Playing God on Windows
There are times during software development when you want to run in interactive mode with maximum privileges on a system, be God as it were. One might think running as Administrator
would do it but it doesn't. To be truly omnipotent on Windows, you have to run under the LocalSystem account[1]. It is easy enough with Tcl and this post shows you how. As a side bonus, it also describes how to inject processes into the interactive user's desktop to run under the user's account as well.
Warning: For obvious security reasons, you should only use these techniques under special circumstances and on development or test machines, not implement them in production.
In the (good?) old days of XP, it was straighforward to get an interactive command shell running under the LocalSystem
account. First, you implemented a service (ok, maybe it was not that straightforward), marked it as Interacts with the desktop
and you were off and running.
With newer versions of Windows, this is deprecated and is not possible without changing some system settings. A different, slightly more complicated, method is required that is described here.
As an aside, Google will show many links on the topic, all of which suffer from either showing a partial implementation, or using C++/C# where the steps are lost in the myriad operations required due to the low-level nature of the languages. In Tcl on the other hand, the steps are clearly visible and a complete solution, including the required Windows service, takes just a couple of pages of code (no font reduction required :-).
The Theory
Some basic knowledge of sessions, window stations and desktops is necessary to understand the steps that need to be taken. Short introductions present here and there on the Web suffice for our purposes. For full details you can consult the MSDN documentation.
Getting a program to run interactively as LocalSystem
really has two separate parts to it:
In addition to the special privileges it enjoys, the
account also differs from normal accounts in that it is not possible to log into a system using that account name and a password (in fact, no password is associated with the account). The only way to run asLocalSystem
is to configure a service to run under that account and have it be started by the service control manager. -
Given that services in Windows can no longer run as part of the interactive desktop, we have to then implement a means to have the service then run a program on the desktop under the same account.
The first part is straightforward in Tcl. We show it in the implementation later but see Windows Services for details on implementing a service in Tcl.
The second part is also not hugely complicated and we detail it here. Running interactively requires getting access to the window station and interactive desktop so our program can display its window on it. If you have read the above-referenced articles, you know that window stations and desktops are protected resources and have security descriptors attached which determine who can display windows on them. To actually access them then, one needs an appropriate security token. There are two token properties that are relevant here:
The account associated with the token must be the account under which we want to run our program, i.e.
, and it must be permitted access by the window station and desktop security descriptor. -
The session associated with the token must be the session containing the window station and desktop of interest.
Once we have such a token, we can use the CreateProcessAsUser
call to instantiate our program on the desktop.
Stealing identities
Time to move on to the implementation. The following code assumes you are running Tcl 8.6 and TWAPI 4.1b25 or later.
We start off assuming we are running as a service under the LocalSystem
account (we implement this later) and write a simple proc
to run our Tcl shell with a given security token and environment variables. The latter is not strictly required but for the general case we discuss later we do not want the child process to inherit our environment.
proc run_child {tok environ} {
twapi::create_process [info nameofexecutable] -token $tok -env $environ
The above routine is simple enough as the TWAPI create_process
routine allows a token and environment to be specified.
We then need to create the appropriate token to pass to this routine. Since we are running as a LocalSystem
service already, just retrieving the token for our process will get us halfway there - it has the right account but is associated with session 0 which is the session that services run in. We need it to be attached to the interactive session. This is easily done by duplicating the token and changing its session as shown in this code fragment:
set tok [twapi::duplicate_token $my_tok -access {
token_query token_duplicate token_assign_primary token_adjust_sessionid token_adjust_default
} -type primary]
twapi::set_token_tssession $tok 1
However, we will not use this method. Instead we will use a different method that is slightly more complicated but is more generally applicable. We will locate a process that is running in the interactive session under the account of interest (LocalSystem
here) and steal its identity. So we first write another short proc
to find our poor victim and return its token.
proc find_victim {name} {
set tssession [expr {[twapi::min_os_version 6] ? 1 : 0}]
foreach pid [twapi::get_process_ids -name $name] {
if {[dict get [twapi::get_process_info $pid -tssession] -tssession] == $tssession} {
return [twapi::open_process_token -pid $pid -access {
token_query token_duplicate token_assign_primary
error "Could not find a victim process $name in session $tssession"
The above code loops through all processes on the system of the given name. When it finds one that belong to the session of interest, it obtains and returns its token. The only point to be noted is that the "session of interest" where the interactive console desktop runs is 1
for Vista and later and 0
for earlier Windows versions.
Having a means to locate an appropriate token, we just need a proc
to steal its identity. This is nothing more than a wrapper around twapi::duplicate_token
that we saw earlier.
proc steal_identity {tok} {
twapi::trap {
return [twapi::duplicate_token $tok -access {
token_query token_duplicate token_assign_primary
} -type primary]
} finally {
twapi::close_token $tok
This duplicates the token and closes the original. The access rights specified are those we will need to spawn off our child process. Make a note of these since MSDN does not list them all in the documentation of CreateProcessAsUser
We are then ready to write the routine wrapping all the above.
proc system_shell {} {
set tok [steal_identity [find_victim winlogon.exe]]
twapi::trap {
run_child $tok [twapi::get_system_environment_vars]
} finally {
twapi::close_token $tok
Why do we choose to steal the identity of winlogon
? Because
- first, it is present in every interactive session and
- second, it runs as
which is what we want to do.
The other point to be noted is the use of get_system_environment_vars
. This will result in the child process getting an environment based on unmodified system settings as opposed to the service process' environment which might have been modified for whatever reason.
We are done with the code required for spawning a LocalSystem
shell. We can now move on to our promised bonus feature - again starting a process from the service but this time with the logged on user's identity. This is implemented by user_shell
proc user_shell {} {
set tssession [expr {[twapi::min_os_version 6] ? 1 : 0}]
set tok [steal_identity [twapi::WTSQueryUserToken $tssession]]
twapi::trap {
twapi::load_user_profile $tok
twapi::impersonate_token $tok
twapi::trap {
run_child $tok [twapi::get_user_environment_vars $tok]
} finally {
} finally {
twapi::close_token $tok
A few differences from system_shell
are to be noted:
We do not need to find a process with the appropriate identity because Windows conveniently provides an API
to retrieve the token for an interactive session. We just steal the identity of the token returned by this command. -
We explicitly load the user's profile, which includes user-specific registry settings. In our code this is strictly for pedagogic purposes because we are spawning a process under the identity of the logged-in user which implies the profile for that user is already loaded.
We pass the environment using
which will provide the spawned process with the same environment that a user logging under that account would see. -
We impersonate the account before calling
because we want the access checks for the executable to be done using the interactive user's identity, notLocalSystem
. -
Lastly, it is very important that we revert to our own
identity in all cases, even when exceptions are raised.
Implementing the service
The final step is implementing the Windows service that enables all the above code to run. Remember most of the above code requires running under LocalSystem
to begin with and the only way to do that is to write a service for the purpose.
Once running, our service will respond to two control service signals 128
and 129
to start a Tcl shell running as LocalSystem
or the logged-on user respectively. The code for the service is shown below and should be self explanatory, at least if you have read about Windows Services as referenced earlier.
set Script [info script]
set Name SysTcl
set State stopped
proc report_state {seq} {
global State Name
if {[catch {
set ret [twapi::update_service_status $Name $seq $State]
} msg]} {
::twapi::eventlog_log "Service $Name failed to update status: $msg\r\n$::errorInfo"
# Callback handler
proc service_control_handler {control {name ""} {seq 0} args} {
global State Done
switch -exact -- $control {
start {
if {[catch {
set State running
report_state $seq
} msg]} {
twapi::eventlog_log "Could not start $name server: $msg\r\n$::errorInfo"
set Done 1
stop {
set State stopped
report_state $seq
set Done 1
userdefined {
set arg 128
if {[llength $args]} {
set arg [lindex $args 0]
if {[catch {
if {$arg == 128} {
} else {
} msg]} {
twapi::eventlog_log "Error starting child: $msg\r\n$::errorInfo"
default {
# Ignore
proc usage {} {
global Script
puts stderr [format {
%1$s %2$s install
-- installs the service
%1$s %2$s uninstall
-- uninstalls the service
Then start/stop the service using either "net start" or the services control
manager GUI.
} [file tail [info nameofexecutable]] $Script]
exit 1
# Main processing starts here
package require twapi
# Parse arguments
if {[llength $argv] > 1} {
switch -exact -- [lindex $argv 0] {
service {
# We are running as a service
if {[catch {
twapi::run_as_service [list [list $Name service_control_handler]] -controls [list stop]
} msg]} {
twapi::eventlog_log "Service error: $msg\n$::errorInfo"
# We sit in the event loop until service control stop us through
# the event handler
vwait Done
install {
if {[twapi::service_exists $Name]} {
puts stderr "Service $Name already exists"
exit 1
# Make the names a short name to not have to deal with
# quoting of spaces in the path
set exe [file nativename [file attributes [info nameofexecutable] -shortname]]
set script [file nativename [file attributes [file normalize [info script]] -shortname]]
twapi::create_service $Name "$exe $script service" -interactive 1
uninstall {
if {[twapi::service_exists $Name]} {
twapi::delete_service $Name
default {
exit 0
Running the code
You can download the entire systcl.tcl script and run it as follows.
Install the service (note you have to be running with administrative privileges to install services). At the DOS prompt,
C:\temp> tclsh systcl.tcl install
Start the service using the sc
or net
Windows programs.
C:\temp> sc start systcl
Start an interactive system shell on the desktop by sending it control signal 128
C:\temp> sc control systcl 128
To verify it works, we check with whoami
Similarly, start an interactive shell using the logged-on user account by sending it control signal 129
C:\temp> sc control systcl 129
Finally, if you don't want the service to be lying around to be misused, stop it and uninstall.
C:\temp> sc stop systcl
C:\temp> tclsh systcl.tcl uninstall
Polishing our example
So there you have it, running Tcl as LocalSystem, nothing is off limits; you truly are God.
Our sample could do with some polish though. Some suggestions for the reader:
A wrapper that installs the service, runs the system shell and then uninstalls the service so you can start the system shell on demand like
from Sysinternals. -
The created shells continue running even after the service exits. Whether this is desirable or not depends on your needs but you may want to consider tracking the created processes and kill them when the service receives a
signal. -
The program is hardcoded to start the Tcl shell. It would be more useful to start any program of the user's choice.
Finally, an enhancement to run as any user, not just
or the logged on user would be a useful enhancement. And possibly the subject of a future post.
- This is actually not strictly true as protected processes dealing with DRM are off-limits even for LocalSystem. �?�