The selectNodes method implements the "XML Path Language (XPath)
Version 1.0" W3C recommendation 16 November 1999 (
Look at these documents for a deeper understanding of the
- nodeType
- Returns the node type of that node object. This can be:
- nodeName
- Returns the node name of that node object. This is the element
(tag) name for element nodes (type ELEMENT_NODE), the
processing-instruction target for processing-instructions, "#text"
for text node, "#comment" for comment nodes or "#cdata" for cdata
section nodes.
- nodeValue ?newValue?
- Returns the value of that node object. This is the text or the
data for element nodes of type TEXT_NODE, COMMENT_NODE,
empty. If the node is a TEXT_NODE, COMMENT_NODE or
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE and the optional argument newValue is given, the node is set to that value.
- hasChildNodes
- Returns 1 if the node has children. Otherwise 0 is
- parentNode ?objVar?
- Returns the parent node.
- childNodes
- Returns a list of direct children node objects.
- childNodesLive
- Returns a "live" nodeList object of the child nodes of the node
in the sense of the DOM recommendation. This nodeList object is
"live" in the sense that, for instance, changes to the children of
the node object that it was created from are immediately reflected
in the nodes returned by the NodeList accessors; it is not a static
snapshot of the content of the node. The two accessors known by the
nodeList object are "item <index>", which returns the indexth
item in the collection, and "length", which returns the number of
nodes in the list.
- firstChild ?objVar?
- Returns the first child as a node object.
- lastChild ?objVar?
- Returns the last child as a node object.
- nextSibling ?objVar?
- Returns the next sibling relative to the current node as a node
- previousSibling ?objVar?
- Returns the next sibling relative to the current node as a node
- getElementsByTagName name
- Returns a list of all elements in the subtree matching (glob
style) name.
- getElementsByTagNameNS uri localname
- Returns a list of all elements in the subtree matching (glob
style) localname and having the given namespace
- getElementById id
- Returns the node having an id attribute with value id or the empty string if no node has an id attribute with
that value.
- hasAttribute attributeName
- Returns 1 if the object node contains an attribute with name
attributeName . Otherwise 0 is returned.
- getAttribute attributeName
- Returns the value of the attribute attributeName. If the attribute is not available defaultValue is returned.
- setAttribute attributeName
newValue ?attributeName newValue ...?
- Sets the value for one or more attributes. Every attributeName is set to the corresponding newValue. If there isn't an attribute for one or more of
the attributeName, this will create that
attribute. It is not recommended to set attributes that look like
XML namespace declarations.
- removeAttribute attributeName
- Removes the attribute attributeName.
- hasAttributeNS uri
- Returns 1 if the object node contains an attribute with the
local name localName within the namespace
uri. Otherwise 0 is returned.
- getAttributeNS uri
localName ?defaultValue?
- Returns the value of the attribute with the local name
localName within the namespace URI uri. If the node dosn't have that attribute the defaultValue is returned.
- setAttributeNS uri
qualifiedName newValue ?uri qualifiedName newValue ...?
Sets the value for one or more full qualified attributes. Every
attribute qualifiedName with the namespace URI
uri will be set to newValue. This
will create a new attribute, if it wasn't available before. If you
want to set an attribute within a namespace you must specify the
attribute name with prefix, even if you want to set an already
existing attribute to a new value. While searching, if the
attribute already exists, only the given uri and
the localname of the qualifiedName is used.
$node setAttributeNS "" prefix:attr1 attrValue
If the uri is the empty string and the attribute name has no
prefix, this method has the same effect as the method
$node setAttributeNS "" attri "some Value"
With the exceptions of the special prefixes "xmlns" and "xml"
you always must provide a non empty uri if your
qualifiedName has a prefix. It is not recommended
to set XML namespace declarations. The effects are complicated and
not always obvious up to resulting a not well-formed serializations
after further processing.
- removeAttributeNS uri
- Removes the attribute with the local name localName within the namespace uri.
- attributes ?attributeNamePattern?
- Returns information about the attributes matching the attributeNamePattern. If attributeNamePattern isn't given, information about all
attributes are returned. The return value is a Tcl list, the
elements just the attribute name in case of non namespaced
attributes and three element sublists for namespaced attributes. n
case of an "ordinary" namespaced attribute, the sublist elements
are {<localname> <prefix> <namespace_uri>}. In
the special case of an XML namespace declaration it is {<the
prefix defined> <localname> ""}.
- attributeNames ?attributeNamePattern?
- Returns a flat list of all attributes names (as found in the
XML source) matching the attributeNamePattern. If
attributeNamePattern isn't given, all attribute
names are returned as a Tcl list.
- appendChild newChild
- Appends newChild to the end of the child list
of the node.
- insertBefore newChild
- Inserts newChild before the refChild into the list of children of node. If refChild is the empty string, insert newChild at the end of the child nodes list of that
- replaceChild newChild
- Replaces oldChild with newChild in the list of children of that node. The
oldChild node will be part of the document
fragment list after this operation.
- removeChild child
- Removes child from the list of children of
that node. child will be part of the document
fragment list after this operation.
- delete
- Deletes the given node and its complete child tree and frees
the complete internal memory. The affected nodes are not accessible
through the document fragment list.
- cloneNode ?-deep?
- Clones this node and adds the new create node into the document
fragment list. If the -deep option is specified,
all descendant nodes are also cloned.
- ownerDocument ?domObjVar?
- Returns the document object of the document this node belongs
- find attrName attrVal ?objVar?
- Finds the node with the attribute name attrName, and attribute value attrVal in
the subtree starting the current node.
- child number|all
type attrName
- (XPointer) child
- descendant number|all
type attrName
- (XPointer) descendant
- ancestor number|all
type attrName
- (XPointer) ancestor
- fsibling number|all
type attrName
- (XPointer) fsibling
- psibling number|all
type attrName
- (XPointer) psibling
- root objVar
- (XPointer) root
- text
- Returns all text node children of that current node combined,
i.e. appended into one string.
- target
- For a processing instruction node the target part is returned.
Otherwise an error is generated.
- data
- For a processing instruction node the data part is returned.
For a text node, comment node or cdata section node the value is
returned. Otherwise an error is generated.
- prefix
- Returns the namespace prefix.
- namespaceURI
- Returns the namespace URI.
- localName
- Returns the localName from the tag name of the given node.
- selectNodes ?-namespaces prefixUriList? ?-cache
<boolean>? ?-list? xpathQuery ?typeVar?
Returns the result of applying the XPath query xpathQuery to the subtree. This result can be a
string/value, a list of strings, a list of nodes or a list of
attribute name / value pairs. If typeVar argument
is given the result type name is stored into that variable (empty,
bool, number, string, nodes, attrnodes or mixed).
The argument xpathQuery has to be a valid XPath
1.0 expression. However there are a few exceptions to that rule.
Tcl variable references (in the usual tcl syntax: $varname) may
appear in the XPath statement at any position where it is legal
according to the rules of the XPath syntax to put an XPath
variable. Ignoring the syntax rules of XPath the Tcl variable name
may be any legal Tcl var name: local variables, global variables,
array entries and so on. The value will always be seen as string
literal by the xpath engine. Cast the value explicitly with the
according xpath functions (number(), boolean()) to another data
type, if needed.
Similar to the way described above to inject literals in a
secure way into the XPath expression using tcl variable references
there is a syntax to inject element names from tcl variables. At
every place where the XPath syntax allows a node test there could
be a Tcl variable reference (in any form), just the leading $
replaced with %. This allows one to select nodes with 'strange'
(invalid, according to the appropriate XML production rule) node
names which may be needed in case of working with JSON data.
The option -namespaces expects a Tcl list with
prefix / namespace pairs as argument. If this option is not given,
then any namespace prefix within the xpath expression will be first
resolved against the list of prefix / namespace pairs set with the
selectNodesNamespaces method for the document, the node belongs to.
If this fails, then the namespace definitions in scope of the
context node will be used to resolve the prefix. If this option is
given, any namespace prefix within the xpath expression will be
first resolved against that given list (and ignoring the document
global prefix / namespace list). If the list binds the same prefix
to different namespaces, then the first binding will win. If this
fails, then the namespace definitions in scope of the context node
will be used to resolve the prefix, as usual.
If the -cache option is used with a true value,
then the xpathQuery will be looked up in a
document specific cache. If the query is found, then the stored
pre-compiled query will be used. If the query isn't found, it will
be compiled and stored in the cache, for use in further calls.
Please note that the xpathQuery given as string is
used as key for the cache. This means, that equal XPath
expressions, which differ only in white space are treated as
different cache entries. Special care is needed, if the XPath
expression includes namespace prefixes or references to Tcl
variables. Both namespace prefixes and Tcl variable references will
be resolved according to the XML prefix namespace mappings and Tcl
variable values at expression compilation time. If the same XPath
expression is used later on in a context with other XML prefix
namespace mappings or values of the used Tcl variables, make sure
to first remove the compiled expression from the cache with the
help of the deleteXPathCache method, to force
a recompilation. Without using the -cache option
such consideration is never needed.
If the -list option is given then the xpathQuery argument is expected to be a Tcl list of XPath
queries. Every XPath query in this list other than the last one
must return a node set result. Using the context and namespace
resolution rules as without the -list option the
first query out of the list is run. Every node out of the result
set of this query is used as context node for the next XPath query
out of the list and so on. It returns the result sets of the last
query in the query list concatenated together.
set paragraphNodes [$node selectNodes {chapter[3]//para[@type='warning' or @type='error'} ]
foreach paragraph $paragraphNodes {
lappend values [$paragraph selectNodes attribute::type]
set doc [dom parse {<doc xmlns=""><child/></doc>}]
set root [$doc documentElement]
set childNodes [$root selectNodes -namespaces {default} default:child]
- getLine
- Returns the line number of that node in the originally parsed
XML. The counting starts with 1
- getColumn
- Returns the column number of that node in the originally parsed
XML. The counting starts with 0
- getByteIndex
- Returns the byte position of that node in the originally parsed
XML. The counting starts with 0.
- asList
- Returns the DOM substree starting from the current node as a
nested Tcl list.
- asXML ?-indent
none/tabs/1..8? ?-channel channelId?
?-escapeNonASCII? ?-doctypeDeclaration <boolean>? -xmlDeclaration <boolean>? -encString <string> ?-escapeAllQuot? ?-indentAttrs?
?-nogtescape? ?-noEmptyElementTag? ?-escapeCR?
Returns the DOM substree starting from the current node as the
root node of the result as an (optional indented) XML string or
sends the output directly to the given channelId.
See the documentation of the domDoc
command method asXML for a detailed
description of the arguments.
- asCanonicalXML ?-channel channelId? ?-comment?
Returns the DOM tree as canonical XML string according to the
"Canonical XML
Version 1.0 W3C Recommendation 15 March 2001" or sends the
output directly to the given channelId.
See the documentation of the domDoc
command method asCanonicalXML for a detailed
description of the arguments.
- asHTML ?-channel
channelId? b?-escapeNonASCII? ?-htmlEntities? ?-doctypeDeclaration
<boolean>? ?-breakLines? ?-onlyContents?
Returns the DOM substree starting from the current node as the
root node of the result serialized according to HTML rules (HTML
elements are recognized regardless of case, without end tags for
empty HTML elements etc.), as string or sends the output directly
to the given channelId.
See the documentation of the domDoc
method asHTML for a detailed description of
the arguments.
- asText
- For ELEMENT_NODEs, the asText method outputs the string-value
of every text node descendant of node in document order without any
escaping. For every other node type, this method outputs the XPath
string value of that node.
- asJSON ?-indent
none/0..8? ?-channel channelId?
The asJSON method serializes the subtree starting with the node
the method was called on into a valid JSON data string.
See the documentation of the domDoc
method asJSON for a detailed description of
the method
- asTclValue ?typevariable?
In case the subtree starting with the node the method was called
on includes JSON type information this method returns the JSON data
as nested Tcl data structure.
See the documentation of the domDoc
method asTclValue for a detailed description
of the method
- appendFromList list
- Parses list , creates an according DOM subtree
and appends this subtree to the current node.
- appendFromScript tclScript
- Appends the nodes created in the tclScript by
Tcl functions, which have been built using dom
createNodeCmd, to the given node.
- insertBeforeFromScript tclScript refChild
- Inserts the nodes created in the tclScript by
Tcl functions, which have been built using dom
createNodeCmd, before the refChild into the
list of children of node. If refChild is the empty
string, the new nodes will be appended.
- appendXML XMLstring
- Parses XMLstring, creates an according DOM
subtree and appends this subtree to the current node.
- simpleTranslate outputVar specifications
- Translates the subtree starting at the object node according to
the specifications in specifications and outputs
the result in the variable outputVar . The
translation is very similar to Cost Simple mode.
- toXPath ?-legacy?
- Returns an XPath, which exactly addresses the given node in its
document. This XPath is only valid as there are no changes to DOM
tree made later one. With the -legacy option, other XPath
expressions are returned, which doesn't work in all cases.
- getBaseURI
- Returns the baseURI of the node. This method is deprecated in
favor of the baseURI method.
- baseURI ?URI?
- Returns the present baseURI of the node. If the optional
argument URI is given, it sets the base URI of the node and of all
of its child nodes out of the same entity as node to the given
- disableOutputEscaping ?boolean?
- This method works only for text nodes; for every other node it
returns error. Without the optional argument it returns, if
disabling output escaping is on. The return value 0 means, the
characters of the text node will be escaped, to generate valid XML,
if serialized. This is the default for every parsed or created text
node (with the exception of that text nodes in a result tree of an
XSLT transformation, for which disabling output escaping was
requested explicitly in the stylesheet). The return value 1 means,
that output escaping is disabled for this text node. If such a text
node is serialized (with asXML or asHTML), it is literally written,
without escaping of the special XML characters. If the optional
boolean value boolean is given, the flag is set
accordingly. You should not set this flag to 1 until you really
know what you do.
- precedes refnode
- Compares the relative order of the node and refnode. Both nodes must be part of the same documents and
not out of the fragment list of the document. Returns true if node
is in document order (in the sense of the XPath 1.0 recommendation)
before refnode, and false otherwise.
- normalize ?-forXPath?
- Puts all Text nodes in the full depth of the sub-tree
underneath this Node into a "normal" form where only structure
(e.g., elements, comments, processing instructions and CDATA
sections) separates Text nodes, i.e., there are neither adjacent
Text nodes nor empty Text nodes. If the option -forXPath is given, all CDATA sections in the nodes are
converted to text nodes, as a first step before the
- xslt ?-parameters
parameterList? ?-ignoreUndeclaredParameters? ?-maxApplyDepth int? ?-xsltmessagecmd script? stylesheet
- Applies an XSLT transformation on the document using the XSLT
stylesheet (given as domDoc). Returns a document
object containing the result document of that transformation and
stores it in the optional outputVar.
The optional -parameters option sets top level
<xsl:param> to string values. The parameterList has to be a Tcl list consisting of parameter
name and value pairs.
If the option -ignoreUndeclaredParameters is
given, then parameter names in the parameterList
given to the -parameters options that are not
declared as top-level parameters in the stylesheet are silently
ignored. Without this option, an error is raised if the user tries
to set a top-level parameter which is not declared in the
The option -maxApplyDepth expects a positive
integer as argument. By default, the XSLT engine allows XSLT
templates to nest up to 3000 levels (and raises error if they nest
deeper). This limit can be set by the -maxApplyDepth option.
The -xsltmessagecmd option sets a callback for
xslt:message elements in the stylesheet. The actual command
consists of the script, given as argument to the option, appended
with the XML Fragment from instantiating the xsl:message element
content as string (as if the XPath string() function would have
been applied to the XML Fragment) and a flag, which indicates
whether the xsl:message has an attribute "terminate" with the value
"yes". If the called script returns anything else then TCL_OK then
the XSLT transformation will be aborted, returning error. If the
called script returns -code break the error message is empty,
otherwise the result code is reported. In case of terminated
transformation the outputVar, if given, is set to the empty
- @attrName
- Returns the value of the attribute attrName.
Short cut for getAttribute.
- Only element and text nodes may have a JSON type and only this
types of nodes support the jsonType method; the
other node types return error if called with this method. Returns
the jsonType of the node. If the optional argument is given, the
JSON type of the node is set to the given type and returned. Valid
type arguments for element nodes are OBJECT, ARRAY and NONE. Valid
type arguments for text nodes are STRING, NUMBER, TRUE, FALSE, NULL
and NONE.
Otherwise, if an unknown method name is given, the command with
the same name as the given method within the namespace ::dom::domNode is tried to be executed. This allows quick
method additions on Tcl level.