CAWT 2.9.6 Reference Manual

::ReaderTop, Main, Index

The Reader namespace provides commands to control Acrobat Reader.

CommandsTop, Main, Index

Open [::Reader]Top, Main, Index

Open an Acrobat Reader instance.

Open fileName ?args?
fileNameFile name of PDF file to open.
argsOptions described below.
-embed <frame>Embed the Reader instance into a Tk frame. This frame must exist and must be created with option -container true.
-messages <bool>Turn document message bar on or off.
-nameddest <string>Specify a named destination in the PDF document.
-navpanes <bool>Turn the navigation panes and tabs on or off.
-page <int>Specify a numbered page in the document, using an integer value. The first page of the document has a value of 1.
-pagemode <string>Specify page display mode. Valid values: bookmarks thumbs none
-scrollbar <bool>Turn scrollbars on or off.
-search <string>Open the Search panel and perform a search for the words in the specified string. You can search only for single words. The first matching word is highlighted in the document.
-statusbar <bool>Turn the status bar on or off.
-toolbar <bool>Turn the toolbar on or off.
-zoom <int>Specify a zoom factor in percent.

Use an already running instance, if available.

Note, that above described options are only a subset of all available command line parameters. For a full list, see:

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

OpenNew, Quit

proc ::Reader::Open {fileName args} {

    # Open an Acrobat Reader instance.
    # fileName - File name of PDF file to open.
    # args     - Options described below.
    # -nameddest <string> - Specify a named destination in the PDF document.
    # -page <int>         - Specify a numbered page in the document, using an integer value.
    #                       The first page of the document has a value of 1.
    # -zoom <int>         - Specify a zoom factor in percent.
    # -pagemode <string>  - Specify page display mode.
    #                       Valid values: bookmarks thumbs none
    # -search <string>    - Open the Search panel and perform a search for the
    #                       words in the specified string. You can search only for single words.
    #                       The first matching word is highlighted in the document.
    # -scrollbar <bool>   - Turn scrollbars on or off.
    # -toolbar <bool>     - Turn the toolbar on or off.
    # -statusbar <bool>   - Turn the status bar on or off.
    # -messages <bool>    - Turn document message bar on or off.
    # -navpanes <bool>    - Turn the navigation panes and tabs on or off.
    # -embed <frame>      - Embed the Reader instance into a Tk frame. This frame must
    #                       exist and must be created with option `-container true`.
    # Use an already running instance, if available.
    # Note, that above described options are only a subset of all available
    # command line parameters. For a full list, see:
    # <>
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: OpenNew Quit

    Reader::_Start $fileName false {*}$args

OpenNew [::Reader]Top, Main, Index

Open a new Acrobat Reader instance.

OpenNew fileName ?args?
fileNameFile name of PDF file to open.
argsList of startup options and its values.

For a detailed description of supported options see Open.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

Open, Quit

proc ::Reader::OpenNew {fileName args} {

    # Open a new Acrobat Reader instance.
    # fileName - File name of PDF file to open.
    # args     - List of startup options and its values.
    # For a detailed description of supported options see [Open].
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: Open Quit

    Reader::_Start $fileName true {*}$args

Quit [::Reader]Top, Main, Index

Quit all Acrobat Reader instances.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

Open, OpenNew

proc ::Reader::Quit {} {

    # Quit all Acrobat Reader instances.
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: Open OpenNew

    variable readerProgName

    if { $readerProgName ne "" } {
        Cawt KillApp [file tail $readerProgName]

SetReaderProg [::Reader]Top, Main, Index

Set the path to Acrobat Reader program.

SetReaderProg fileName
fileNameFull path name to Acrobat Reader program AcroRd32.exe

Use this procedure, if the automatic detection of the path to Acrobat Reader does not work.

Note, that this procedure must be called before calling Open or OpenNew.

Return value

Returns no value.

See also

Open, OpenNew

proc ::Reader::SetReaderProg {fileName} {

    # Set the path to Acrobat Reader program.
    # fileName - Full path name to Acrobat Reader program `AcroRd32.exe`
    # Use this procedure, if the automatic detection of the path to
    # Acrobat Reader does not work.
    # Note, that this procedure must be called before calling [Open] or [OpenNew].
    # Returns no value.
    # See also: Open OpenNew

    variable readerProgName

    set readerProgName $fileName