

abort_system_shutdown System
access control Security and access control
access control entry Security and access control
access control list Security and access control
access tokens Security and access control
account privileges Users and Groups
account rights Users and Groups
ACE Security and access control
ACL Security and access control
add_account_rights Users and Groups
add_member_to_local_group Users and Groups
add_members_to_local_group Users and Groups
add_user_to_global_group Users and Groups
address resolution Named pipes
address resolution Network configuration
Address resolution protocol Named pipes
Address resolution protocol Network configuration
addresses Named pipes
addresses Network configuration
aes_128 CryptoAPI
aes_192 CryptoAPI
aes_256 CryptoAPI
allocate_console Console
append_acl_aces Security and access control
argument parsing Base module
ARP table Named pipes
ARP table Network configuration
arrange_icons Window management
asn1_decode_string CryptoAPI
asn1_encode_string CryptoAPI
authentication SSPI
automation COM
automation COM servers
battery Power management
beep Sound
begin_filesystem_monitor Storage
begin_resource_update Resources
bitmap Resources
block_input Keyboard and mouse input
cancel_filesystem_monitor Storage
cancel_wait_on_handle Base module
canonicalize_guid Base module
capi_algid CryptoAPI
capi_decrypt_bytes CryptoAPI
capi_decrypt_string CryptoAPI
capi_encrypt_bytes CryptoAPI
capi_encrypt_string CryptoAPI
capi_hash_bytes CryptoAPI
capi_hash_create CryptoAPI
capi_hash_dup CryptoAPI
capi_hash_free CryptoAPI
capi_hash_session_key CryptoAPI
capi_hash_sign CryptoAPI
capi_hash_string CryptoAPI
capi_hash_value CryptoAPI
capi_hash_verify CryptoAPI
capi_key_algid CryptoAPI
capi_key_blocklen CryptoAPI
capi_key_certificate CryptoAPI
capi_key_dss_g CryptoAPI
capi_key_dss_p CryptoAPI
capi_key_dss_q CryptoAPI
capi_key_effective_keylen CryptoAPI
capi_key_export CryptoAPI
capi_key_free CryptoAPI
capi_key_iv CryptoAPI
capi_key_keylen CryptoAPI
capi_key_mode CryptoAPI
capi_key_mode_bits CryptoAPI
capi_key_padding CryptoAPI
capi_key_permissions CryptoAPI
capi_key_salt CryptoAPI
capi_keyblob_algid CryptoAPI
capi_keyblob_blob CryptoAPI
capi_keyblob_concealed CryptoAPI
capi_keyblob_create CryptoAPI
capi_keyblob_plaintext CryptoAPI
capi_keyblob_type CryptoAPI
capi_keyblob_version CryptoAPI
capi_parse CryptoAPI
capi_parse_file CryptoAPI
CD-ROM insertion Device management
cert_ancestors Certificates
cert_blob_to_name Certificates
cert_chain_build Certificates
cert_chain_release Certificates
cert_chain_simple_chain Certificates
cert_chain_trust_errors Certificates
cert_chain_trust_info Certificates
cert_create Certificates
cert_create_self_signed Certificates
cert_create_self_signed_from_crypt_context Certificates
cert_delete_from_store Certificates
cert_duplicate Certificates
cert_enhkey_usage Certificates
cert_enum_properties Certificates
cert_export Certificates
cert_extension Certificates
cert_fetch Certificates
cert_file_store_open Certificates
cert_import Certificates
cert_info Certificates
cert_issuer_name Certificates
cert_key_usage Certificates
cert_locate_private_key Certificates
cert_name_to_blob Certificates
cert_physical_store_delete Certificates
cert_physical_store_open Certificates
cert_property Certificates
cert_property_delete Certificates
cert_property_set Certificates
cert_release Certificates
cert_request_create Certificates
cert_request_parse Certificates
cert_set_key_prov Certificates
cert_store_add_certificate Certificates
cert_store_add_encoded_certificate Certificates
cert_store_commit Certificates
cert_store_enum_contents Certificates
cert_store_export_pem Certificates
cert_store_export_pfx Certificates
cert_store_export_pkcs7 Certificates
cert_store_export_pkcs12 Certificates
cert_store_find_certificate Certificates
cert_store_iterate Certificates
cert_store_release Certificates
cert_store_serialize Certificates
cert_subject_name Certificates
cert_system_store_delete Certificates
cert_system_store_locations Certificates
cert_system_store_open Certificates
cert_system_stores Certificates
cert_temporary_store Certificates
cert_thumbprint Certificates
cert_tls_verify Certificates
cert_verify Certificates
certificate Certificates
certificate store Certificates
check_enabled_privileges Security and access control
clear_console Console
click_mouse_button Keyboard and mouse input
clipboard Clipboard
clipboard formats Clipboard
clipboard_format_available Clipboard
close_clipboard Clipboard
close_desktop_handle Desktops and Window stations
close_handle Base module
close_lm_open_file Network shares and Lan Manager
close_token Security and access control
close_window Window management
close_window_station_handle Desktops and Window stations
CloseThemeData Windows Shell
clsid_to_progid COM
code page Internationalization
COM COM servers
COM clients COM
COM server COM servers
com_initialize_security COM
com_make_credentials COM
com_query_client_blanket COM servers
com_security_blanket COM
command line Application utilities
command line Processes and threads
comobj COM
comobj? COM
comobj_destroy COM
comobj_idispatch COM
comobj_instances COM
comobj_object COM
CompileBuffer WMI
CompileFile WMI
component COM
component COM servers
computer name System
comserver_factory COM servers
conceal Base module
configure_window_titlebar Window management
confirm_credentials Base module
connect_share Network shares and Lan Manager
connections Named pipes
connections Network configuration
console code page Console
console commands Console
console control handlers Console
console input Console
console modes Console
console text attributes Console
console_read Console
console_read_input_records Console
console_write Console
context help button Window management
continue_service Services
counters Performance Counters
CPU utilization System
CPU utilization Processes and threads
create_console_screen_buffer Console
create_event Synchronization
create_file Base module
create_mutex Synchronization
create_process Processes and threads
create_service Services
cred_confirm Base module
cred_delete Security and access control
cred_get Security and access control
cred_is_marshaled Security and access control
cred_marshal Security and access control
cred_parse_username Security and access control
cred_prompt_console Base module
cred_prompt_gui Base module
cred_unmarshal Security and access control
credentials Base module
credentials Security and access control
crypt_acquire CryptoAPI
crypt_algorithms CryptoAPI
crypt_csp CryptoAPI
crypt_csp_type CryptoAPI
crypt_derive_key CryptoAPI
crypt_free CryptoAPI
crypt_generate_key CryptoAPI
crypt_get_security_descriptor CryptoAPI
crypt_implementation_type CryptoAPI
crypt_import_key CryptoAPI
crypt_key_container_delete CryptoAPI
crypt_key_container_name CryptoAPI
crypt_key_container_names CryptoAPI
crypt_key_free CryptoAPI
crypt_key_specifiers CryptoAPI
crypt_keypair CryptoAPI
crypt_keyset_type CryptoAPI
crypt_keyx_keysize_increment CryptoAPI
crypt_public_key_export CryptoAPI
crypt_public_key_import CryptoAPI
crypt_session_key_size CryptoAPI
crypt_set_security_descriptor CryptoAPI
crypt_sig_keysize_increment CryptoAPI
crypt_symmetric_key_size CryptoAPI
CryptoAPI Certificates
CryptoAPI CryptoAPI
cryptography Certificates
cryptography CryptoAPI
CSIDL Windows Shell
csp_types CryptoAPI
csps CryptoAPI
currency formatting Internationalization
cursor Resources
DACL Security and access control
debuglog Base module
debuglog_clear Base module
debuglog_disable Base module
debuglog_enable Base module
debuglog_get Base module
decode_file_attributes Storage
decode_security_descriptor Security and access control
decryption Certificates
decryption CryptoAPI
decryption SSPI
decryption SSL/TLS
define_dispatch_prototypes COM
delete_global_group Users and Groups
delete_inifile_key Application utilities
delete_inifile_section Application utilities
delete_local_group Users and Groups
delete_resource Resources
delete_service Services
delete_share Network shares and Lan Manager
delete_user Users and Groups
des CryptoAPI
desktop Window management
desktop wallpaper Window management
desktop workarea Window management
desktops Desktops and Window stations
device Device management
device driver Processes and threads
device events Device management
device ioctl Device management
device_element Device management
device_ioctl Device management
devinfoset Device management
devinfoset_close Device management
devinfoset_element Device management
devinfoset_element_registry_property Device management
devinfoset_elements Device management
devinfoset_instance_ids Device management
DHCP information Named pipes
DHCP information Network configuration
disable_all_token_privileges Security and access control
disable_privileges Security and access control
disable_token_privileges Security and access control
disable_user Users and Groups
disable_window_input Window management
disconnect_share Network shares and Lan Manager
discretionary access control list Security and access control
disk Storage
disk geometry Storage
disk serial number Storage
disk space Storage
display devices Window management
display size Window management
DLL Processes and threads
DNS lookup Named pipes
DNS lookup Network configuration
DNS server addresses Named pipes
DNS server addresses Network configuration
domain System
domain controller System
drive Storage
drive attributes Storage
drive label Storage
drive list Storage
drive_ready Storage
duplicate_handle Base module
eject Device management
eject_media Device management
elevation Processes and threads
elevation level Security and access control
empty_clipboard Clipboard
enable_privileges Security and access control
enable_token_privileges Security and access control
enable_user Users and Groups
enable_window_input Window management
encode_security_descriptor Security and access control
encryption Certificates
encryption CryptoAPI
encryption SSPI
encryption SSL/TLS
end_lm_sessions Network shares and Lan Manager
end_process Processes and threads
end_resource_update Resources
enumerate_printers Printers
enumerate_resource_languages Resources
enumerate_resource_names Resources
enumerate_resource_types Resources
environment string expansion Application utilities
environment variables Application utilities
equal_sids Security and access control
error handling Base module
error messages Base module
ETW Event Tracing
etw_close_formatter Event Tracing
etw_close_session Event Tracing
etw_command_tracker Event Tracing
etw_disable_provider Event Tracing
etw_dump_to_file Event Tracing
etw_dump_to_list Event Tracing
etw_enable_provider Event Tracing
etw_execution_tracker Event Tracing
etw_flush_trace Event Tracing
etw_format_event_message Event Tracing
etw_format_events Event Tracing
etw_get_provider_guid Event Tracing
etw_get_providers Event Tracing
etw_get_traces Event Tracing
etw_install_twapi_mof Event Tracing
etw_log_message Event Tracing
etw_open_file Event Tracing
etw_open_formatter Event Tracing
etw_open_session Event Tracing
etw_process_events Event Tracing
etw_query_trace Event Tracing
etw_start_kernel_trace Event Tracing
etw_start_trace Event Tracing
etw_stop_trace Event Tracing
etw_twapi_eventclass_guid Event Tracing
etw_twapi_eventclass_name Event Tracing
etw_twapi_provider_guid Event Tracing
etw_twapi_provider_name Event Tracing
etw_twapi_provider_register Event Tracing
etw_uninstall_twapi_mof Event Tracing
etw_unregister_provider Event Tracing
etw_update_trace Event Tracing
etw_variable_tracker Event Tracing
eval_with_privileges Security and access control
event Synchronization
event log Event log
event tracing Event Tracing
eventlog_backup Event log
eventlog_clear Event log
eventlog_close Event log
eventlog_count Event log
eventlog_format_category Event log
eventlog_format_message Event log
eventlog_is_full Event log
eventlog_log Event log
eventlog_monitor_start Event log
eventlog_monitor_stop Event log
eventlog_oldest Event log
eventlog_open Event log
eventlog_read Event log
eventlog_subscribe Event log
eventlog_write Event log
evt_channels Event log
evt_clear_log Event log
evt_close Event log
evt_decode_event Event log
evt_decode_events Event log
evt_export_log Event log
evt_next Event log
evt_publishers Event log
evt_query Event log
evt_subscribe Event log
exception handling Base module
executable path Processes and threads
exit code Processes and threads
expand_environment_strings Processes and threads
expand_environment_vars Processes and threads
expand_system_environment_vars Processes and threads
expand_user_environment_vars Processes and threads
export Network shares and Lan Manager
export_public_commands Base module
extract_primary_langid Internationalization
extract_resources Resources
extract_sublanguage_langid Internationalization
fax Printers
file access time Storage
file change notifications Storage
file create time Storage
file modification time Storage
file property dialog Windows Shell
file property dialog Storage
file shares Network shares and Lan Manager
file system type Storage
file version Storage
fill_console Console
find_accounts_with_right Users and Groups
find_desktops Desktops and Window stations
find_domain_controller System
find_file_close Storage
find_file_next Storage
find_file_open Storage
find_lm_connections Network shares and Lan Manager
find_lm_open_files Network shares and Lan Manager
find_lm_sessions Network shares and Lan Manager
find_logical_drives Storage
find_logon_sessions Security and access control
find_physical_disks Device management
find_volume_mount_points Storage
find_volumes Storage
find_window_stations Desktops and Window stations
find_windows Window management
flash_window Window management
flash_window_caption Window management
flush_arp_tables Network configuration
flush_channel Storage
flush_console_input Console
format messages Base module
format, clipboard Clipboard
format_currency Internationalization
format_message Base module
format_number Internationalization
formatting Internationalization
FQDN Named pipes
FQDN Network configuration
free shared library Processes and threads
free_bitmap Resources
free_console Console
free_cursor Resources
free_icon Resources
free_library Base module
generate_code_from_typelib COM
generate_console_control_event Console
get_account_rights Users and Groups
get_ace_inheritance Security and access control
get_ace_rights Security and access control
get_ace_sid Security and access control
get_ace_text Security and access control
get_ace_type Security and access control
get_acl_aces Security and access control
get_acl_rev Security and access control
get_active_window_for_current_thread Window management
get_active_window_for_thread Window management
get_arp_table Network configuration
get_build_config Base module
get_caret_blink_time Window management
get_caret_location Window management
get_child_windows Window management
get_client_share_info Network shares and Lan Manager
get_client_shares Network shares and Lan Manager
get_clipboard_formats Clipboard
get_clipboard_owner Clipboard
get_clipboard_sequence Clipboard
get_color_depth Window management
get_command_line Application utilities
get_command_line_args Application utilities
get_computer_name System
get_computer_netbios_name System
get_console_cursor_position Console
get_console_handle Console
get_console_input_codepage Console
get_console_input_mode Console
get_console_output_mode Console
get_console_pending_input_count Console
get_console_screen_buffer_info Console
get_console_title Console
get_console_window Console
get_console_window_location Console
get_console_window_maxsize Console
get_current_process_id Processes and threads
get_current_thread_id Processes and threads
get_current_user Security and access control
get_current_window_station_handle Desktops and Window stations
get_default_printer Printers
get_dependent_service_status Services
get_descendent_windows Window management
get_desktop_handle Desktops and Window stations
get_desktop_name Desktops and Window stations
get_desktop_user_sid Desktops and Window stations
get_desktop_wallpaper Window management
get_desktop_window Window management
get_desktop_workarea Window management
get_device_drivers Processes and threads
get_device_power_state Power management
get_display_devices Window management
get_display_monitor_from_point Window management
get_display_monitor_from_rect Window management
get_display_monitor_from_window Window management
get_display_monitor_info Window management
get_display_monitors Window management
get_display_size Window management
get_drive_info Storage
get_drive_type Storage
get_file_times Storage
get_file_version_resource Resources
get_first_child Window management
get_first_sibling_window Window management
get_focus_window_for_thread Window management
get_foreground_window Window management
get_global_group_info Users and Groups
get_global_group_members Users and Groups
get_global_groups Users and Groups
get_handle_inheritance Base module
get_input_idle_time Keyboard and mouse input
get_ipaddr_version Network configuration
get_keyboard_layout_name Keyboard and mouse input
get_last_sibling_window Window management
get_lm_open_file_info Network shares and Lan Manager
get_lm_session_info Network shares and Lan Manager
get_local_group_info Users and Groups
get_local_group_members Users and Groups
get_local_groups Users and Groups
get_locale_info Internationalization
get_lockout_policy Users and Groups
get_logon_session_info Security and access control
get_memory_info System
get_module_handle Processes and threads
get_module_handle_from_address Processes and threads
get_mounted_volume_name Storage
get_mouse_location Keyboard and mouse input
get_multiple_display_monitor_info Window management
get_multiple_service_status Services
get_network_adapter_info Network configuration
get_network_adapters Network configuration
get_network_adapters_detail Network configuration
get_network_info Network configuration
get_next_sibling_window Window management
get_numa_config System
get_open_clipboard_window Clipboard
get_os_description System
get_os_info System
get_os_version System
get_outgoing_interface Network configuration
get_owner_window Window management
get_parent_window Window management
get_password_policy Users and Groups
get_physical_disk_info Device management
get_pid_from_handle Processes and threads
get_power_status Power management
get_prev_sibling_window Window management
get_primary_domain_controller System
get_primary_domain_info System
get_priority_class Processes and threads
get_privilege_description Security and access control
get_process_commandline Processes and threads
get_process_elevation Processes and threads
get_process_exit_code Processes and threads
get_process_handle Processes and threads
get_process_ids Processes and threads
get_process_info Processes and threads
get_process_integrity Processes and threads
get_process_memory_info Processes and threads
get_process_modules Processes and threads
get_process_name Processes and threads
get_process_parent Processes and threads
get_process_path Processes and threads
get_process_thread_ids Processes and threads
get_processor_count System
get_processor_group_config System
get_processor_info System
get_registered_clipboard_format_name Clipboard
get_resource_integrity Security and access control
get_resource_security_descriptor Security and access control
get_route Network configuration
get_routing_table Network configuration
get_security_descriptor_control Security and access control
get_security_descriptor_dacl Security and access control
get_security_descriptor_group Security and access control
get_security_descriptor_integrity Security and access control
get_security_descriptor_owner Security and access control
get_security_descriptor_sacl Security and access control
get_security_descriptor_text Security and access control
get_service_configuration Services
get_service_display_name Services
get_service_internal_name Services
get_service_state Services
get_service_status Services
get_share_info Network shares and Lan Manager
get_shares Network shares and Lan Manager
get_shell_folder Windows Shell
get_shell_window Window management
get_sid_domain Security and access control
get_standard_handle Console
get_system_default_langid Internationalization
get_system_default_lcid Internationalization
get_system_environment_vars Processes and threads
get_system_ipaddrs Network configuration
get_system_parameters_info System
get_system_sid System
get_system_time System
get_system_ui_langid Internationalization
get_system_uptime System
get_tcl_channel_handle Base module
get_tcp_connections Network configuration
get_thread_handle Processes and threads
get_thread_info Processes and threads
get_thread_parent_process_id Processes and threads
get_thread_relative_priority Processes and threads
get_token_default_dacl Security and access control
get_token_elevation Security and access control
get_token_groups Security and access control
get_token_groups_and_attrs Security and access control
get_token_impersonation_level Security and access control
get_token_info Security and access control
get_token_integrity Security and access control
get_token_integrity_policy Security and access control
get_token_linked_token Security and access control
get_token_origin Security and access control
get_token_owner Security and access control
get_token_primary_group Security and access control
get_token_privileges Security and access control
get_token_privileges_and_attrs Security and access control
get_token_restricted_groups_and_attrs Security and access control
get_token_source Security and access control
get_token_statistics Security and access control
get_token_tssession Security and access control
get_token_type Security and access control
get_token_user Security and access control
get_token_virtualization Security and access control
get_toplevel_windows Window management
get_typelib_path_from_guid COM
get_udp_connections Network configuration
get_user_account_info Users and Groups
get_user_default_langid Internationalization
get_user_default_lcid Internationalization
get_user_environment_vars Processes and threads
get_user_global_groups Users and Groups
get_user_local_groups Users and Groups
get_user_ui_langid Internationalization
get_users Users and Groups
get_version Base module
get_volume_info Storage
get_volume_mount_point_for_path Storage
get_window_application Window management
get_window_at_location Window management
get_window_class Window management
get_window_client_area_size Window management
get_window_coordinates Window management
get_window_id Window management
get_window_long Window management
get_window_process Window management
get_window_real_class Window management
get_window_station_handle Desktops and Window stations
get_window_station_name Desktops and Window stations
get_window_station_user_sid Desktops and Window stations
get_window_style Window management
get_window_text Window management
get_window_thread Window management
get_window_userdata Window management
GetCurrentThemeName Windows Shell
GetThemeColor Windows Shell
GetThemeFont Windows Shell
globalization Internationalization
group accounts Users and Groups
group members Users and Groups
groups Users and Groups
GUID Base module
hashing CryptoAPI
hex Base module
hex32 Base module
hex64 Base module
hibernate System
hibernate Power management
hide_caret Window management
hide_owned_popups Window management
hide_window Window management
hmac CryptoAPI
hostname_to_address Network configuration
hotkeys Keyboard and mouse input
hwaddr_to_ipaddr Network configuration
I/O rates Processes and threads
ICMP Named pipes
ICMP Network configuration
icon Resources
idle Processes and threads
idle input Keyboard and mouse input
idle time Keyboard and mouse input
idle time System
iid_to_name COM
impersonate_namedpipe_client Named pipes
impersonate_self Security and access control
impersonate_token Security and access control
impersonate_user Security and access control
impersonation Security and access control
import_commands Base module
importing commands Packages and Loading
INI file Application utilities
input Keyboard and mouse input
install_coclass COM servers
install_coclass_script COM servers
installation Installation and Usage
installer Microsoft Windows Installer
integrity level Security and access control
internationalization Internationalization
Internet addresses Named pipes
Internet addresses Network configuration
interrogate_service Services
interrupt time System
interrupts System
invalidate_screen_region Window management
invoke_url_shortcut Windows Shell
ioctl Device management
IP Named pipes
IP Network configuration
IP addresses Named pipes
IP addresses Network configuration
ipaddr_to_hwaddr Network configuration
is_idle_pid Processes and threads
is_system_pid Processes and threads
is_valid_luid_syntax Security and access control
is_valid_sid_syntax Base module
is_well_known_sid Security and access control
IsAppThemed Windows Shell
IsThemeActive Windows Shell
itask_configure Task Scheduler
itask_delete_itasktrigger Task Scheduler
itask_edit_dialog Task Scheduler
itask_end Task Scheduler
itask_get_info Task Scheduler
itask_get_itasktrigger Task Scheduler
itask_get_itasktrigger_count Task Scheduler
itask_get_itasktrigger_string Task Scheduler
itask_get_runtimes_within_interval Task Scheduler
itask_new_itasktrigger Task Scheduler
itask_release Task Scheduler
itask_run Task Scheduler
itask_save Task Scheduler
itaskscheduler_delete_task Task Scheduler
itaskscheduler_get_itask Task Scheduler
itaskscheduler_get_target_system Task Scheduler
itaskscheduler_get_tasks Task Scheduler
itaskscheduler_new Task Scheduler
itaskscheduler_new_itask Task Scheduler
itaskscheduler_release Task Scheduler
itaskscheduler_set_target_system Task Scheduler
itaskscheduler_task_exists Task Scheduler
itasktrigger_configure Task Scheduler
itasktrigger_get_info Task Scheduler
itasktrigger_release Task Scheduler
item identifier list Windows Shell
ITypeLibProxy_from_guid COM
ITypeLibProxy_from_path COM
Kerberos SSPI
key Certificates
key CryptoAPI
keyboard input Keyboard and mouse input
lambda Base module
Lan Manager Network shares and Lan Manager
Lan Manager session Network shares and Lan Manager
LANGID Internationalization
language Internationalization
large_system_time_to_secs_since_1970 Base module
large_system_time_to_timelist Base module
LCID Internationalization
LM session Network shares and Lan Manager
load shared library Processes and threads
load_bitmap_from_file Resources
load_bitmap_from_module Resources
load_bitmap_from_system Resources
load_cursor_from_file Resources
load_cursor_from_module Resources
load_cursor_from_system Resources
load_icon_from_file Resources
load_icon_from_module Resources
load_icon_from_system Resources
load_library Base module
load_media Device management
load_user_profile Processes and threads
locales Internationalization
localization Internationalization
locally unique identifiers Security and access control
locally unique identifiers Users and Groups
lock workstation System
lock_media Device management
lock_mutex Synchronization
lock_workstation System
logoff System
logon session Security and access control
lookup_account_name Base module
lookup_account_sid Base module
LUID Security and access control
make_logon_identity Base module
map drive Storage
map_account_to_name Base module
map_account_to_sid Base module
map_code_page_to_name Internationalization
map_drive_local Storage
map_langid_to_name Internationalization
map_luid_to_privilege Security and access control
map_privilege_to_luid Security and access control
map_windows_error Base module
maximize button Window management
maximize_window Window management
md5 CryptoAPI
media change Device management
memory System
memory commit charge System
memory usage Processes and threads
message digest SSPI
messages Base module
min_os_version System
minimize button Window management
minimize_window Window management
modify_console_input_mode Console
modify_console_output_mode Console
module handles Processes and threads
modules Packages and Loading
monitor file changes Storage
monitors Window management
mount_volume Storage
mouse input Keyboard and mouse input
move_mouse Keyboard and mouse input
move_window Window management
MSI Microsoft Windows Installer
mstask_create Task Scheduler
mstask_delete Task Scheduler
multiple monitors Window management
mutex Synchronization
name resolution Named pipes
name resolution Network configuration
name_to_iid COM
namedpipe_client Named pipes
namedpipe_server Named pipes
Negotiate SSPI
netstat Named pipes
netstat Network configuration
network adapters Named pipes
network adapters Network configuration
network address Named pipes
network address Network configuration
network information Named pipes
network information Network configuration
network interface configuration Named pipes
network interface configuration Network configuration
network routes Named pipes
network routes Network configuration
network sessions Network shares and Lan Manager
network shares Network shares and Lan Manager
network statistics Named pipes
network statistics Network configuration
new_ace Security and access control
new_acl Security and access control
new_global_group Users and Groups
new_guid Base module
new_local_group Users and Groups
new_luid Security and access control
new_restricted_dacl Security and access control
new_security_descriptor Security and access control
new_share Network shares and Lan Manager
new_user Users and Groups
new_uuid Base module
nil_uuid Base module
normalize_device_rooted_path Storage
notification icon Windows Shell
notify_service Services
num_console_mouse_buttons Console
numa System
number formatting Internationalization
oid CryptoAPI
oidname CryptoAPI
oids CryptoAPI
open_clipboard Clipboard
open_mutex Synchronization
open_process_token Security and access control
open_thread_token Security and access control
open_user_token Security and access control
OpenThemeData Windows Shell
operating system components System
operating system version System
option parsing Base module
outvar COM
package dependencies Installation and Usage
packages Packages and Loading
parseargs Base module
partitions Storage
password Base module
passwords Users and Groups
pause_service Services
pbkdf2 CryptoAPI
pdh_add_counter Performance Counters
pdh_counter_path Performance Counters
pdh_enumerate_object_counters Performance Counters
pdh_enumerate_object_instances Performance Counters
pdh_enumerate_object_items Performance Counters
pdh_enumerate_objects Performance Counters
pdh_get_array Performance Counters
pdh_get_scalar Performance Counters
pdh_parse_counter_path Performance Counters
pdh_query_close Performance Counters
pdh_query_get Performance Counters
pdh_query_open Performance Counters
pdh_query_refresh Performance Counters
pdh_remove_counter Performance Counters
pdh_system_performance_query Performance Counters
performance System
performance Processes and threads
performance counters Performance Counters
physical address Named pipes
physical address Network configuration
physical memory System
PKCS Certificates
pkcs7_decrypt CryptoAPI
pkcs7_encrypt CryptoAPI
pkcs7_sign CryptoAPI
pkcs7_verify CryptoAPI
play_sound Sound
pointer_null? Base module
port_to_service Network configuration
power management Power management
prepend_acl_aces Security and access control
primary domain System
primary domain controller System
primary language Internationalization
printer properties dialog Printers
printer property dialog Windows Shell
printer shares Network shares and Lan Manager
printers Printers
priority Processes and threads
privileges Security and access control
privileges Users and Groups
process Processes and threads
process creation Processes and threads
process existence Processes and threads
process modules Processes and threads
process priority Processes and threads
process privileges Security and access control
process termination Processes and threads
process token Security and access control
process_exists Processes and threads
process_in_administrators Processes and threads
process_waiting_for_input Processes and threads
processor groups System
processor model System
processor speed System
profile Application utilities
progid_to_clsid COM
protect_data CryptoAPI
random_bytes Base module
read clipboard Clipboard
read_clipboard Clipboard
read_clipboard_paths Clipboard
read_clipboard_text Clipboard
read_credentials Base module
read_inifile_key Application utilities
read_inifile_section Application utilities
read_inifile_section_names Application utilities
read_resource Resources
read_resource_string Resources
read_shortcut Windows Shell
read_url_shortcut Windows Shell
reboot System
Recycle Bin Windows Shell
recycle_file Windows Shell
recycle_files Windows Shell
redraw_window Window management
redraw_window_frame Window management
reg_connect Registry
reg_disable_current_user_cache Registry
reg_iterator Registry
reg_key_close Registry
reg_key_copy Registry
reg_key_create Registry
reg_key_current_user Registry
reg_key_delete Registry
reg_key_export Registry
reg_key_import Registry
reg_key_load Registry
reg_key_monitor Registry
reg_key_open Registry
reg_key_override Registry
reg_key_override_undo Registry
reg_key_prune Registry
reg_key_unload Registry
reg_key_user_classes_root Registry
reg_keys Registry
reg_tree Registry
reg_tree_values Registry
reg_tree_values_raw Registry
reg_value Registry
reg_value_delete Registry
reg_value_names Registry
reg_value_raw Registry
reg_value_set Registry
reg_values Registry
reg_values_raw Registry
reg_walk Registry
register_clipboard_format Clipboard
register_hotkey Keyboard and mouse input
Registry Registry
Release WMI
remove_account_rights Users and Groups
remove_member_from_local_group Users and Groups
remove_members_from_local_group Users and Groups
remove_user_from_global_group Users and Groups
rescan_devices Device management
reset_event Synchronization
reset_thread_token Security and access control
resize_window Window management
resolve_address Network configuration
resolve_hostname Network configuration
resource Resources
resource files Resources
resource modules Resources
resource_stringblock_to_strings Resources
resource_stringid_to_stringblockid Resources
restore_window Window management
resume_factories COM servers
resume_thread Processes and threads
rethrow Base module
reveal Base module
revert_to_self Security and access control
routing Named pipes
routing Network configuration
run program Processes and threads
run_as_service Services
SACL Security and access control
safearray Base module
schannel SSPI
schannel SSL/TLS
scheduler Task Scheduler
SCM Services
screen buffers Console
SDDL Security and access control
sddl_to_security_descriptor Security and access control
secs_since_1970_to_large_system_time Base module
security Security and access control
security descriptor Security and access control
security_descriptor_to_sddl Security and access control
send_input Keyboard and mouse input
send_input_text Keyboard and mouse input
send_keys Keyboard and mouse input
service control manager Services
service_exists Services
service_to_port Network configuration
services Services
session Security and access control
set_ace_inheritance Security and access control
set_ace_rights Security and access control
set_ace_sid Security and access control
set_ace_type Security and access control
set_acl_aces Security and access control
set_active_window_for_thread Window management
set_caret_blink_time Window management
set_caret_location Window management
set_console_active_screen_buffer Console
set_console_control_handler Console
set_console_cursor_position Console
set_console_default_attr Console
set_console_input_codepage Console
set_console_output_codepage Console
set_console_screen_buffer_size Console
set_console_title Console
set_console_window_location Console
set_desktop_wallpaper Window management
set_drive_label Storage
set_event Synchronization
set_file_times Storage
set_focus Window management
set_foreground_window Window management
set_handle_inheritance Base module
set_lockout_policy Users and Groups
set_password_policy Users and Groups
set_priority_class Processes and threads
set_process_integrity Processes and threads
set_process_virtualization Processes and threads
set_process_window_station Desktops and Window stations
set_resource_integrity Security and access control
set_resource_security_descriptor Security and access control
set_security_descriptor_dacl Security and access control
set_security_descriptor_group Security and access control
set_security_descriptor_integrity Security and access control
set_security_descriptor_owner Security and access control
set_security_descriptor_sacl Security and access control
set_service_configuration Services
set_service_delayed_start Services
set_service_description Services
set_service_failure_actions Services
set_share_info Network shares and Lan Manager
set_standard_handle Console
set_system_parameters_info System
set_thread_relative_priority Processes and threads
set_thread_token Security and access control
set_token_integrity Security and access control
set_token_integrity_policy Security and access control
set_token_virtualization Security and access control
set_user_account_info Users and Groups
set_user_comment Users and Groups
set_user_country_code Users and Groups
set_user_expiration Users and Groups
set_user_full_name Users and Groups
set_user_home_dir Users and Groups
set_user_home_dir_drive Users and Groups
set_user_name Users and Groups
set_user_password Users and Groups
set_user_profile Users and Groups
set_user_script_path Users and Groups
set_window_long Window management
set_window_style Window management
set_window_text Window management
set_window_userdata Window management
set_window_zorder Window management
SetThreadExecutionState Processes and threads
sha1 CryptoAPI
sha256 CryptoAPI
sha384 CryptoAPI
sha512 CryptoAPI
shared library Processes and threads
shares Network shares and Lan Manager
shell Windows Shell
shell folders Windows Shell
shell link Windows Shell
shell_execute Windows Shell
shell_object_properties_dialog Windows Shell
shortcut Windows Shell
show_caret Window management
show_owned_popups Window management
show_window Window management
shutdown System
shutdown abort System
shutdown_system System
SID Base module
SID Security and access control
SID Users and Groups
sids_from_same_domain Security and access control
signatures CryptoAPI
sort_aces Security and access control
sort_acl_aces Security and access control
sound Sound
sspi_acquire_credentials SSPI
sspi_client_context SSPI
sspi_context_features SSPI
sspi_context_sizes SSPI
sspi_context_username SSPI
sspi_decrypt SSPI
sspi_decrypt_stream SSPI
sspi_delete_context SSPI
sspi_encrypt SSPI
sspi_encrypt_and_write SSPI
sspi_encrypt_stream SSPI
sspi_enumerate_packages SSPI
sspi_free_credentials SSPI
sspi_issuers_accepted_by_peer SSPI
sspi_local_cert SSPI
sspi_remote_cert SSPI
sspi_schannel_credentials SSPI
sspi_server_context SSPI
sspi_shutdown_context SSPI
sspi_sign SSPI
sspi_step SSPI
sspi_verify_signature SSPI
sspi_winnt_identity_credentials SSPI
stand by System
standard input Console
standard output Console
start_clipboard_monitor Clipboard
start_device_notifier Device management
start_factories COM servers
start_power_monitor Power management
start_service Services
start_wts_session_monitor System
starttls SSL/TLS
stop_clipboard_monitor Clipboard
stop_device_notifier Device management
stop_power_monitor Power management
stop_service Services
stop_sound Sound
stop_wts_session_monitor System
string resource Resources
stringblock Resources
strings_to_resource_stringblock Resources
styles Window management
sublanguage Internationalization
Supported Win32 functions Win32 raw API
suspend System
suspend Power management
suspend_factories COM servers
suspend_system System
suspend_thread Processes and threads
swap files System
swap2 Base module
swap4 Base module
swap8 Base module
synchronization Synchronization
system access control list Security and access control
system menu Window management
system messages Base module
system requirements Installation and Usage
system tray Windows Shell
task Task Scheduler
task scheduler Task Scheduler
task trigger Task Scheduler
taskbar Windows Shell
tclcast Base module
tcltype Base module
TCP Named pipes
TCP Network configuration
terminate connections Named pipes
terminate connections Network configuration
terminate_tcp_connections Network configuration
themes Windows Shell
thread Processes and threads
time conversion Base module
timelist_to_large_system_time Base module
timelist_to_variant_time COM
title bar Window management
tkpath_to_hwnd Window management
tls_background_error SSL/TLS
tls_close SSL/TLS
tls_handshake SSL/TLS
tls_socket SSL/TLS
tls_socket_command SSL/TLS
tls_state SSL/TLS
tokens Security and access control
tracing Event Tracing
trap Base module
trigger Task Scheduler
turn_mouse_wheel Keyboard and mouse input
TWAPI version Base module
type library COM
UAC Processes and threads
UAC Security and access control
UDP Named pipes
UDP Network configuration
unblock_input Keyboard and mouse input
uninstall_coclass COM servers
universally unique identifiers Security and access control
unload_user_profile Processes and threads
unlock_media Device management
unlock_mutex Synchronization
unlock_user Users and Groups
unmap_drive_local Storage
unmount_volume Storage
unprotect_data CryptoAPI
unregister_hotkey Keyboard and mouse input
unregister_typelib COM
up time System
update_resource Resources
update_service_status Services
USB devices Device management
user account Base module
User Account Control Processes and threads
User Account Control Security and access control
user accounts Users and Groups
user_drive_space_available Storage
users Users and Groups
UUID Base module
UUID Security and access control
variant_time_to_timelist COM
variant_type COM
variant_value COM
version Base module
version resource Resources
version resource Storage
virtual memory System
virtual memory Processes and threads
virtualization Security and access control
virtualized_process Processes and threads
volume Storage
volume extents Storage
volume mount points Storage
volume property dialog Windows Shell
volume property dialog Storage
volumes Storage
vt_empty COM
vt_null COM
wait_on_handle Base module
waiting for input Processes and threads
wallpaper Window management
well_known_sid Security and access control
Win32 API Win32 raw API
win32_error Base module
window attributes Window management
window geometry Window management
window management Window management
window stations Desktops and Window stations
window styles Window management
window visibility Window management
window_exists Window management
window_input_enabled Window management
window_is_child Window management
window_maximized Window management
window_minimized Window management
window_unicode_enabled Window management
window_visible Window management
windows Keyboard and mouse input
Windows Installer Microsoft Windows Installer
Windows services Services
Windows shell Windows Shell
winlog_backup Event log
winlog_clear Event log
winlog_close Event log
winlog_event_count Event log
winlog_open Event log
winlog_read Event log
winlog_subscribe Event log
WINS servers addresses Named pipes
WINS servers addresses Network configuration
wnet_connected_resources Network shares and Lan Manager
workgroup System
working set Processes and threads
WoW64 Processes and threads
wow64_process Processes and threads
write clipboard Clipboard
write_clipboard Clipboard
write_clipboard_paths Clipboard
write_clipboard_text Clipboard
write_inifile_key Application utilities
write_shortcut Windows Shell
write_url_shortcut Windows Shell
Tcl Windows API 5.0