This is the thirteenth in a series of posts about new features in the upcoming version 8.7 of Tcl. New commands for list manipulation in Tcl 8.7 were described in a previous post. Since then, some additional enhancements related to lists have been implemented. These are described in this post.
This is the twelfth in a series of posts about new features in the upcoming version 8.7 of Tcl. The prior post in the series covered mounting of ZIP archives as Tcl virtual file systems, their introspection and using file I/O commands to read and write to files within the archive. This short post concerns itself with utility commands for creating ZIP file archives.
This is the eleventh in a series of posts about new features in the upcoming version 8.7 of Tcl. It is the first of a pair of posts describing core support for treating ZIP archives as virtual file systems within Tcl. This post focuses on base operations dealing with existing ZIP archives. The next describes the creation of ZIP archives and their use for building zipkits and single file executables.
This is the tenth in a series of posts about new features in the upcoming version 8.7 of Tcl. It is the final post related to enhancements to Tcl's object-oriented programming facilities.
This is the ninth in a series of posts about new features in the upcoming version 8.7 of Tcl. It describes more enhancements to Tcl's object-oriented programming facilities.
This is the eighth in a series of posts about new features in the upcoming version 8.7 of Tcl. It describes several enhancements to Tcl's features for object-oriented programming.
This is the seventh in a series of posts about new features in the upcoming version 8.7 of Tcl. This post deals with some additional facilities, albeit minor, in handling of numbers.
This is the fifth in our series describing new features in the upcoming Tcl 8.7 release. This post deals with the enhancements related to dictionaries.
This is the fourth in a series of posts describing new features in the upcoming 8.7 release of Tcl. It introduces the new process command added to allow monitoring and management of subprocesses spawned from Tcl.