Wcb Command Reference

For Wcb Version 4.0


Csaba Nemethi

[email protected]


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The wcb::callback Command

wcb::callback – Retrieve, set, and remove widget callbacks
wcb::callback widgetName before|after option ?callback callback ...?
Retrieves, sets, or removes the callbacks for the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, Ttk combobox, listbox, tablelist, Ttk treeview, text, or ctext widget widgetName, the argument before or after, and the command corresponding to option.  The values of the option argument can be:
If no arguments after the option parameter are specified, then the procedure just returns the current before- or after-callback list, respectively, for the given widget operation.
When a callback is invoked for the widget widgetName, the name of the proxy command ::_widgetName and the command arguments are automatically appended to it as parameters.  Use the wcb::pathname command to retrieve the original widget path name.
The following table shows the widget subcommands corresponding to the above values of option, together with the arguments of these subcommands:
Widget option Subcommand Arguments
Tk entry, ttk::entry,
BWidget Entry,
Tk spinbox, ttk::spinbox,
or ttk::combobox
insert insert index string
delete delete from ?to?
motion icursor index
listbox activate activate index
selset selection set first ?last?
selclear selection clear first ?last?
tablelist::tablelist activate activate index
selset selection set first ?last?   (indexList   or  firstIndex lastIndex)
selclear selection clear first ?last?   (indexList   or  firstIndex lastIndex)
activatecell activatecell cellIndex
cellselset cellselection set first ?last?   (cellIndexList   or  firstCell lastCell)
cellselclear cellselection clear first ?last?   (cellIndexList   or  firstCell lastCell)
ttk::treeview activate focus item
selset selection set itemList
seladd selection add itemList
selclear selection remove itemList
seltoggle selection toggle itemList
cellselset cellselection set first ?last?   (cellList   or  firstCell lastCell)
cellseladd cellselection add first ?last?   (cellList   or  firstCell lastCell)
cellselclear cellselection remove first ?last?   (cellList   or  firstCell lastCell)
cellseltoggle cellselection toggle first ?last?   (cellList   or  firstCell lastCell)
text or ctext insert insert index string ?tagList string tagList ...?
delete delete from ?to?
replace replace from to string ?tagList string tagList ...?
motion mark set insert index
selset tag add sel from ?to from to ...?
selclear tag remove sel from ?to from to ...?
  1. You may abbreviate the words before, after, insert, delete, replace, motion, and activate (the latter not for tablelist widgets) to a minimum of one character.  Similarly, the first four characters of the words selset, selclear, seladd, and seltoggle, the first eight characters of cellselset, cellselclear, cellseladd, and cellseltoggle, and the first nine characters of activatecell are sufficient for Wcb to recognize these options.
  2. After a successful invocation of this command with at least one nonempty callback following the option argument, you can use either the new procedure widgetName or the proxy command ::_widgetName to perform any valid operation on the widget widgetName.  Use the proxy command ::_widgetName if you want to prevent the callbacks from being invoked when executing the respective widget subcommand.
  3. When destroying a widget widgetName for which wcb::callback has replaced the corresponding Tcl command with a new procedure, the proxy command ::_widgetName is deleted automatically by the Tcl interpreter (this is not true in the case of a BWidget Entry, tablelist, or ctext widget).  The new widget procedure widgetName would persist, but Wcb arranges for it to be deleted from within a cleanup script bound to the <Destroy> event.  This cleanup script is associated with a binding tag called WcbCleanup, which is appended to the list of binding tags of the widget the first time when registering some callbacks for it.  (In the case of a BWidget Entry, tablelist, or ctext widget, this script also deletes the proxy command ::_widgetName.)
  4. The cleanup script mentioned above also unregisters all callbacks defined for widgetName, thus ensuring that a widget with the same path created later will not inherit them from the widget just deleted (this can be important in some applications).  For this reason, you should be careful not to remove WcbCleanup from the list of binding tags of the given widget!
callback, widget, Tk entry, Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk spinbox, Ttk spinbox, Ttk combobox, listbox, tablelist, Ttk treeview, text, ctext

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The wcb::cbappend Command

wcb::cbappend – Append to a callback list
wcb::cbappend widgetName before|after option ?callback callback ...?
This command is almost identical to wcb::callback.  The only difference is that wcb::cbappend appends the arguments specified after the option parameter to the current callback list (if present), while wcb::callback replaces the old callbacks with these arguments.
callback, append, widget

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The wcb::cbprepend Command

wcb::cbprepend – Prepend to a callback list
wcb::cbprepend widgetName before|after option ?callback callback ...?
This command is almost identical to wcb::callback.  The only difference is that wcb::cbprepend prepends the arguments specified after the option parameter to the current callback list (if present), while wcb::callback replaces the old callbacks with these arguments.
callback, prepend, widget

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The wcb::cancel Command

wcb::cancel – Cancel a widget command
wcb::cancel ?script?
This procedure is designed to be invoked from a before-callback for a widget command.  It cancels the execution of that command and of the remaining callbacks, and evaluates the script argument in the global scope.  If this argument is not specified, it defaults to the bell command.
The return value is the one obtained from script if this argument is specified and nonempty.  Otherwise, the command returns an empty string.
cancel, command, widget

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The wcb::canceled Command

wcb::canceled – Query the canceled status of a widget command
wcb::canceled widgetName option
Returns the value 1 if the most recent invocation of the widget operation corresponding to widgetName and option has been aborted by some before-callback by invoking wcb::cancel; otherwise, the return value is 0.  The arguments must fulfil the same restrictions as in the case of the wcb::callback command.
cancel, command, widget

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The wcb::extend Command

wcb::extend – Extend the argument list of a widget command
wcb::extend ?arg arg ...?
This procedure is designed to be invoked from a before-callback for a widget command.  It appends the values given in the optional arg parameters to the argument list of that command.  The new argument list will be passed to the remaining callbacks for that command, too.
This procedure simply passes its parameters to the lappend command, called for the argument list of the respective widget operation.
extend, argument, command, widget

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The wcb::replace Command

wcb::replace – Replace arguments of a widget command with new ones
wcb::replace first last ?arg arg ...?
This procedure is designed to be invoked from a before-callback for a widget command.  It replaces the arguments having the indices first through last of that command with the optional arg parameters.  The new argument list will be passed to the remaining callbacks for that command, too.  The arguments are numbered from 0 (see the table in the description of the wcb::callback command).
This procedure simply passes its parameters to the lreplace command, called for the argument list of the respective widget operation.
replace, argument, command, widget

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The wcb::pathname Command

wcb::pathname – Query the path name of the widget corresponding to a Tcl command name
wcb::pathname proxyCmd
This procedure returns the path name of the widget corresponding to the Tcl command name proxyCmd passed to a callback.
When a before- or after-callback for a widget is invoked, the name of the proxy command associated with that widget is automatically appended to it as parameter.  This procedure can be used within a callback to retrieve the path name of the widget from the command name passed to the callback as argument.  It simply returns the string range obtained from proxyCmd by removing the "::_" prefix.
path name, command, widget

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The wcb::changeEntryText Command

wcb::changeEntryText – Change the text of a Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget
wcb::changeEntryText widgetName string
Replaces the text of the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget widgetName with string, by using the delete and insert operations.  If the first subcommand is canceled by some before-delete callback then the procedure returns without inserting the new text; if the second operation is canceled by some before-insert callback then the command restores the original contents of the widget.
The procedure keeps the position of the insertion cursor.  The return value is 1 on success and 0 on failure, i.e., if one of the attempted operations was canceled by some before-callback.
Tk entry, Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk spinbox, Ttk spinbox, Ttk combobox, widget

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The wcb::postInsertEntryLen Command

wcb::postInsertEntryLen – Query the would-be length of the text in a Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget after text insertion
wcb::postInsertEntryLen widgetName string
Returns the length of the text that would be contained in the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget widgetName after inserting string.
insert, Tk entry, Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk spinbox, Ttk spinbox, Ttk combobox, widget

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The wcb::postInsertEntryText Command

wcb::postInsertEntryText – Query the would-be text of a Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget after text insertion
wcb::postInsertEntryText widgetName index string
Returns the text that would be contained in the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget widgetName after inserting string before the character indicated by index.
insert, Tk entry, Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk spinbox, Ttk spinbox, Ttk combobox, widget

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The wcb::postDeleteEntryText Command

wcb::postDeleteEntryText – Query the would-be text of a Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget after text deletion
wcb::postDeleteEntryText widgetName from ?to?
Returns the text that would be contained in the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget widgetName after deleting the characters starting with the one indicated by the index from and stopping just before to.  If to is not specified then the return value is the text that would be contained in the widget after deleting the single character given by from.
REMARK:  This command has a variable number (2 or 3) of arguments, because the delete subcommand of the Tcl command associated with widgetName expects either one or two indices as arguments.  For this reason, the correct way to invoke this command from within a before-delete callback is as shown in the following example:
proc myBeforeDeleteCallback {w args} {
    # Get the text that would be contained in the widget after
    # deleting the characters specified by $args, which stands
    # for the one or two arguments passed to delete; pass these
    # arguments to wcb::postDeleteEntryText by expanding $args
    set newText [eval [list wcb::postDeleteEntryText $w] $args]
    if {!some_condition_on_$newText} {
The following alternative, more elegant solution requires Tcl/Tk 8.5 or later:
proc myBeforeDeleteCallback {w args} {
    # . . .
    set newText [wcb::postDeleteEntryText $w {*}$args]
    . . .
delete, Tk entry, Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk spinbox, Ttk spinbox, Ttk combobox, widget

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Before-insert Callbacks for entry, spinbox, and combobox Widgets

wcb::checkStrFor*, wcb::convStrTo*, wcb::checkEntryFor*, wcb::checkEntryLen – Before-insert callbacks for Tk entry, Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk spinbox, Ttk spinbox, and Ttk combobox widgets
wcb::checkStrForRegExp  exp w idx str

wcb::checkStrForAlpha       w idx str
wcb::checkStrForNum         w idx str
wcb::checkStrForAlnum       w idx str

wcb::convStrToUpper         w idx str
wcb::convStrToLower         w idx str

wcb::checkEntryForInt       w idx str
wcb::checkEntryForUInt  max w idx str
wcb::checkEntryForReal      w idx str
wcb::checkEntryForFixed cnt w idx str

wcb::checkEntryLen      len w idx str
The wcb::checkStrForRegExp callback checks whether the string str to be inserted into the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget w is matched by the regular expression exp; if not, it cancels the insert operation.
The three other wcb::checkStrFor* callbacks check whether the string str to be inserted into the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget w is alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric, respectively; if not, they cancel the insert operation.  These procedures just invoke the callback wcb::checkStrForRegExp, passing to it the Unicode-based patterns {^[[:alpha:]]*$}, {^[[:digit:]]*$}, and {^[[:alnum:]]*$}.
The wcb::convStrTo* callbacks replace the string str to be inserted into the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget w with its uppercase or lowercase equivalent, respectively.
The wcb::checkEntryFor* callbacks check whether the text contained in the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget w after inserting the string str before the character indicated by the index idx would represent (the starting part of) an integer number, unsigned integer no greater than max, real number, or real number in fixed-point format with at most cnt digits after the decimal point, respectively; if not, they cancel the insert operation.  max and cnt should be nonnegative numbers or *max = *  means: no upper bound for the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox value, while  cnt = *  stands for an unlimited number of digits after the decimal point.
The wcb::checkEntryLen callback checks whether the length of the text contained in the Tk or Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk or Ttk spinbox, or Ttk combobox widget w after inserting the string str would be greater than len; if yes, it cancels the insert operation.
These callback procedures are implemented in the file wcbEntry.tcl, contained in the scripts directory.  They return an empty string.
callback, insert, Tk entry, Ttk entry, BWidget Entry, Tk spinbox, Ttk spinbox, Ttk combobox, widget

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Before-insert Callbacks for text and ctext Widgets

wcb::checkStrsFor*, wcb::convStrsTo* – Before-insert callbacks for text and ctext widgets
wcb::checkStrsForRegExp exp w idx args

wcb::checkStrsForAlpha      w idx args
wcb::checkStrsForNum        w idx args
wcb::checkStrsForAlnum      w idx args

wcb::convStrsToUpper        w idx args
wcb::convStrsToLower        w idx args
The wcb::checkStrsForRegExp callback checks whether the strings to be inserted into the text or ctext widget w, contained in the list args of the form  string ?tagList string tagList ...?,  are matched by the regular expression exp; if not, it cancels the insert operation.
The three other wcb::checkStrsFor* callbacks check whether the strings to be inserted into the text or ctext widget w, contained in the list args of the form  string ?tagList string tagList ...?,  are alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric, respectively; if not, they cancel the insert operation.  These procedures just invoke the callback wcb::checkStrsForRegExp, passing to it the Unicode-based patterns {^[[:alpha:]\n]*$}, {^[[:digit:]\n]*$}, and {^[[:alnum:]\n]*$}.
The wcb::convStrsTo* callbacks replace the strings to be inserted into the text or ctext widget w, contained in the list args of the form  string ?tagList string tagList ...?,  with their uppercase or lowercase equivalents, respectively.
These callback procedures are implemented in the file wcbText.tcl, contained in the scripts directory.  They return an empty string.
callback, insert, text, ctext, widget

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