTip {}}} {

    # Create a hyperlink from a shape to a slide.
    # srcShapeId       - Identifier of the source shape.
    # destSlideIdOrNum - Identifier or number of the destination slide.
    # screenTip        - Text to be displayed when hovering over the source shape.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: AddShape ConfigureShape

    if { [string is integer $destSlideIdOrNum] } {
        set slideIndex $destSlideIdOrNum
    } else {
        set slideIndex [Ppt GetSlideIndex $destSlideIdOrNum]
    set actionSettingId [$srcShapeId -with { ActionSettings } Item $::Ppt::ppMouseClick]
    $actionSettingId Action $::Ppt::ppActionHyperlink
    $actionSettingId -with { Hyperlink } Address    ""
    $actionSettingId -with { Hyperlink } SubAddress $slideIndex
    if { $screenTip ne "" } {
        $actionSettingId -with { Hyperlink } ScreenTip $screenTip
    Cawt Destroy $actionSettingId

SetMediaPlaySettings [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Set the play settings of a media (audio or video).

SetMediaPlaySettings shapeId ?args?
shapeIdIdentifier of the media shape.
argsOptions described below.
-endless <bool>Determines whether the specified video or sound loops continuously until either the next video or sound starts, the user clicks the slide, or a slide transition occurs. Default: false.
-hide <bool>Determines whether the specified media clip is hidden during a slide show except when it is playing. Default: false.
-pause <bool>Determines whether the slide show pauses until the specified media clip is finished playing. Default: false.
-play <bool>Determines whether the specified video or sound is played automatically when it is animated. Default: false.
-rewind <bool>Determines whether the first frame of the specified video is automatically redisplayed as soon as the video has finished playing. Default: false
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

InsertVideo, GetPresVideos

proc ::Ppt::SetMediaPlaySettings {shapeId args} {

    # Set the play settings of a media (audio or video).
    # shapeId - Identifier of the media shape.
    # args    - Options described below.
    # -endless <bool> - Determines whether the specified video or sound loops continuously
    #                   until either the next video or sound starts, the user clicks the slide,
    #                   or a slide transition occurs.
    #                   Default: false.
    # -hide <bool>    - Determines whether the specified media clip is hidden during a slide
    #                   show except when it is playing.
    #                   Default: false.
    # -pause <bool>   - Determines whether the slide show pauses until the specified media clip
    #                   is finished playing.
    #                   Default: false.
    # -play <bool>    - Determines whether the specified video or sound is played automatically
    #                   when it is animated.
    #                   Default: false.
    # -rewind <bool>  - Determines whether the first frame of the specified video is automatically
    #                   redisplayed as soon as the video has finished playing.
    #                   Default: false
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: InsertVideo GetPresVideos

    if { [Ppt GetShapeType $shapeId] == $::Office::msoMedia &&  ( [Ppt GetShapeMediaType $shapeId] == $::Ppt::ppMediaTypeMovie ||  [Ppt GetShapeMediaType $shapeId] == $::Ppt::ppMediaTypeSound ) } {
        set playId [$shapeId -with { AnimationSettings } PlaySettings]
        foreach { key value } $args {
            if { $value eq "" } {
                error "SetMediaPlaySettings: No value specified for key \"$key\""
            switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
                "-endless" { $playId LoopUntilStopped    [Cawt TclInt $value] }
                "-hide"    { $playId HideWhileNotPlaying [Cawt TclInt $value] }
                "-pause"   { $playId PauseAnimation      [Cawt TclInt $value] }
                "-play"    { $playId PlayOnEntry         [Cawt TclInt $value] }
                "-rewind"  { $playId RewindMovie         [Cawt TclInt $value] }
                default    { error "SetMediaPlaySettings: Unknown configure option \"$key\"." }
        Cawt Destroy $playId
    } else {
        error "SetMediaPlaySettings: Shape is not a video or audio."

SetPresPageSetup [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Set the page size of a presentation.

SetPresPageSetup presId ?args?
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
argsOptions described below.
-height <size>Set the height of the presentation slides.
-width <size>Set the width of the presentation slides.

The width and height values may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

AddPres, OpenPres, GetPresPageWidth, GetPresPageHeight

proc ::Ppt::SetPresPageSetup {presId args} {

    # Set the page size of a presentation.
    # presId - Identifier of the presentation.
    # args   - Options described below.
    # -width <size>  - Set the width of the presentation slides.
    # -height <size> - Set the height of the presentation slides.
    # The width and height values may be specified in a format acceptable by
    # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: AddPres OpenPres GetPresPageWidth GetPresPageHeight

    set pageSetup [$presId PageSetup]
    foreach { key value } $args {
        if { $value eq "" } {
            error "SetPresPageSetup: No value specified for key \"$key\""
        set pointValue [Cawt ValueToPoints $value]
        switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
            "-width"  { $pageSetup SlideWidth  $pointValue }
            "-height" { $pageSetup SlideHeight $pointValue }
             default  { error "SetPresPageSetup: Unknown key \"$key\" specified" }
    Cawt Destroy $pageSetup

SetShapeName [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Set the name of a shape.

SetShapeName shapeId name
shapeIdIdentifier of the shape.
nameName of the shape.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

GetShapeName, AddShape, GetShapeId, GetNumShapes, GetShapeType, GetShapeMediaType

proc ::Ppt::SetShapeName {shapeId name} {

    # Set the name of a shape.
    # shapeId - Identifier of the shape.
    # name    - Name of the shape.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: GetShapeName AddShape GetShapeId GetNumShapes
    # GetShapeType GetShapeMediaType

    $shapeId Name $name

SetSlideName [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Set the name of a worksheet.

SetSlideName slideId slideName
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
slideNameName of the slide.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

GetSlideId, GetNumSlides, AddSlide, GetSlideName

proc ::Ppt::SetSlideName {slideId slideName} {

    # Set the name of a worksheet.
    # slideId   - Identifier of the slide.
    # slideName - Name of the slide.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: GetSlideId GetNumSlides AddSlide GetSlideName

    $slideId Name $slideName

SetSlideShowTransition [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Set transition attributes of a slide.

SetSlideShowTransition slideId ?args?
slideIdIdentifier of the slide.
argsOptions described below.
-advancetime <double>Set the slide advance time in seconds.
-duration <double>Set the length of an animation in seconds.
-effect <enum>Set the special effect applied to the slide transition. Enumeration of type Enum::PpEntryEffect.

If no options are specified, PowerPoint default values are used.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

AddSlide, InsertImage, CreateVideo

proc ::Ppt::SetSlideShowTransition {slideId args} {

    # Set transition attributes of a slide.
    # slideId - Identifier of the slide.
    # args    - Options described below.
    # -duration <double>    - Set the length of an animation in seconds.
    # -advancetime <double> - Set the slide advance time in seconds.
    # -effect <enum>        - Set the special effect applied to the slide transition.
    #                         Enumeration of type [Enum::PpEntryEffect].
    # If no options are specified, PowerPoint default values are used.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: AddSlide InsertImage CreateVideo

    foreach { key value } $args {
        if { $value eq "" } {
            error "SetSlideShowTransition: No value specified for key \"$key\""
        switch -exact -nocase -- $key {
            "-duration" {
                $slideId -with { SlideShowTransition } Duration [expr {double ($value)}]
            "-advancetime" {
                $slideId -with { SlideShowTransition } AdvanceOnTime [Cawt TclInt true]
                $slideId -with { SlideShowTransition } AdvanceTime   [expr {double ($value)}]
            "-effect" {
                $slideId -with { SlideShowTransition } EntryEffect [Ppt GetEnum $value]
            default {
                error "SetSlideShowTransition: Unknown key \"$key\" specified"

SetTextboxFontSize [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Set the font size of the text in a text box.

SetTextboxFontSize textboxId fontSize
textboxIdIdentifier of the text box where the text is inserted.
fontSizeFont size.

The size value may be specified in a format acceptable by procedure ::Cawt::ValueToPoints, i.e. centimeters, inches or points.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

AddTextbox, AddTextboxText

proc ::Ppt::SetTextboxFontSize {textboxId fontSize} {

    # Set the font size of the text in a text box.
    # textboxId - Identifier of the text box where the text is inserted.
    # fontSize  - Font size.
    # The size value may be specified in a format acceptable by
    # procedure [::Cawt::ValueToPoints], i.e. centimeters, inches or points.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: AddTextbox AddTextboxText

    $textboxId -with { TextFrame TextRange Font } Size [Cawt ValueToPoints $fontSize]

SetViewType [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Set the view type of a presentation.

SetViewType presId viewType
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
viewTypeValue of enumeration type Enum::PpViewType.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also


proc ::Ppt::SetViewType {presId viewType} {

    # Set the view type of a presentation.
    # presId   - Identifier of the presentation.
    # viewType - Value of enumeration type [Enum::PpViewType].
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: GetViewType

    set appId [Office GetApplicationId $presId]
    set actWin [$appId ActiveWindow]
    $actWin ViewType [Ppt GetEnum $viewType]
    Cawt Destroy $actWin
    Cawt Destroy $appId

ShowAlerts [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Toggle the display of PowerPoint application alerts.

ShowAlerts appId onOff
appIdThe application identifier.
onOffSwitch the alerts on or off.
Return value

Returns no value.

proc ::Ppt::ShowAlerts {appId onOff} {

    # Toggle the display of PowerPoint application alerts.
    # appId - The application identifier.
    # onOff - Switch the alerts on or off.
    # Returns no value.

    if { $onOff } {
        set alertLevel [expr $::Ppt::ppAlertsAll]
    } else {
        set alertLevel [expr $::Ppt::ppAlertsNone]
    $appId DisplayAlerts $alertLevel

ShowSlide [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Show a specific slide.

ShowSlide presId slideIndex
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
slideIndexIndex of slide. Slide indices start at 1. If negative or end, show last slide.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also


proc ::Ppt::ShowSlide {presId slideIndex} {

    # Show a specific slide.
    # presId     - Identifier of the presentation.
    # slideIndex - Index of slide. Slide indices start at 1.
    #              If negative or `end`, show last slide.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: GetNumSlides

    if { $slideIndex eq "end" || $slideIndex < 0 } {
        set slideIndex [GetNumSlides $presId]
    set slideId [$presId -with { Slides } Item $slideIndex]
    $slideId Select
    Cawt Destroy $slideId

SlideShowFirst [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Go to first slide in slide show.

SlideShowFirst slideShowId
slideShowIdIdentifier of the slide show.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

UseSlideShow, SlideShowNext, SlideShowPrev, SlideShowLast

proc ::Ppt::SlideShowFirst {slideShowId} {

    # Go to first slide in slide show.
    # slideShowId - Identifier of the slide show.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: UseSlideShow SlideShowNext SlideShowPrev SlideShowLast

    $slideShowId -with { View } First

SlideShowLast [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Go to last slide in slide show.

SlideShowLast slideShowId
slideShowIdIdentifier of the slide show.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

UseSlideShow, SlideShowNext, SlideShowPrev, SlideShowFirst

proc ::Ppt::SlideShowLast {slideShowId} {

    # Go to last slide in slide show.
    # slideShowId - Identifier of the slide show.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: UseSlideShow SlideShowNext SlideShowPrev SlideShowFirst

    $slideShowId -with { View } Last

SlideShowNext [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Go to next slide in slide show.

SlideShowNext slideShowId
slideShowIdIdentifier of the slide show.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

UseSlideShow, SlideShowPrev, SlideShowFirst, SlideShowLast

proc ::Ppt::SlideShowNext {slideShowId} {

    # Go to next slide in slide show.
    # slideShowId - Identifier of the slide show.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: UseSlideShow SlideShowPrev SlideShowFirst SlideShowLast

    $slideShowId -with { View } Next

SlideShowPrev [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Go to previous slide in slide show.

SlideShowPrev slideShowId
slideShowIdIdentifier of the slide show.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

UseSlideShow, SlideShowNext, SlideShowFirst, SlideShowLast

proc ::Ppt::SlideShowPrev {slideShowId} {

    # Go to previous slide in slide show.
    # slideShowId - Identifier of the slide show.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: UseSlideShow SlideShowNext SlideShowFirst SlideShowLast

    $slideShowId -with { View } Previous

UseSlideShow [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Use specified slide show.

UseSlideShow presId slideShowIndex
presIdIdentifier of the presentation.
slideShowIndexIndex of the slide show. Indices start at 1.
Return value

Returns the identifier of the specified slide show.

See also

GetNumSlides, ExitSlideShow, SlideShowNext

proc ::Ppt::UseSlideShow {presId slideShowIndex} {

    # Use specified slide show.
    # presId         - Identifier of the presentation.
    # slideShowIndex - Index of the slide show. Indices start at 1.
    # Returns the identifier of the specified slide show.
    # See also: GetNumSlides ExitSlideShow SlideShowNext

    $presId -with { SlideShowSettings } Run
    set appId [Office GetApplicationId $presId]
    set slideShow [$appId -with { SlideShowWindows } Item $slideShowIndex]
    Cawt Destroy $appId
    return $slideShow

Visible [::Ppt]Top, Main, Index

Toggle the visibility of a PowerPoint application window.

Visible appId visible
appIdIdentifier of the PowerPoint instance.
visibleIf set to true, show the application window. Otherwise hide the application window.
Return value

Returns no value.

See also

Open, OpenNew

proc ::Ppt::Visible {appId visible} {

    # Toggle the visibility of a PowerPoint application window.
    # appId   - Identifier of the PowerPoint instance.
    # visible - If set to true, show the application window.
    #           Otherwise hide the application window.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: Open OpenNew

    $appId Visible [Cawt TclInt $visible]