Copyright © 2017 Ashok P. Nadkarni. All rights reserved.
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This is a draft chapter from the book The Tcl Programming Language, now available in print and electronic form from Amazon, Gumroad and others. |
1. Introduction
The Tcl Database Connectivity (TDBC) extension provides a Tcl API for accessing SQL databases. Because this API is independent of the underlying database system, most[1] of the code accessing databases in an application can run unchanged between different database implementations.
TDBC is broken up into two layers:
The upper layer, which is what we cover here, is the interface used by applications to access the database.
The lower layer consists of different drivers that implement access to specific databases. At the time of writing, the TDBC distribution includes drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3 and any database accessible via an ODBC interface. The TDBC documentation also defines an interface that allows new drivers to be written for other database implementations.
1.1. Installing TDBC
The TDBC extension is included in the standard Tcl 8.6 source distributions as well as binary distributions from ActiveState.
1.2. Loading TDBC
TDBC is loaded with the standard package require
Tcl command.
The specific package to be loaded depends on which database
driver is desired. The packages included in the core distribution
are shown in Core TDBC driver packages.
Package | Database |
tdbc::sqlite3 |
Sqlite3 |
tdbc::postgres |
PostgreSQL |
tdbc::mysql |
tdbc::odbc |
Any database that is provides an ODBC interface |
Naturally, when dealing with multiple database implementations in an application more than one of these packages may be loaded if desired.
For our code examples, we will make use of the Sqlite3 database and thus load the corresponding package
% package require tdbc::sqlite3
→ 1.0.4
2. Concepts
TDBC follows the same general pattern as other database access API’s and involves roughly the following steps.
First a connection[2] has to be established to the database (and database provider) of interest. In addition to identifying the database this may also include authorization credentials and other options. All subsequent interactions for the database are done through this connection object and its surrogates.
Next a SQL statement is prepared using the connection object and then executed with the results returned as a result set.
The result set is iterated over to operate on the returned data.
The statement and result sets are freed so as to not use up resources.
Steps 2-4 are repeated as needed.
When all done, the database connection is closed.
TDBC encapsulates all the above abstractions as the
TclOO classes tdbc::connection
and tdbc::resultset
3. Connecting to databases
A database connection is represented by an object of the appropriate
class. To connect to a database,
you create an object of this class specifying the database of interest.
The manner in which the database is identified depends on
the database driver in use.
3.1. Sqlite3
The tdbc::sqlite3
package must be loaded to access Sqlite3 databases.
package require tdbc::sqlite3
To open a Sqlite3 database, the path to the sqlite3 database file is passed. For example, to open a Sqlite3 database in the current directory,
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create db my-database.sqlite3
This will create the object db
representing the database connection
to the my-database.sqlite3
database. As we see in a moment,
we can operate on the database by invoking methods on this object.
For our sample code, we will create and make use of an in-memory
Sqlite3 database. The special token :memory:
results in the
database being created purely in memory with no disk store. It will
be erased once closed which suffices for the sample code purposes.
% set dbconn [tdbc::sqlite3::connection new :memory:]
→ ::oo::Obj124
Note here we use the TclOO method new
as opposed to create
generates the connection object name for us.
3.2. ODBC
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an industry standard API
for accessing databases.
Databases implementations that support this interface can be
accessed through the tdbc::odbc
package require tdbc::odbc
![]() |
Windows comes with ODBC support built-in but to use ODBC on Unix or Linux, you may need to install an ODBC package such as unixODBC or iODBC. |
To connect to a ODBC database, a connection string has to be specified. This takes the form of a series of attribute name and value pairs that specify the connection characteristics. For example, (assuming we are on Windows)
tdbc::odbc::connection create db "Driver={SQL Server};Server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Database=YourDatabaseName;"
will return a connection object for the SQL Server database
on the local system. Notice additional attributes
can be specified in the connection string. For instance, the
attribute and value specify that the credentials of the Windows account
under which the application is running are to be used for authorization.
Depending on the system and the database, you can define a data source name (DSN) that stores the data used to construct a connection string. Then you can simply specify the DSN to connect to the database. So the above call would then become
tdbc::odbc::connection create db "DSN=YourDSN"
You can use the ODBC utilities in TDBC to define DSN’s if the underlying ODBC implementation supports the ODBC Installer API. Alternatively, on Windows systems, you can use the ODBC applet in the Control Panel to define and configure DSN’s. On Unix/Linux, unixODBC and iODBC both provide GUI and command line means of defining DSN’s.
![]() |
Connection strings are ODBC driver specific and sometimes difficult to get right. The The Connection Strings Reference web site is a useful resource to understand and construct these. |
In addition to the common options
supported by all TDBC drivers, some ODBC environments support
the -parent
option which results in a prompt
for user credentials if required. See the
reference for details on its use.
As described later, the package also implements some utility commands for interacting with the system ODBC manager.
3.3. MySQL
Connecting to MySQL requires the tdbc::mysql
package require tdbc::mysql
The package differs from Sqlite3 and ODBC in that the connection is specified through a set of options as opposed to being passed as a file name or connection string argument. These options are shown in MySQL and PostgreSQL connection options.
The MySQL driver supports additional driver-specific options that we do not describe here. See the tdbc::mysql reference pages for details.
3.4. PostgreSQL
Connecting to PostgreSQL database is more or less identical to
what was described previously for MySQL. The tdbc::postgres
is loaded
package require tdbc::postgres
and the connection is made using the options show in MySQL and PostgreSQL connection options.
The PostgreSQL driver also supports additional driver-specific options. See the tdbc::postgres reference pages.
3.5. Connection options
All TDBC drivers understand the common set of options shown in Connection options common to all TDBC drivers.
Option | Description |
Name of the character encoding to be used on the connection. NAME
should be one of the names returned by the Tcl |
Specifies the transaction isolation level needed for transactions
on the database. ISOLATION must be one of
Specifies the interval after which an operation should time out
with an error. The default value of |
If specified as |
3.6. Configuring connections
The values of the options that can be specified at the time
a tdbc::connection
object is created can be retrieved via the configure
of the connection object. The same method can also be used to
modify the values of some options.
So to retrieve the configuration of our in-memory sample database.
% $dbconn configure
→ -encoding utf-8 -isolation serializable -readonly 0 -timeout 0
We can also pass one or more configuration options to be modified.
% $dbconn configure -timeout 1000
3.7. Freeing resources
When no longer required, database connections must be closed by
invoking the close
method on the connection
db close
This will also close and release resources related to
and tdbc::resultset
objects created through the connection.
4. Basic operations
4.1. Executing SQL
Executing a SQL statement involves first retrieving a tdbc::statement
object via the prepare
method of a tdbc::connection
Thus to add a table to our sample in-memory database that we
connected to earlier,
% set stmt [$dbconn prepare {CREATE TABLE Accounts (Name text, AcctNo text, \
Balance double)}]
→ ::oo::Obj124::Stmt::1
The execute
method of the tdbc::statement
object is then
invoked to run the SQL statement.
% set res [$stmt execute]
→ ::oo::Obj125::ResultSet::1
The execute
method returns a tdbc::resultset
object which
we will examine later. For now, we free up both objects by
invoking their close
method. Like tdbc::connection
and tdbc::resultset
objects should
also be freed when no longer required.
% $stmt close
Note that closing the $stmt
also closes any contained
objects so we do not need to explicitly close $res
here. Similarly, tdbc::statement
objects that are not closed
explicitly will
be closed when the owning tdbc::connection
object is closed.
for the sake of saving resources, it is generally a good idea
to explicitly release them when no longer needed. Since
we have more we want to do with the connection
and are not closing it, we explicitly close $stmt
Insertions and queries follow a similar pattern.
% set stmt [$dbconn prepare {INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, AcctNo, Balance) VALUES \
('Tom', 'A001', 100.00)}]
→ ::oo::Obj124::Stmt::2
% $stmt execute
→ ::oo::Obj127::ResultSet::1
% $stmt close 
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Will also close the result set returned by execute |
This multi-step sequence of prepare and execute can be a little tedious and TDBC provides some methods that act as wrappers and make it more convenient. We will discuss these and their pros and cons a little later.
4.2. Passing values to SQL
The above example hard-coded the values that were to be inserted into the table. Naturally, that is not a viable option when values are not known apriori at the time a program is written.
TDBC allows for Tcl variable values to be passed into the SQL statement
by replacing all names within the SQL that begin with :
by their
''corresponding'' values. These values may either come from Tcl
variables of the same name or from a dictionary passed in. Both
are illustrated below.
% set stmt [$dbconn prepare {
INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, AcctNo, Balance) VALUES (:name, :acctno, \
→ ::oo::Obj124::Stmt::3
% foreach {name acctno balance} {
Dick A002 200.00
Harry A003 300.00
} {
$stmt execute
Here the values to be inserted are picked up from Tcl variables.
Alternatively, we can pass in a dictionary to the execute
The values will be picked up from the keys of the same name in the
% $stmt execute {acctno A004 name Moe balance 100.00}
→ ::oo::Obj129::ResultSet::3
% $stmt close
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Order of elements does not matter |
Note from the sequence above that a prepared statement can be executed multiple times with different values.
4.3. Retrieving data
Querying data from the database follows the same exact pattern but
now we also have to extract data from the tdbc::resultset
returned by any execute
% set stmt [$dbconn prepare {SELECT Name, Balance from Accounts}]
→ ::oo::Obj124::Stmt::4
% set res [$stmt execute]
→ ::oo::Obj133::ResultSet::1
We now have a tdbc::resultset
object holding the result of
the query.
Each row in the result set can be returned with the
and nextdict
In both cases, each call returns the next row from the result set.
The row is stored in a variable whose name is passed
to the method and the method itself returns 1
when a row
is returned successfully and 0
if there is no more data to be
The difference between the two is that nextlist
the row as a list in the same order as returned by the columns
while nextdict
returns the row as a dict
with column names as keys.
% $res columns
→ Name Balance
% $res nextlist val
→ 1
% print_list $val
→ Tom
% while {[$res nextdict val]} {
print_dict $val
→ Balance = 200.0
Name = Dick
Balance = 300.0
Name = Harry
Balance = 100.0
...Additional lines omitted...
4.4. Convenience methods
As we have seen above, database operations involve calling the
and execute
methods and then freeing the tdbc::statement
and tdbc::resultset
objects. To ensure proper cleanup, the sequence
has to be wrapped in try
or catch
blocks. So in pseudocode the
code looks roughly like this:
set stmt [$dbconn prepare SQL_STATEMENT]
try {
set res [$stmt execute]
try {
Loop using [$res nextdict] or [$res nextlist]
} finally {
$res close
} finally {
$stmt close
TDBC provides some convenience methods that takes care of all the boilerplate in the above.
4.4.1. The allrows
The allrows
method encapsulates the above
pseudocode where the loop processing consists of simply
collecting all results returned by nextdict
or nextlist
a single list.
The method is supported by all three object types:
In the case of
simply iterates over the result set collecting the output ofnextlist
methods. -
In the case of
, the method executes the statement and then collects rows from the returned result set as described in the previous case. -
In the case of
, the method prepares the SQL passed as a parameter then executes the returned statement as described in the previous case.
In all cases, the allrows
method takes care to free up
objects and resources appropriately even in case of errors.
Below we illustrate a simple query using the different methods,
first without using allrows
% set query_values [dict create amount 200]
→ amount 200
% set stmt [$dbconn prepare {
SELECT Name FROM Accounts WHERE Balance >= :amount
→ ::oo::Obj124::Stmt::5
% set rows {}
% try {
set res [$stmt execute $query_values]
try {
while {[$res nextdict row]} {
lappend rows $row
} finally {
$res close
} finally {
$stmt close
% print_list $rows
→ Name Dick
Name Harry
Now the same code but using the allrows
method of the
object. Note this returns the rows as dictionaries
by default.
% set stmt [$dbconn prepare {
SELECT Name FROM Accounts WHERE Balance >= :amount
→ ::oo::Obj124::Stmt::6
% set rows {}
% try {
set res [$stmt execute $query_values]
try {
set rows [$res allrows]
} finally {
$res close
} finally {
$stmt close
→ {Name Dick} {Name Harry}
% print_list $rows
→ Name Dick
Name Harry
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Replaces the inner loop in the previous example |
Above, we have only saved writing the innermost loop in the code.
We can go another step further and use the allrows
of the tdbc::statement
object. Note the difference from the
method of the tdbc::resultset
in that here we
need to pass in the values to be used for querying to
the allrows
% set rows {}
% set stmt [$dbconn prepare {
SELECT Name FROM Accounts WHERE Balance >= :amount
→ ::oo::Obj124::Stmt::7
% try {
set rows [$stmt allrows $query_values]
} finally {
$stmt close
→ {Name Dick} {Name Harry}
% print_list $rows
→ Name Dick
Name Harry
![]() |
We do not have to explicitly deal with result sets |
Finally, we go the whole hog and invoke allrows
on the
database connection itself. Obviously, in this case we have to tell it
the SQL we want to run in addition to passing in the query values.
% set rows [$dbconn allrows {
SELECT Name FROM Accounts WHERE Balance >= :amount
} $query_values]
→ {Name Dick} {Name Harry}
% print_list $rows
→ Name Dick
Name Harry
![]() |
We do not have to deal with statements |
Given this last illustration is so much shorter than the previous examples, why would one pick any of the others? The Tcl Database Connectivity paper provides some hints:
With very large databases and result sets,
may be unworkable because of the infeasibility of collecting all rows in memory before processing. -
Explicitly dealing with result sets allows for fine-grained control of the iteration, for example terminating the iteration based on some complex rules outside of SQL’s capabilities.
The format of each returned row can be controlled by the -as
which may take the values lists
or dicts
(default). An additional
option -columnsvariable
allows retrieval of the names of the
returned columns.
% set rows [$dbconn allrows -as lists -columnsvariable cols {
SELECT Name,Balance FROM Accounts WHERE Balance >= :amount
} $query_values]
→ {Dick 200.0} {Harry 300.0}
% print_list $rows
→ Dick 200.0
Harry 300.0
% puts $cols
→ Name Balance
4.4.2. The foreach
The foreach
method has a purpose very similar to allrows
except that instead simply collecting results into a list, it
executes a given script for every row in the result set. Because
of its similarity to allrows
, we do not discuss it in detail
but only illustrate it
as invoked on a tdbc::connection
object. Note that tdbc::statement
and tdbc::resultset
also implement the method in suitably
modified form.
% $dbconn foreach row {
SELECT Name FROM Accounts WHERE Balance >= :amount
} $query_values {
puts $row
→ Name Dick
Name Harry
Like allrows
, foreach
also takes care of all intermediate bookkeeping.
5. Miscellaneous topics
5.1. Transactions
There are a couple of ways an application may make use of transactions. We describe both below.
5.1.1. Using the transaction
The first is making use of the transaction
method of
. This begins a transaction on the connection
and evaluates the passed script. If the script terminates
''normally'' - with a return
, break
or continue
- the transaction
is committed. For other return codes, including errors, the transaction
is rolled back and the error is rethrown.
Use of the method is illustrated by the simplistic example below to transfer funds from one account to another.
% set transfer { from "Tom" to "Dick" amount 50 }
→ from "Tom" to "Dick" amount 50
% $dbconn transaction {
$dbconn allrows -as lists -- {
UPDATE Accounts
SET Balance = Balance - :amount
WHERE Name=:from
} $transfer
puts "Within transaction: [$dbconn allrows -as lists -- {
} $transfer]"
error "Pretend something went wrong"
$dbconn allrows -as lists -- {
UPDATE Accounts
SET Balance = Balance + :amount
WHERE Name=:to
} $transfer
Ø Within transaction: {Tom 50.0}
Pretend something went wrong
% $dbconn allrows -as lists -- {
SELECT Name, Balance FROM Accounts WHERE Name=:from
} $transfer
→ {Tom 100.0}
![]() |
Deduct from Tom’s balance |
![]() |
Verify balance updated within transaction |
![]() |
Add to Dick’s balance |
![]() |
Verify Tom’s balance restored to original |
Notice that Tom’s balance is restored as the transaction was aborted by an error exception.
5.1.2. Using begintransaction
, commit
and rollback
In cases where the sequence of operations in a transaction cannot
be neatly wrapped in a script that can be passed to the
method, an application can explicitly manage
the transaction itself by calling the begintransaction
of a tdbc::connection
object. Then at some later point,
it can either call the commit
or rollback
methods to either
complete or abort the transaction.
Rewriting the previous example,
% set transfer { from "Tom" to "Dick" amount 50 }
→ from "Tom" to "Dick" amount 50
% $dbconn begintransaction
% $dbconn allrows -as lists -- {
UPDATE Accounts
SET Balance = Balance - :amount
WHERE Name=:from
} $transfer
% puts "Within transaction: [$dbconn allrows -as lists -- {
} $transfer]"
→ Within transaction: {Tom 50.0}
% if {[catch {
error "Pretend something went wrong"
$dbconn allrows -as lists -- {
UPDATE Accounts
SET Balance = Balance + :amount
WHERE Name=:to
} $transfer
}]} {
$dbconn rollback
} else {
$dbconn commit
% $dbconn allrows -as lists -- {
SELECT Name, Balance FROM Accounts WHERE Name=:from
} $transfer
→ {Tom 100.0}
![]() |
Begin the transaction |
![]() |
On error, rollback the transaction |
![]() |
On success, commit the transaction |
5.2. Handling NULL values
Noting that the empty string ""
is not the same as the SQL
value, there is no way to represent NULL
in Tcl where
everything is a string. In some applications, the distinction is
not important and the empty string can be used interchangeably
with NULL
. In cases where the distinction is important, the
dictionary-based interface to TDBC methods should be used
as illustrated here.
To write NULL
to a table column, pass to the appropriate method
a dictionary containing the bound variable values for the columns.
will be stored in any column for which a corresponding key
is not present in the dictionary.
% $dbconn allrows {
INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, AcctNo, Balance) VALUES (:name, :acctno, \
} {name Curly}
Similarly, to retrieve data containing NULL
, use one of the
forms that returns rows as dictionaries. If a value is NULL
the returned dictionary for the row will not contain the corresponding
% $dbconn allrows {SELECT Name, AcctNo, Balance FROM Accounts WHERE Name='Curly'}
→ {Name Curly}
Note that the keys AcctNo
and Balance
are missing.
You could have also used the tdbc::resultset::nextdict
method for
the same purpose.
Note the result when list format is used.
% $dbconn allrows -as lists {SELECT Name, AcctNo FROM Accounts WHERE Name='Curly'}
→ {Curly {}}
In this case there is no way to distinguish whether the stored value
in the database was actually ""
5.3. Stored procedures
Stored procedures can be invoked with the preparecall
of a tdbc::connection
object. Like the prepare
method, this also
returns a tdbc::statement
object which can then be used as
described earlier.
5.4. Introspection
All TDBC classes allow for introspection and inspection of the meta-information associated with databases. We only describe a few of these. See TDBC reference pages for a full list and details.
TDBC keeps track of the objects that are still open within a database connection.
% $dbconn statements
→ ::oo::Obj124::Stmt::4
% $dbconn resultsets
→ ::oo::Obj133::ResultSet::1
Clearly we forgot to release some objects. This is actually useful for a final cleanup, for example on a per request basis to a web server that leaves the database connection open.
We can retrieve schema information from the database…
% $dbconn tables
→ accounts {type table name accounts tbl_name Accounts rootpage 2 sql {CREATE T...
…or about columns within a database…
% print_dict [$dbconn columns Accounts]
→ acctno = cid 1 name acctno type text notnull 0 pk 0 precision 0 scale 0 nu...
balance = cid 2 name balance type double notnull 0 pk 0 precision 0 scale 0...
name = cid 0 name name type text notnull 0 pk 0 precision 0 scale 0 null...
…or about a specific column.
% print_dict [$dbconn columns Accounts Balance]
→ balance = cid 2 name balance type double notnull 0 pk 0 precision 0 scale 0...
See TDBC reference pages for the meaning of the returned dictionaries.
5.5. ODBC utilities
The tdbc::odbc
package provides some utility commands related
to interacting with the ODBC manager. Some of these depend on the
system ODBC manager’s support of the ODBC Installer API.
The tdbc::odbc::drivers
command enumerates the installed ODBC
drivers on the system.
% package require tdbc::odbc
→ 1.0.4
% print_dict [tdbc::odbc::drivers]
→ SQL Server = APILevel=2 ConnectFunctions=YYY CPTimeout=60 DriverODBCVer=03....
The tdbc::odbc::datasources
command enumerates the configured
ODBC data sources on the system.
% print_dict [tdbc::odbc::datasources]
→ Excel Files = Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.x...
MS Access Database = Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)
Visio Database Samples = Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)
Finally, you can create a new ODBC data source with the
command. The
reference pages have examples of this.
6. References
Tcl Database Connectivity (TDBC), Kevin B. Kenny et al, Tcl Improvement Proposal #350,
Tcl Database Connectivity, Kevin B. Kenny, Tcl Conference Proceedings, 2008. The original paper describing TDBC. Available from
TDBC reference pages,
The Connection Strings Reference,